Wednesday, May 31, 2023

What if you got smarter?

Two people pointed Kadizzle to the post below. Fascism is all the Republican Party is about. A Hooplehead, a dinger, a Trump Cult person, or a Tea Party believer could read what Heather Cox Richardson wrote and maybe get smarter. Nope, that is all just them damn liberals. Always remember if you are a cult member with a MAGA hat, " Education just confuses people".   

Dingers just don't want to get smarter. Kadizzle loves the New York Times. Every morning pursuing the NYT is mandatory. As Kadizzle reads the NYT he always wonders " What if a Dinger, or a Tea Party read this?".  Paul Krugman is a favorite, and if you are not a dinger you might enjoy his article today. Krugman writes about how the wind has become "Woke".  The dingers have to oppose wind power, and solar power to be good cult members. The twist of the Republican mind are amazing. 

Heather Cox Richardson wrote this, it is toxic to Republicans, Tea Party, Hoopleheads, and Trump Cult

Beginning in 1943, the War Department published a series of pamphlets for U.S. Army personnel in the European theater of World War II. Titled Army Talks, the series was designed “to help [the personnel] become better-informed men and women and therefore better soldiers.”

On March 24, 1945, the topic for the week was “FASCISM!”

“You are away from home, separated from your families, no longer at a civilian job or at school and many of you are risking your very lives,” the pamphlet explained, “because of a thing called fascism.” But, the publication asked, what is fascism? “Fascism is not the easiest thing to identify and analyze,” it said, “nor, once in power, is it easy to destroy. It is important for our future and that of the world that as many of us as possible understand the causes and practices of fascism, in order to combat it.”

Fascism, the U.S. government document explained, “is government by the few and for the few. The objective is seizure and control of the economic, political, social, and cultural life of the state.” “The people run democratic governments, but fascist governments run the people.”

“The basic principles of democracy stand in the way of their desires; hence—democracy must go! Anyone who is not a member of their inner gang has to do what he’s told. They permit no civil liberties, no equality before the law.” “Fascism treats women as mere breeders. ‘Children, kitchen, and the church,’ was the Nazi slogan for women,” the pamphlet said.

Fascists “make their own rules and change them when they choose…. They maintain themselves in power by use of force combined with propaganda based on primitive ideas of ‘blood’ and ‘race,’ by skillful manipulation of fear and hate, and by false promise of security. The propaganda glorifies war and insists it is smart and ‘realistic’ to be pitiless and violent.”

Fascists understood that “the fundamental principle of democracy—faith in the common sense of the common people—was the direct opposite of the fascist principle of rule by the elite few,” it explained, “[s]o they fought democracy…. They played political, religious, social, and economic groups against each other and seized power while these groups struggled.”

Americans should not be fooled into thinking that fascism could not come to America, the pamphlet warned; after all, “[w]e once laughed Hitler off as a harmless little clown with a funny mustache.” And indeed, the U.S. had experienced “sorry instances of mob sadism, lynchings, vigilantism, terror, and suppression of civil liberties. We have had our hooded gangs, Black Legions, Silver Shirts, and racial and religious bigots. All of them, in the name of Americanism, have used undemocratic methods and doctrines which…can be properly identified as ‘fascist.’”

The War Department thought it was important for Americans to understand the tactics fascists would use to take power in the United States. They would try to gain power “under the guise of ‘super-patriotism’ and ‘super-Americanism.’” And they would use three techniques:

First, they would pit religious, racial, and economic groups against one another to break down national unity. Part of that effort to divide and conquer would be a “well-planned ‘hate campaign’ against minority races, religions, and other groups.”

Second, they would deny any need for international cooperation, because that would fly in the face of their insistence that their supporters were better than everyone else. “In place of international cooperation, the fascists seek to substitute a perverted sort of ultra-nationalism which tells their people that they are the only people in the world who count. With this goes hatred and suspicion toward the people of all other nations.”

Third, fascists would insist that “the world has but two choices—either fascism or communism, and they label as ‘communists’ everyone who refuses to support them.”

It is “vitally important” to learn to spot native fascists, the government said, “even though they adopt names and slogans with popular appeal, drape themselves with the American flag, and attempt to carry out their program in the name of the democracy they are trying to destroy.”

The only way to stop the rise of fascism in the United States, the document said, “is by making our democracy work and by actively cooperating to preserve world peace and security.” In the midst of the insecurity of the modern world, the hatred at the root of fascism “fulfills a triple mission.” By dividing people, it weakens democracy. “By getting men to hate rather than to think,” it prevents them “from seeking the real cause and a democratic solution to the problem.” By falsely promising prosperity, it lures people to embrace its security.

“Fascism thrives on indifference and ignorance,” it warned. Freedom requires “being alert and on guard against the infringement not only of our own freedom but the freedom of every American. If we permit discrimination, prejudice, or hate to rob anyone of his democratic rights, our own freedom and all democracy is threatened.” And if “we want to make certain that fascism does not come to America, we must make certain that it does not thrive anywhere in the world.”

Seventy-eight years after the publication of “FASCISM!” with its program for recognizing that political system and stopping it from taking over the United States, President Joe Biden today at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia, honored those who gave their lives fighting to preserve democracy. “On this day, we come together again to reflect, to remember, but above all, to recommit to the future our fallen heroes fought for, …a future grounded in freedom, democracy, equality, tolerance, opportunity, and…justice.”

“[T]he truest memorial to their lives,” the president said, is to act “every day to ensure that our democracy endures, our Constitution endures, and the soul of our nation and our decency endures.”

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

The Threat of stupidity

In the last week Kadizzle has approached two Trump dingers. Both had on the Trump regalia. Kadizzle asked both the dingers what they thought about Trump being convicted of sexual assault. The answer was the same from both dingers, it was all made up, and the jury was New York liberals. The cult mentality cannot be busted. 

Always Kadizzle thinks of Nazi Germany. How did a country of seemingly intelligent people let Hitler come to rise? It was the cult dingers. The same ones right here in Payson, Arizona about to promote the lying con man once more. It can't happen here. Oh yes it can the dingers are dangerous. The ambivalence is the problem. While most people wander around in the fog the dingers meet to get stupider, and create more fantasies. 

Two days ago Kadizzle went on an excursion. To protect identity Kadizzle will have to be vague. The excursion was led by an ex doctor, and the nature of the excursion took skill. Not long into the excursion the ex doctor indicated he was a Trump type dinger. This has puzzled Kadizzle ever since. It was not the first time he was shocked to find what appeared to be an intelligent person who fell into the Trump fold. How can a rational person vote for Trump or not see through the cheap lies, and deceit of Trump? A great puzzle about humans is the ability to be brilliant in one area, and a dolt in another. 

Monday, May 29, 2023

The Smell of Trump was in the air

Kadizzle does not want anyone to get their undies in a bundle so we must preface these remarks. Kadizzle respects soldiers, veterans, and all those who have served the country. They deserve to be recognized and taken care of. 

Now for the bad news. The Republicans have hijacked the flag. If you are a Trumper you wave the American Flag like it only belongs to Trump and his cult. This is offensive. Kadizzle went to a Memorial Day service and it was too much like a Trump rally. The Hooples were there with Trump hats and Trump nonsense. It was an insult to the country, and Kadizzle left. The Jesus wagon was there and just about every member of the cult. There is no greater dishonor to those who served than to show up and wear a Trump hat. Trump stands for everything our country is not, greed, worshiping con men, mistreating women, and on the list goes. 

The right wing hypocrisy is just too much. Bible thumpers wearing Trump hats, it can get no worse. The Republicans use the flag like a fly swatter. With Trump they swat women, gay people, the poor, and those who are minorities, or different. That is not what soldiers fought for. These are the same dingers that cannot separate church and state. 

