Sunday, January 15, 2023

Kadizzle cannot get over it

Charles Rettig, the Internal Revenue Service commissioner, recently said " The United States is losing $1trillion in unpaid taxes every year. Most of the unpaid taxes are the result of evasion by the wealthy and large corporations, but the agency lacks the resources to catch tax cheats." So the Republicans are using their power to protect their wealthy tax-cheating friends when they could be collecting the tax money to erase the deficits they constantly complain about. 

Tea Party people cannot see the paragraph above. It is invisible to the Hoopleheads. Republicans claim making people pay what they owe is an invasion of privacy. The Hoopleheads eat up this insane argument. Right wing radio buzzes to enter the concrete that protects the Hoople brain from reality. 

Imagine what we could buy with a trillion dollars the rich Republicans are stealing. They simply buy Kari Lake, Eli Crane, and all the dolts the Hooples voted for. Can Hooples really be so stupid as not to see through the Republican scam. Money that should be used for schools, health care, and infrastructure is being used by the Trump gang to buy yachts, golf courses, and nice villas. Wow, Hooples you just cannot see the forest for the trees. What do you get when you trick a Hoople? A trillion dollars. Free fantasy at the Tea Party. They are after our guns, and immigrants are at the door. What about the trillion dollars the rich stole? Nope, did not see it missing. Freedom, freedom, freedom to rob the ignorant blind. That is the new Republican freedom. Keep your gun and give me the money. Sounds good to me. 


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