Monday, July 31, 2023

Hard Core idiots are plentiful

As every morning Kadizzle starts the day reading the New York Times. Today has started with an article about Trump supporters. It is scary to know the sheer number of total oblivious idiots supporting the grifter. The more crimes the better should be Trump's motto. Everyday it becomes more obvious to normal people just how immature and insane Trump is, yet there they are the dingers lining up to pledge loyalty. 

How is stupidity so comforting. Imagine you were an idiot, it would be a bit frightening, but you would take comfort if you were in a crowd of idiots. Maybe in a crowd of idiots you feel comfortable. I am not the only idiot is the feeling you get at a Tea Party meeting. I believe lies, but so do a bunch of other people so they must not be lies. 

Mass idiocy is an amazing phenomenon. Look at the Mormons for every lesson you will ever need about Trumpers. If a Mormon comes to your door, just try telling them reality. Their brains have been fried, and you will get nowhere.  Religion is based on the idea that you pay money to listen to strange stories and made up nonsense. That craving for fantasy has been mastered by Trump. Persecution is always part of religion. The Devil is after us. Trump knows the game. Just like the crooked television preacher, Billy Graham and the gang, Trump knows how to scare the rubes and then bilk them. 

Pat sent Kadizzle some information on Dietrich Bonhoeffer. This man tried to stop the stupidity of the Germans. Here is a quote from him.

"Against stupidity we are defenseless. Neither protest nor the use of force accomplish anything here; reason falls on deaf ears; facts that contradict ones prejudgement simply need not believed-- in such moments the stupid person even becomes critical-- and when facts are irrefutable they are just pushed aside as inconsequential, as incidental. In all this the stupid person, in contrast to the malicious one , is utterly self satisfied and being easily irritated, and becomes dangerous by going on the attack"

That is the perfect description of a talk with a Hooplehead.

A Trump cult member is capable of misinterpreting information. Kadizzle came across the story below. It shows how cult members can see a situation, and come to the wrong conclusion very easily. 

A WOMAN was flying from Melbourne to Brisbane ...
Unexpectedly, the plane was diverted to Sydney.
The flight attendant explained that there would be a delay, and if the passengers wanted to get off the aircraft the plane would re-board in 50 minutes..
Everybody got off the plane except one lady who was blind.
A man had noticed her as he walked by and could tell the lady was blind because her Seeing Eye Dog lay quietly underneath the seats in front of her throughout the entire flight.
He could also tell she had flown this very flight before because the pilot approached her, and calling her by name, said, 'Kathy, we are in Sydney for almost an hour. Would you like to get off and stretch your legs?'
The blind lady replied, 'No thanks, but maybe Max would Like to stretch his legs.'
Picture this:
All the people in the gate area came to a complete standstill when they looked up and saw the pilot walk off the plane with a Seeing Eye dog!
The pilot was even wearing sunglasses.
People scattered.
They not only tried to change planes, but they were trying to change airlines!
True story...
Have a great day and remember...

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Dear White Women

Ray Stevens - "The Mississippi Squirrel Revival" (Music Video)

This is how religion works.

Trump the grifter wants more money

 Is there anything odd about a billionaire begging for money? The Hooples don't seem to think so as poor people send Trump millions to defend himself from his crimes. How stupid can a Trump cultist be? Trump shifts money around at the speed of light and steals from one fund to pay his bills. Everytime he commits a crime the Trumpster ask his supporters to pay to keep him out of jail. Are people really that stupid? If Trump has billions as he claims why doesn't he pay his owne legal fees, what is he saving the money for?

The End is Near

The Earth is toast. Climate change is here, and we will soon be gone. Humans have done it. We have messed up our spaceship. Kadizzle will get off the planet just in time. In five or ten years Earth will be a complete disaster. It is too late to pump the water out of a sinking boat. What should we do? Apparently nothing. Play some music like they did on the titanic, vote for Trump and act like nothing's wrong. People are dropping dead from lack of water. Read the NYT today and look at the pictures of the fertile crescent. Not fertile anymore. The American military predicted the social danger of climate change. It is here. Climate change is happening at a much faster pace than people predicted. 

The dinosaurs are gone. We are the next dinosaurs. We ate the hart out of the watermelon and left the rhine for our children. Arizona is on fire as is Canada, and the Mediterranean. Who cares our TV works and we have food in the fridge. 

Who are we going to elect to fix this mess. The same old goats that created it. Greed got us here and the Republicans still want more. Use the heat from your burning house to cook. That is how the Hoopleheads see it. 

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Darin & Brooke Aldridge - "Once In A While" (Official Performance Video)

If I wasn't all you wanted, If I wasn't even close, only hope that I made you smile, every once in awhile.

Donut Day

At ten the Donut club will meet. The people with functioning brains will meet at Democratic headquarters, sit in a circle, and let the thoughts fly. Two Republicans who had no use for Trump showed up last week, a victory. The format has become everyone sitting in a circle and each person gets a turn to talk. Of course people break in to say something, but it works. 

A Tea Party meeting is far different. One person stands on stage and tells lies, or scary stories. People get to make comments about the nonsense, but usually it is just frosting on an idiotic scary story. 

Communication is going to be the key to our survival. Trump is harvesting idiots. If we do not get a crop of intelligent people we are doomed. The knowledge base of our country has plummeted. The number of dolts and dingers is dangerous. A fact that explains this is education. The United States now ranks 28th in the world, China is first. That says it all.

Tribalism is the problem. Worst of all tribes is the Trump cult. Then you have the white supremacist. 

Yesterday when Kadizzle met the Trump woman she gave him a business card. Apparently she is a practitioner of something called "Reiki". This morning Kadizzle checked to see what Reiki is. It appears to be some sort of oriental energy manipulation nonsense, exactly the kind of unproven goofy thing a Trumper would believe in. A strange note in the site that promoted it, " It is very hard to prove it works".  The strange thing is a Trumper is sure vaccines don't work, but quickly adapts to Reiki. The mind of a cult member is something to behold. Believing in nonsense is so easy and so much fun. 

Friday, July 28, 2023

Hooplehead encounter

Kadizzle hopped on the ebike for the morning ride. Buzzing through the Green Valley ponds Kadizzle saw a dinger with a Trump hat. Kadizzle cannot resist talking to a dinger. Stopping the feisty older woman and Kadizzle had a nice conversation. Another woman who appeared to be Asian American sat patiently and listened. The amazing thing was we had a good conversation. If you give people a chance miracles happen. It turned out the Trumper was on the board of the Tea Party. Kadizzle had a chance to tell her his side of the story and invite her to Donuts with Dems tomorrow. If she shows up it will be a miracle. Of course she knew Shirley. Kadizzle invited his new acquaintance. It was a nice encounter and we both learned we could have a civil conversation. 

Like so many of these encounters once you actually talk you find out you agree on way more than you imagined. This nice older woman was for gun control, a shock to Kadizzle. 

You just believe it

It is early, and a guy just showed up to do some touch up painting. Somehow he made a remark about Biden. Quickly it reminded Kadizzle about how the mind works when it does not get fed information. You just believe what the guys at the coffee shop believe. Kadizzle has notices that imitation is what keeps a lot of brains alive. So many people find it so easy just to believe whatever dad believed.  Problem solved. Just do what the people around you are doing. 

Kadizzle remembers a story from long ago. Always on the hunt for a free meal Kadizzle stopped at a small church on the college campus. Word spread that the church would hold a new fangled communion. Soon Kadizzle found himself sitting on the stage of the church with a bunch of other college students cross legged. In the name of Jesus we were going to break bread and drink some Jesus blood, a cheap bottle of wine. The home made big loaf of bread was torn up and passed down the line. Now it came time for the wine.  The cork was pulled from the bottle and the first person who was supposed to just drink from the bottle instead poured wine into their cupped hand and drank it. Then next person did the same thing. This seemed so odd. How would you keep the wine from running all through your fingers. Surely you would spill wine all over yourself.  When the bottle reache about the third or fourth person that person drank directly from the bottle. Kadizzle had been sitting there wondering what the hell to do. It seemed so stupid to pour wine in you hand. Fortunately someone else got smart. OK, what really happened. The person who opened the bottle had broken the cork, and when they poured wine in their hand they were only trying to get the broken cork out of the bottle. 

Well what is the moral of this story. It should be obvious that when you just do what the person next to you does with no understanding why it can lead to trouble. That is the mind of a Hoople. They just imitate the other Hooples. If Willy the Hoople wears a Trump hat I'll get one. If Willy the Trumper has a gun, I'll get one. Do I have clue why I am dressed like an idiot with gun, no, but I am part of the cult and that is all that matters. 

