Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Can you teach a Hooplehead to think?

The old saying is you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink. Can Frank, and Jeff B be made to drink from the fountain of knowledge? Below is an interesting lesson in thinking. Our mind can take us in many directions.  Like a wild horse we have to control our mind when it goes in the wrong direction. How can you do it? First you have to know if it is going in the wrong direction. The video below has some good tips.  Will Frank, and Jeff B. watch the video? Most likely not. They already decided they are right. Why change? If you ever wondered how Hoopleheads get that way the video is informative. Marketers, and liars like Trump know the information in the videos. Frank, and Jeff B. are unaware of how their own brain can manipulate them. If this video were shown at the Hooplehead meeting the steam from the ears would be deafening. Give the video a try. If you already have the ability to think you might do well with a refresher. If you are new to thinking, you might find it fun. 

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