How the game works

If you are not a Hooplehead you may have read the story in the New York Times about a Republican that was run over by a Democrat in North Dakota. The story is a prime example of how the Tea Party gang spreads lies. Kadizzle does not have the time to go through the real story, but if you want something to read you can see exactly how Fox News works with the spin machine. There is little evidence the killing was politically motivated like Fox spun the story, but spinning is what right wing media does. 

Locally KMOG radio does the spinning. The groomers, and the trans people are after our children, that is the popular right wing spin. Almost forgot the Drag Queen danger. The Hooples love the idea of being scared.  

Sunday, May 28, 2023

The Glider Ride

Kadizzle took a motorized glider ride today. Not too exciting, but was interesting to see Payson from the air. The town looks small from ten thousand feet. Kadizzle got to fly the glider a little. The controls were very sensitive compared to what Kadizzle expected. Learned a couple things. In the end the enthusiasm for more was less. Seemed a lot like sailing, but it was cramped two guys my size sitting shoulder to shoulder. Gliders like sailboats have the right of way Kadizzle discovered. Cans see why. Could get one for maybe 150k.  Would rather have a very nice boat for that price. It was a very nice day for the ride and the view of the roads Kadizzle has ridden was interesting. The roads through the forest showed up very well.  

The Donut Gang

Saturday the Donut gang met at Democratic headquarters. Kadizzle contrast in his mind the difference between a gathering of Democrats, and going to a Hoople fest at the Tea Party. Democrats are a diverse tolerant group of people, anchored in reality. On the other hand most of the Hooples believe the identical lies. The Hooples live in a world of fear. A person spoke to the dems about the local LGBT community. She was welcomed and made to feel comfortable. Who attacks the people with a different lifestyle, you got it the Hooples. What a difference. 

The Hooples feed on exclusion, the Democrats feed on inclusion. You can be denied admittance if you are a heretic at the Hoople fest. No one gets turned away at a meeting of Democrats. There is no acid test. 

Democrats are about solutions and progress. Hooples live in fear, and mostly want to defend outdated ideas about women, children, and people in general. 

Why not try both flavors and decide for yourself. Go to a Hoople meeting, then come have some donuts with the democrats. 

Whatever Jesus wills.

 Tossing your mind out the window is so easy. Often Winky will ask a question. Maybe she says "  Can you fix that chair today?".  Kadizzle says " Whatever Jesus wills".  Now all responsibility is transferred to Jesus. How convenient. 

This brings us to yesterday at the farmers market. Walking through the crowd was a master Hooplehead. He had on some goofy Trump shirt and a Trump hat. Kadizzle approached him and asked his opinion of Trump being convicted for sexual assault. His answer was of course " Fake News".  Fake news works just like Jesus will, you just toss reality out the window. 

Divorcing yourself from reality is so simple, just go to church, problem solved. Go to the Tea Party, problem solved. 

Unfortunately reality does intrude. As much as you would like to turn your life decisions over to Jesus, he will not put your house out if it is on fire. The best you can say as your house burns to the ground is " It is the will of the lord".  God has a plan, unfortunately you don't.

All this gets us to the upcoming election. The same Hoopleheads will throw their brains out the window and the country will head towards fascism. 

Saturday, May 27, 2023

The Saga of Bumore

Lady Bumore gave Kadizzle a list of her needs, and a biography:

I was with my husband 18 years. All my kids, 4 of them graduated high school. No drugs, Alcohol or out of wedlock babies. I can cook, I clean, I am patient with children and elderly, some would say loving even. I know my way around tools. Professionally, I have been a professional grower, a cook, housekeeper. I have designed raised garden beds, built them myself for at least one person here in town and several in Showlow, and the Valley. I am good with animals. I have great customer service in person and phone. I have a dog, nowhere to put it while I work. No phone. I smoke cigs. When stressed I have social anxiety and PTSD. I love to work, am proud, and have depression. Thats me, a little to work, I need a place to be showered and keep my dog safe. 

Well that is the paper Bumore gave Kadizzle. Here is the list of her needs. 

Dog Food, packs of tuna salad, chicken salad, salmon, they never go bad and are good on bread crackers, even chips, and are tasty and cheap. 

Mustard reg, and spicy doesn't go bad

Salt and pepper , sugar coffee

Cup of noodles

Well the list goes on. What would you want if you lived under a big fallen tree in the woods? On the list was toilet paper, and wipes, so Kadizzle took that and some other stuff down to Bumore.

Now here is a contrast. Kadizzle is a liberal, flaming socialist, democrat. There is a right wing Republican fellow who rides his Harley down by Bumore land. He has been trying to exploit Bumore as Republicans always do with the poor. Bumore is not a prostitute, but the Republican seems to think he can push her down that path. A sad situation. Bumore told Kadizzle how the police propositioned her. Not good either. Bumore's dog is a nice dog, but does give the impression it would attack you. The dog puts on a mean show which is good, but would not actually hurt anyone. 

Finding Bumore a job is the problem. Bumore claims the dog saved her life. Bumore needs someone to watch the dog while she works. Kadizzle knows the perfect job for Bumore. There are companies that specialize in providing security for equipment that is stored in remote places. Those companies will hire a guard and give them a truck to sit in watching their equipment. Bumore could do this with her dog and get twenty dollars an hour. 

Well the sun is up, and today will be Donuts with Democrats, so come on down. Enough about the Bumore sage. Wait, one last thing on Bumore. Winky was not sympathetic to the Bumore problem, but somehow she changed her mind and has agreed to buy some provisions. One bum at a time is our philosophy. 

Friday, May 26, 2023

The Train is coming down the track

Look around you and ask the question "Where will these people be in ten years?".  Old age comes no matter what you do, unless you die young. The simple reality is the number of people with no savings, and no plan is staggering. How are these people going to make it. Capitalism is based on the principles of a ponzi scheme. You always need more, more of everything to make it work. You need more houses, more cars, more energy, more electricity. Even a Republican dolt should be able to figure out that is not going to work. In a closed system you cannot add more, and more. It simply does not work. The magic word is sustainable. If you take off on a marathon you have to figure out what is a sustainable pace. Humans don't have a clue. When do you stop building more highways, apartments, and plastic junk? Capitalism demands you keep making more. There is no room for the word enough. The demands of the rich drive the poor into the ground. Kadizzle got up this morning and needed a jacket. He had at least five to choose from. Kadizzle did not want a new jacket, but in the mind of Winky his other jackets were shabby.  Go to Scottsdale, Arizona and you can get for little or nothing all the nice furniture you want. Why? Well the wealthy have to remodel about once every three or four years. Why? Because everything has to be up to date and perfect. Buying things you don't really need and paying too much proves you are successful. The entire mentality is insane. Jeff Bezos has a 500 million dollar yacht to prove his penis is bigger than everyone else, but even better he has another multimillion dollar ship to follow with the toys. What is it about humans that they have to build pyramids, and churches to prove some strange reality that does not exist. It is the Trump gold toilet syndrome that affects everyone in his cult. We all strive for the gold toilet. Entitlement, that is the key. We are entitled to burn up the planet in order to entertain ourselves. 

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Poor Lady Bumore

Kadizzle took the ebike down below the sewage plant on the Doll Baby Ranch road to check on Lady Bumore. As she said she was living in the forest near a huge fallen tree. Kadizzle gave the secret whistle and Bumore emerged from the forest. The poor woman was having  bad day. She is almost fifty, but looks younger. She says smoking weed is her secret. As Bumore told Kadizzle of her follies she broke into tears. She explained she was out of money, food, and water. Kadizzle gave her what comfort he could, but was distressed when Bumore said she had been drinking raw water from the stream. Not a good idea downstream from the sewage plant. 

Kadizzle went back up on the mountain and got Bumore five gallons of good water and rustled up some food from the pantry. Kadizzle needs to return to camp Bumore with a water filter and more food. Bumore wants cigarettes, but that is not on the menu. Tomorrow Kadizzle will try to get her  camp stove and the filter. 

