Saturday, January 07, 2023

The skies have cleared

The moon is blasting bright white with no opposition from the clouds. Today may have a good dose of sunshine. The last vestige of snow is gone, except on the distant mountains. 

A puzzle, how can you get the fire lit under young people to participate in our democracy? Old people run the country, and last night you could see the chaos at the nursing home in Washington. Meanwhile young families struggle with inadequate housing, pay, and education. The old goats got their money and are pissing away the inheritance that might save the young ones, but the young ones just seem to want more tattoos. 

The old generations have created a mess, and it seems the young have given up. Robbing the young is easy. Goats live on a foundation of social security. Where do the goats get their feed? From the young fools who don't understand a tax system that keeps them peasants. How do you awaken the people with their heads glued to a cell phone?

Until the house is on fire we will watch television until the end of the game. When the car is out of gas you will know it. The number of young people who have moved back in with the mom and dad who created this mess is staggering. 

Flumpers, that is what we call them. They fizzled. We lit the firecracker and the fuse fizzled, but the bang never came. What went wrong? It was the connection between the flame and the gunpowder. 

There is no connection. The young just cannot make the connection between the 400 families that took all the wealth and their underpaid job at Starbucks. The young cannot make the connection between truth and fiction. The young cannot make the connection between the past and the future. Until people can see how things are woven together they will be the fabric of a ragged cloth. 

As a young person Kadizzle never saw people living in tents on the streets in big cities. Now you see it in every city. What happened? As a kid there were not crazy shootouts on a daily basis. What happened? In the old days there was no road rage where you just shot the guy in the other car. 

One distinct memory as a young person was the embarrassment from being stupid. When Kadizzle grew up you tried to hide it if you were not that bright.  Back in the old days you had a sense you might not be hitting on all cylinders.  Not today. Now you want the town to know your mind has rotted, you put up a Trump flag. Way back the pirates were kind enough to fly a special flag so you knew who they were.  In our era the dolts put on a MAGA Trump hat so there is no question you are talking to an idiot. The dolts strap a side arm onto their belt so you know you are near a dangerous idiot. This is the new America where you can lie proudly and join a cult with no compunction. As a kid there was story hour on the radio for kids, but now Fox has story hour all day for adults. 

Way back when people felt it was an insult to be lied to. That day is gone. Now people respect a good liar. The Santos guy from New York told his constituents he is a liar, no problem, he is a Republican, and that is what we expect. 

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