Friday, January 06, 2023

Eli Crane obstructionist

The local Hoopleheads voted Eli Crane into office and he is every bit the misguided man they wanted. He could be a twin to Wendy Rodgers, another favorite Hoople around these parts. The crazier the better is the name of the game. Eli has quickly picked up on how much publicity you can get by being an idiot. If you want to raise money in the Republican Party show you can be the worst obstructionist in the bunch. Who is Eli obstructing? Eli is currently a thorn in Kevin McKarthy's game. Eli says that is what the local dingers want. The Republicans are melting down with the lying and obstructionism. Bringing the government to a halt is a victory for them. Remember how proud they were to keep Obama from accomplishing anything. Now, they have turned on themselves. 

When it comes to producing embarassing idiots Arizona is the winner. look at some of the past dingers. There was Joe Arpaio the redneck sheriff. You had a bunch of election deniers no other state could compete with. You had Kari Lake, Trump's little sister, and of course you had the Trumpster flying in her to the cult rallies. Can any other state claim the number of dolts Arizona has elected. 

Than ya Jesus the state is on the mend. Kari Lake and her lies went down in flames along with Black Masters. Can the rest of the Hooples be put in the trash bin?

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