Friday, September 30, 2022

The East Coast

Kadizzles awaken to a little drizzle. We are on the East coast, and the remnants of the hurricane are slowly approaching. This is where the white man landed, enslaved the black man and the game was on. East and West are two different worlds. Eastern poverty has a different flavor than Western poverty. Western poverty is run down trailer courts, and little communities of depression. Eastern poverty is urban slums. Black people dominate Eastern poverty, while just washed out white people make up the western mix. The poor in the west have a little more room so they will always have a few junked cars in the yard. No room for that mess in the East. 

The flip side of the coin is Eastern wealth, and Western wealth. In the East it is large Estates with classic old homes, well kept landscaping, a pool, and a long paved driveway. Out west it is a ranch type settlement, and more modern mansion. 

In all of the country the story is the same. A few with way too much, and many with way too little. The rich blame the poor for being poor. The poor buy the story. The rich have always sold the story that the poor are the poor's worst enemy. Simply not true. The rich took so much there is nothing left for the poor. In the old days the poor had enough sense to get some of the stolen goods back with taxes, but the Republicans invented a whole new story the Hoopleheads bought. The Republicans have convinced the Hoopleheads they are broke because of minorities and immigrants. Republicans have reduced taxes on the rich almost to the point the rich pay no taxes. The very rich don't pay taxes. Hoopleheads cannot digest what has happened. Running around in their tattooed bodies, they just cannot figure out why they are busted flat. Someone stole their cheese. Trump tells them it is the Democrats, the liberals, the socialist, the Mexicans. Hoopleheads love being confused and misled. Republicans are doing their best to destroy the public schools and make the Hoopleheads even dumber. In the old days slaves were not allowed to learn to read or write. Today the Hooples voluntarily make themselves stupid by watching Fox and listening to fantasy right wing radio. Science, math, and reality are forbidden subjects. The King of the Hoopleheads steals classified documents, and the Hooples think he took comic books. Education is a socialist conspiracy. Always remember what Pat said " Education just confuses people."  Ask a Hoople to chose A or B.  No problem. Throw in C and they get confused. Keep it simple. All our problems are caused by liberal elites that went to college and got confused. Trump doesn't confuse us. Trump tells us simple lies that are easy to understand. Frank that is why you like Wendy Rodgers. She lies to you in a simple way you can comprehend. Educated people tell complex lies you cannot understand. Stay away from educated people. They have clever ways to steal your money. Trump on the other hand just takes it telling you he is going to use it for a wall. He puts it in his pocket and you applaud. Stealing and lying should not be made complicated. Trump realized when you talk to stupid people, you have to keep it simple. It worked. 

Thursday, September 29, 2022

A nation of lumpers

 Kadizzle has a pie belly, and so do about over 60% of Americans. The number of overweight people in this country is staggering. Food is pushed everywhere. Eating has become the real drug that is killing us. As addictions go the food one is the hardest to shake. You have to eat. Last night Kadizzle had a hard time sleeping because of fire belly. Three Tums later the fire belly was still burning. 

So now the old codgers in Florida are getting blasted. The Republicans who have refused to address climate change are getting their comeuppance. Our greed and insanity is catching up with us. Every wealthy old Trump Cultist moves to Florida. Even the mentally ill Trump is there. Back in Arizona the state is constantly on fire from the climate problems. Oh no it is not happening. That is the dinger response. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Emil confronts the Tea Party.

 Emil Kashuntz was out there tonight holding up his sign " Tea Party Hypocrites". The Hoopleheads got to see the sign as they drove into the nest. Only those who agree with the right wing agenda are allowed in. That is the point of the sign. The Tea Party claims they are for free speech, but all that stops if your speech disagrees with theirs. 

No doubt the Tea Party rumor will be that it was Kadizzle with the sign. Now look closely Tea Party Hooples. Emil is about sixty pounds less than Kadizzle. It was not me. 

Some good news about the Arizona polling numbers. The dingers are not doing well. Blake Masters is behind. It seems reality is sinking in and the Republicans with any sense of morality or logic are awakening to the insanity of the right wing liars. However, always remember there were 71 million delusional Cult members that voted for Trump. If the decent people do not turn out God help us. 

A side note. Out protesting the other day with Kashuntz, Kadizzle noticed all the black truck drivers driving through were on our side. No black person in their right mind would support Trump, nor would any minority. Seeing the token blacks in the Republican party is amusing. If black people and minorities would realize they have the power to rid us of the Republican menace the country could return to normal. Is there a person so stupid they cannot see the Republicans court the racist. Look at the videos of the attack on the Capitol by Trump. It was the rebel flag flying that told the story. Then just watch a Hoople wagon go by, it will be flying a Trump flag and a confederate flag. 

Email me Russians

 Only a Hooplehead would fail to see how the Russians use the Republicans in this country. Today 12 Russians viewed this blog. A log of turmoil is going on in Russia. Putin and Trump are both causing problems in their own country. Russia is having a hard time keeping the lid on. Kadizzle has no clue if the Russians can communicate with the outside world, but it would be great fun to communicate with one of the Russians who read this blog. So OK Russian reader, email Kadizzle. Tell me what is going on in your country. The Kadizzle email is Tell me about the young men leaving the country. Tell me what you think of the war. 

Now if you happen to be one of Putin's agents manipulating the media in the United States it would be neat to hear from you also. I will tell you this,  your ploy is working. The Hoopleheads in this country are desperate for false information. Fox News could just as well be a Russian TV program run by Putin. The simple minded here in the United States are string puppets for Putin. Now, if you want the advice from Kadizzle play up the immigrant thing. The invading immigrants are invisible here in Payson, Arizona, but the Hooples act like one is behind every tree. Congratulations on Italy. It seems Italy has fallen to the Trump virus and the neo Nazis there are taking over. 

Wendy is on the run.

 Like every Republican in Arizona Wendy Rodgers has been stricken with mental illness. Her delusional rants have been published in the Payson Roundup. Why, why, do Republicans love the crazy? The more absurd, insane, lying and delusional the better chance you have of getting elected. 

Republicans do have a choice. There are people running for office that actually use facts, and have functional brains, but no, the Republicans prefer the insane. Of course the crazy are more entertaining. Republicans are like children they love being scared. The big scare are the immigrants at the border. Have a little chat with a right wing dinger and in no time it will be the immigrants at the border. 

The poor people at the border are not painted as honest mothers with a child in their arm, nope all the immigrants are robbers, rapist and people Venezuela let out of jail.

Republicans don't sell solutions, they sell fear. Who to fear this week? You can always fear the socialist, the democrats, or if you are desperate the good old communist. 

Someone pointed out in today's paper that all the cheating, lying, pleading the fifth amendment,and refusing to testify is on the Republicans side. Now the real irony is everything the Republicans accuse their enemies of they do by the bushel. 

Trump has become so crazy by supporting Q Anon that even some of the simple Hoopleheads begin to wonder. What is going on in the world? The Hoopleheads in Italy have just elected a Trump like nut case.  Republicans thrive on fear and hate. Why do Republicans like to imitate Hitler?  Trump has followed the Hitler play book to the letter. For Hitler it was the Jews, but for the Trump gang it is the imagrants. 

Strangely even when you talk to a Hooplehead they will admit we need more workers in this country. The service industry is desperate for people, and the Hoopleheads cannot go to their favorite eating place because no American teenager will work for slave wages, but the immigrants will. American businesses have always relied on slavery. China has been the most recent country supplying goods made by slave labor, but even the Chinese have prospered and run short on slaves. How about India? India is chugging along with substandard wages and working conditions, but we need slave in America. We need slaves to make the beds and clean the hotel rooms, mow the lawn, pluck the chickens, and flip the burgers. Companies are in pain because the slaves want to be paid more. Britain is having trouble harvesting crops because the mobile slaves will not come to their country.  