Don't alienate the Hoopleheads

If there is one thing the Hoopleheads frear it is intelligence. The Hooples communicate with groans, grunts, hand signals, and the middle finger. When it comes to humor and writing the poor Hooples just can't compete. Well what do you do as a newspaper when most of your audience are the Hooples. One thing you don't want to do is publish too many well written liberal letters to the editor. 

So where does this leave the Payson Roundup? Well one thing the patrons like is the opinion page. For weeks there have been no letters to the editor. Then when letters do appear it is a bunch of right wing nonsense. Will the paper return to normalcy or are the editors afraid of the Hooples? An individual has been leading the charge against the Hooples and he has been having good success. It is not Kadizzle. 

KMOG radio is the bastion of the Hoopleheads where they share their worries about LBGT, Groomers, and worst of all the " Transgenders". Now that Charlie is gone on his mission to scare Hooples with the invasion of sexual deviants, who will hold up the Hoople flag?  Kadizzle has only been in Payson for about two years, and the Hooples like the Russians are taking a beating from a lesser number of people that read, write, and have open minds. Maybe it is wishful thinking, but it sure seems the number of gun totters, and Trump flags has taken a serious decline. 

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Ohio Republicans in Your Bedroom. NO CHOICE, YOU HAVE TO WATCH THIS. (Extreme danger to Hoopleheads, Dingers, and Republicans)

The Gravel got moved

Dusty said he would be here at 7 so we could work while it was cool. Nope, Dusty did not show up until 9. The gravel was supposed to show up about 8, it did not show up until 9. Anyway the gravel is down in the dungeon. Today Dusty says he will be here at 7, good luck with that. 

 The political crap was interesting yesterday. Rudy Giuliani admitted he was a liar, but said he did no harm, and then the turtle froze. What do you mean? Mitch McConnell is the turtle. His batteries went dead right in front of the camera. If you watched the news you know what happened. Mitch is just to damn old. Biden needs to watch that clip. Democrats need a young person with fresh batteries. 

Got an email from Dave in ND.  Dave is fed up with the Trump puppets, just as Kadizzle is. Armstrong, Hoven, and Cramer are the lickspittles that keep Trump's hind end busy. Then there is Burgum, another example of a rich man with no integrity. Burgum wants to be president. Burgum is just one more North Dakota Trump suck up. 

Back here in the land of the Hooples the Payson Roundup paper has been strange. For two weeks no opinion, then Tuesday they come out with a round of right wing BS. Seems like they have been taking heat for to many liberal letters. The right wing dinger Charlie Seraphin who host the paranoid talk shows is leaving. Who will replace Charlie? It would be hard to get anyone worse, but perhaps Rush Limbaugh can be raised from the dead. Charlie is going to go on the talk circuit. In that strange world you go about talking to people desperate for paranoid conspiracy theories.  Groups like the Payson Tea Party want to hear scary stories about the deep state and stolen elections.  If you tell a good story, the Hooples will send you money. Trump has mastered this form of theft from stupid people. Charlie's son was fired from the FBI. Charlie's son is doing like so many incompetents and claiming he is a whistleblower.  Like a lot of whistleblowers he just makes up silly stuff and never takes responsibility for his failures. Apparently Charlie is going to help his son get established as a right wing story teller. In Arizona there are plenty of right wing nutcases making good money telling bizarre stories.  Arizona probably has one of the best stables of right wing liars you can get. Kari Lake, Wendy Rodgers, Eli Crane, and there are more.  The appetite for insanity is large and manipulation of the Hoopleheads is an art practiced by the Republicans. 

J. Edgar Hoover, was a master at blackmail, and would rival Trump for being devious. Besmirching people is a Republican specialty. Right now the Republicans have some real dingers. Jim Jordan is worse than Satan himself, and if only Marjorie Taylor Green would reproduce with Jim Jordan we could have another Trump. 

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Trump finally CRUMBLES, posts video BEGGING for help , NO QUESTION TRUMP IS MENTALLY ILL.


Move four tons of gravel

 It is 5:41 A. M.  At seven a truck will show up with four tons of gravel. Kadizzle and a hired man will have to move the gravel with a wheelbarrow to the crawl space. Maybe Kadizzle did not hear the hired buy right, but it seemed like he wanted paid fifty dollars an hour. Hope that ain't so.  Who says the economy is bad?

Lately you can sit on our deck and watch it rain over by the mountains, but it never makes it over here. 

As usual Kadizzle parused the NYT this morning, a couple interesting articles. One article is about a group that roams Venice and points out pickpockets. Another article is about how men are becoming too feminized. At least that is the Republican spin. The macho man is a key to the Trump idiocy. Being stupid is macho. In the evening when we enjoy sitting on the deck the macho men disturb the quiet with the booming exhaust of motorcycles, trucks, and goofy cars. If you can make a loud noise the girls will think you are a macho man. 

Kadizzle hates the noise dogs.  The worse noise dog in the world was on Lake Sakakawea.  A goof with some sort of cigarette boat took great pleasure in disturbing everyone. Once in awhile those type goofs show up at Lake Roosevelt. Noise travels well over water.  

Payson has a special bunch of idiots that fly American flags from the back of their trucks. They want to leave no doubt their brains went south. 

Tuesday, July 25, 2023


The Kadizzles viewed the Oppenheimer movie today. Interesting, reminded Kadizzle of how the Republicans play the game. Socialism is the new communism in the Republican world. The movie clearly shows that the idea of communism was twisted to suit the needs of the conservatives of the time. Slice it and dice in any way you please, but a lot of what Karl Marx wrote was prophetic and true. That does not suit the greed driven Republicans and never has. So much of Capitalism is all about abusing the working class. You can spin it any way you want and fly ten American flags, but the truth is wage slavery is upon us and has been since the country was founded. Coal miners were abused almost as badly as slaves, farm workers to this day are treated like slaves. If you stand up for the mistreated what does that make you? Does that make you evil if you want the people at Walmart to make a small portion of what the CEO gets at 8,000 an hour? Twisting logic and reality works for the Hoopleheads, but it did not work for brilliant people like Oppenheimer.  

If a Hooplehead watched the movie, would they come away thinking any different? Who knows? Hooples are not good at history. As a Hoople what E=MC2 means. If they can answer more than likely there is hope for that Hoople. If they fail the test, you know you got a good Hooplehead on your list. 

Charlie behaved

Yesterday the Democratic radio program went well. Charlie and Kadizzle had debated prior to the program about how to pray. Kadizzle wanted an inclusive liberal prayer and Charlie wanted the more conservative oppressive prayer. In the end Charlie who said only his prayer could be sent to god had a pretty short bland request for God. 

Once god was taken care of the program started well with Deb blastling Biden's accomplishments out into the universe nearby which of course is thick with Hoopleheads, dingers, and Trumpsters. 

Charlie runs a call in show, and of course some Hoopleheads called in. One dinger brought up the groomers. Another dinger said we were ill informed and made a nasty comment that we were ignorant. Kadizzle asked the dinger what level of education he recieved, no answer. From the tone of the dinger it was clear he may not have even graduated from high school. 

KMOG appeals to the right wing Trump style audience. Most of they day the station broadcast country music. Strangely adding some liberal programming to the station gives it some spice and it seems the owners and operators may realize a one sided guy like Charlie is not the ticket. Charlie is out the door. Was he pushed or did he go willingly? Now the question is who will replace Charlie? Will it be another right wing sex obsessed dinger or maybe the clouds will lift and the radio station will see the virtue of diverse views. If you run a donut shop you will do well to offer a variety of donuts. People get tired of nothing but Hunter Biden's laptop. 

Monday, July 24, 2023

What my mother and Grandfather said.

 " Use your head for more than a hat rack", that was advice from my mother. My grandfather was an intelligent man with a brilliant career, and he was an amazing athlete who competed in football against Jim Thorpe. My grandfather was bald, and he explained it this way, " Grass doesn't grow on a busy highway".  

A rich kid once said to Kadizzle " If you are so smart, why aren't you rich?'.  Reverse that, how many rich people do you know that aren't smart? Trump is a prime example. Daddy, can give you money, that will make you rich, but it will not make you smart, honest, or a good person. Trump has shown us what can go wrong when Daddy gave you money, but no morality. 

