Tuesday, January 10, 2023

The scary guy

Yesterday the mother of all goofy trucks bellowed it's way toward our driveway. Kadizzle feared the mud filthy truck would pull up and splatter mud everywhere. 

The truck stopped and we could get a good look at the contraption that seemed like it jumped out of a movie set. In this town there seems to be a contest for the pickup truck that says it all about the occupant. The occupant and the truck matched. The truck had exhaust pipes firing black smoke in the air straight up. Someone went to a lot of trouble to make this little Truck look like an over the highway tractor trailer with smokestacks reaching for the sky.  Like my brother in law says, " Big pipes, small penis". 

The truck had a fake shrunken head on a pole on the back, and all the other paraphernalia to let you know this guy had robbed a trash pile somewhere. Now to the guy himself. He had at least six bracelets, and ten rings. He appeared to be an escapee from a motorcycle gang. His designer was probably a tailor from the thrift store. The whole shabang appeared to give society the finger. 

What is all this about? People like to dress up for Halloween, and some forget to take the costume off. Every little kid wants to be superman and every mom buys the kid a superhero outfit. Some adults want to be mean, scary tough guy, and they buy their own scary outfit. The motorcycle gang look is very popular. Just buy the right stuff and shabang you are scary and not to be messed with. Maybe that is how the tattoo business got started. 

Being defiant is a favorite among the mentally challenged.  Nothing served that purpose better than a Trump flag. Prior to the Trump flag the Confederate flag did the trick. Everyone wants to be special, and different. A lot of people achieve that by developing mental abilities or a skill. Why waste your time when all you have to do is buy a costume or fly a Trump flag. Yup, your different all right. When did you first notice you weren't like the rest of us? It was probably early in school, when the teacher asked you to stay a little longer so she could help you with your reading. 

Almost forgot. Mr. Crazy Truck lost his dogs. That is why he pulled up to ask us if we had seen the lost dogs. He said he would like to get the dogs back, but he did have three spare dogs at home. After seeing the truck show it would be fun to see the home show. Doesn't seem like the lawn will be manicured. Wonder what signs are in the yard and on the flag pole. We all need to be thankful for the people who are willing to drive down the road spewing pollution to show us it really doesn't matter. Why is it doctors don't dress like they are part of a motorcycle gang? Hmm?

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