Saturday, January 21, 2023

Game Time

 As usual Kadizzle is up and reading the NYT.  The game is on with the budget. Republicans play such a silly budget game. They want to reduce the budget, but sure as hell don't want to tax the rich.  So how can you order a big meal and refuse to pay for it? One great trick the Republicans are going to try is raising the age for people to retire with social security. Republicans know the Hoopleheads are dumber than bricks so their trick should be easy to pull off. 

The Hoopleheads just cannot comprehend that social security is simply a tax, but also a tax on the poor. The rich do not pay tax on any dollar they earn over $135,000.  Now most of us could probably explain to a first grader how unfair and ridiculous this is. If you made everyone pay in on every dollar problem solved. Who would put up with a tax system that only made the rich pay taxes on the first million? Republicans who sold people on Trump realize you can sell the Hooples anything. 

Young people have the most to lose.  Republicans want to force the young to work until seventy to retire. Young people have no clue what working until seventy means.  It might be feasible for a banker, but what about a truck driver or a coal miner? In the Republican world there is no future. Republicans want to steal every cent they can from the working class and buy bigger yachts for the rich. 

North Dakota has the classic Republican scam going on. The Republicans in North Dakota are proposing giving back some of the oil riches.  One for you, two for me is the system.  Everybody gets a cookie, the rich just happen to get ten cookies for every one cookie you get. Nothing wrong with that is there?  Who could be against cookies. Now if some smart alec little kid says " How come you get so many cookies?",  Republicans have plenty of stories to tell. First, is the old " I provided the flour, and oven to cook the cookies".  How did you get the flour and oven Mr. ?  My daddy gave them to me.  How come my daddy didn't give me some flour and an oven?  Go outside and play. 

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