"Killing The Blues" by Robert Plant & Alison Krauss from Raising Sand How about just a nice song to start the day

Radio Day, tune in

Up early doing homework. Today is Radio Day. It will be the Democrats vs the Hoopleheads. You can listen. The show will be at 9 A.M. on KMOG radio in Payson, AZ.  Get on the internet google KMOG and hit the listen live button.  The hard part will be figuring your time and Payson time. The time zones in AZ are weird.  

The Hooples love to denigrate the Biden administration, but actually Biden has accomplished a lot, and that is what the show is about. The Hooples will call in to the show and try to divert and dismiss the success. The Host is a right wing conspiracy dinger so he will be on the side of the callers.  Hopefully some good Democrats will call in. 

There will be three Democrats including Kadizzle to rebuff the dingers. It should be fun, but at 5:37 Kadizzle is digging up facts to shoot down the dingers. 

Now, if you do listen let us know how we did. 

A change of subject. An Alternative Reality, that is a phrase Kadizzle just ran across. It is the perfect description for the Hoopleheads. They live in a different world, where " If you believe it, it is true".  Try as you may you cannot penetrate the brain of a Hoople with facts. Facts are just like weeds to Hooples. You kill weeds, and you ignore facts. Donald Trump rules the alternative world. Trump is god on Earth for the Hooples. The Bible makes absolutely no sense, nor does Trump, but the Hooples love them both. Hoopleheads are children that never grew up. A child loves a good story with good guys and bad guys. Trump knows how to appeal to the children we call Republicans. Tell them a story and chose the bad guys. Children, and Republicans thrive on simple explanations, Trump know that. " They are out to get me", of course the mean liberals are. There is no truth in Trump world. 

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Who wants to go to Spain with Kadizzle, late August, come back Early September

Kadizzle has decided to be in Spain while Mrs Kadizzle hikes with a friend there. If you want to go let me know, Kadizzle needs a traveling companion. A rented motorcycle ride is a possibility. It will be a roll your own trip with no itinerary. If something looks good Kadizzle will do it. Kadizzle did this in New Zealand, it worked fine. 

Build your own jail.

Do you want to live in a small world? Very simple, join the Republican Party and tune into Fox. Next you can find a good right wing radio station. Be careful what you read, stick with fiction. Listen only to things that agree with you. Avoid public television, ABC, NBC, CBS. Stay away from intelligent people and avoid college. A small world is comfortable. How do you get friends in a small world? Wear a gun, fly a flag on your truck, have an NRA sticker. Go all out and wear a Trump hat. Need more friends go to a Tea Party meeting or a Trump rally. 

In a small world things are simple. Learn who to hate and who is causing all your pain. Try blaming everything on liberals, woke people, or the migrants. A real important thing in a small world is fear. Learn to fear anything you can, crime, taxes, black people, anything is good, just don't be optimistic. Complain, complain about everything and make sure you blame the deep state. Love your country, but hate your government.  

OK, another day

Music is a great way to start the day. So below is a song Kadizzle ran across. Another song Kadizzle has been fascinated with is " The Nickel over there". The Nickel is a strange song and the words do not immediately make any sense. Kadizzle got intrigued with the song and the words. A little research gave some clues to the words. The song is about run away boys in Los Angeles. The Nickel is a name Hobos gave to the area where the boys stayed. 

Well Monday is radio day.  This will. mean doing some homework. The economy under Joe Biden has actually been remarkable. Biden was handed a real mess by Trump. Biden dug us out of a big hole. We have returned to normal and with any luck Trump the Satan of the Republicans will be jailed. Wishful thinking. 

What if you are in a distant place and you want to hear our radio broadcast? On the internet you can search for KMOG radio and listen at 9 Payson time. Check to see what time zone you are in and what time zone Payson is in. 

The show will be interesting. Right wing Hoopleheads will vie with normal Americans to call in. Of course the right wing Hooples will try to divert the topic. Kadizzle has written Charlie a letter asking to keep the train on track. Good luck with that, Charlie is a promoter of the right wing conspiracy theories, the deep state paranoia and on it goes. It should be interesting. Charlie is going to be gone, and hopefullly KMOG will replace him with a more open minded, better informed host that realize how to conduct a radio show that fosters intellectual discussion. Charlie is obsessed with sex, Charlie loses sleep at night worrying about transgender people urinating in the wrong bathroom, then of course you got the groomers teaching children to be homosexuals. 

It occurs to Kadizzle that people so worried about other people's sexual preference have a problem with their own. Mrs. Kadizzle said she did not like the same song Kadizzle liked. Does that mean we cannot be husband and wife. What color you paint your house is your choice. Choice is something Republicans have a problem with. Women don't get to choose if, when, or how to have children. You don't get to choose how to vote, by mail, by ballot, or by district. You might make the wrong choices and Republicans just want to help you choose Jesus. Republicans are all about freedom. That is the freedom of the government to choose for you. Free speech is fine if it does not include  books the Republicans don't like. Freedom is strange in the world of the Republicans. Trump is free to lie. Fox is free to lie, just like Kari Lake and Wendy Rodgers. Logic is not a big seller for the Republicans. 

One strange thing the local Republicans are doing is sponsoring movies. What movies? The most racist, insane movies they can get their hands on. Recently they played " Birth of a Nation". The Klan was portrayed as a wonderful thing in that movie. Also they have recently shown a movie with the " Chem trail" insanity. Anything to feed the appetite of the Hoopleheads for nonsense. 

Yesterday Kadizzle spoke with his oldest sister. She pointed out nothing will penetrate the cult mindset of a Hooplehead. Hopefully she is wrong. As the planet burns we will become toast, the Hooples are like gas on the fire. While our government is consumed with right wing lies and conspiracies the planet burns. 

Jake Xerxes Fussell - "Have You Ever Seen Peaches Growing on a Sweet Pot...

You need a nice little wake up music

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Excellent Meeting

The Democrats and Donuts was a huge success. A wonderful group showed up and we had a great conversation. The good news keeps getting better. Each person in the circle had a chance to speak. Some great jokes, talks, and stories were told. 

Somehow things seem to be going the right direction. 

Kadizzle had a brainstorm. Monday is radio day on KMOG. Good old Charlie Seraphin who will soon be gone likes to start the show with a prayer. The idea is insane, after he prays he attacks transgender people, and stirs up hate. The brainstorm is to have Charlie say a nice inclusive prayer instead of his right wing slanted Republican prayer. Kadizzle wrote a prayer for the opening. Somehow Charlie will wiggle out of asking god to make sure everyone is treated fairly and all religions are granted equal access to God. Should be fun.  

Read Maureen Dowd today in the NYT

 Slept so hard it wore Kadizzle out. The donut gang will meet at ten. Old Charlie the KMOG right wing mini Rush is cashing in. He will be gone. Yesterday Kadizzle tried to listen to his contorted radio show. Charlie has a real problem with transgender people. Maybe Charlie is not sure what is in his pants. Why do people like Charlie get so upset with sex? People get confused about sex, but they don't hurt anyone. The people Charlie helps get confused about Trump are destroying the country. 

The twisting and contorting that spews from right wing radio is insane. The whole concept is based on someone is doing evil and they are out to get us. Yes, someone is doing evil and they are out to destroy the country. It is the Republicans party and Donald Trump. Who supports them? Right wing radio. Republicans pour gas on the fire and complain they are getting burnt. 

Back to Charlie Seraphin. Charlie's son was fired from the FBI. Like a lot of dolts that get fired his son claimed he was a whistleblower. There is a market for Whistleblowers.  Once you break into the conspiracy circuit you start a podcast, and get an audience of right wing nuts. Apparently the son has achieved this. Dad, or Charlie is in about the same boat as his son. The radio station realized Charlie is a losing proposition, so dad is going to go on the conspiracy circuit with his son.  How do you make any money whipping the Hoopleheads into a frenzy? Good luck Charlie. KMOG will have to get someone to replace Charlie, hopefully it will be someone with a more honest game. 

Where is the market for right wing conspiracy and scary stories about the deep state? Right here in Payson the Tea Party eats up this kind of crap. Kari Lake, Wendy Rodgers and a few others have figured out you can go on the circuit and the dingers will donate money to you. Wendy has a following, and so does Kari. The Hooples will donate money to lairs. Trump has made millions with his criminality and lying. The more indictments he has the more money the Hooples send him. Remember the good old days in the South when the Klan flourished by spreading fear of black people?  Now Charlie and his son can sell the deep state story.  China is a great thing to use, throw in some transgender, and mix it up with a little Hunter Biden, and you got a hit. 

