Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Strange deal

As Kadizzle pulled out of the lumber yard parking lot two men in a fairly new pickup truck flagged him down. Kadizzle thought they wanted directions. Nope, they wanted to sell Kadizzle $21,000 worth of Honda equipment for $9,000. The deal and explanation seemed fishy from the start. Kadizzle told them of a couple of construction sites where they might unload the equipment and told them to follow him to the construction going on near the new home, which they did. The thought occurred to Kadizzle to just drive to the police station and see their reaction. Who knows where they got the stuff. As a schemer Kadizzle had a minor brain storm. The entrepreneurs might be able to unload the stuff at a constrution site where they were building a 21 million dollar bridge. Kadizzle sent them there and told them he wanted a hundred dollar commission if they sold the stuff. Of course they said no problem. Kadizzle will never see them again. 

Asking where they got the stuff Kadizzle got a good story. They said they were selling stuff at the huge auto show going on in Phoenix. According to them their boss said they could not ship the stuff back to California because it had oil and gas in it and the boss told them to sell the stuff at cost.  A good story, but had some major holes in it. Who would drive sixty miles to sell stuff they could have sold in Phoenix much easier. Kadizzle asked them if they robbed a box car or something. With the equipment you got paper work and a warranty. Ya, sure ya betcha.   

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