Friday, January 06, 2023

Poor little rich kids

Sitting here having coffee a copy of "Spark" sits on the table in front of Kadizzle. What is Spark? You would be astounded if you saw it. It is the alumni magazine for the school where Mrs Kadizzle went for high school. The school is where the terminally rich go to learn in Richmond, Virginia. 

The magazine must cost a small fortune to produce. Surely it cost at least the salary of one ordinary teacher in a public school, but that is not problem. Money floods the private schools in Virginia while the public schools have a rat problem. That is the legacy of private schools. The original purpose of private schools in Virginia was to make sure rich white kids did not have to go to school with black kids. The system worked beyond the wildest dreams of the creators. Mrs. Kadizzle's old high school has an endowment that would make most small colleges feel dwarfed.  

Of course in modern times the school has to have a few people of color sprinkled about to make the photos appear non racist. 

Almost forgot the story old Kadizzle was trying to get to. The brother in law was a teacher at the school. He once told the story of how a student asked him " Why do you drive that old car?".  The highschool students all drove expensive sports cars, Mercedes, and other luxury brands.  Every student had a car no teacher could afford. An ordinary income was something these kids could not understand. Their parents had tens of millions, and the idea of doing without and desire was foreign to them. Of course these kids live in luxurious suburbs and go to Europe on class excursions. This all happens in the very same city where 2/3 of the people live in squalor. That is trickle down in action. Brother in law always mentions the shootings and murders every week in the poverty laden sections of Richmond. Two different worlds and what is our greatest threat. Of course it is not income inequality, no it is a bunch of poor immigrants coming to get our breakfast.  The rich kids who have no concept of poverty will grow up to buy their own congressmen to protect them from taxes. All is fine on the plantation. 

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