Republicans just cannot get the concept of how we rely on people from other countries. Take off your shirt Republican, and look at the label on your MAGA hat. Your very body is covered with Chineseim cloth. If the spicket from Mexico, China, and India were turned off Republicans would be living in the stone age. Imagine Phoenix, and Scottsdale without Mexican landscapers. The weeds would choke the Republicans. Try to build a house without Mexican workers pouring the concrete, putting up the drywall, and laying the shingles. How naive can the Hoopleheads be. Remember the old saying " Killing the goose that laid the golden egg"? That is today's Republican party. A bunch of old kodgers watching Fox News, and tuning into right wing radio. Enough rant for today, time for more coffee. 

Monday, September 26, 2022

Notes for Today's Kadizzled.

Kadizzle is up early and the mind is buzzing so there are a couple of post today. The baloney detector is one. Maybe Frank is reading today. Frank please try the baloney detector. If it works on you there is hope. The baloney detector is a little complex for Hoopleheads, but it does offer a good lesson in thinking. The detector would explode if you used it on Fox News. If you have dealt with a Hooplehead you can imagine how much fun it would be to use the baloney detector on them.  

How to detect baloney the Carl Sagan way | Michael Shermer | Big Think

The bottom is falling out

Have you ever had a cardboard box let loose on you? That is what is coming for the economy. At a certain point systems fail. The whole idea that we can have endless growth is insane. Only so many rats can live in a box, it is that simple. Sit by any busy highway and you can see the insanity of the automobile. What a crazy way to move people. Putting one or two people in a six thousand pound car, putting two rich people in a jet burning a thousand gallons of fuel to take them to the grocery store? Really? As a species we have gone insane. Once people thought we could never ruin the oceans, well guess what.  Once people thought you could move millions of people into the southwest. There is a limit to everything. Kadizzle is at the stage where he clearly realizes there is a limit to the number of years his crazy mind can buzz in circles. There is a limit. 

The gang stood on highway 87 with the protest signs. If you want to really scare yourself try that kind of activity. You will quickly find out how many Hoopleheads there are. Old grannies, simple minded truck drivers, people in fancy cars, and many others go by and give you the finger for suggesting we jail Donald Trump. No person with a functioning brain would support Donald Trump, but 71 million Americans voted to be stupid. Kadizzle is sure 27% of the population is more ignorant than a brick. Kadizzle talks to a lot of people, the bum walkers, the Trumpers, and many other people breathing air. The ignorance is astounding. Just the other day Kadizzle got into it with some teenagers. Their level of ignorance and disdain for education shook Kadizzle to the roots. Here in Payson Wendy Rodgers, a right wing nut case comes to town and the Hooples come out to soak up her insane conspiracy theories. What is out hope? Our hope is education. Well guess what? Republicans are on track to destroy education. Republicans have made teaching a miserable low paying job. Who plays the music for the Republicans, yup, religion. Maybe religion once was a source for some sort of morality, not any more. Today religion just bolsters the insane. God switched sides. Satan could have no better friend than Donald Trump and a bunch of preachers that let Trump go free. 

Almost every day Kadizzle sees the Jehovahs down by the park. Two people dazed by religion. Don't worry they say, just sit here until God bombs us. The Jehovahs have institutionalized stupidity. They don't vote, they just wait for the world to end. Imagine being in a sinking boat. You could bail out the water, but no you just sit there and say "God has a plan".  Wow, that is the United States 2022.  Now we wear brain dead on our skin with tattoos, on hour head with MAGA hats, and on radio and TV with Fox, and right wing radio. The plane is spiraling toward the ground and the man asks for more coffee. This is America. 

Sunday, September 25, 2022

The mind of a Hooplehead is special.

Yesterday as Kadizzle wandered around the fiddle festival he encountered Chris. The fellow seemed like a nice guy and we had a pleasant conversation. Kadizzle happened to be wearing a Gila County Democrats hat yesterday. Today Kadizzle wore a different hat. Sitting down to talk with Chris today he remarked Kadizzle had on a better hat. Bad news, Chris must be infected with the Trump virus. Chris said he was a college professor so it seemed hard to imagine him in the Trump Cult. Kadizzle said " Please don't tell me you voted for Trump".  Sure enough Chris made the same mistake twice. The game was on, and Christ got into the prisoners in Venezuela, and other countries that were being released to come to the United States. Sounded like he had taken the right wing radio cool aid. 

Kadizzle told Chris he wanted to hear the right wing spin on Trump stealing the classified documents. Asking Chris why Trump stole the material his response was " You don't know what is in those documents".  Of course Kadizzle does not know what is in the documents Trump stole, no one is supposed to know. That is why they are secret, and classified. This had to be one of the stupidest answers ever. Only a Hooplehead could come up with such a silly defense. Perhaps if a bank robber ran out of a bank with a sack Chris would say " You don't know what was in that sack". The robber went in with a gun to get lunch. 

Any time you back a Hoople into a corner with logic, the conversation is over. Chris asked Kadizzle to leave when he realized how silly his answer was. Kadizzle asked Chris why Trump took the material in the first place, of course no answer. 

Music Critic

Yesterday the fiddlers convention started down at the park. The highlight for Kadizzle was a little six year old girl. Maybe if time permits later Kadizzle can post her picture. Her talent was amazing, and she was so delighted to pose for a picture. There were other teens and young people with very good skills and a pleasure to listen to. 

That was the good news. In the evening we went down with Emil, Fred, and a couple other people. The first presenter had a couple good songs, but in general droned on and was terrible. Patiently we waited for some good fiddling. It never came. The group that was the main event was something like a bluegrass group. They did not quite make it. We got bored and left. 

Today they will hand out the awards, and there will no doubt be some good music. 

 Kashuntz got the undeniable urge to protest yesterday. Seeing the middle finger Republicans is always fun. The anger the dolts express is amazing, you think they will explode from seeing a " Jail Trump" sign.  A real favorite is the grump mean old lady that goes by an flips the finger.  We have an 81 year old Republican lady that hates Trump. She helped with the protest yesterday. She diligently hold her " Dump Trump" sign.  A deranged Trump derelict tried to hit her with his bike. If Kadizzle had been on the other side of 81 year old Straw Hat he could have fixed the dinger. Kadizzle would have jammed a stick in his spokes. Only a Trump Cultist would try to hit an old lady from behind with a bike. The good news is the tide seems to be turning. Far more people are giving signs of approval to jailing the rat the Trump Cult loves. 

When will the Trump Cult retaliate?  When will the Trump Cult get out and support the guy who steals classified information. You know the crotch grabber.  The crotch grabber is now quoting Q Annon in his messages. Can he get any lower. The crotch grabber they love is down to the bottom of the barrel with his supporters and he has to appeal to the lowest common denominator. 

Good old Emil got frustrated yesterday with the punks giving him the finger. Emil said it angers him when a kid who is not old enough to masturbate gives him the finger. Emil used some different language and Kadizzle had to laugh. Emil is normally straight laced and very polite. 

If you ever wonder how many mean spirited ignorant people there are stand on a corner with a Jail Trump sign. It is the perfect bait for the Cult members. Uncontrollably they will give you the finger or shout a nasty obscenity.  Your job is to smile and say " I love you man".

A fun part of the day was the old goat that comes out to take down the Trump flags in front of the Trump store where we protest. The goat out of the goodness of his heart gave Kadizzle the Italian finger. Old goats had to make a couple trips to put away the Trump Nazi stuff near the sidewalk. Kadizzle made it a point to be there on his next trip. Rather than shouting out the usual " Thank You" to the passers by.  Kadizzle shouted a lecture to the passing cars about the evils of the Cult King Trump.  Poor old goat had to hear some nasty things about his lord Donald Trump. 