Friday, July 21, 2023

No Longer Welcome

I can get more friends, but I cannot get another soul. That is what Kadizzle said long ago to a good friend who could not tolerate Kadizzle speaking out about the insane injustices of the Republican Party. It happened again yesterday. A fellow took great offense at a letter to the editor Kadizzle wrote about the flag. Essentially Kadizzle's letter said you cannot respect the flag and Donald Trump. Kadizzle knew the man had a bad right wing streak, but how bad was the revelation. No rational person should support Trump at this point. Trump has done more to destroy every principle of democracy than any man alive.  

The cult mindset where a criminal becomes a god is something to behold. No truth, no information, no reality, will penetrate the brain of the cult member. Cults have existed for ever.  At one time people stood on the roof our their home dressed in white sheets waiting to be drawn to heaven. Now the same people wear a red MAGA hat waiting to be drawn into a dictatorship of the rich. 

The tide of stupidity is upon us. Yesterday Kadizzle visited two places where the bottom of humanity gathers,  the casino, and the library.  Wait did Kadizzle say the library. Yes, the library is a refuge for the poor, the rejected, and those without air conditioning. At the library there is hope. The children of the poor page through the books, and no doubt some knowledge infect them.

At the casino the delusional volunteer to go broke. With a cigarette dropping out of the mouth the Hooples ply their paycheck into the one armed bandits. 

At the casino Kadizzle struck up a conversation with a fellow that must of already turned his paycheck to dust. Kadizzle asked the man what he did for a living. He had many jobs, and one of them was with a circus. In a side show he was part of an exhibition to draw in the rubes.  On a bed of nails he laid on his back and a concrete cinder block was placed on his chest, another man broke the cinder block with a sledge hammer. Kadizzle asked the man if he was afraid the first time he performed the stunt. No, the man was pretty good with the sledge hammer. This guy seemed like someone easy pickins for the Trump crowd. 

Back to the Trump crowd. Can you sell someone a six thousand dollar fire alarm? Yes, and you can sell them on the idea Trump is a saint. How do you do it? There are two key ingredients. Twist the facts, and use fear like a hammer. Trump and the lady selling the fire alarms both mastered the technique. The fire lady said your house is going to catch fire so fast you cannot get out because you have a fire alarm that only works 55% of the time. Trump says the government is out to get us all, and the FBI has been weaponized to get him. The fire lady gave us a small baseball bat to break the window and escape a fire. So far no fire, but the truth has gone out the window and Trump was the bat that broke the window. 

The New York Times has two good articles today. One centers around the Battle of Blair mountain, read it. The history of the battle has been lost, but it is critical about how unions fought for a decent wage. Kadizzle is fond of the story because he spent the early years of his coal carrier in the area where this union history occurred. Another union related article is about Starbucks, another story of the rich abusing the poor. History has gone out of style. Kadizzle grew up in West Virginia, and the real history was never taught about the abuse of the rich and how they enslaved coal miners. To this day you will find the Republicans are up to their old tricks in West Virginia. One astounding fact, more people in West Virginia work for Walmart than for the coal companies. Greed impoverished West Virginia like no other state, and who do the Hillbillies love now, Donald Trump. Playing on the poor is a terrible sin, but it pays. 

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Up in the fire tower

After the ebikes took us three miles down a dirt mountain road we came to the fire tower. The Kadizzles have been to just about every fire tower in a hundred miles, but one. Naturally these towers were built for the view. Strangely we have known several couples that spent summers in the towers. 

Back to the view, there is nothing like the view from a fire tower, you can see for fifty or sixty miles in every direction. Reaching the tower we wanted to go to the top, something we always manage to do. These towers are usually protected by a fence. Vandals are everywhere, and destroy things just to imitate Republicans. This tower was no exception. It looked like this tower might be manned. Kadizzle whistled and it was not long before a young guy appeared. We explained we were Forest Service volunteers and he came down and let us go to the top. 

He was a single guy and leading an isolated life which he seemed to enjoy. He had just made some homemade bagels. They looked good. Kadizzle noticed a pathetic bed with no mattress. It was just a piece of plywood. The tower occupant explained he did not sleep there, he went to his van below the tower and slept. Sleeping in a fire tower would be very windy, with a lot of noise. 

Ironically while we were there a radio call came in and sure enough another tower had spotted a fire. We could see the smoke. Fires are located with triangulation. Since this meant the fire tower watchman was busy we had to leave. 

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

You will win $50

Prove to Kadizzle you showed this to a Tea Party Hooplehead, and Kadizzle will give you fifty dollars.  It is the video titled " Urgent Message" posted on July 10th.  One winner only, If you show it to Shirley the head of the Tea Party, you will get $100

Sold the chicken eggs

That huge bin of golf balls (chicken eggs) is at the golf course. Kadizzle gave the guy one hell of a good deal. The chicken eggs sold for $250.  Many in the family said bike riding with egg hunting was insane, but it was exercise that paid. As a teen Kadizzle remembers unloading a truck with 900 watermelons. It was exercise that paid. Kadizzle always wondered why you would lift weights and not get paid for it. Growing up Kadizzle and his younger brother lifted a lot of hay bales. Needless to say we were in good shape. Sometimes it was a nickel a bail. It was hot dirty work, but it was exercise. My younger brother was always the sit up champ at school. Colin could do as many sit ups as he wanted. All Colin did to win the contest every year was just do a few more than the next guy. 

It will be sad to look at that empty golf ball bin and realize it may take a year to fill it again, but every trip up the hill does burn off a little bit of hamburger. 

Yesterday Kadizzle had a hamburger at the casino. The usual crowd of Hoopleheads was there getting bilked. The casino is having a drawing. For every two hundred dollars you let them rob you of you get an entry. The huge tumble was already have full of business sized cards. The incredible amount of money those cards represent is staggering. Can there be that many people so dumb? Yup, make sure you got your lottery ticket. Gambling preys on the poor. If you wanted to manufacture poor people gambling would be the ticket. Kadizzle has said it many time, but must say it again. There is no better way to tax stupidity than gambling. Well, politics might also be a good tax on the stupid, but the rich do get to buy Trump, Kari Lake, and the other gifters. Hard to believe that every time Trump gets indicted people send him more money. Hoopleheads are special. 

The Hoopleheads are scary

Reality does not phase them, they are stuck in the past, and drunk on Trump and Jesus. That is the Hoopleheads. Yesterday Wendy Rodgers a local elected puppet master was on KMOG. KMOG is the right wing mini Rush Limbaugh station. Wendy was stirring up the Hooples with the regular lies and election nonsense. Free speech was her thumper. The woke crowd is suppressing free speech. Of course Wendy. Kadizzle called in and asked Wendy if people using free speech to lie should pay a fine.  Wendy stumbled, and stuttered. Wendy is a buddy of the notorious election denier and liar Kari Lake. 

Being ignorant is scary. Hoopleheads live in a small world they don't understand. Those people who are different scare the Hooples. Most Hoopleheads did not grow up with black people. Red states have a very sparse sprinkling of black people, or minorities, and that is why Hoopleheads are thick in the red states. 

Hoopleheads are easy to herd, just watch their shepard the Donald make them march toward a cliff simply by lying. Lying is the bread and butter of the Republican party. Countering lies means using facts. Facts don't sit well with the Hooples that is why they dropped out of high school. 

If you think Hooples are not dangerous remember the Nazis, the Klan, and the Trump cult. Unchecked the Hooples love oppression. Once people get hold of the ignorant they have a massive weapon. Ill informed people are the fodder for cults, and the Republican Party has become nothing but a cult. There is no truth in Hoople land. " If you believe it, it is true", that is the marching order of the simple minded. 

The Kadizzles attended a seminar on Sunday. For a free meal the lady lectured us on the virtues of a six thousand dollar fire alarm system for our home. She used the classic system for bilking Hoopleheads. Scare them, tell them twisted statistics, and then sell them an idea to clean them out. That is the Republican Party in a nutshell. The rich are raping the country, and they are preying on the vast supply of dingers that populate rural America. 

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

How can you fight back without a union?

As written many times here the wealthy have taken all the cheese. Unions used to protect workers somewhat from the unlimited greed of the CEO, and shareholders. Those days are gone thanks to Ronald Reagan and trickle down economics. Unions were plagued with crooked leaders, but they did serve an important purpose. No matter how crooked the unions got wages for the workers. 

Another important point about unions was they gave the workers a voice. You could not be fired for pointing out the pitiful boss, or manager. That was a service free for the company. Unions had a lot of good input into management. Unions kept companies honest. 