If any readers are struck with a notion to donate, please do, and Kadizzle will buy Bumore some supplies. 

The scheme has been to have Bumore sell the hundreds of golf balls Kadizzle has collected. Bumore gave it a try, but the golf course and the police have harassed her saying she cannot sell by the golf course. We my have to challenge that. The farmers market will be on Saturday, but when Kadizzle called to see if Bumore could sell there they refused. Life goes on and rehabilitating a bum is  a difficult job. 

Another strange twist to the story. Kadizzle ran into a fellow on a motorcycle who also picks up lost golf balls. Greg and Kadizzle had some conversations. Apparently Greg tried to solicit Bumore. Greg told Bumore he likes transexuals which is strange for a good Republican. Bumore said Greg badmouthed Kadizzle and his left leaning poliltics. Indeed a Trump supporter into transexuals is a bit of a twist, but the mind of anyone who voted for Trump has to be a bit off. 

Gary Morris, a liar in the Trump Tradition

Gary Morris runs the Republican game in Payson. Like Trump Gary lies at will. Gary lied about Kadizzle, claiming falsely that Kadizzle was twice arrested for assault. Gary just made it up, much like Trump. The episode of lying enraged Kadizzle and a call was made to Mr. Morris to discuss his lying. Gary refused to talk. 

In the recent Payson Roundup Gary has a long letter attacking Biden. The letter is just a rerun of Fox News lies. Magically Gary and the other Republicans just don't notice the real news about their hero being charged with sexual assault. Republicans don't remember when Trump shoveled 800 billion in tax breaks to his rich friends. Republicans don't remember when Trump stirred up his cult to invade the Capitol and suggested they hang Mike Pence. Gary has a short memory when the truth is involved.  

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

What is a Dinger?

As Kadizzle left Denver, Sylvie asked old Granpa what he thought of her performance. The whole trip was to see Sylvie perform in a musical. She did just fine and her career at the Denver School for the Arts is going fine. However, Grandpa does not want her head to swell too much. This all led to a conversation about Dingers. In the good old days of talent shows if the performer was terrible they would ding a bell and if need be use a stage hook to remove the performer.

So into the lexicon comes the word dinger. The word has wide application. You might see someone with a MAGA Trump hat, you are seeing a dinger. You can see dingers everywhere. It is like bird spotting, if you look you can see a dinger driving a goofy pickup truck. In the grocery store here you might see a dinger with a gun strapped to his side. At the Tea Party you can find a room full listening to paranoid stories. Give it a try, next time you are out with a friend say " Look at that dinger with a Trump flag". 


Out of the smoke

 Burning the planet made the skies smokey in Denver. The Canadian forest first created a fog like sky in Denver, but the Kadizzles are back in AZ with clear skies. It was a slow plane trip and we got home very late, but we are away from the urban sprawl. The building of apartments in Denver is insane. How can that many people be moving to Denver? The East side of the Rocky Mountains from Cheyanne to Colorado Springs is one continuous shopping mall, traffic mess, and urban sprawl. Humans are eating the planet. 

A thought that keeps running through the head, there are no old fashioned jobs. People either sell hamburgers or stare at a computer all day. The factories, steel mills, and good old sweat shops are gone. Nobody works and the young have no money. 

Long ago Kadizzle asked his little sister how the economy was in Wheeling, West Virginia. Her reply was perfect, " fine we just sell each other hamburgers".  Retailing food seems like half the economy. Does anyone eat at home? The number of empty store fronts in downtown Denver was shocking. The stores that were open had the atmosphere of a funeral home. Kadizzle walked into one store without a singe customer. The poor girl working there about cried when Kadizzle left. 

There was one store buzzing, REI. At REI you buy all the stuff to pretend you are an outdoor person. One of the craziest things is the obsession with water bottles. Every store markets water bottles, and REI is the king of selection. Go to the thrift store and you can buy the fifty dollar thermos for fifty cents. Every modern house has a cabinet with ten water bottles. We have come a long way from using a goats stomach to an insulated fifty dollar aluminum can. 

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

272 French viewers

From Russians to the French. All of a sudden 272 French people viewing the blog, why? Who knows, lets check on the Russians. We got about 72 Russians. Maybe they can help Trump get elected. Could be the French have an infestation of Hoopleheads? In every modern country income inequality is a problem. The United States is the worst. The wealthy here have bought the government, and they also own the Hoopleheads, so we got a real problem.  


Life has it's little ups and downs like ponies on a merry go round. This song fits Kadizzle's current predicament. Nice song give it a try. 

Buses on a track

Take the time to check out the youtube video below about a bus system that uses a track. Once the bus is on the track it steers itself. The system seems to have a lot of merit. The buses don't have to put up with traffic, and they can leave the track and act as normal buses. The advantages just keep piling up. Why not in America? 

Buses on a "Train Track"??? | Leigh Guided Busway, England 2021

Monday, May 22, 2023

Dinner in Nepal

Maybe three or four years ago the Kadizzles decided to camp in Colorado Springs. As we pulled into the area of the campground a small red car was parked terribly on the busy road and the owner was apparently taking pictures. Soon afterward in the visitor center we met the man. Barrack was from Nepal and we quickly struck up a friendship. Barrack cooked use a Nepalese chicken dinner and provided us with some good whiskey. We have met for meals a couple times since passing through the Denver area. Tonight we will have dinner with Barrack. Over the years we have stayed in touch. Barrack has been separated from his family for years at a time. His wife and children are still in Nepal. Barrack is trying to make it in the U.S. as an engineer. It all seems so strange that it all started with the observation of a man parking poorly to take some pictures.  

Dinner is over. Kadizzle had Burma fried rice with shrimp. The eatery was a strange place. Someone has taken what may have been an early Walmart or some big store and made it into a mixture of world cultures. There are about ten little food shops each about ten feet by twenty feet. Burma, Nepal, and some African countries are represented. Apparently someone wanted to give immigrants a chance in the food business. Also in the mall type place was a small grocery store with about four or five isles. Nothing on any of the shelves was recognizable. It was all strange food from strange places and the store was run by people that did not fit into the mainstream. Diner was like a sudden trip to a foreign land. 

Barrack brought us up to date on his family. His son is in Canada going to school. Most of his salary goes to supporting relatives. He lives in a one room apt provided by some Chinese family. Barrack has a boring job as a draftsman doing work on airport baggage handling. 

You don't know how fortunate you are until you get out of your comfort zone. Now Kadizzle sits on the porch in richville typing away. Two miles south the bum walkers are pushing their carts. 

Will the dolts sprout

Maybe it is just a hopeful imagination, but Kadizzle believes the Trump hats and signs wilted and died. The noise of the Trump cult seems to have died, but will the stupidity sprout again, and the dolts spring from the Tea Party crowd? The Republicans have a host of repulsive greedy rats for the dolts to choose from. Will they chose the same rat that trashed the Capitol? 

Will women allow the ruthless male dictators to rule? Hopefully normal people will awaken. The prospect of the 71 million idiots that voted for Trump is scary. Did anyone get any smarter? The Trumpster has show what a criminal he is and topped it off with being a rapist. Hope springs eternal.  

Sunday, May 21, 2023

I am Sorry, but

 Kadizzle has no use for organized religion. A recent program on 60 minutes pointed out how the Mormons have 32 billion dollars they are not using to help people, then you have the Catholic church with billions. These religions are like polite mafia's. If these churches used their resources poverty would be wiped out in this country, but they use the money to get more money. 

The waste of resources by religion is insane. The cost of keeping empty expensive building heated and cooled alone would put a dent in poverty. Churches should be forced to have full disclosure. Where did the money come from, and where did it go. 

Then you have the crooked TV preachers that steal millions from stupid people to buy big homes and jest. All this thievery is tax free. 

Last but not least is the damage religious schools do to public schools. These propaganda machines take funds from the the taxpayer, and the public schools only to dumb down young children with mythological nonsense. As a country we have poverty and crime because we chose to not because we have to. 