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Saturday in Payson, Arizona

 Looks like it will be a perfect day. Down below our mountain home in the wonderful park will be a fiddler's convention. The usual farmers market will be going until noon. Kadizzle has come to realize from life in Hazen how boring life there was. Payson does a good job of entertaining. Payson is a pass through town for travelers and tries to get them to stop and empty their pockets. To some degree it works. The Casino is always busy cleaning pockets. There always seems to be something going on somewhere. Hazen on the other hand lived up to its reputation. You could shoot down mainstreet and not hit anyone. 

Even the politics here are more fun. What other town has the leftover remnants of the Tea Party to juice things up. Hazen didn't have gun slingers in the grocery store. To top it off Payson even has a cadre of homeless people. Does it get any better? Yes, there are plenty of people with loose bolts running around with crazy right wing ideas, and Trump fantasies. Dogs outnumber people in Payson and dog walking is wearing out the sidewalks, but there are people moving about. Back in Hazen the sidewalks only keep weeds from growing. 

Payson is the big city to the Kadizzle's. There are dozens of eating places, a Home Depot, Walmart, and two grocery stores. Phoenix is not that far away. 

One great benefit are all the new friends we have made. Lots of nice people here. Even the lunatics are nice. 

After another cup of coffee Kadizzle will make the first of many bike rides down to the park to see the set up for the fiddle convention. 

Yesterday every neighbor went to the golf course to fight a housing project they wish to put in our shangri la.  People are worried degenerates might move in. It is a real danger, it happened in Hazen. The degenerates moved into the house on the corner and filled the yard with junked cars. That was nine years ago, Bob still has to put up with the mess. 

How do you deal with urban blight. Payson has some areas where the slummers have gone wild making a mess with all the usual hoarding slummers do. Kadizzle would like the city to build the slummers nice housing and remove the rats nests. Some of the trailer parks in this town look like hobo camps. If Payson wants to become the destination town for Phoenix some work needs to be done. Like all of our great country Payson lacks affordable housing for the people who actually do the work. Since the rich don't like to pay a living wage, unless you are living under a bridge, the workforce is forced to live in substandard housing, which might even mean a tent. 

A couple of bums move their mobile bum nest about town. As mentioned before in this blog the bums with campers can get by moving from place to place. There is a bum wagon down on McClain that takes the cake. The bum wagon is an old Class A motor home hooked to a trailer. Guess what the trailer is loaded with?  This bum has a portable mess he takes with him. The trailer is stacked with junk.  Of course you also have the car bums that live in their cars. Kadizzle met one strange bicycle bum. That particular bike bum has a trailer on his bike. He told Kadizzle he was going to flagstaff. However, he hasn't made it out of town for the last two months. The guys who do the begging at the intersections and Safeway must work in shifts. Kadizzle saw bum A moving out and bum B took over. 

Kadizzle has been searching for the guy on the orange bike. Remember the Tea Party gang falsely accused Kadizzle of riding an orange bike through their Trump Dance on highway 87. Well Kadizzle has constantly searched for someone riding an orange bike. The other day while Kashuntz and Kadizzle were protesting, sure enough a guy went by on an orange bike. Kadizzle got his attention to find out if he was the culprit that yelled " Fuck You" at the Republicans. Turned out the guy did not speak English.  Maybe he said something in Spanish the Trump Cult thought was the obscenity. It doesn't take much in this town to twist something. The guy might have yelled in Spanish " Tacos for sale". The Cult is easily confused. There was another problem. The guy must have weighed fifty pounds less than Kadizzle and he really didn't resemble Kadizzle at all. Would have been very laughable if the police had arrested him. The eyewitnesses from the cult would surely have identified the poor guy as Kadizzle in the lineup. 

Friday, September 23, 2022

Tea Party fears Kadizzle

 As you can see in the picture the picture above of the Tea Party greeting committee all visitors are not welcome. (click on the picture to enlarge) Frank is one of the Tea Party enforcers and he takes his job of protecting the membership pretty seriously. Apparently the wild rumor mill has spread the news that Kadizzle is dangerous. According to the legend he might get into the meeting and shoot it up or assault someone. All this is based on the incident in 2017 when Kadizzle put $23 dollars down the shirt of North Dakota Senator Kevin Cramer. The $23 was a donation to help a woman at the meeting meet her medical bills for her baby born with birth defects. Now the local KGB has twisted the donation into a punch. It works well for the narrative, but just is not based on truth. Anyone can go on Youtube and see actual video of the donation. Clearly it was not a punch, but that does not make a good story does it Frank? There is no record anywhere that Kadizzle was ever violent with anyone, yet that is the party line of the rumor mill. Cramer, who opposed health care for the woman with the child would not accept the money in his hand, Kadizzle tried to put the money in the coat pocket of Cramer, Cramer refused. It was at that point Kadizzle stuffed the money down his shirt collar. During a radio program in North Dakota, Kadizzle apologized to Cramer for the donation incident. Cramer accepted the apology, and stated it was not an assault. Check out the facts Frank. However, the entire story has been fuel for the right wing rumor mill. Why tell the truth when a lie is so much more fun?

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Shirley has her hands full.

Last night after the crazy encounter with the dingers Kadizzle got a call from Shirley. Shirly heads up the local Tea Party. She is a voice of reason in a sea of wild emotions. The conversation with Shirley was very educational, and she has the sympathy of Kadizzle. Shirley has to balance various groups with vastly different views of the world. If she succeeds we will send her to the middle east to negotiate a peace between Israel and the Palestinians.  

Here is her dilemma. You cannot have free speech and censorship at the same time. Kadizzle got a brief history of the Tea Party in Payson. Shirley said at one time the group was inclusive, but the liberals told other liberals not to participate and the Tea Party became more exclusive. Shirley said originally the Tea Party had participation from liberals, liberaltarians, and Republicans. Some how just like the country the groups split. 

Both Shirley and Kadizzle agreed about the need for people to just talk calmly and share views. That is not politics today. 

Shirley was kind enough to hear Kadizzle out about the whole Kevin Cramer rumor circulating among his distractors. Shirley suggested a pow wow where maybe four people with different perspectives could work out a peace treaty. Seemed like a great idea. 

How are we going to depolarize the country? Calm talking would be a good start. 

For now that is the news from Lake Wobegon. 

What a day.

How many crazy people are there? Way more than you ever dreamed. You may be one, Kadizzle may be one. The morning started with the usual bike ride. In no time Kadizzle met the first crazy. Crazy number one set the tone for the day. Rumors, oh those wonderful half true fantasies people invent. Talking to Crazy number one Kadizzle was informed a man he knew to be alive was dead. The rumor was a man who had no money died and left a lot of money to his son. Kadizzle knows the son. Sure enough Kadizzle ran into the son shortly after he was told the silly rumor. Kadizzle went up to son and said " I am sorry to hear about your father". Son said " What are you talking about? Kadizzle explained Crazy had just told him his father died. Son said " He must have died in the last three minutes, I just saw him". Of course son and Kadizzle knew it was an insane rumor. 

Well some of the great rumor spreaders have the story going that Kadizzle is dangerous because he punched Senator Cramer. Of course this is not true and Kadizzle should have known the rumor cookers would come up with something of that sort. 

Emil Kashuntz just got a terrible urge to protest today. Everybody headed down to the highway and out came the signs. Emil wanted to try his new " Debunk Fox News" sign. It must have worked some of the insane Trump cultist really got riled up with nasty words and middle fingers. It was great to have four people working the signs. 

A very nice young lady showed up for a chat. It was so refreshing to speak with a young person with enthusiasm. Anonymous came, he said not to use his name. It was great having him. Maryment was protesting on the east side of the street and a stalker was giving her some grief. Anonymous is man of intimidating size and he ran the stalker away. 