Now greed rules, and CEO are paid outrageous sums, real wages have gone nowhere, in fact backwards. 

The story gets told a lot about how Henry Ford realized the workers could not buy cars unless you paid them a decent wage. Giving the slaves adequate food and housing helps the plantation owner, a lesson forgotten by Republicans. 


Monday, July 17, 2023

A free meal.

The old saying goes " There is no such thing as a free lunch".  The Kadizzles tested that theory yesterday. It was actually a free dinner of lobster and steak. The meal was actually pretty impressive. As we ate the food the sales pitch took place. We were being primed to buy a very, very expensive fire alarm system. It was a clever well put together presentation that assured you your house was about to catch fire and you, you kids, and the dog would be burnt to death. The key to the whole thing was the supposed idea that your current fire alarms would take thirty minute to wake you up.  You only had four minutes according to the presenter before it was game over. What do you do? Spend several thousand dollars for the super duper alarm. 

Way back in high school Kadizzle used to sell vacuum cleaners. The technique was the same. Get someone to pay 270 dollars for a forty dollar vacuum cleaner. These presentations are put together by psychologist, and use an entrapment technique. In the case of the fire alarm you scare people, and make them believe the chances of the house catching fire are way higher than they actually are. With vacuum cleaners you convince people their vacuum is not doing the job and dirt is everywhere in their home. 2.3 out of 100,000 people are killed by fire. Who are these people. Sure some are in new homes, but most are in poor areas with simple minded people. So what are the real odds? Do you love your dog, your family, and your home full of keepsakes? Of course you do so six thousand dollars is a small sum to pay for a fifty dollar smoke alarm system. 

Where does all this end. After pleading with Winky not to invite the lady to our house for a free home fire inspection, which incidentally could cost six thousand dollars before it is over, she signed up to get the "free"fire extinguisher.  Now, thanks to Winky's ineptitude the presentation will go on at one today. 

Curious Kadizzle researched home fire alarms last night. The woman claimed her fire alarm detected fires with a laser. Maybe yes, maybe no. Anyway there are two kinds of fire detectors, ionizing, and photoelectric. Her system in the end is a photoelectric which you can easily by for fifty dollars or so. 

Part of all these sales schemes is how do they find customers. Kadizzle used this technique selling vacuum cleaners. " If you send us to a couple people that buy one we will make yours free".  How did fire alarm lady get out name. Kadizzle suspects the neighbors who spent six grand sent her. When the Kadizzle gang went for the free dinner Kadizzle thought it would be a massive number of people. Nope, it was just about fifteen people. The suckers had been carefully selected. 

 If we die in a fire disregard all this and get yourself a zippity do da alarm. Good luck. The lady did give some good advice. Put a fire extinguisher in your bedroom. She said it is very important to sleep with the bedroom door closed. There were other good tips for surviving for less than six thousand dollars. Go over fire safety with your family. 

When the mind goes South

Kadizzle needs to drop some weight. Part of the plan is exercise. We live on the top of a hill. The road up the hill is steep and the ebike and Kadizzle make the trip up and down about two or three times a day. The inspiration gives Winky fits. Kadizzle has become addicted to hunting for chicken eggs (his name for golf balls).  Combining the hunt with riding the bike burns calories. The hunt is like an easter egg hunt that last forever. Yesterday Kadizzle found about 35 or more chicken eggs. 

The hunt has developed into a routine. The chickens lay more eggs on the weekends, and there are places where the chickens like to lay. Some places are easy to get to and can be checked regularly. That is not the case with all places. Rattlesnake gulch is a special place where the golfers hack the balls into a jungle like setting along a stream. If you let the gulch ripen you will find many balls there. Best to let the gulch ripen for a week, so Kadizzle hunts the gulch on Sundays. This gets us to the insanity. 

Rattlesnake gulch has one deep pocket of water about five feet deep. In the clear water you can see six or more chicken eggs. Kadizzle rigged up a long pole to retrieve the eggs, but the pole was not long enough. Then bean brain decided he could reach the eggs with the pole if he waded into the water. Beside the golf course where golfers might be able to see him the man with mental problems took off his pants and waded into the pool in his underwear. Kadizzle had no idea how quickly the depth dropped off and fell into the water. What the hell, why not dive down and just pick up the golf balls. First, Kadizzle forgot he had hearing aids in his ears. He almost lost them and needless to say they got wet. 

Now the next problem. Without goggles seeing under water was poor. Kadizzle managed to get three of the six golf balls he had spotted. As the harvest took place Kadizzle put the golf balls in his underwear. Kadizzle has balls. Of the three golf balls recovered one fell out and so the whole insane process only yielded two. 

The soaking clothes and cool water felt good on a hot day. Returning to the mountain home Kadizzle threw the new finds in the massive bin that now has about a thousand golf balls. The guy at the golf course said he would pay fifty cents a piece of the treasure. That would come to $500, which should pay for at least one visit to the the psychiatrist. 

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Donuts with Dems

Have to give Jeff credit, the Donuts with Dems has been a success. On Saturday morning the good people get together in a circle and have a discussion. The experience has been a good one, and enlightening for everyone. Yesterday Winky came and enjoyed the talk. A point of discussion was the use of the term " Colored People".  Elijah Crane the nit wit elected to represent our area made national news using the outdated term. Elijah is just the kind of simple minded dolt the Republicans love. Elijah is not too worldly, and that is why he is loved by the Tea Party gang. They want someone just like them. A poorly informed person willing to spread lies and hate. Unfortunately a couple of these dolts thrive in Arizona. Kari Lake has made a fortune lying, just like Trump. Then we have that guy Gossard, a real piece of work. The Hoopleheads love a good dolt. 

Saturday, July 15, 2023

English Teachers

Kadizzle had a lot of teachers in his life, but none did he despise more than English teachers. If you read the crap Kadizzle writes you can find numerous flaws. However, the amount of things Kadizzle has written number in the thousands. Most of it is crap, however a very small percentage has turned out very well and been published in various places. Kadizzle has received compliments from many people about his stories, articles, letter to the editor and so on. Some people might say " Even a blind hog will root".  Yes, if you do something enough just sheer luck will get you some success. 

Back to English teachers, they would never believe Kadizzle has written so much, nor would they believe any of it was any good. So they must have accomplished something. The key to the entire mess was a college English teacher that put a whole new spin on it. That teacher said basically, forget about the intricacies of punctuation, spelling, and all that, just think about what you want to say. It worked. To this day you can see a lot of technicalities were never solved, but the ship made it to the other shore, so god bless Miss Meek the meanest English teacher who made life miserable for Kadizzle. She hated men.

Why did Miss Meek hate men? As the universe would have it Miss Meek lived beside my grandparents. That meant my mother grew up beside Miss Meek. One day Kadizzle asked his mother " Why is Miss Meek such a bitch with men?".  My mother explained she was stood up on her wedding day.  That did it, and a lot of young boys suffered through her class for too many years, but she did expose us to some important literature. Miss Meek always gave Kadizzle terrible grades. Graduation from high school hung in Miss Meek's hands. When the high school diploma was handed out Kadizzle did not know if his package would be empty. She was the ultimate cruel woman who never forgave god's male creatures. If only Miss Meek knew how it all turned out. The old hag would have exploded if she knew Kadizzle made the dean's list in college. 

It was over fifty years ago when this story took place, so maybe it is safe to tell part of it. Charlie was a psychopath Kadizzle went through school with. When you crossed Charlie you were not going to get the typical response. One day playing pool in my grandfather's attic, which was right above Miss Meek's yard, Charlie threw the cue ball out the window at Meek. Fortunately for everyone, it missed. From forty feet up it might have killed her. That was not the end of Charlie's revenge. On another wild night Charlie threw a brick through her big front picture window. In Charlie's insane fashion he waited for her to appear and threw another stone. Miss Meek died and went were ever mean English teachers go, and who knows where Charlie is. 

What do the Hoopleheads read?

When you meet a Hooplehead, and have a conversation almost inevitably you walk away wondering where did they get that idea? A Hooplehead is special, they read and digest what supports a very special fantasy. Hoopleheads are often a special kind of idiot savant, more idiot than savant. You can master a lot of trades and be dumb as the brick you are laying. Kadizzle has often puzzled how a person can be such a good mechanic, an airline pilot, or a surgeon, yet be totally unaware of the world. Kadizzle remembers long ago two doctors trying to figure out if the engine on their boat was charging. It was a very simple logical process yet they were baffled. It turns out some people have an excellent memory, but don't have an ounce of logic. 