What would Artificial Intelligence say about the KMOG Democratic radio program last Thursday?

"A Resounding Success: Our Democratic Radio Presentation on KMOG Radio"

Introduction: Our recent radio presentation on KMOG radio for the Democrats was an absolute triumph, exceeding all expectations. Not only did our program captivate the attention of our loyal listeners, but it also managed to attract new faces to our engaging platform. In particular, our "Donuts for Democrats" event held this past Saturday was a resounding success, drawing in a diverse crowd eager to participate in the democratic discourse. In this blog post, we'll delve into the reasons behind our achievements and highlight the impact of our radio presentation on expanding our audience.

  1. Engaging Content: One key factor contributing to our success was the compelling and informative content of our radio program. We focused on delivering thought-provoking discussions, expert insights, and in-depth analysis of pertinent political issues. By presenting well-researched topics and fostering meaningful conversations, we not only captured the interest of our existing listeners but also enticed newcomers seeking a reliable source for political discourse.

  2. Strategic Promotions: Our proactive promotional efforts played a vital role in attracting new attendees to our "Donuts for Democrats" event. Leveraging various marketing channels such as social media, online communities, and local newspapers, we spread the word about our event and its inclusive nature. By emphasizing the opportunity for individuals from all backgrounds to engage in constructive discussions, we piqued the curiosity of potential attendees and made them feel welcome.

  3. Inclusive Environment: Creating an inclusive environment was paramount in drawing in new participants to our event. By fostering a space where everyone's voice could be heard, we encouraged open dialogue and made attendees feel valued. The inviting atmosphere, combined with the allure of delicious donuts, created the perfect setting for individuals to interact, exchange ideas, and strengthen the democratic community.

  4. Community Building: Our radio program's success extended beyond the airwaves. By hosting the "Donuts for Democrats" event, we aimed to forge meaningful connections among like-minded individuals and build a robust community. Attendees had the opportunity to network, establish new relationships, and form lasting bonds based on shared values and aspirations. Strengthening this sense of community will not only ensure the continued success of our radio program but also facilitate collaboration and collective action in the pursuit of democratic ideals.

  5. Future Opportunities: With the triumph of our radio presentation and the overwhelming response to our "Donuts for Democrats" event, we are now presented with exciting opportunities for future growth. Expanding our reach through other mediums such as podcasts, video streaming, or social media platforms will enable us to engage an even broader audience. By embracing innovation and adapting to evolving media trends, we can ensure the longevity and impact of our democratic radio program.

Conclusion: Our democratic radio presentation on KMOG radio, coupled with the successful "Donuts for Democrats" event, has proven to be a turning point in our mission to engage and empower individuals within the democratic community. Through captivating content, strategic promotions, inclusivity, and community building, we have not only attracted new participants but also laid the foundation for a stronger and more united democratic movement. As we look to the future, we remain dedicated to fostering open dialogue, amplifying diverse voices, and working towards a more democratic society for all. Together, we can make a difference.

Saturday, May 20, 2023

MAGA Maggots

Once upon a time way back in the hills our family had a lamb infected with maggots. The maggots were eating the poor lamb while it was alive. That is the Republicans eating the poor. The maggots that do the job are the Hoopleheads. The Republicans use the simple minded to eat the poor.  When you see a Trump hat just realize you are seeing a maggot.  

Leaving the planet

 Kadizzle is 74, and with luck will make it to 84. However, he may get off the planet just in time. With the help of the Hoopleheads the planet is being destroyed. The Hooples are in a daze and have no clue what peril humans have put the planet in. Climate disaster is here, but the Hooples are worried about drag queens. We need people to get smarter, but the Hooples love stupidity. We need intelligent real leaders, but the Hooples like lying con men and women. We have plenty of problems without the Hoopleheads, but we do we do? We fire up Fox News and create more stupid people, we blow up public schools and create more Hooples. 

Throw in religion to the mess and you have a stew that will surely bring human life to an end. Religion allows people to believe absurd things, just like the Hooples love. While the planet melts the Hooples are at the casino, and betting on sports at home. Detachment from reality is the new game. If you disagree with it shoot it is the Hoople solution. Children don't go to school they go to a gun range. Everyday a gun nut kills dozens. Who cares I got beer a TV, and a zippy car. The spread of stupidity, and Republicans makes covid look mild. Our only hope is science and education, two things Hoopleheads cannot stand. 

Wild greed is destroying the planet. Jeff Bezos has a 500 million dollar yacht that is followed by another ship with his toys. How many people can you feed, give health care or make their life better for 500 million? The Republicans will say " It is his money to spend as he likes".  What religion is that? Greed runs rampant. There is enough food, housing, and energy for everyone, but a small percent takes it all. Are we really that stupid to allow the greedy to run over the rest of us? Yes we are and Trump has proven how easy it is to make the minds of the Hoopleheads spin. Imagine a club for stupid people, we have them. You have the Tea Party where lies are told. It is like a book club for idiots with no books. You have the Republican dream club for wanna be poor people who think they can become rich. You have churches where you can pay to have you mind filled with false hope. 

Reality does not care what you believe. Gravity does not care who you are. Time does not wait for anyone. The old folks will jump off the planet soon, but what have we left or our children, a Donald Trump shit hole as the Donald would say. 

Bragging on Sylvie

The Kadizzles flew to Denver to see Sylvie in her latest musical. She was not the star, but did her part to dance and sing. The effort these kids put into the production is amazing. Who ever got this herd of cats to dance , sing , and act like professionals is amazing. 

Sylvie was our first grandchild 14 years ago, so we have been dotting over her ever since. She is getting perfect grades at the Denver School for the Arts. Sylvie is too full of energy and cannot sit still. 

As an only child she has it made in the shade. At age 14 she has experienced more travel than grandpa has in a lifetime. A trip to Hawaii or Mexico is routine. Grandpa never even had his own room until five or six siblings moved out. Grandpa comes from a family of nine, and we did not have the dust to live like Sylvie. 

In addition to her acting, dancing, and singing, Sylvie is a great artist, writer, and general trouble maker. Now she is working on a pottery class. 

Megan is in New York raising the two little ones, Quinn, and Evie. With the good parenting they get we  will surely have two more stars. 

Friday, May 19, 2023

What the Hoopleheads fear most, Education, and facts

Your rocket science does not have to be that good to notice that the Hooples don't like education, or educated people. The Hooples want their own schools to dumb down their children. That is why the Hooples push for private and religious schools. As said many times, the Hooples truly believe " Education just confuses people"

Next you have the problem with facts. If you want facts do research and listen to intelligent people, but if you want emotional satisfaction attend the Tea Party or turn on Fox News. Facts are troublesome things. Factual information shows a good college education pays off. That is a problem for the Hooples so they tout the idea you can do just fine by not knowing anything. The facts show the rich have stolen our country, but the Hooples like to believe it is the poor. 

The rich love the Hooples because they are so easy to manipulate. You can tell a Hoople a story and it works. Stories for the Hooples don't involve facts, they involve statements like " My uncles daughters, best friend saw Hunter Biden's laptop".  Tune into Tucker to see it in action, or locally Charlie KMOG will tell you a story. 

Radio Day went well

From the reviews apparently the radio show was a success. A couple dingers called in to get us off track, but they had poor success. Charlie even helped keep the show on track. Saturday will tell the story if any more people show up for Donuts with Democrats. You cannot get a lot across in an hour. Then insane thing about the show is the Democrats have to pay to be guest. The small radio station is hurting for revenue and they must have to pay people to listen. Rational radio might be a good thing for KMOG. Instead of silly paranoid rumors, urban legends, and cult lies, rational radio could infuse Payson with hope that there are normal people who like to listen to educated, informed people. There needs to be a counter to the noise from the Tea Party, and the Hoopleheads. We can go forward, but it takes participation. 

