Tuesday, January 31, 2023


No more sleeping. Old Kadizzle is up, the coffee is ready, and here we go. The sun is over there behind the mountains. It is still dark out. Soon the world will come alive for one more day. The Earth will spin, even Trump cannot stop it. We are spinning East at about 1, 600 kilometers per hour. Hopefully that will not spill the coffee. 

Most of us will wake up as dazed and confused as we were yesterday. Little Mrs. Kadizzle is down at the lake and surely the trail crew is about to get going. Someone has to keep the country safe for democracy, and that is no simple task with Republicans wrecking havoc with lies, and tax cuts for the wealthy. We do our best. 

One thing keeps Kadizzle going is fighting for the grandchildren. As Republicans are bent of destroying the Earth itself, our economy, the American way of life, and any type of decency Grandpa must battle the Hoopleheads. Almost forgot guns. Since Republicans have made sure every lunatic has a gun, now we all have to worry about our children and loved ones getting blasted to hamburger because it gets votes for the Republicans. If you asked a Hoople to give up their gun or their penis, the penis would have to go. A penis is handy, but it will not save you at the grocery store from a deranged liberal.

In the background Kadizzle is trying something new this morning, KJAZZ radio. The Hooples are awakening and getting their first does of Fox News. So far Kadizzle has perused the NYT, NPR, and a few other newspapers.  

A thought went through what's left of Kadizzle's mind yesterday. If we are under attack from the border with Mexico, where are the attackers? We live in Arizona, and visit Tucson.  You just don't see the attack. 

Now this reminds Kadizzle about the latest Republican ploy. The Republican governor wanted to make a publicity splash, so he used shipping containers to hold back the immigrants. A wall of shipping containers was placed on the border. It was a waste of millions, but got some press. Now, in Payson there is a plan to bring the shipping containers here for the homeless, and those needing housing. It cost millions to put the containers there, and it will cost millions more to get rid of them. So what it impressed the Hooples, and helped keep them scared. 


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