My older sister was a classic case. Louise was first in her class in law school. One day she was driving along a busy highway in a congested part of the city with my little sister Patty. The car got a flat tire. Patty said pull over to the side of the road. Louise said " the sign says emergencies only".  Patty said " This is an emergency".  That is how the mind of a Hooplehead works. Louise was certainly no Hooplehead, but she knew the thought process. A normal person would quickly see through Donald Trump, but the Hooplehead cannot figure out he is nuts. Why is Donald always scamming for money if he is a billionaire? A simple logical question Hoopleheads don't ask. Asking logical questions is the basis of knowledge. 

Friday, July 14, 2023

Reynolds Creek Trail #150 6/8/23. Kadizzle actually sawing with bucksaw rare footage of Kadizzle working

As we worked to clear the trail Mike Bradly made some nice videos of the trail.  This is the one I like the best. You can really get a good idea of the wonderful area if you watch this entire video. A lot of people hike these trails and have no idea the work we do for free. It actually cost us money in gas and other things we have to buy to do the work. 

Reynolds Creek Trail #150 6/20/23. Much better video of the logs we clear.

Video Mike did when we cleared trail. Mike Brady, not Kadizzle

Reynolds Creek Trail #150 7/06/23

Mike one of the guys we have been working with made a video of the trail we have been clearing. You can see on the trail the logs we have cut to clear the trail. 

When you think the Dingers cannot get any stupider

 Stop Woke Socialism, vote Republican. That is what the bumper sticker on the Hooplehead's car read. Republicans invented ANTIFA, now they came up with the word Woke. Nobody knows what woke means, all we know it is bad. What in the hell is "Woke Socialism". If you give 800 billion to the rich like Trump did, that is not Woke Socialism. On the other hand if you help a single mother that is woke socialism. You have to love the dingers. 

We stole the future from young people

If you get to a party early and eat all the food we have a problem. Old people have done just that. Our children are coming to the table to find the old goats have stolen the future. We used up the air, the water, the fields, and the resources. We polluted the streets with shopping malls, and we have ruined everything we touched. 

Sadly young people don't seem to know they have been robbed, they are staring at their phone. History tells people what happened. In the schools history is being cleaned up or erased. Republicans are doing what they always do, advising people to ignore reality. 

The most amazing reality is income inequality. Wages have gone nowhere for everyone except the wealthy. Adjust wages for inflation and a lot of people have gone backwards. 

Kadizzle graduated from college debt free. In the summer college students could get well paying union jobs. That day is gone. My daughter is 45 and still owes for college. Unions have disappeared. There are no longer millionaires, they all graduated to billionaires.  

There was no Fox News, and Trump cult in the old days. Now, the media preys on the Hoopleheads and a new class of idiots has arisen. Professionals in the old sense don't exist. Doctors and lawyers were highly ethical and respected in the old days, not anymore. In the old days there were not adds on TV for crooked lawyers. Mega churches did not exist in the old days with a crooked preacher robbing old ladies on TV.  On it goes, what have we left for our children. Trump is the symbol of the deterioration of our society. Richard Nixon had to resign because he was a crook, not the Trumpster. Things have changed. 

Thursday, July 13, 2023


Kadizzle has been writing letters to the editor for years. Last night Kadizzle thought about writing on the subject of tribalism. When you think about the tribes we live with the number is astounding. Look around and you see the Harley Davidson Tribe, the tattoo tribe, the NRA tribe, the Trump tribe and so it goes. 

Tribes are convenient, you buy into the tribal beliefs and it is done. Of course our old favorite religion is a giant tribe. People don't often realize the implications of the tribe they join. The NRA is a classic. Many join and have no clue they are sponsoring the death of innocent school children. The Trump tribe is much the same, people have no clue about the crimes of the leader. Some tribes love the idea of being nasty, you have the white nationalist, and the motorcycle gangs. Remember the good old Klan.  Here in Payson you have the Tea Party gang, and a couple of sub tribes to that bunch of Hoopleheads. 

Independent thinking is a thing of the past. The poorly educated have always found tribes comforting. Knowing there are more idiots just like you is comforting. Join a tribe. You might want to start by watching Fox News. 

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

The banks took it all away.

Kadizzle ran across a song that sums up our current state of affairs. Republicans are just an arm of the wealthy. The rich have bought the government. This happened once before and it brought on the depression. People figured it out that time and taxed the rich. We are right back in the same spot. The song " Torn Screen door" sums it up. The lyrics are listed below, and you can hear the song with the video posted below 

Late summer day and my 

Love and I went walking

Over the hills and fields

We walked, laughing and talking

Came across an old farm house

Standing broken and bare

It used to be someone's home

But now no one lives there

There's a red barn standing 

Held together with nails and dust

And a tired old Massy Harris

All wires and rust

Weeds overgrown in a garden

Sown with care

It used to be someone's home

Now no one lives there

And through the crack

 In the window pain

I hear the sound 

Of the falling rain

Another farm being left run down

Another family moved into town

Had a life they tried to save

But the bank took it all away

Hung a sign on an old screen door

Nobody lives here anymore

They worked their fingers 

To the bone

Nothing left

They can call their own

Packed it under leaden skies

With just the wheat

Waving them goodbye

Had a life they tried to save

But the banks took it all away

Hung a sign on a torn screen door

Nobody lives here anymore

David Francey - Torn Screen Door (Cover)

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Peaceful Morning

Old Kadizzle is up early. Kadizzle fired the charge. Our cannon is a coffee brewer. In the evening a charge for the cannon is prepared. Coffee is put in the cartridge so in the morning the cannon is charged and fired. Morning means reading the various news media. The local paper comes out very late on Monday. Often Kadizzle gets up in the middle of the night unable to sleep and reads the Payson Roundup. Of course the best part of the Roundup is the opinion page. A fellow letter to the editor writer had his letter in today, as well as one of Kadizzle's. Ted Paulk mentioned in his letter about the local right wing crazies latest movie. The right wing Hoopleheads sometimes sponsor a movie at the local theater. Their latest was an insane thing claiming the Sandy Hook shooting was a hoax. The dingers also sponsored the racist movie Birth of a Nation. The Hooples are as close to the Klan as you can get and the audacity of sponsoring insane movies takes the cake. This group of mental cases is trying to recall the town council which happens to be the best we have had in a long time. 

A good Hooplehead is always searching out new ways to get more ignorant. The Tea Party helps by sponsoring liars, and crazy conspiracy speakers. Polluting the minds of dolts is a major function of the local Republican party. Like the national party the locals have turned on themselves and are cannibalizing the various factions. 

The rich have no mercy on the poor. Doug Burgum the North Dakota governor is buying votes for $20. Read about it in the New York Times. If you send a $1 donation to Doug he will send you a $20 gift card. So nice to have the rich buy the government. Kadizzle signed up to get his twenty. To get on the debate stage Doug has to have 50,000 donors. No problem, buy them.  Are we really this dumb? Well if you and your wife sign up that is forty bucks for two dollars. All you Hoopleheads need to sign up. Maybe you can't do the math. 


Monday, July 10, 2023

URGENT MESSAGE from Voter in DEEP RED State goes MEGAVIRAL This is a Hoople Buster. Take the time to watch, very interesting

Would love to show this at the Tea Party and see the Hoopleheads melt. 

If Megachurches Were Honest | Honest Ads

You might get a buzz out of this video. Kadizzle presumes Honest Omar will. Churches are a game to defraud the Hoopleheads. How can you mix Trump and Jesus? Well the Tea Party meets at a church so you figure out how that works. People come to hear the Tea Party gang make up lies, and spread hate in the same room they praise Jesus? Religion is a marketing scam. Tell people what they like to hear, and charge them for it. Trump knows the Hooples love to be lied to and he charges them for it, so it only makes sense for Trump and the church to ban together. Politics has invaded the church and both are winners. The same people who put money in the collection plate wear MAGA hats and send money to keep Trump out of jail. Who says crime doesn't pay? Nothing beats tax free crime and churches have perfected it. 

Fox News turning on Fox News

The Hooples don't read any real news, if they did they would be very confused. Fox News seems to be slowly imploding along with Trump. There is an interesting story in the NYT about a Trumper who Tucker Carlson said was a plant and caused the Jan 6 riot. Very strange to have this threesome, Fox, Tucker, and Trumper, going at each other. Logic escapes the Trump gang. For instance why is a billionaire always begging for money? A classic is Trumpers claim the election was rigged. All the votes for Biden were fake, yet Trump had more true votes than anyone who ever ran for president. So all the Trump votes were real, and the Biden votes were false?  Even a small child could see the failing of Republican logic, but the cult presses on.  