Back to the nice young lady who wants to join the cause she was full of life, appreciation, and enthusiasm. Was really refreshing to talk to her. Met nice young woman number two at the Democratic pot luck. Again a refreshing young woman 23 fighting to save the country from the cult. When you feel beat down nothing brings you up like a good young soldier willing to fight the Hoopleheads. 

A blast of insanity invaded Kadizzle's deteriorating mind. At the soirée Kadizzle got the insane notion to give the simple dingers that drive their noise wagons a dose of their own medicine. Kadizzle took the boat horn and headed over to where the dingers congregate. Kadizzle said to the dinger who ruins the peace and quiet of the lake every night " So you like loud noises?".  Then Kadizzle blasted him with the boat horn. One thing lead to another and the circus started. The dinger reved up his noise wagon and created smoke and a commotion. An argument ensued. There happened to be two truck dingers, and the situation gradually calmed down. The one dinger seemed to have more marbles than the other one. A long discussion ensued about respect.  The sensible dinger and Kadizzle ultimately reached a compromise. Kadizzle explained to the hopeless dinger the concept of a significant emotional event. Somehow the conversation evolved into a political discussion. The more sensible one tried to use all the cheap Republican arguments he learned from someone. Kadizzle tried to explain to him about cause and effect. Both Kadizzle and the smarter dinger were having a good conversation and actually both seemed to enjoy it. The girlfriend of simple dinger wanted to get back to mindless teenage stuff and suggested the conversation stop. 

The amazing thing that came out of talking to the dingers was their disdain for education. The dingers felt strongly college was a waste of time. The dingers said they could make just as much money being welders. Kadizzle tried to explain that life was much more enjoyable when you were educated, but that concept was hard to get across. Amazing that the Republicans have turned education into a disease to be avoided.


Who stole the cheese?

Republicans have made an art of misdirecting people. Blaming the poor, the immigrants, and the minorities for all our problems works great for the Republicans. Once you understand one thing about the Republicans you will understand everything about them. The rich are driven wild by greed, and they hate taxes. That is all you need to know. Tax policy has directed a fortune to the rich. 400 families now have as much wealth as the rest of the country combined. What about the poor, are they the problem? The poor get damned good milage. The poor make up about 20% of the population, yet they only consume 2% of the cheese. Don't you wish you had a car like that? On the other hand the top 10% soaks up 40% of all the goodies. So really, who is the problem? Of course the Republicans would tell there would be no rain, cheeseburgers, or beer without their rich CEO's producing the goodies. Wait a minute, isn't it the $16 dollar an hour guy cooking the hamburgers? The Republicans have rigged the system so the working man pays more taxes than the trust baby. Wow, maybe you didn't notice because you were busy watching Fox News with immigrants running across the border. 

Come on over Tea Party

Bring some food Tea Party friends. The Democrats will have a pot luck tonight. You have thugs at the door to keep out ideas, but not the Democrats. You are welcome to come and hear some new ideas, you are free to come and say what you wish. That is how democracy works. The meeting is at five tonight at Democratic headquarters. If you feel embarrassed to be broadening you knowledge, wear a disguise. It would be great to have you. After you have a taste of real democracy that is seasoned with free speech you might like it. Free thought is not contagious. You can go home tune into Fox News and get right back to the way you were if you feel infected by liberal ideas.  

An experiment with video


Ebike on the road again

 After some frustration putting new tires on the ebike it is on the road again. Mrs. Kadizzle had the pleasure of making a fool of Kadizzle during the project. The ebike is a bit unusual. The front tire is bigger than the back tire. Kadizzle struggled to put the smaller back tire on the front until Mrs. Kadizzle suggested he might have the wrong tire. That is the price of getting old you get simple minded just like a Hooplehead. The New York Times has a good article today about mid life crisis. 

As Kadizzle read the New York Times today he kept wondering what do the Hoopleheads read? The Hoopleheads must be very careful to keep themselves in the dark about the world around them. Yesterday the bombshell news was another round of charges against Trump. Fake news, fake news. Of course according to the Hooples and Trump it is just another witch hunt. The witches do a lot of hunting and they sure like Trump meat. Never has there been such a crooked, con man like Trump. The more he lies, the more they like him.  Trump being a crook is one thing, but his kids are grifters too. Look at the number of Trump's own people who turned on him. When Trump told his cult to turn on Mike Pence you would have thought the Hoopleheads would have figured it out. Nope, Trump is bulletproof when it comes to lying. The witch hunt thing works every time. Imagine if you were in Trouble and just said witch hunt. Try it the next time you get pulled over for speeding.  Just tell the officer it is a witch hunt. 

Now this is the strange part. The local Hoopleheads sent the police to my house on a witch hunt. How can you tell it was a real witch hunt? You know the story. Kadizzle was in Cottonwood sixty miles away when the Republican Hoopleheads called the police and said he was yelling F.. You at their display of Trump support in front of their nest in Payson. Now that is a witch hunt. 

Apparently the FBI has been taken over by witches. Who would have guessed how many federal prosecutors are witches. The Hoopleheads can smell a witch right at the front door of their Tea Party meeting. No witches are getting in. Well most of the time. If a witch does get in they will be thrown out. 

Got off the subject. What do the Hoopleheads read? There is an art to staying stupid.   You have to avoid a lot of things that might make you smarter.  A good Hooplehead knows not to watch ABC, NBC, or CNN.  There is something about The C,s that is dangerous. Fox News is fine. Of course a Hooplehead cannot watch PBS, Frontline, or any show that deals with facts. Trump had to create his own media outlet to supply the Hopples with lies. Every evening the Kadizzles watch real news. Some nights it is NBC, and then PBS Newshour, and then other nights we watch ABC, or NBC.  A Hooplehead would realize we watch nothing but fake news. Kadizzle always like the scene in the Wizard of Oz where they poured water on the witch. Remember the witch melted. As a kid that was neat. Well if you poured the truth on a Tea Party Hooplehead they would melt.  If a Hooplehead read a quality newspaper for a week they might be cured, but they know better. 

Often Kadizzle engages a Hoople in conversation. It doesn't take long to hear the right wing talking points. You can tell they are all listening to the same music. It used to be the Hooples could be spotted with the Rush Limbaugh on the radio. If you go to the doctor or dentist and Fox News is on the TV you know it is to appease the Hooples. A good American will go to the receptionist and demand they put real news on. 

Kadizzle is an old pheasant hunter.  A key to hunting pheasants is knowing where they are.  What about the simple minded, where will you find them. Kadizzle would bet if you wanted to find a bunch of simple minded you could always go to the casino. It is amazing, the simple minded are there day and night pouring social security checks into the slot vacuums. What a pleasure to have your pockets slowly cleaned. If the Indians had surrounded the wagon trains with slot machines it would have been easy to rob the settlers. 

The classic robbery of the simple is Mr. Pillow. The ex crack addict sells the Hoopleheads pillows, and helps Trump lie to the 71 million idiots in the country. Of course who could be a better partner in lying for Trump than Mike Lindel, Mr. Pillow.  It even gets better. When the people with the Trump mentality listen to right wing radio what do they sell them.  Right wing radio specializes in vitamin scams, erection pills, gold scams, and identity theft. Does it get any better? You lure in idiots with right wing Trump lies, and then you bilk them with scams. Now, do you believe the United States is 28 in education, and China is number one?

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

A Special Note to my Tea Party Friends

The Russian leader Putin is a very clever man. Keep in mind Tea party he was a KGB agent. Putin realizes he can subdue the United States without firing a weapon. Putin has a very sophisticated group of people working in St. Petersburg, in Russia. An entire building there is devoted to using social media to disrupt American politics. It works and it is simple and effective. The Russians working in St. Petersburg study American media. This blog is being followed by 16 Russians. They check blogs like this to see how effective their techniques are working. The members of the Tea Party, Donald Trump, and the Republicans are being used as pawns by Putin. Republicans with their lying and support for Trump are causing mayhem and social division in the United States. Currently the United States is ranked 28th in the world for education. Guess who is first? China. Republicans are being used as dupes to destroy our school system. All this nonsense about Critical Race Theory, Social Emotional Learning, Sex education and so on plays right into the Russian plan of dumbing us down. The charter schools are nothing but propaganda machines for religion, and various political groups. The Russians could not be happier that we are destroying our schools and replacing them with the cult like charter schools. 