We are in Denver to see Sylvie in a play, should be fun. Maybe it is hopeful imagination, but sitting in the airport Kadizzle did not see a single Trump hat. Maybe along with covid the Trump cult disappeared. 

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Radio Day

At 9:00 Payson time, Mountain Standard time, the Democrats will go on the radio at the local right wing radio station, KMOG. Tune in and see how it goes. You can get the radio station live on the internet. 

The goal is to bring more into the Democratic fold. What a way to go about it. Sitting down with Charlie will be interesting to say the least. Charlie is a mini Rush Limbaugh, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and Trump all rolled into one.  

Can the Democrats of Payson convince those afraid to participate to come out of the closet? There are plenty of people in Payson, Arizona who see the world with open eyes. The Democrats want them to show up and see that we can make some progress in a hard right town in a state with way to many Trumpsters. 

A basic problem is the good people fear the bad people. Those who have opinions differing from the Republican Party line are afraid to speak out publicly. Keep in mind there are gun toting nuts in this town. You can see them at the grocery store, and at Republican headquarters. 

Hopefully the tone of the radio program will be mild and show the welcoming nature of the Democrats. Hopefully Charlie will help advance the goal of more conversations among people of differing views. Civility is the key. Building trust is another component. 

The Fox News mentality has fractured our society, and this is attempt to patch some of the cracks. 

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Picture the Storm

When the house was being built there was some debate about the bedroom window. Kadizzle wanted a huge picture window. Winky wanted one with openings. Kadizzle won the debate and tonight the storm outside is putting on a wonderful full screen show of lightning. The window has been a joy with wonderful snow scenes, huge elk going by, sunsets, and the passing of the seasons, but tonight it is nature's fireworks. Being on top of a hill hopefully we will not get more lightning than the home can tolerate. 

The Brave Unkown

 Unknown is posting comments again. Poor old unknown does not have enough respect for what he comments on to put his name to it. More than likely it is one of the two lying cowards, Michael Heather, or Gary Morris. Both will not confront Kadizzle to discuss the truth. These are the kind of cowards that brought us Trump, Kari Lake, Wendy Rodgers, Ted Cruz, and the list goes on. The lairs love lairs. Tucker Carlson was their Jesus. Fox News is their church. Just make it up and let it fly, and be sure not to put your name to it. 

Make the bums work?

 Republicans know how to dance the minds of the Hoopleheads. Republicans want a work requirement for people on welfare. It is a political game full of bullshit that appeals to the Hooples so they will push it. Just like groomers, transexuals, and the rest of the gang, welfare cheats are a favorite of the Hooples. 

Now let's talk about welfare cheats. The trust babies are welfare cheats. They don't work, they use up far more resources than the poor welfare cheats, but they are just fine with the Hooples. If you are a worthless rich bum who never worked because daddy left you a bundle that is fine, but if you are a bum walker in Payson living in a culvert because daddy drank up the bundle, well that is no good. Get to work you bum walker. 

Kadizzle likes to remind the Hoopleheads that the poorest 20% of the people in the United states only use up 2% of the GDP. They run mean and lean. So many of the poor don't even have a car or a cell phone. Imagine that rich little guy who inherited. When it comes to worthless bums look at congress. In North Dakota you have Kelly Armstrong whose daddy dropped a bundle on him. So many in congress would be bum walkers if daddy did not drop a money bomb on them. 

It is a game, simply a game. Ronald Reagan perfected the racist attack on the poor with the " Welfare Queen" game. It worked and now the Republicans want to try it one more time. 

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Morning in America

Somehow Kadizzle is optimistic. Maybe the Hoopleheads are on the run. There was a good turnout at the Donuts for Democrats get together on Saturday. The shy people are beginning to stand up against the Trump dogs. There is hope. Kadizzle likes to say Democrats are just too polite. Normal people are nice. Hoopleheads are the ones that bashed the windows at the Capitol. Look at Trump, and compare him to Biden. There is a market for mean, and the Republicans have it. Democrats need to be more aggressive if we are to avoid falling into a Trump dictatorship. Shy Democrats think it is impolite to question the lying of the Hoopleheads. It is not, it is a moral duty to fight the lies of Trump, and the Tea Party. 

If you want to get rid of mosquitoes you need to destroy their breeding area. Don't leave stagnant standing water. The Tea Party is stagnant standing water, a place where stupidity breeds. KMOG's Charlie is breeding stupidity with his conspiracy broadcast of hate and discontent. How bad is the infestation. Think of a Trump sticker on a bumper as a mosquito bite. 

5 SCENIC Places to Visit in Payson Arizona

Green Valley Park shown in this video is near our new home. Kadizzle rides his bike here every day. 

Monday, May 15, 2023

Chaos versus the Niggifiddles

Niggifiddles are the bane of Kadizzle. OK, lets review, what is a Niggifiddle? The Niggifiddle has to have everything just so. Orderliness is the life blood of a Niggi. There is a strong relatioinship between OCD and the Niggifiddle. Disorder is frightening to a Niggifiddle. 

How can you spot a Niggifiddle? Niggifiddle hat dirt and germs. A problem with both dirt and germs is they are everywhere. A restroom has both. Kadizzle knows a Niggifiddle woman that will stop along the road and pee in the woods rather than use a gas station rest room. 

The biggest problem with dirt and germs is you can imagine them to be where they may or may not be. A second problem is you will never get rid of every germ or speck of dirt. 

A good way to spot a Niggifiddle is to watch and see if they go after a piffle. Imagine the smallest breadcrumb on the floor in the kitchen. You may not notice it, but a Niggifiddle will zero in on it. 

In the world of a Niggifiddle things are happening you can't see. The sun is melting ice much faster than it does in the real world. Food is spoiling much faster for the Niggifiddle. 

The Niggifiddles are anxious. Something is always about to go wrong. A fly is just waiting to come in the door, a mouse is always outside the garage door with a suitcase ready to move in. 

Something is going to break. A fat guy is going to sit in the chair and crush it. The car is going to run out of gas. The rain will ruin everything. 

Nature and the Niggifiddle are in a constant battle. The trees drop leaves, and they do it in the gutters which will always plug and ruin your house. Nature toys with the Niggifiddles and drives them farther insane. 

Have you gone in a home and seen everything covered with plastic? You have entered the realm of the Niggifiddle. There is order, disorder, and then there is the world of the Niggifiddle. 

We have a neighbor that is a Niggifiddle. You are not allowed to park in his driveway, you might defile it. Kadizzle knew a boater that spent more time polishing his boat than enjoying it. 

Polishing is the greatest joy for a Niggifiddle. 

The real bane of the Niggifiddle is invisible dirt. Invisible dirt is everywhere. A Niggifiddle will clean a counter top until it is worn paper thin trying to get the imaginary dirt off. 

Dust is God's way of punishing the Niggifiddles. No matter how much you try dust will invade and spoil the kingdom of the best Niggifiddle. A Niggifiddle never gets ahead of dirt, it is hopeless losing battle. 

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Crash Number Three

The reality of being an old man has set in. Yesterday was crash number three on the ebike. Winky told Kadizzle to stop in an unopertune place. This crash is hard to explain. Stopping the bike at a right angle on a steep pavement was the problem. Kadizzle put his downhill leg down and suddenly realized it would not reach the street because of the steep grade. The high bike seat acted like a catapult and threw Kadizzle down the grade, and onto the pavement. The bike seat had the effect of a good kick to the back of the right leg. The body now has scrapes, a bad shoulder, and a bum right leg. After the bike tossed Kadizzle into the street just laying on his back motionless felt good. Winky kept asking if the big K was alright. Just motionless silence seemed appropriate. The bottom line is no real injuries, but enough soreness for two or three people. 

The brain thinks it is much younger than the body really is. Dexterity, balance, and other attributes of youngness are gone. However, the realization has not reached the mind. Gravity, momentum, and speed don't mix. Add in stupidity and you have big problem. The mild pain is a reminder of age. Hopefully Kadizzle can get smarter and realize his limitations. 

