Monday, January 09, 2023

Someone made a video of my memory.

About fifty years ago Kadizzle was a young man with his first management job. In the desolate hills of southern West Virginia for some reason he recalls visiting the town of War. Often Kadizzle has told people it was one of the most depressing places he has ever seen. Tonight pursuing Youtube Kadizzle came across the video that you can watch below. Kadizzle was shocked to see someone filmed it. 

Now if you watch the video you will see the place is a complete disaster, but you cannot imagine it was worse fifty years ago. Kadizzle still vividly remembers. Some of the rundown shack you see had people in them when Kadizzle did his coal mining stint in souther W.Va. Picture the mess you will see in the video without the green all over. When Kadizzle visited it was nothing but black coal slag everywhere. Kadizzle always remembers the scene of garbage going off the back porches of these houses in a sloping pile to the creek. Kadizzle had never seen such destruction and poverty in his life. A war could not have made it worse. Hard to imagine a place where humans lived in worse squalor. If there is or was a hell on Earth this place is where it would be filmed. 

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