Kadizzle has first hand experience with the Russian propaganda machine. While living in North Dakota Kadizzle went back and forth with a woman who claimed to live in Dickenson, North Dakota. He or she was actually an agent in St. Petersburg on facebook. With the help of some sophisticated computer friends Kadizzle was able to determine her posts were not coming from the United States. They were being funneled from Russia through other countries. The woman refused to identify herself or provide any means to prove she was a real person. Under the fake persona the Russian agent promoted many of the ideas the Tea Party subscribes to, like Biden is a pedophile, and Hillary runs a sex ring. My message to you is to do your own research. Look at how the Russians have manipulated our elections. Look at the connections between Trump and Russia. Keep in mind the statements Trump has made praising Russia. To put it as simply as it can be put, YOU are being used, manipulated, and helping Russia destroy our democracy. Suppressing free communication by promoting the " Fake News" agenda is a perfect example of the type of success the Russians have had with ill informed people. As we slip into a dictatorship you will have no one to blame but yourself. 

The rules are confusing

With great anticipation Kadizzle dressed in his best T Shirt to go to his second Tea Party meeting. He was greeted at the door by the usual enforcers who informed him he could not attend. Apparently the Tea Party took great offense at some of the things written on this blogg.

The enforcers tried to prevent Kadizzle from talking with Shirley. They know she is more level headed than they are. Remember Shirley is the kindly lady who tries to control the uncontrollable. Kadizzle managed to get Shirley's attention and she explained the Tea Party voted to keep Kadizzle out of the meeting at the board meeting. Strangely the same board meeting voted to allow Pete back in. Pete got thrown out the last time for reporting unseemly remarks about Wendy Rodgers. Truth, that does not fit the Tea Party truth got printed in two Payson Roundup newspapers. 

No one ever explained to Kadizzle that there were two sets of rules. One set of Rules applies to the Tea Party, and the other set of rules applies to the general public. Apparently this is how it works. The Tea Party is free to lie, distort, deceive, and promote any bizzare nonsense they wish.  The Tea Party can say Trump won the election, which is a lie, and of course untrue. The Tea Party can accuse anyone of being a socialist, communist or pedophile. The Tea Party can claim Biden is a pedophile, Hillary runs a sex ring or you name it. No insane statement is too crazy to be repeated at the Tea Party meeting. Wendy Rodgers showed us that. 

On the other hand if the Tea Party censors feel you have demeaned them, then out you go. You can read the same Bible the Tea Party uses and come to an entirely different conclusion than they do. In their Bible is the phrase " Know the truth, and the Truth shall set you free".  That phrase is in every Bible, but their truth is way different from ordinary truth. Trump won, that is the Tea Party Truth. 

Kadizzle now realizes the Tea Party not only has their own version of the Bible, but they Tea Party has their own dictionary.  The Tea Party took great offense because Kadizzle referred to them as a cult. Look up the definition of cult. A normal person would clearly see the Tea Party meets all the requirements of a cult.

  • The group is focused on a living leader to whom members seem to display excessively zealous, unquestioning commitment. The living leader is Donald Trump
  • The group is preoccupied with bringing in new members.
  • The group is preoccupied with making money.
  • Questioning, doubt, and dissent are discouraged or even punished. Well just look at what happened to Kadizzle and Pete for publishing the Truth.
  • Mind-numbing techniques (such as meditation, chanting, speaking in tongues, denunciation sessions, debilitating work routines) are used to suppress doubts about the group and its leader(s).
  • The leadership dictates sometimes in great detail how members should think, act, and feel. 
  • The group is elitist, claiming a special, exalted status for itself, its leader(s), and members (for example: the leader is considered the Messiah or an avatar; the group and/or the leader has a special mission to save humanity). Donald Trump is the Messiah.
  • The group has a polarized us- versus-them mentality, which causes conflict with the wider society. You are seeing this in action in every television ad the Republicans run. 
  • The group's leader is not accountable to any authorities (as are, for example, military commanders and ministers, priests, monks, and rabbis of mainstream denominations). Wow this fits Trump perfectly as he ignores the law, the FBI, and judges. 
  • The group teaches or implies that its supposedly exalted ends justify means that members would have considered unethical before joining the group. (for example: collecting money for bogus causes. Something Trump, Wendy Rodgers, and Steve Bannon all have done).
  • The leadership induces guilt feelings in members in order to control them.
  • Members' subservience to the group causes them to cut ties with family and friends, and to give up personal goals and activities that were of interest before joining the group.
  • Members are expected to devote inordinate amounts of time to the group.
  • Members are encouraged or required to live and/or socialize only with other group members. If you are not a group member you are not going to socialize at the Tea Party meeting. 

Free and unfettered communication is the bases of our democracy. The Tea Party claims to promote democracy, but their version of free speech is special. Their meetings are closed to anyone who does not agree with them. Speakers are selected on the basis of the speaker's willingness to adhere to the Tea Party doctrine. No one is going to be asked to speak at a Tea Party meeting that exposes the lies of Donald Trump. No one is going to be asked to speak who explains how Trump robbed college students of 25 million dollars. You get it, you follow the party line or out you go. 

You cannot have it both ways. The Tea Party cannot promote freedom without practicing it themselves. The Tea Party cannot advocate free speech then suppress it when they disagree. Try as they may they cannot make up, down, left, right, and day, night. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

A Note

A couple of post today. Who's gonna build your wall is posted below. Kadizzle was listening to music this morning when this song came up. Never heard it before. The words are terrific. Listen carefully, then go to the main post. A movie was made " When the Mexicans disappeared". It was about the chaos created in California when the science fiction film did a spoof on all the Mexicans disappearing . Arizona would just be nuked if all the Mexicans disappeared. The Hooples cannot put it together that the Arizona economy is based on cheap Mexican labor. Kadizzle can walk out the front door where three homes are being built. If everyone of Mexican descent left the game would be over. Remember the old racist George Wallace? He got a wake up call. Guess who pushed his wheelchair after he was shot and paralyzed. Yup, it was a black man. George changed his views. What happen when the pusher got sick? George got educated. 

This was going to be a short note, but it keeps kicking up memories. Way back Kadizzle worked in the coal fields of southern West Virginia. There was a unique relation between black and white people there. They got along. Why? Well when a rock falls on you underground and the only person who can take it off you is a black man, you want him to be your friend. The dumbest Hooplehead figured that out. 

 I've got 800 miles of open border

Right outside my door
There's minute men in little pick up trucks
Who've declared their own damn war
Now the government wants to build
A barrier like old Berlin 8 feet tall
But if uncle Sam sends the illegals home
Who's gonna build the wall?
Who's gonna build your wall boys?
Who's gonna mow your lawn?
Who's gonna cook your Mexican food
When your Mexican maid is gone?
Who's gonna wax the floors tonight
Down at the local mall?
Who's gonna wash your baby's face?
Who's gonna build your wall?
Now I ain't got no politics
So don't lay that rap on me
Left wing, right wing, up wing, down wing
I see strip malls from sea to shining sea
It's the fat cat white developer
Who's created this whole damn squall
It's a pyramid scheme of dirty jobs
And who's gonna build your wall?
Who's gonna build your wall boys?
Who's gonna mow your lawn?
Who's gonna cook your Mexican food
When your Mexican maid is gone?
Who's gonna wax the floors tonight
Down at the local mall?
Who's gonna wash your baby's face?
Who's gonna build your wall?
We've got fundamentalist Moslem's
We've got fundamentalist Jews
We've got fundamentalist Christians
They'll blow the whole thing up for you
But as I travel around this big old world
There's one thing that I most fear
It's a white man in a golf shirt
With a cell phone in his ear
Who's gonna build your wall boys?
Who's gonna mow your lawn?
Who's gonna cook your Mexican food
When your Mexican maid is gone?
Who's gonna wax the floors tonight
Down at the local mall?
Who's gonna wash your baby's face?
Who's gonna build your wall?