Now, for a side note. For some strange reason Winky decided to go on the daily golf ball hunt yesterday. At the end of the ride there she was, Miss Bumore. Winky had not met Bumore. Kadizzle was so pleased to see Bumore beside the road by the golf course selling golf balls. Motivating Bumore has been a tedious process. Bumore told Kadizzle a strange story. Bumore said some degenerate drove back and forth near her forest nest and then fired a 50 calibr gun at her tent. Who know how much reality is in this tale. 

After seeing Bumore, Winky concluded Bumore was in the sex trade because of the way she was dress. This conclusion did not fit Kadizzle's perception. Bumore had the sense to dress nicely for the golf ball sales, but Kadizzle does not think she is doing anything but selling golf balls. If she is in the sex trade, she is  poor business woman. Living in a tent in the forest says a lot about her business acuim. 

Kadizzle has cooked up a plan to bring more prosperity to Bumore. At the farmers market she can sell golf balls. Now if you are a golfer and live in Payson please buy some golf balls from Bumore. 

The Hoopleheads will never see the real problem

Fox News, and Trump make sure the Hoopleheads will never understand 99.9% of the problems faced by the simple minded are created by the simple fact tax policy favors the rich. The wealthy have walked off with all the goodies. The top one percent own 90 percent of everything. If you cannot see the problem then you need to go to the Tea Party and become a certified Hooplehead. At the Tea Party you can listen to all the silly diversions that the rich use to make sure you don't see what they are doing. 

It would be more likely for a Hoople to fly than read the New York Times, but in the edition today it points out how wealth in this country works. Rest assured it does not work for the Hooples. The rich don't pay taxes, because they earn their cheese through investments not work. Most Hoopleheads work for a living. While the Hoopleheads are worried about groomers, immigrants, and transexuals, the rich rob them blind.

Trump pumped 800 billion to the rich and the Hooples didn't notice. The border is a great smoke screen for the theft of the Hooples income. The poor Hoopleheads live in a mind cave. In their cave they can only see the Fox world that ignores the rich stealing. Good luck Hooples. 

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Tucker: The FBI has joined the hunt for Christians Wow, you want to see Charlie's son in action.

Kyle Seraphin was run out of the FBI. To retaliate, Kyle is pulling his dad's routine. Watch the typical right wing spin game in this video, if you cannot figure out the spin, then you will fit right in at a Tea Party meeting. So here you have two spinning liars, Tucker, the master, and Kyle trying his best to use the Fox News lying techniques. Of course no one questions Kyle. Just like his daddy he gets Tucker to toss the softball back and forth with him. Logical question for Kyle " Why did the FBI push you out? How about it Charlie, and maybe even Kyle can spin this one? This is classic Tea Party fodder for dolts. Kyle did something stupid and lost his job with the FBI. What does he do? Does he admit his mistake like Daddy says he should? Hell no, Kyle turns on the FBI. Now the FBI is a bunch of government agents out to crush religion. 

Charlie, Gary, and Michael didn't make it to the meeting.

It wasn't like a Tea Party meeting. A nice group of people sat in a circle at Democratic headquarters and had a wonderful discussion. There were no scary stories about groomers, or election thieves. No one was turned away at the door because they were heretics. Just normal people unaddicted to Fox News  shared reality. The Hoopleheads did not show up. Intellectual discussions, and open questioning are not the menu they seek. 

The Democrats will have Donuts with Democrats every Saturday. You are welcome to come at ten and stay until the talk ends. It was a great get together and refreshing to know there are sane people amongst us. 

Our New Home

Our new home is the one on the left.  You can see Green Valley Park down below us with the lake. We have made some improvents to the yard. The house on the right is rented as an AirB&B so you can visit and have your own place. Click on the picture to enlarge.


Can you reach someone in the Trump Cult?

Many people have told Kadizzle speaking to people in the Trump cult is hopeless and it is impossible to change the mind of a person in the cult. Perhaps this is true. The ability of the cult members to avoid facts, and real information is amazing. "What about?" is the catch phrase all cult member use to avoid thinking. They will say, what about Biden, what about Hunter Biden's laptop. Diverting is something the cult learns from Fox, and KMOG radio. If you get backed into a corner just say " What about?", then go into a trance. 

 One specialty of cult members is a strange form of logic. If you see one poor person scamming the system, that means all poor people scam the system. The welfare cheat is a favorite of the cult. There is a big problem with that. The biggest welfare cheats are the rich ones who don't work and will not pay taxes. Those welfare cheats are the trust babies. They have never worked, but live very well from daddy's bundle. 

The Hoopleheads don't get this concept. If you get a check, and you did not work for it that is welfare. If your check comes from the government you are a welfare cheat. If your check comes from a trust fund, you are a fine upstanding citizen. Both people are on welfare, but the twisted mind of a Trump cult member cannot see that there is rich welfare and poor welfare. The real irony is that the rich take way more than the poor welfare cheats. If everyone in the bottom 20% of the population was considered a welfare cheat, all those cheats together only use 2% of the GDP. On the other hand the top 10% uses 40% of the GDP.  If you do the math it turns out a trust baby cost us way more than a bum walker. 

And that makes me and it's plain to see an idiot I suppose

Well the neighbor's brother wanted to go for a bike ride. Kadizzle took him out on the forest road. He had the wrong bike for the road, and Kadizzle had the wrong brain. On a steep rocky downhill stretch without the helmet he should have been wearing Kadizzle crashed onto the rocks. No major damage, but the shoulder that was healing from the motorcycle crash is a little more sore, plus there are some nice cuts and scrapes Winky covered with band aids. 

Too many adventures start out as casual no problem type rides or hikes, and turn into just a little more. We made the eight mile trip and it was a nice ride. About half the trip was on pavement where Kadizzle hit a speed of 31 mph. A wreck at that speed would have kept you from reading this nonsense. 

 At ten today there will bee Donuts with Democrats. Of course all Hoopleheads are invited down to the headquarters of the rational. Maybe with a donut, and a nail we can pound some sense into the Hoopleheads. Kadizzle has gone to a couple of Hooplehead cult meetings, maybe the Hooples can return the visit. The Hoopleheads have formally told Kadizzle he cannot come to the Hoople nest at the Ponderosa Bible church because he says mean things about the Tea Party gang. There are no thugs at Democratic Headquarters, so you Hooples are free to come on down. 

Friday, May 12, 2023

The Son of Charlie Serafin.

Charlie the right wing radio host on KMOG in Payson likes to brag about his son. His son is just another version of him. At Charlie's suggestion Kadizzle looked up one of his dinger shows. It did not take long to figure his son is a supporter of the Trump cult. That says it all, but his son uses the same trick all right wing dingers use. Have a guest, throw them softball questions, praise them, and give as much support to their nutty ideas as possible. The dinger show Kadizzle watched involved an interview with a Trump speech writer. Need more be said. The cheap tactics of this nonsense would be blown to shreds if a rational person was there to ask the guest simple logical questions, but no we are off to never, never land, just like Daddy's show. 

Anderson Cooper is right on the money with his defense of CNN showing Trump lie at his town hall. Please watch

This is a Hooplehead steamer. If only the Hooples would watch this and realize how the Trump cult endangers our country.

Real Journalist, and normal people

 Kadizzle has had the support of real journalist, and normal people in his range war with the crazy right wing radio host, Charlie Seraphin, and Scott Hennen. Of course the dingers and Hoopleheads that keep Fox in business support the mini Rush guys. 

A friend noted no one commented in favor of Charlie for the recent letter Kadizzle wrote to the Payson Roundup criticizing Charlies gestapo techniques. Also ironically a couple people called into Charlies radio show to support Kadizzle's view. 