Sunday, July 09, 2023

He lives in a small world

Many years ago a lot of my job involved just driving around observine things. Almost every day Duane and I would go out after lunch and look over the vast coal mine in North Dakota. Duane was about ten or twelve years older than me and had a down to Earth way of thinking. He did not have much education, but had a good mind. One day Duane was describing someone and he said " He live in a small world".  I don't know if Duane came up with that or where it came from, but I always liked it. How many people live in a small world? The world is as big as your mind wants to make it. Why would anyone want to live in a small world? Some people do. I have a good friend who reads constantly. The books put him in a bigger world, but not sure that is OK in my book. There is a real world out there. In that real world you can see things and talk to people. You can make that real world as big as you want. 

A Special kind of stupid

Sitting on the deck the other half and Kadizzle were discussing way back when they had a special person in place to draw up the plans for the expansion of Hazen. The energy boom was going full bore and the town was about to double in size. A local Republican had run for the Senate and lost. He was tossed the plum job of spending $600,000 to lay out how the town would grow. The plan was to incorporate the newest ideas in energy conservation. A new high school was built and the plan was to heat the school with internal combustion engines. These engines would generate electricity and the waste heat would be used to heat the school. In the end the idea never came to fruition, but the school was built to accommodate the idea. 

The insanity of the idea was not heating the school with coal. The school sat in the middle of the largest lignite coal field in the world. As part of the school a swimming pool was built adjacent to the school. The pool was heated with propane at great expense. The school ultimately was heated with coal. If brain dead thinking was no involved the pool could easily and cheaply been heated with coal. More than likely the coal companies in the area would have donated the coal for both the school and the pool, so the heating would have been almost free. Instead just heating the pool cost the park board about six thousand dollars per month. 

Since old non elected Senator Bob was part of the local cabal, the plan for the town was laid out not in the best interest of the town, but in the best interest of the right land owners. To top off the crazy outcome, the plan was violated to make sure the right people made money when the boom came on. In violation of the original plan commercial property was put where the plan called for housing. The ultimate mess that came about was a section of housing in the new plan. The game was rigged so the locals could sell their land first. The out of town developer was blocked at every turn. Hazen ended up with an entire section where no houses were built, but there were streets, water, sewer and all the infrasture. In desperation the land was sold for a dollar a lot for dingers to build steel building to store their toys. That part of town is now known as steel town and it is a mess. 

Now for the ultimate stupidity. Hazen had a relatively good plan on paper, but greed blew the plan to shreds. Because of greed the landowners could not wait for the town to fill.  Areas that should have been all nice homes were divided in two. Half Homes and half trailers. Go look at how the mess turned out. Now instead of making this mistake once the town fathers did it twice. Few know there was a reasonably nice plan on paper.  When you drive through Hazen and see the mumble jumble, that was not the plan. That was the plan seasoned with greed. 

The drive to get rich has destroyed our entire society, infrastructure and way of life. The 19.95 mentality is our bane. In the long run it almost always turns out the best thing to do, is do it right in the first place. The get rich quick scheme always blows up. 

Saturday, July 08, 2023

Clean laundry

Little old Hazen, North Dakota was our existence for about forty years. It was a great little town with a lot of good friends. Now we live in Payson, Arizona. Somehow it feels like we did the laundry. Sure we still communicate and sometimes visit with the old gang, but we have met so many new people and friends it is like the laundry has been done. Trying to keep all the new names in the head is a problem. Kadizzle is very bad with names so he has to do it with association. Yesterday it was a conversation with the plot hound guy. There is the Jesus guy, and all the other people. 

Everyone in Hazen has heard Kadizzle's stories ten times. Great to be able to recycle stories to a new crowd. One problem persist, a lot of new friends are conservatives.  That is forgivable, a Trumper is intolerable. Hazen was sewn up tight Republican. Here there is a good sprinkling of Democrats. Strangely for the conservative nature of Payson there are a lot of gay people. Stranger yet is the acceptance by the cowboy crowd. 

Here the gun culture is insane, as is the flag waving patriotism. It seems no one works here. Everyone is retired and either golfs or rides around in the wilderness. There are a bunch of poor people who cook the hamburgers. 

The best thing about Payson is it has a pulse. Hazen was like living at a funeral home. Duke used to say " On a Saturday night you could shoot down mainstreet and not hit anyone".  Sadly that was true most days of the week.  Payson has a good sprinkling of bums, and recovering addicts. Hazen had one guy who was a combo bum, street person, and he was used so kids knew what one was. 

Without hunting and sailing we would have died of boredom in Hazen. Fortunately Payson always has something going on. The park down below us is a tremendous blessing. We have met so many people there, and you can reliably see your friends on a regular basis. One group of friends meets almost every evening under the willow tree for a chat. 

Payson is a culture of people who like the outdoors and are generally active. This is blended with an abundance of western redneck macho crap. It all works out. The Hoopleheads are more or less a subculture. Yes the Hooples are here, but they don't seem to mix with the normal people. The Hooples listen to the right wing radio and meet at church. The Hooples are against everything and fear anyone who is not extremely straight sexually. The Hooples are obsessed with the flag, God, sexual orientation, and absolutely against taxes and progress. The Hooples love fear, and are always seeing the Devil at work somewhere. Strangely the Hooples cannot see the Devil working with Trump. 

Friday, July 07, 2023

Good Morning America

Here we go, one more day in the life of Kadizzle. First on every day is coffee and the NYT.  Paul Krugman a favorite writes about the insane politics of billionaires, read it. Our cul de sac is now totally occupied. Fortunately we have good neighbors. Directly to our East the home is often rented as an Airb&b. Generally it has worked well. Once strange thing are the city folk. We love the darkness, the city folk are scared at night an leave the outside lights on. Nothing is going to get you here people. 

The darkness here does pose a problem with the elk. Last night driving down main street Kadizzle saw something move. It was very hard to see. It was a very large bull elk. The beast are perfectly camouflaged at night .

The flag waving in Payson is the worst in the world. The American flag is everywhere and most of the time incorrectly displayed. The strange thing is most of the flag wavers want the dictator Trump to rule their little minds. 

Monsoons are supposed to be showing up here, but so far nothing. This means fires are breaking out. Amazing how casual people are about the planet burning. You see the same scenes in Ukraine. People living life as normal while a rocket hits down the street. Humans have become just like the elk, we adapt to insanity very quickly. The elk don't seem to think it is strange to sit under a tree on mainstreet. People are choking from the air in New York, but mostly interested in who won the last ball game. 

Thursday, July 06, 2023


Former Trump supporter says she was 'brainwashed'

Danger, danger, not for Hoopleheads, Tea Party, or Cult members. Do not watch. 

It is just like smoking

When you fire up a weed and inhale the dirt, tar, and all the crap from tobacco you are killing yourself, but it satisfies a need. Works exactly the same when you become a Republican.  You are killing the country, freedom, and what we live for, yet it satisfies a need. You cannot convince a Hooplehead that inhaling Republican bullshit is deadly. Republicans love the concept of unfettered greed, lying, and hate.

The first thing Republican tobacco kills is the brain. Knowledge is toxic to Republican nicotine. If a Hooplehead read anything, or engaged in thinking the Republican party would evaporate. 

Hoopleheads do not read Heather Cox Richardson, but a lot of intelligent people do. She is excellent at exposing the devious nature of the Republicans. Read her article today. 

We live in different worlds. The Kadizzles live in a nice new neighborhood. We don't see the sorrowful mess that is home to so many every day.  It is easy to think the world is wonderful, calm, and all is right. However, yesterday Kadizzle rode the motorcycle through the parts of town where the unwashed reside. The jumble of people living in yards of junked cars and trash is there. How many people are living on the edge donating their checks to the casino? Way more than you think. The mess is everywhere. In our split society we just ignore the half that lives in the modern day slums. No matter how hard you are pushed against the wall you buy a car you cannot afford. You buy all the plastic crap China can ship to Walmart, and to top it off you vote for a guy who will help the oppressors rob you even more. Republicans will take your money, your freedom, and the food off your table, but you get to keep your gun, smoke your weed, and drive your jacked up truck with the " Don't Tread on me" flag. Wait, they didn't tread on you, they stomped on you. They gave you a red idiot hat, and a Bible. The rest was do da. 