Tom Russell-Who's Gonna Build Your Wall

Wendy gets another blast from the Payson Roundup

 Wendy Rodgers and her gang of dolts took another blast from the Payson Roundup. Wendy has a bizarre scheme she promoted at the Tea Party meeting. In opposition to voter fraud she wants to commit voter fraud and told the local dingers how to do it. Her scheme will not work as the newspaper points out. Wendy is clearly mentally ill, but that is what the Trumpers love. Nothing beats a good psychopath like Trump or a deranged state senator like Wendy. 

Kadizzle may go to the Tea Party meeting tonight just for the fun. Of course they will have to cook up some spinners to deal with the newspaper. One thing that may be an issue is who recorded Wendy ranting her voting scheme at the last meeting. Kadizzle has a suspect in mind. Will they let him in? The poor dingers are so simple minded they are easy to mislead. Trump has shown that over and over. If you were selling any scam you would want a list of who goes to the Tea Party meetings. 

Reading the New York Times one sees the spread of ignorance is a world wide problem. Now Sweden is cultivating dingers. 

Saw an excellent bumper sticker yesterday. IF YOU THINK EDUCATION IS EXPENSIVE, TRY IGNORANCE. We are paying a dear price for ignorance. The Hoopleheads are destroying the planet, freedom, and quality of life. Hoopleheads want their own schools to prodcuce more stupid people and of course the Republicans want to give vouchers to go to stupid school. If that is not bad enough the number two gang promoting stupidity is religion. The religious want to turn fantasy into science. 

Monday, September 19, 2022

At the soiree

Last night at the soiree by the lake the bad news was announced that three of the towns pet elk have died. Two were hit by cars. No one knew if any of the elk were Ben or Jerry the huge beast that roam the town. A couple weeks ago one of the huge elk licked Emil on the face. 

Payson like every town is plagued by simple dingers that drive like idiots.  Any dinger that hit an elk would get their comeuppance. An elk would just about destroy a car. 

Kadizzle missed the Sunday protest. Purple shoes has joined us, so now we have a total of about five. Emil reported the usual nasty people. The consensus is the tide is turning. On the other hand if they don't jail Trump and he is around for the election may god help us. That mini Trump jerk in Florida is making a good try to be as much of a bunghole as Trump.  The country is in deep trouble. 

At the soiree someone mentioned an older famous basketball player has moved in close to us. Kadizzle ignores sports so the name did not ring a bell. Sports fans are fine, but they have a tendency to get in a daze and ignore the world falling apart. 

Kadizzle has managed to make the ebike functional until the new tires come. He has to remind himself the tire can blow off. That means speed must be kept to a minimum. 

Since the Kadizzles have adopted a southern life the seasons are very confusing. It always seems like summer. However, up here in the mountains there is a hint of fall. The morning was cool and the days are getting shorter. We will be living a strange life where we can drop down three thousand feet and be warmer just by driving twenty miles. 

Dog insanity has a grip on Payson, perhaps everywhere. People walk their dogs around the lakes at the bottom of the hill constantly. Kadizzle does not mind a doggly dog, but those little rat dogs drive him nuts, and they are plentiful here. A couple old ladies come by in the evening with a dog adorned with flashing lights. It looks like a circus coming. As we sit at the soiree the dog people come by and each dog wants attention. 

Sunday, September 18, 2022

A Quick comment

 Kadizzle posted two things today. The Odd Number Rule is a video he ran across. If you like to think be patient and watch the entire thing. On the other hand if you are a Republican just go to the second post. 

The Odd Number Rule

Sunday Protest

Emil insisted we get up early Sunday to catch the Hoopleheads on the highway during the weekend with protest signs. Emil has a new sign that reads " Support the FBI".  Hard for the Hooples to go against that, but of course the FBI is now a socialist organization out to get Trump. On my side of the street the good people seemed to be in the majority, often giving the thumbs up and nodding in approval. Emil seemed to get more middle fingers. 

There is an evil pleasure in pissing off a Republican, no denying it. The barber came out to put his little advertising sign out on the sidewalk. He is a nice guy and we had a good conversation. He is a democrat, but says the other barbers in his shop are Hoopleheads. A couple old right wing ladies saw the barber talking to me the day before. As he walked back to his shop they confronted him and asked " What were you talking to that man for and what was that sign you took out there?". The barber explained his sign was not political it was just a sandwich board with an add for his shop. The women lectured him that people should research what they say before they make public statements about Trump. The barber sarcastically agreed saying " I agree with you 100%"

A nasty mean ragweed woman inhabits the Trump Propaganda store. The ragweed is distressed that we are on the sidewalk in front of her store. She has chastised Emil for parking where he does. Actually a perfectly legal place to park, but the Republicans think they own classified documents and the streets. Ragweed was taking pictures and video of our little protest. Then she was on the phone for awhile. The Republicans have made numerous false police reports about the protesting. Undoubtedly Ragweed was trying to stir up some trouble. 

It seems the police pay lip service to the lies of the Republicans the police have been very nice to Emil and Kadizzle. One officer who handled the fake report about the orange bike just stopped by to say hello and chew the fat. Kadizzle would like to think the police realize the bolts of the Republicans are loose. 

Well that's the news from Lake Wobegon. 

Saturday, September 17, 2022

A little inspiration

 Kadizzle got up early this morning. About 4:25 A.M. The brain is buzzing, so there is a lengthily post two back. For devotionals Kadizzle has been going through his song list. Below is Willy Nelson's " The Wall", listen to the words for inspiration, then read the daily post below it. Songs are amazing and the writers are amazing how they can sum up something with words and music. We all hit the wall once in awhile, think about it. 

Willie Nelson - The Wall (Official Audio)

Down on the protest line

 Emil wants to start the protest at 8 A.M. today. Kadizzle thinks the tide is turning. Yesterday there were not so many grumps, and middle fingers. Encouraging to see young people giving support. Three new volunteers have showed up. Usually when someone parks nearby and gets out of the car they are a Republican grump, but lately it has been people who  want to support the cause of jailing Trump. Emil added a sign that says " Support the FBI".   Of course the FBI is a well known liberal plot. 

Now for a short story on an old friend who was an FBI agent. He once told me during the sixties with good old J. Edgar Hoover he was sent out in Washington D.C. to disrupt Vietnam War protestors. He would let his hair grow long and dress to be among the leftist crowds. Then he would give out false information about where the protest was to be. Now imagine how much the FBI must have changed if they are now on the side of the righteous. 

Old Kadizzle decided to try his new Italian expensive ebike out up in the mountains. The bike was performing well and delightful, then it happened. Kadizzle stopped to chat with an older woman that was hiking. It was in a sunny place. The sun warmed the front tire of the bike and there was an explosion. The entire tire blew off the rim, just as it had in the garage several days earlier. Kadizzle thought the garage incident was some freak happening, but it was not. The bike came with tubes in the tires. Kadizzle wanted tubeless tires, so he took the bike to a shop and they set it up that way. Apparently Kadizzle and the bike shop people were unaware you cannot make certian tires tubeless. That was the cause of the tire blowing off the rim. Now, if that tire had exploded while Kadizzle was riding that bike on a rocky trail with steep drop off things would be different today. Kadizzle would be dead or seriously hurt. You would be getting this message from a hospital bed. Although Kadizzle had on a helmet, surely bones would have been broken. Republican Jesus must have been watching over democratic Kadizzle. 

