Wednesday, January 25, 2023

If you can't win, change the rules

How can you stamp out dissent, truth, and open discussion? That is the question for the Tea Party. The answer is simple, change the rules. Make sure anyone interjecting reality into the cult meeting is excluded. Make sure no embarrassing questions are asked of the story tellers, and liars. Creating a closed system is the new goal of the Tea Party in Payson. No more taking a chance of someone showing up and asking poor old Windy Rodgers about her truthfulness. Once the rules are changed Windy can feel free to lie, mislead, and distort at will. Eli can have his way at story time. What happens when a cult implodes? When you keep people out, you end up with a hard core of believers, and you have shown people what you are really about. You are not about education, you are not about bring information to people, what you are about is indoctrination. 

When you go to any meeting with thugs at the door it should trigger something in your brain. Who are they afraid of? Well of course they will not say it is ideas they are afraid of. No, they make up a silly story. Kadizzle at one time shoved $23 down the shirt collar of Kevin Cramer. Cramer refused to support health care for a woman with a child born with serious birth defects. That is not the story of the Tea Party legend. The legend claims Kadizzle is a 74 year old dangerous man who might harm Shirly, because he once gave Kramer an awkward contribution. Kadizzle has never assaulted anyone. Kramer himself said he was not assaulted on Rob Ports radio program. That story doesn't work for Frank, and Jeff B. so they made up their own story in the Trump tradition, a lie. 

Why did they make up the story? They needed something to hang their hat on. Frank, and Jeff B. don't like this blog, and they don't like this blog exposing the hypocrisy of the Tea Party. To keep the silly conspiracy theories secret they have to keep normal people out of the meetings. How do you do that? You make stories that proclaim innocents people are guilty. Trump showed lying works, and Frank, and Jeff B. jumped right in and gave it a try. 

Out of all this a new hard core, hard right Tea Party will emerge. Only those washed in the blood of the lamb called Trump will be admitted. A bad organization will only become worse. It is the Republican party in miniature. Drive out any normalcy and replace it with drama and chaos. 

Attendance at the meetings has dwindled. Why? Could it be even the people who want to believe in Santa are having a hard time figuring out how a fat guy gets down the chimney. How can you have free speech when people are no free to speak. Maybe Frank, and Jeff B. have an explanation. 

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