Thursday, January 12, 2023

You get to chose

Some things you get to chose, and some you don't. You don't get to chose your parents, your height or eye color, but you do get to chose if you want to be stupid, or poor. 

A lot of people don't really have a big choice about being stupid. Lets face it they were born with certain deficiencies. On the other hand some people got stupid by accident. Maybe their parents home schooled them, or there was just no cash for education. However, a lot of stupidity can be corrected. Most people can read, and they can chose what to read. Even if you cannot read you can watch all kinds of visual presentations. Your job is to chose what to fill your head with. One thing everyone has is observation. If a person simply watches and sees what works then there is a chance they may get smarter. 

A classic case is the poor kid who watches the drug dealer in a slum succeed. The poor kid might observe and conclude this is a good way to go. A politician might watch Trump lie and steal and say to himself this works. 

All this gets us to the choice to develop an analytical mind. What works in the long run? Is Trump really happy with his lying, cheating, and stealing? Looking at that silly lump he doesn't really seem happy. Is a man on his third wife a happy man? Do you really want to lie, cheat, and steal for a living?

One thing a person might observe is how does it turn out in the end. Kadizzle knew a kid, his dad was a gangster. Was that a good occupation? The problem with that profession was the probability of getting hurt or maimed. Not a fun way to live in constant fear. 

Dr. Phil used to always ask on TV " How's that workin for ya?".

This brings us to being poor. Those tattoos you paid thousands for, and those ten dollar a pack cigarettes, how's that working for ya? Where is that jacked up truck and those shiny wheels going to get you? They make me happy.  Do they make you happy for a day, a week or a year? Thinking in the long run is what Hooples lack. The long term consequences of any decision is what makes or breaks us. 

No matter how hard you try in life you cannot escape the laws of probability. What can you do about the guy who comes through the intersection and T bones your car? Generally you are helpless. However, you can put the odds a little in your favor. You can be alert, you can wear a seat belt. 

This gets us to the point of tweaking the odds. Life is full of opportunities to tweak the odds. There is no guarantee you will catch a fish, but you can tweak the odds. How many people are fishing in a dry pond? That brings us back to observation. Why watch what a stupid person does and imitate them? A simple trick is to watch what the smart successful people do. Do they hang around with idiots? Do they read? Do they question things?

Observation can be used for good or evil. Trump observed what Hoopleheads will fall for. Look what happened. There is a lesson in Trump. Trump did see something a lot of people missed. Trump realized there were way more Hoopleheads than most people suspected. Trump realized how easy it was to lie to a Hooplehead. Now another key thing Trump did. Trump realized Fox News knew how to exploit the Hooples. Trump and Fox worked together to milk the Hooples. 

As a kid Kadizzle observed the carnival when it came to town. Carnivals make their money exploiting human weakness. Making something appear something it is not is the key to a carnival. Carnival games are based on the illusion you can win. That is how trickle down economics works, that is how the lottery works, that is how the Tea Party works. Con men sell false hope. Trump was going to Make America Great Again. He had a lot of work to do since Reagan gave the great America to the rich. Trump sold people on the idea you could lie your way to prosperity. It worked for Trump, but most liars don't get to start out with a rich daddy like Trump did. 

A good illusion requires props.  Trump knew what the props of a rich man were, big houses, Trump Tower, a jet, gold everything. It worked. Remember Amway? If you were going to join the pyramid scheme they told you to buy a big flashy car to drive around town. You were broke, but the game was to create the illusion. Hoopleheads love illusion, that is why they like fake wrestling. Trump was a big fan of fake wrestling. 

What gets the Hooples in trouble? Poor observation skills is one key failure of the Hooples. Look over there while I steal your French fries. Look the poor people stole your money. Works every time. 

Watch a desert animal. Over time they figure out how to deal with thorns.  How many thorns does a Hoople have to have jammed in their butt by the Republicans before they get smarter?

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