Nice talking with Honest Omar yesterday. Omar is the Ashiest Pope. Omar often sends Kadizzle the copies of the FFR newspaper. What is the FFR.  Some people have had enough of the silliness and formed and organization called Freedom From Religion. Kadizzle shared the FFR paper with a friend because it had an excellent article about how religion is child abuse. Martini liked the article so much he subscribed to the magazine. Keep in mind the religious people are destroying the public schools with the help of the Republicans. What a team the religious and the Republicans.  So strange to find out Jesus supports Trump and his theft of classified documents.  Of course according to the Jehovah's under the tree at the park good Christians are supposed to stay out of politics. Nope, they helped elect the worst president in history. 

The Jehovah's don't vote. Kadizzle has been lecturing them that they need to support freedom and vote Satan's gang out. If Trump gets elected he will pick one religion he likes and the turn on the rest. That is something Trump learned from Hitler. Wake up Jehovah gang. The Jehovah's tell Kadizzle, Putin has turned on them in Russia, but those silly dingers cannot see the lesson. So they just sit under the tree waiting for God to mow the lawn, and cook breakfast.

Kadizzle heard a new buzz word at the Tea Party meeting. The conservatives are determined to turn the school system into a propaganda machine. The new buzz is Social Emotional Learning. Apparently teaching children to be nice to each other and themselves is prohibited. How can you promote the hate Republicans thrive on if we teach children to be nice to black people, gay people, and anyone who is not white and rich? We all know now teaching truthful history is not good. So the next big step is to make sure students know being nice to each other is dangerous. Republicans have turned normalcy upside down. Now Jesus carries a gun, and would not hesitate to fire it at a socialist. Well if it gets you votes and protects the rich from taxes can it be all bad?

Report from the casino. Fifty years later that statistics class is paying off. Kadizzle has won ten times in a row on the slot machines. Don't get Kadizzle wrong he is against casino gambling. It is primarily a way to bilk seniors out of their life savings. However, Kadizzle figured out a system that works. That cannot be. The local Indians seeking revenge on the white man have a casino as all good Native Americans do. Almost all day the Indians clean the pockets of the old white goats for free. To intice the Hoopleheads the warriors give the rubes $20 of free gambling on Tuesdays.  You know the routine give a free sample of cocaine to get them started. Back to the system. The casino will give you twenty dollars worth of slot machine pulls if you first put $20 of your own money in the machine. Put in your twenty and you get 80 twenty five cent pulls. According to the statistics that should enable the casino to steal ten percent of your money. The slot machine will tell you when you have spent enought to earn your free 20.  Now if you happen to get your free 20 before all of your 20 is gone cash out. For example let's say you still have 18 dollars left when you hit the magic number where the casino will kick in their 20.  Put your 18 dollars in your pocket. The slot machines are programmed to pay back 90%.  So now you are playing on the casino's $20.  Every time you win with the casino money cash out. You may win $1.25 or fifty cents, but you must cash out each time.  You might hit for ten dollars or even more. Cash out is the key. The most important part of the entire scheme is the walk away. When the casino money is gone you must get up and walk away. Lets analyze the statistics. You gambled a total of $40 dollars. The slot machine is programmed to give you $36 dollars back. So if the slot machine is in good order you have $36 dollars in  your pocket when you leave, $20 was yours to begin with, but $16 was from the warriors. Come back next Tuesday and get another $16.  Now if you and your wife each get $16 that buys you dinner. Of course you need to remember this will be an average over time. The least Kadizzle has walked away with over the 10 tries is $8. The most is $48.  The trick is over time the average will tend toward $16. Please don't tell anyone or the casino will put a stop to this. Kadizzle has figured out a twist to this which pays a higher wage to the gambler. Cannot disclose it here of the warriors will burn the wagon train. Caution, you must not stay for one minute and put another cent into the pit of destruction. Practice getting up and leaving. The casino is relying on your human nature to put the profit back in the machine. It is the old have another drink routine. Kadizzle checked this method with a PHD mathematician. He verified it.  

Friday, September 16, 2022

Don't argue with someone who buys ink by the barrel.

 Once during a coal mine strike Rich Fokler said " don't argue with someone who buys ink by the barrel".  Mental illness is rampant in the Republican Party in Arizona. Wendy Rodgers escaped from some mental compound and is running for State Senate in Arizona. She insisted the local newspaper reporter be thrown out of her meeting at the Tea Party nest the other day. The Payson Roundup let loose with that barrel of ink and listed about a half page of her sins. She is a racist, a gun nut, and everything Trump would want a woman to be. Even the Republicans think her bolts are loose. At the Tea Party she ranted that the company that owns the Payson Roundup had disssed her once before. Well the range war is now on. The Payson Roundup will not be able to even empty the garbage for Wendy now. 

Republicans have a unique way of dealing with dissent. The good old Fake News is a favorite. If someone has some truth you don't like label it fake news. Kadizzle is too fat, fake news, gravity is a liberal conspiracy. 

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Calm Down

Just read Tony Bender in the Fargo Forum. He is one of the best writers breathing and has a wonderful sense of humor. He blasted the simple minded Republicans and their Critical Race Theory nonsense. The CRT jazz is also blooming in Arizona. 

The Kadizzles need to go to Scottsdale today to try to sell a bike. Scottsdale is a sanctuary for the terminally rich. Private jets take people to the grocery store there. 

Back here in Payson there is scattered prosperity, and scattered poverty. Amongst the rich you always need the poor to sweep, clean the toilet and do the work. Kadizzle has been trying to convince the city fathers to destroy the bumshunkle areas and replace them with decent housing. 

Way back in college Kadizzle had an economic professor. His answer to everything was "  four lane it".   Kadizzle always thought he was joking, but as life went on he realized that is exactly how the government deals with the poor. Back in the hometown of Wheeling, West Virginia all the poor areas were wiped out by the interstate highways. Who knows where the poor people went. 

Well here in Payson Kasdizzle suggest you bulldoze the rat nest homes and build the people new ones. Who is going to pay for this? Well Kadizzle doesn't mind being taxed a little, and there are other ways to do it. Payson needs to have a road that will serve as an escape route during fires. So a road needs to be built. Build the road where the slummers live.  A road there would be cheaper than building a virgin road through the forest. With the savings you build the less fortunate homes. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Lost in the Wilderness

Kadizzle attended his first cult meeting last night. Wow, the head is still spinning. Nothing spins the head like sitting in a room full of the lost for two hours. Cults have enforcers. The Tea Party has a group of self ordained thugs that keep order. Order in their book is making sure no one shows up who disagrees with the party line. 

 The meeting took place in a church. The Ponderosa Bible Church. Whenever you go to a church that has the name Bible in it watch out. The first sign that you are in a cult like church is two large flat screen TVs on the stage with a drum set, and a white piano. A good Bible Church is going to have a good sound system. Jesus also likes a good drummer. 

The meeting starts to get going. We say the pledge and fire out a prayer. The two large TVs have a huge America flag waving. It looks like the action will finally start. Then someone taps Kadizzle on the shoulder and says a man wants to talk to him in the lobby. Kadizzle goes to the lobby where about five thugs intend to throw him out of the meeting. A strange development indeed.  Kadizzle is told he might be disruptive so he should leave. Kadizzle starts into an explanation of how the Tea Party gang has spread lies and rumors about Kadizzle. Before Kadizzle can finish his story about the false police reports the cult has made Jeff comes to his rescue.  Shirley the Queen Bee of the cult had invited Kadizzle. Jeff attends all the cult meetings and Jeff does not drink the cool aid. Jeff is not one of them. When Jeff appears he explains to the thugs that Kadizzle is being welcomed and introduced by Shirley, so Kadizzle needs to get back to the meetin room. As Kadizzle walks back in Shirley welcomes him and he thanks Shirley. The thugs must be confused. The rattlesnake Enga was the motivator of the thugs. Enga must be Queen of the thugs. 

