Friday, January 06, 2023

The Hoopleheads love a circus.

What is a circus? A good circus is a lot of exciting nothing. A man gets shot out of a cannon, an elephant rises on two feet, another man sticks his head in a lion's mouth. When the show ends you realize nothing really happened, it was a bunch of stunts for amusement. 

Fox News has developed the circus the Tea Party loves. The government has ground to a halt, the democracy is crumbling, but it is an exciting show for the Hooples. The Republican party brings back fond memories for the Hooples of the shows the Romans used to put on. Everyone got to watch the Christians be eaten by lions while no one paid attention to the reality of the Roman empire as it collapsed. 

The ring masters, Hannity, and Tucker explain to the Hoopleheads what is going to happen next. Republicans love diversion. Their favorite is " What about Hunter Biden's laptop". 

The good old three ring circus. In the middle ring Trump lies, cheats, and steals. In another ring 20 right wing idiots bring the largest democracy on the planet to a screeching halt. The final ring has armed NRA members shooting at an invasion of immigrants coming to vote for Democrats. 

The key to a good circus is doing things the Hoopleheads don't understand. How do you really shoot a man out of a cannon? Why do those guys on the highwire carry those long poles? How do they fit all those clowns in a tiny clown car?

Illusion is the basic ingredient of fooling a Hooplehead. Present the illusion the poor are the problem, when in reality the rich are stealing the working man blind. Think about a good paranoid fantasy. A good story is believable, but it is still a story, unless you are a Hooplehead, then it is real. 

How do you explain things to kids? Try explaining how the moon stays in orbit. The task is just too hard, so just tell the kid God keeps it circling the Earth. Hooples are just kids in adult bodies. They crave a simple explanation they can understand. Democrats are bringing immigrants across the border to vote for Democrats, simple explanation. Because the Hooples don't read anything but the sports page they don't understand the complexity of why those people have been motivated to leave their country for a better life. 

Hooples cannot understand how poverty leads to crime, and just about all social problems. Worst of all the Hooples cannot understand how greed causes poverty. When the CEO of Walmart gets $8,000 and hour and granny at the door barely gets by the Hoopleheads cannot understand when one man takes to much the other man does not have enough. Now that seems pretty simple, so here is a case where something simple has to be made complicated for the Hooples. Make up a complicated story about how trickle down economics is good for poor people. 

Milking the Hooples is not much harder than herding sheep. Once you get two or three Hooples going in one direction the rest will follow. 

Today is a great day to turn on the television and watch what 20 hard core idiots elected by the Hooples can do. The Democrats get to sit and watch the lies of the Hoopleheads explode as they murder each other with who can be more obstinate than the other guy. The new approach to raising money in politics is who can be the craziest. 

Go to a Tea Party meeting. Who do they invite to speak? They don't invite intellectuals with plans to improve things? No, they invite people to scare them, and tell stories. They just don't want to hear about reality. Denial is their specialty. As tornadoes blow down their houses they don't blame climate change, nope it was god's will. It was punishment for letting Obama win an election. 

The Payson Roundup featured a story today about a man who drove his truck into a flooding Tonto Basin creek. He had to be rescued by a helicopter. Apparently he missed the history lesson. Three little children were drowned right there when their daddy Hoople tried to drive across the creek last year. That might demonstrate to the Hooples a thing called history, and how you can learn from it. There was an event called the depression. A small bunch of rich people took everything and left the masses with nothing. That is history, but the Hooples forbid history to be taught in school. So let's all drive across the flooding creek to go to the Tea Party meeting. 

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