Saturday, January 07, 2023

Lets get stupid

McCarthy made his announcement. Republicans will get stupid as fast as they can. All sorts of real problems, but the Hooples want to check out Afghanistan, and the laptop. The hell with real world problems, the Hooples want drama. Republicans will deliver. McCarthy promised no real progress, just more tax breaks for the rich and senseless investigations. Of course some idiot out there will say investigating Trump overthrowing the government was senseless. Ya, sure, ya betcha. 

Here we go a big round of Republican trying to stop the future. Things need to get done, reality is knocking on the door, but not, drama, drama, drama. Fox News needs some drama. So hold up the budget, stop any real reform, the Hooples need excitement. Hooples don't want anything productive, the Hooples want fireworks. 

This gets us to a story. Kadizzle's brother told him about a hillbilly dinger who got a stimulus check. What did the Hillbilly Hoople do with the check? The dinger bought fireworks. That is the Hoople mentality. If someone gives you a blessing what do you do? Buy beer, buy fireworks that will fix everything. 

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