The Hooples are engaging in a lawsuit to get there way in Payson with their attack on the town council. The damage Fox News has done to reality is everywhere. Yesterday Kadizzle had a long conversation with a right wing fellow. It was amicable, but evident the man did not know much outside the Fox Bubble. The bubble is the problem. The dingers, Hoopleheads, and other yokels will not venture outside the bubble. This works perfect for Fox. The people in the bubble will not even leave to find out where Tucker went. 

During the conversation yesterday Mr. Right wing bitched about the economy. That is the Republican line. Kadizzle went in the house and printed our an article that indicated the economy really isn't that bad and gave it to Mr. Bubble. He did not even glance at it. His mind was made up. Fox told, so it must be right.  

Thursday, May 11, 2023

The moon is made out of green cheese, and Donald Trump never lies

Do you want to be a Hooplehead? The first thing you have to do is swear off reality. Trump is lying the same lies, and the Hoopleheads still believe the lies. How does that work?

Kadizzle got to smell moon rocks in New Zealand. Yup, they had a display in New Zealand that featured moon rocks. The little sign by the rocks said smell the rocks, they do smell like cheese. That means the moon is made out of cheese. Now you can understand how logic works at the Tea Party and why Trump is still the darling of the dingers. Any normal person can figure out the moon is not made of cheese and Donald Trump is mentally ill, but not a Hooplehead. The Donald is Jesus returned to a Hoople. The Donald had his town hall with CNN and showed he is crazy as ever. The Hooples in the audience cheered. For shure there a 71 million Hooplehead dolts in this country. It is scary, and Payson has it's share. 

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Trump Supporter Gets Fact Checked to His Face During Wild Interview! What happens when you confront a dinger with the truth?

Payson Tea Party will sponsor a Witch Hunt to raise money for Trump and Kari Lake

Everyone knows Trump hates witch hunts, but the Payson Tea Party will sponsor a witch hunt to rid Payson of witches. Where do you find witches on a witch hunt. Trump says New York is full of them. You might want to look where ever you find a court system or prosecutor. They seem to be the ones who know how to run a witch hunt. Why do the witches pick on Trump, he is such a good man who only occasionally breaks the law, cheats college students, or grabs women.  

Back in the good old days you could actually catch witches and burn them or drown them. The Tea Party will have water and wood available to anyone who brings in a witch. Those blasted witches say Trump lied, and so did Kari Lake. Imagine that. Kadizzle would look anywhere people tell the truth if he was going to find a witch. Somehow that is what bothers Trump about the witches. They keep telling the truth about his crimes. 

Witches must be a lot more common than they used to be. Before Trump was president you could not find a witch, now they seem to be everywhere accusing Trump of grabbing them. Maybe that is what Trump was really doing in the women's dressing room, hunting witches. Hmm makes sense. Trump knows where to grab a witch, just watch his video. 

All the money raised from the witch hunt will be used to help the billionaire Donelda Trump and a little will go to Kari Lake to help her pay her court fines. If you want to participate in the witch hunt wear your Klan outfit to the Tea Party meeting. Michael Heather will lead the hunt and Gary Morris will interrogate the witches. 

John Cleese - Church of JC Capitalist video tapped at Ponderosa Bible church Tea Party Meeting

Sparks will fly on Friday. Charlie ain't happy.

The Payson Roundup must have been short of letters to the editor. The Roundup published Kadizzle's criticism of the hangup king. Charlie who runs the mini Rush talk show on Friday's will let the bullgine run. What in the hell is a bullgine?The term bullgine was a derisive shipboard slang for an engine. Sailors didn't like them much, and many still don't today. If you call Charlie Seraphin and disagree with the party line Charlie will talk over you so you cannot get your point across. Charlie will give a spiel about how fair he is. The spinner will be going full bore to assure the audience he is fair, and Kadizzle talks too much. Charlie is the twin of Scott Hennen. Scott Hennen was fired from KFYR radio when he got to Trumpy. Hennen did exactly what Charlie does. If you call Charlie and pin him down a right wing dinger will call in and praise Charlie for the rest of the show. Both Charlie and Scott use the same trick. First they hang up on you when you blast them with facts. Once they have cut you off they go hog wild telling their side of the story and you cannot fight back. Well tune in Friday and hear Charlie spin, wiggle, and backpedal.   

Tuesday, May 09, 2023

Victory for Bum rehabilitation.

Kadizzle peddled the ebike down towards the sewage plant. There beside the golf course was lady Bumore selling golf balls. Dressed nicely she was reading a book and had already taken in ten bucks. The sight brought joy to Kadizzle's heart. Bumore had a clever sign and was contentedly sitting on a bench at the green. Well, of course some simple minded golf course grass cutter had to turn her in. Out came someone to make her move from her harmless spot. 

The main thing is she got her butt in gear. Hopefully she had some more good sales. Why couldn't they just let her sit there? She was harming no one. She moved ten feet to the edge of the highway. 

This has been a long process, but it seemed to be a victory for the homeless. Bumore is living in a tent in the woods. 

In other news, Emil Kashuntz returned today to help fight the Hoopleheads. Good to see Emil. The Earth Module is back home, and life is never easy. 

Dealing with the obsessed and OCD people is driving Kadizzle crazy. There is a special breed of people who can create a problem where there is none. There are ways to park a car that don't cause a problem, then there are the people who have a special way to park and cause a problem. Then there is another group of people who perceive a problem where there is none. 


Monday, May 08, 2023

Maybe the dark ages are over

How will we know when the Hoopleheads vanish? The implosion of Fox News is a hopeful sign. Even the most loyal cult people must wonder about reality when they see Tucker dethroned. Is it possible to lift the fog from the Hooples? Sometimes you just feel you sense a change. There seem to be fewer knuckleheads wearing guns, and the Trump stickers seem to be evaporating. Is this the imagination or is it happening. Liars and those that cry wolf are somewhat self defeating. Fox News has proven that concept. One lie requires another, and another and eventually the lies are so preposterous even a Hooplehead can figure it out. 

The in fighting among the Hooples is a good thing. Each Republican tries to outdo the next for gaming the simple minded. Again this has built in failure. Once you get so stupid you end up with Marjory Taylor Green, or Kari Lake or Wendy Rodgers. Each uses the whooper technique to titillate the Hoopleheads. 

Hoopleheads are like little children they eventually catch on. Republicans main tool is fear and lies. When the Republicans keep predicting disasters that never happen the Hooples begin to wonder. Remember the old preachers that set a date for the resurrection? All the Hooples dressed in their going to heaven outfit only to find out it did not happen. However, recall there were Hooples who accepted it was the wrong date and were ready for another resurrection in no time. Trump is the Republican Jesus and Trump has told the Hooples he will rise from the dead. Hard core Hoopleheads seem to have forgotten his last major failure. 


Today the Earth Module comes home

Up early and thinking about the end of the trail season. Today's task is to hook up and bring the Earth Module back to its seasonal resting place. The module just barely fits beside the mountain home. Time is marching on. Tommy is supposed to show up this morning to paint the ugly cinder block wall surrounding our backyard. Tommy is a different person. His dad helped cut the whole in the giant tree you drive through in California. His dad was a logger near Yosemite. Tommy's Right arm has some serious dysfunction. Tommy told Kadizzle his pet rattlesnake bit him. The other day Tommy's old beat to death small red pickup pulled up in front of the house. Another nice car followed. It was Tommy and his 90 year old mom. Tommy says we are family and it seems that way. 

Tommy is a painter and has done most of the houses in the neighborhood. Every day he is on a ladder as Kadizzle rides by on the ebike. Usually we exchange a few crazy words and go about our life. Who knows what Tommy was addicted to, but now he is in AA or some other outfit. Tommy has his own philosophy that works for him,  he always seems happy and ready to go. He likes to hike and used to be a rock climber. 

Life is so much about the people you meet. Shy people who do not engage miss a lot. Kadizzle is just the opposite. Everyone is a book, but you have to open the book. Even the dingers, and Hoopleheads have a story. 

