Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Catering to the Hoopleheads

As Republicans eat themselves the rest of have to watch the mess. Catering to the Hoopleheads has become so addictive it mimics the opioid crisis. Republicans have set in place the rules to destroy our democracy. No more taxes, no more investigating lying crooks like Trump. The rich have prevailed. The wagon is being pulled by the gun nuts, the election nuts, and Fox News. Our government is toast. 

How do third world countries operate? You are about to find out. The rich own everything and manipulate the poor. Welcome to America where idiots meet every Tuesday to plot their own demise. Who will lie to them this week? Who will tell a scary story? For seasoning weave some sex and religion into the Hoople stew. 

If you leave your delux neighborhood you cannot help but encounter the Hoople nests.  People living in reeking poverty with Trump signs in their yard. Praising the very people that drive them into the ground. Look at the situation in Brazil, a so called democracy.  Millions in poverty and the Trump game is being played out. 

Trump is clueless about poor people. Remember when he call African countries shit holes? Trump never went to school to learn how those countries became shit holes. Europe robbed the Africans blind. The Europeans stole the minerals, and even stole the people. The rich played the same game right her in America. The rich stole the coal in West Virginia, the gold in South Dakota, and the oil in Texas. 

In areas where people should be well off and prosperous you can see run down towns with busted flat people. History is the history of the smart robbing the stupid. Always you have snake oil salesmen like Trump, living well and duping the dolts. 

An amusing aspect of duping the dolts are the people who do it on major scale like Bernie Madoff, and the recent bitcoin guy. Both use the same technique Trump does. Puff up the dolts with lies and give them the ponzi treatment. The Hooples showed their appetite for fraud when Trump sold them his trading cards. Trump took the dolts to the cleaners with his fake college. 

The trick to fooling a Hoople is emotion. Don't talk logic, the Hooples don't have a concept of reason. Use emotion when you talk to a Hoople you are about to rob. Scare the Hoople, misdirect the Hoople, promise the Hoople, you got the idea. 

One of the biggest frauds pulled on the Hooples is insurance. Insurance relies on fear. An unfounded fear is the best tool in Trump's kit. The immigrant fear sold a lot of hats and Trump cards. Yell socialism and instantly you can raise a million. 

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