Friday, January 13, 2023

Are you an idiot?

When Kadizzle was in school a great deal of money and effort was spent to see who was really an idiot. The test showed that Kadizzle was not an idiot, even though he appeared to be. 

Testing has advanced. Now you can ask a person two questions and immediately know if they are an idiot. Question one " did you vote for Trump".  If they answer yes it is 99.9% sure they are mentally deficient. Question two is a little more difficult " What is the only goal of the Republican Party".  Answer: Protect the rich from taxes. 

Functioning brains are like radar, a functioning brain can see through the fog. The fog created by Trump, Fox, and right wing radio is like the smoke an army deliberately uses on the battlefield. That smoke is mostly made from fear. Fear smoke uses the simple fuel " Someone is going to get my stuff".  Who is going to get your stuff? The welfare cheats, the old duffers on social security, the immigrants, the IRS?

Inflame the Hoopleheads with fear, that is the game. There is always a secret agenda of people out to get your stuff. Socialist want your stuff. By the way Democrats are socialist. 

Let's just get down to it,  anyone that suggest sharing be mandated is dangerous. Don't ask the fat guy to share that big pizza, that is socialism. Don't ask that rich guy to let you hunt on the 10,000 acres he owns in Montana, that is just not fair. 

Always remember they earned it. All those guys with billions earned it. The bitcoind guy earned it, Trump earned it, Bernie Madoff earned it, and on it goes. None of them had rich daddies or exploited the Hoopleheads, they were all saints trying to Make America Great. Remember the tobacco companies?  They were trying to make America great again by killing all the stupid people. 

Paul Krugman is a favorite of Kadizzle and he is the one who got this rant going. Krugman writes today about how the Republicans want to destroy the social safety nets to protect the rich. Frank, Jeff B, Lori, this is your assignment read the article. No way it might burst the bubble. 

Want to shoot your foot off? If you are old, simple minded, and a  Republican there is an easy way to shoot your foot off. Just keep voting for people who have the goal of taking away your social safety net. If you think the trailer is in bad shape now wait until the Republicans take your check away. What will you buy cat food with when Trump gives your money to the rich guys?

Ok, lets review, are you an idiot? OK, you answered yes. Great there is a special club for you called the Tea Party. You can attend and listen to people tell you half baked stories, conspiracy theories, and just plain lies. All you have to do is decide what foot you want to shoot off. 

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