You are what you are,because you were what you were, when you were where you were.  That was the title of a film Kadizzle saw many years ago, but it say a lot. When you talk to someone one thing you find out is what made them what they are. Interesting.  

Sunday, May 07, 2023

Maybe you didn't get the message.

If you don't have the courage to put a name to bizarre accusations Kadizzle deletes your comment. If you want to lie, put a name by your lie. Got that Michael Heather, Gary Morris, and the rest of the people who think they can lie with impunity. Put a name with your allegation, and it will stay on here. We do not accept random lies from Republican, the Tea Party or anyone else. This is not Fox News.  

Christianity a tool of evil

Hoopleheads do not read the New York Times, sad they don't. If the Hoopleheads could only read the article about Tucker Carlson and the fundamentalist they would see how Christianity has doomed us to so much suffering. 

When politicians want to tickle the Republicans they always use a good prayer to start the process. The absurdity of prayer in and of itself is insane. Why should you ask God to do what he should do anyway. Now, if you are praying to God for your football team to win, then maybe that is different. God may not have made up his mind. Strangely Republicans will pray then vote for Trump. That says it all. Republicans would start a lynching with a prayer. 

The whole religious thing opening a meeting shows that the people involved are committed to leaving reality. It is just like having Tea Party meetings at a church. Why not have Nazi meetings at Girl Scout headquarters?

To be a good Christian you have to be oblivious to reality, exactly the same requirement for being in the Trump cult. 

Saturday, May 06, 2023

May 6, 2023 Tour the backyard projects

The Dead South - In Hell I'll Be In Good Company [Official Music Video]

In Hell I'll be in good company. However, Trump, The Tea Party, Michael Heather, and so many other rotten people will also be there. I am sure it will be full of Popes, and TV evangelist. My hope is Hell will have different neighborhoods. The Republican Hell is a place I will not buy in. The devil keeps it hotter and the mosquitos are much worse.  All the billboards in Republican Hell have lies on them. Once concession the devil did make to the Republicans. No doubt there will be few Republicans that escape Hell. Liz Cheney may get by for her good behavior. 

An enlightening encounter

According to the wife Kadizzle needs mental help. Among other problems his exercise routine is to collect golf balls. Maybe twice a day Kadizzle hops on the ebike and makes a trip around the golf course. Now there are about five hundred golf balls in the garage. 

On the golf ball run yesterday the fellow running the mower on the course spotted Kadizzle picking up a lost golf ball. The man signaled Kadizzle and drove toward him. Kadizzle anticipated a nasty encounter. Once before the fellow had told Kadizzle no collecting. The conversation started out a little rough, but Kadizzle managed to channed the tone toward amicability. As the conversation went on it turned into a nice encounter and ended well. Kadizzle agreed only to collect when the course was closed. As Kadizzle suspected the mower driver was a retired guy just finding something to do. The driver had been a logger one time in his life and we discussed logging and coal mining. In the end Kadizzle recommended the book Barkskin to the fellow.  

The whole encounter was a lesson in how to mold a conversation. It is often fun to turn a nasty encounter into something that ends in a friendly chat. It can be done.

Friday, May 05, 2023

The Jesus Wagon is spotted in Payson

The old Jesus rode a donkey, but the gun slinging Jesus has the Jesus Wagon. The driver of the Jesus wagon will go by and give you the finger if you don't love Trump. What a mix, Jesus and Trump. If that doesn't rot your brain attend the recall meeting the Hoopleheads are having. Somehow Trump snuck into the church and pushed the real Jesus out.The Republican Jesus likes guns, and supports Trump who is a rapist , white supremacist, and the man who stole 25 million from college students. Trump was forced by the courts to pay it back. You have to love the new Republican Jesus that takes school lunches from children and gives tax breaks to billionaires. 

Miss Bumore walking down the road. Update on Charlie

 There she was a just a walkin down the street. Sure enough it was Bumore with her dog. Kadizzle thought Bumore disappeared, but here she was. Bumore is now living in a tent down the road in the forest. Her bum wagon was taken away. When the bumwagon broke down the police had it impounded. Poor old Bumore needs five hundred bucks to get the bumwagon back. The poor woman started crying telling Kadizzle about her bad luck. Kadizzle gave her what money he had. Bumore keeps saying she will sell the golf balls Kadizzle gave her, but she just cannot get it together. 

Charlie Sarafin the right wing mini Rush knew Kadizzle was coming and had Kadizzle's latest letter to the editor ready. Of course it was the usual, talk over Kadizzle once he started bombarding the dingers with facts. First time Charlie got cornered and hung up. Second time Kadizzle go more punches in. Charlie said Kadizzle has no credibiltiy because he reffered to Payson as a city rather than a town. Charlie did not like Kadizzle calling his speale ludicrous. Charlie said law degrees are meaningless then went on to brag about his son the lawyer. This is Charlie, contradicting himself in every sentence. 

The head of the lunatic right wing fringe called in to say they recall group will have a meeting at the casino. Dinger wanted to make it clear only the delusional are welcome. Rational people are asked not to attend. The Tea Party contingent wants to recall the entire town council because they use real lawyers and experts. The dingers feel a bunch of Tea Party people picked at random should make the tough calls for the city. 

Firing on Charlie

Little Rush will be on the radio at 9 this morning. Kadizzle wants to ask Charlie on his KMOG show why he calls people angry and hateful if they disagree with him. 

Talk show host that do the right wing thing are easy to corner with cross examination. A fun topic to fire on Charlie today would be the Tucker Carlson mess. Tucker has clearly shown his racist side and his implosion with Fox should tell the Hooples something about Fox News. How will Charlie spin it?

Once you corner the right wind dinger it is always the same escape route. What about Biden? What about Hillary, or Obama? Change and get off the subject that sheds light on the right wing lying as quick as you can. Talk over the call in person and finally just hang up. So lets go Charlie. See you at nine. 


Thursday, May 04, 2023

Hopefully Fox News is imploding

The market for lying is not going to go away. Like gambling, and drinking it will always be with us. Always there will be people who cannot figure out the consequences of what they do. You see the people going broke at the grocery store buying the lottery tickets and the same people crowd the casino to give away their social security checks. There is a lot of truth in the saying " You can't cure stupid".  You can't cure it, but you sure can make a lot of money telling stupid what stupid wants to hear. Fox has made billions. Republicans have reaped tax breaks for the rich by manipulating stupid. 

Once upon a time Kadizzle bitched to a manager higher up that Kadizzle was not paid enough. The manager gave a good explanation. He said that the farther in the future you had to plan for the more you got paid. This actually makes sense. Intelligent people are planning days, weeks, months, and years in advance. The simple minded are usually two hours ahead at best. Intelligent people can detect cause and effect. Most of the people living under the bridge were not good at cause and effect. 

Republicans know how easy it is to mangle cause and effect. Fox does it all day. Trump specializes in it. Lying is a key component. 

Wednesday, May 03, 2023

The Hooplehead hero bites the dust. Tucker a racist, no question

 Hoopleheads stay away from real news, and there is a good reason. It has exploded on the real press about Tucker's racist email. The truth leaked out. Of course Fox will never report it, so the Hooples will never know. 

Too Much Fun

Breaking news. Winky just showed old Kadizzle a picture in the Payson Roundup related to Ray Downs attempt to rezone our neighborhood. Kadizzle posted a sign at Rays Berlin wall where you enter his property. The Sign read " Adult Nudist Colony members only".  Ray has plastered his property with No Trespassing signs. The joke sign is visible in the paper's picture. Kadizzle did not notice it before. 

Ray showed up at the last hearing for his rezoning. Ray cannot tell the same story twice. When Ray appeared this time the story was his condos were going to be like the ones in Vail. The housing would be for rich people. Wait, this whole thing was supposed to be about low cost housing. The story changed. 

Apparently Ray left for Canada. For months Ray will be in Canada cooking up another way to irritate the residents of our neighborhood.