Now there is some sort of hubbub. Apparently the guest mental case is not happy about something. Wendy Rodgers the insane right wing candidate for state senate is upset about something. Kadizzle is getting the impression she wants Kadizzle thrown out of the meeting. She must have been aware of his sins earlier in the day. Nope, Wendy is insisting the editor of the Payson Roundup be thrown out of the meeting. Now this takes the cake. The editor runs a good newspaper and portrays the insane as insane. Wendy aint havin it.  Out the editor goes, and then Wendy makes a grand entrance. Next she launches into an attack on the editor explaining this is how you deal with people who tell the truth. Well it was a Trump type fake news speech. The next Payson Roundup should be dynamite. 

After Wendy destroys the concept of democracy and free speech she drones on about the other mentally ill running for office in Arizona. She brags about her role in promoting right wing insanity. Never does she mention anything she promotes other than right wing fear. The Hoopleheads love it. The whole thing is like a mini Trump rally. Finally she is gone, thank ya Jesus. Then the guy running for state superintendent of schools does his routine about banning books, critical race theory, and making sure liberal ideas are kept out of the schools. At one point he declares his opponent tagged Abraham Lincoln as a racist. One good thing about the meeting is reality and Truth don't get in the way. 

Kadizzle promised Shirley he would behave. To make sure Kadizzle was under control Jeff came over and sat beside him to remind him he must not disturb the cult meeting.  Jeff is a great guy. Jeff does his best to inject reality into the cult. Jeff is actually a good democrat that somehow has befriended the cult. He is like the dog we used to see that followed the coyotes around. 

The nonsense was just about unbearable, and Kadizzle was tempted to leave early.  DJ had left earlier out of disgust or boredom. Kadizzle sat beside DJ.  DJ had never been to a cult meeting before and he was there to get some photos of Wendy Rodgers for the paper. Kadizzle was surprised they let him in and did not harass him. 

Forgot one special crazy part of the show. The guy running for school superintendent had great big posters showing how his opponent helped pedophiles communicate with school students. Supposedly his opponent has set it up so perverts can communicate with students, get their information and sell it on the " Dark Web".  This little burst of insanity took the cake. 

Praise Jesus the meeting finally ended.  Kadizzle had a nice little chit chat with one of the enforcers then went over to thank Shirley for the invite.  Kadizzle asked Shirley if he would get a pin for being good during the whole meeting. Shirley shook Kadizzle to the foundation. She opened her arms and gave Kadizzle a big hug. Shirley seems like a good woman at heart caught up in a storm of insane people. Hopefully the fog will lift for her.  On the other hand her buddy the rattlesnake is does not have much humanity in her. 

Well there is good news, and bad. Everyone should attend a board meeting at an insane asylum to get a feeling for the Tea Party.  Jeff remarked at one point as Wendy dronged on " She is mentally ill". Most of us can recognize mental illness. It is the detachment from reality that gives it away. People in the Trump cult see mental illness as a special blessing. The good news is the small number of hard core cult members at the prayer meeting. The bad news is the 71 million cult members soaking up the right wing conspiracy lies, and propaganda. 

The cultist love the idea of being scared by paranoia, and fear. The Wendys of the world know exactly how to stoke this weakness.  Seeing it all in action is disturbing. It is just too easy to lie to these people.  The experience is so much like going to the casino, or the carnival and seeing the rubs get robbed. Our only hope out of this mess is education and Republicans are doing a great job of destroying the school system. Stupidity has spread and done way more damage than Covid. Sadly you cannot vaccinate against stupidity. If you don't think it is highly contagious go to a Tea Party meeting. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Let the Bullgine roll.

If you don't know what a bullgine is look it up. We let the bullgine roll at Tiny's restaurant. Emil Kashunzt was at the entrance with a sign reading " Dump right wing Wendy Rodgers".  The Trump cult was meeting there to hear Wendy give some of her conspiracy theories a spin. Got to meet and talk with Shirly. Shirly was cordial and nice. Shirly tried to get Kadizzle into the invitation only meeting, but a rattlesnake woman was also at the door. Enga was as mean as they come. Enga wanted to be confrontational, while Shirly seemed to want to cooperate. Anyway Kadizzle did not get to meet the candidate at  the " meet and greet".  It turns out you meet and greet only if you sweat to uphold the party line. 

Now by some twist of fate the Democrats were meeting at Tiny's at about the same time. What a mix. Kadizzle stood at the door and handed out the questions to the cult members. Kadizzle will admit he used a ploy. Kadizzle said to the dingers these are the questions Wendy Rodgers wants you to ask. Emil had the pleasure of Wendy staring at his sign when she drove in. 

For the big news, Shirly said Kadizzle could attend the Tea Party meeting if he behaved. So it will be a lot of fun to go to the Tea Party meeting at 6:30. A paper photographer took a picture of Emil with his sign so hopefully it will be in the Payson Roundup. 

Now there was one wonderful Trumper that must be mentioned. The fellow made it a point to give Emil the finger when he went in. Kadizzle encountered him a couple of times. Each time he said in a gruff voice " I am not afraid of you".  Not sure why he should be. 

Almost forgot the icing on the cake. Kadizzle had Shirly call Gary Morris out of the meeting. Gary is the head of the Republican in the county. He is one of those little guys puffed up with a cowboy belt and a big cowboy hat. Kadizzle confronted him about his false police reports. He danced around denying responsibility and saying " I have to protect my people". When confronted with his lying he said the conversation had to end.  Kind of like all Republican games. 

May you live in interesting times.

 Today will be interesting. Have to be careful, Shirly might be reading this. Shirly is one of the local Tea Party insane right wing nut cases. Shirly is the queen bee of the Trump hive in Payson.  Shirly checks on this blog to see what Kadizzle is up to. The Trump cult is going to have Wendy Rodgers at their Tea Party meeting tonight. Wendy Rodgers is running for the Arizona state senate. She was elected once and knows how to tell the Trumpers exactly what they want to hear. Keep in mind this is Arizona where crazy will get you elected and a lot of crazy thrill the Trump Cult. 

Here are twelve questions Kadizzle would like Shirly to ask Wendy at the meeting tonight. 

Please ask Wendy Rodgers these questions

  1. Although no court has yet presented any evidence of fraud, why do you think Donald Trump won the election?

  2. Four hundred families now have as much wealth as the rest of the country combined. Do you support the tax breaks for the rich that made this possible?

  3. As children are gunned down in school do you have the courage to stand up to the NRA and insist on some real gun legislation that will protect our children?

  4. Donald Trump was sued by the college students that he conned out of 25 million dollars. Trump lost and had to repay the money. How do you feel about Trump stealing from college students?

  5. What is your explanation for Donald Trump stealing classified material and keeping it in an unsafe location at his Florida compound?

  6. Donald Trump claims to be a good Christian, yet he has been divorced three times and advocates that men grab women’s genitals. Do you think these are good Christian values?

  7. Why do you think Donald Trump hides his tax returns after he promised to reveal them when elected?

  8. Why do you think Trump’s accountant, and lawyer each plead guilty when confronted with the criminal activities they carried out for Trump, if Trump was not involved in the scams?

  9. Testimony in the January 6th hearing proved Trump knew he was sending armed people to the Capitol. Do you feel this was a crime?

  10. Most of the damning testimony that came out of the January 6th hearings was from people who worked in the White House with Donald Trump. Do you think they were lying?

  11. Do you think Donald Trump was slow to act by calling off his supporters when they attempted to hang Mike Pence?

  12. Why not investigate and indict Trump for his phone call to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger demanding he “find” enough votes to deliver the state to Trump, essentially falsifying the vote tabulation