Wednesday, July 05, 2023

Ignorance is Bliss

If reality is a problem, ignore it. Yesterday Kadizzle saw two old wallygumples walking along down by the park. The skinny old man had on a MAGA Trump hat. Kadizzle could not resist and engaged the wallygumples about supporting Trump. It was obvious they were deep in the cult. No fact, no information would pull them out. It was just like talking to Mormans in the fog they live in. They bought the party line and there is no going back. 

Reading the NYT this morning it is clear how the wealthy have manipulated everything to funnel money to the rich. The interest we pay on the national debt goes to the wealthy, so why would the wealthy want to reduce the debt? Another article by Paul Krugman pointed out how the tech billionaires refuse to face reality and help promote Republican fantasies. 

A little encouraging news. There is no question the whole Trump thing is fueled by people without a college education. The good news is more people have become educated enough to see through the Trump lies. Most American cannot read a gas gauge. The country is about ready to run out of freedom, air, water, and just about everything it takes to lead a decent life. How do you know when your car is out of gas? The engine stops. It would be wise to do something before the car stops, but that is not the American way. We are coasting along on nonsensical ideas. Gas is expensive, so if we buy gas we cannot get a hamburger. Hamburgers taste better than gasoline and gas is just too expensive. 

Why not do what used to work? In the old days taxing the rich worked, it made everything better. Nope, none of that. The rich have purchased the government, and they don't like giving up the competition to build the biggest yacht. 

There is no problem. There is enough air, water, food, land, housing, and everything else. What is the problem? The problem is simply a small group of people has taken way more than their share. 400 families own half of everything in the United States. Does that create a problem? Hell yes, but my TV works, and I have enough money to buy treats for the dog so is there really a problem? 

Kadizzle figures he has about ten years to go. Looks pretty good for crossing the finish line in style. So what is the problem? Well, it is the kids, and the grandchildren. The planet is in peril. Not nice to leave a mess for someone. That is what we have done. I got mine, the hell with you. That is the Republican mantra. As a doctor do you tell the patient the truth or let them feel good about the cancer that is killing them. Trump has mastered lying to the patient, and the Republicans love the idea. So let's go about our merry way and have a nice day. Winky will watch the tour de France on TV. In one part of Europe it is sunny and crowds watch a bicycle race. Not so far away the Russians, and Ukrainians will spend the day bombing each other. 

In our country we will have two or three mass shootings while we watch fireworks, drink wine, and eat wonderful food. What me worry?

Republicans would rather see their own children shot to pieces at school than pay taxes. So we let the gun nuts run wild to get some Republicans elected. Very strange world we live in. As long as no one Kadizzle knows gets a bullet through the head no point in getting upset. The news pointed out last night that gun nuts don't exactly understand gravity. A few years ago a 14 year girl was killed by a bullet that fell from the sky. Gun dingers think you can shoot a bullet up in the air and it will not come down. Actually the dinger think it will not come down on the dinger. That is how the Republican mind works. Greed will not affect the rich, only the poor. Nope, the bullet will come down. 

Tuesday, July 04, 2023

Four Wheeled ants

Call them whatever you want, side by sides, or whatever. Kadizzle is talking about the four wheeled buggies everyone and their grandmother has in the Payson area. Every other truck is pulling a trailer with one of these buggies. Payson will have a parade of these vehicles for the fourth of July. In this area a gun, a dog, and one of these buggies is essential. Manliness is a big deal in this part of Arizona. How can you show you are manly? Wear your baseball cap backwards, have a gun in your truck and drive a four wheel noise machine into the forest. 

Symbolism is important. Projecting an image is important. With a tattoo and a Trump sticker you can let everyone know how your brain works. Want to be sure everyone knows you are not to bright, go the whole nine yards and put up an obscene flag, or have a cartoon character on your truck that is pissing on Biden. The cult of stupidity welcomes you. As the planet burns you need to be sure to waste as much gas as possible. Making noise is very manly. A loud motorcycle, truck, or car will bring you a mate. Even better, drive your loud truck with music blaring. Make sure everyone knows you totally lack any compassion for the normal people. Of course littering is also manly. Keep your car clean by just throwing trash out the window. Once you have publically established you are not too bright other people like yourself will be attracted to you, then you are in the in crowd, and it is game on. 

Monday, July 03, 2023

Another Republican border stunt backfires at great expense to taxpayers

Republicans and Donald Trump destroyed the 4th of July

It is no longer America. When 71 million people celebrate and protect a criminal like Donald Trump it does not call for fireworks. No longer does the United States represent equality. The rich have stolen everything, Trump has made hate for women, minorities, and those with a different sexual orientation the new standard. Can we celebrate that women no longer control their reproduction? Can we celebrate a Supreme Court that takes bribes from rich guys? Can we celebrate voter suppression? The American flag no longer represents freedom, now it represents the right to buy a congressman, and a court.  Books are being banned, people are being banned, and the Republicans call this freedom? Jesus has taken over the schools, and lying is the new coin of the Republican realm. People actually watch and believe Fox News. What are we celebrating? The right to be as stupid as the cult will let you?

The brain flew out the window

The Trump cult, the Mormon cult, the any cult, when you see it you know it. Just quit thinking and join the cult. Why use up calories thinking when you can join a cult? It is so easy to subcontract your thinking to Fox, the Republicans, or the church. Maybe the real problem is the dingers cannot think, so they get someone else to do it for them. Of course there is a price. If you are a simple minded Hooplehead you pay for letting Fox do your thinking. You get taken every day in so many little ways. You fall for every scam. Imagine sending a man who calls himself a billionaire money. Yup, the dingers send Trump money. The Dingers give the church money, and then the priest molest their children. The Republicans take money from the poor with taxes and give it to the rich. It doesn't take much to make a dinger happy. Give a dinger a jacked up truck, a tattoo and a can of beer, you got a happy dinger. Republicans give the dingers a clown named Trump, the dingers are happy. What a wonderful world. 

Sunday, July 02, 2023

Eric Swalwell utterly DISMANTLES Jim Jordan to his face using his OWN words DANGER, HOOPLEHEAD BUSTER

Donuts with Dems

Jeff had the idea to have donuts with Democrats every Saturday at the Democratic Headquarters. Yesterday we had an excellent turn out and session. Everyone sat in a big circle and discussed the state of politics. A major delight was a young woman showed up who was less than thirty years old. What a breath of fresh air.

One participant who claimed to be a Republicans had a brilliant idea. As usual Jeff and Kadizzle were hogging the conversation. The woman suggested we go around the circle and give each person a chance to talk. It was a great idea. 

Hopefully the meetings will continue to grow. The exchange of thoughts was wonderful, and it made us all feel like we might be able to hold off the flood of ignorance the Republicans have cursed our country with. 

Everyone is welcome and the sessions will usually be on Saturday at ten in the morning. 


Saturday, July 01, 2023

Things are looking up for the bums

Kadizzle just returned from the farmer's market. Who should he run into there, but the Culvert Bum. The Culvert Bum has managed to find shelter in an apartment. Mrs. Bumore is now living on a ranch in the middle of nowhere. For both bums this is a vast improvement. Seems like the Culvert Bum has a better attitude and is seeking work. Mrs Bumore was talking about work also. It seems if you give the bums a small boost it improves their outlook and may lead to a better life. 

Motivating bums is not easy. They seem to flourish on failure. Most bums have a good dose of mental illness. On today's morning adventure Kadizzle met another fellow with an interesting life style. He travels the country doing tile work. Moving about he gets to enjoy the best places in the country and make a living doing it. Itinerant craftsmen can have a good life. Work when you want, no boss, and keep what you make. 

Most people's failing in life is a lack of imagination. If you are clever you can always find a way to survive. On the other hand if failure is your motif than that is what you will get. 

The Truth is spilled all over the place

Awake old Kadizzle just read two truth bombs. One was about the Russian Wagner guy who told the truth about Putin, the other was another Chris Christie truth bomb with Maureen Dowd. Of course the Hooples are unaffected by truth. When you do read, you realize the Hoopleheads don't. It is impossible to be as lost in space as the Hooples and read anything of merit. When you speak with a Hoople you realize they have some special right wing feed that supplies them with special fantasy.

Once in awhile speaking to a young person is uplifting, but at other times you realize they have fallen into the Trump rabbit hole. Nothing is sadder than hearing some young person in their late teens mimicking their Hooplehead father, or hero. These are the same teens with the plan to get rich as gamers.