Thursday, January 26, 2023

Go Brandon down at the Jesus thrift store.

Stopped in at the Jesus store on Main Street. There they were the go Brandon stickers. The big cheese says no talking politics at the Jesus store, but it is just fine to have the offensive stickers on display. Unless you have been living under a rock you know what the obscenity is the Republicans promote with the code sticker " Go Brandon". Jesus has taken a new twist. As reported earlier the Jesus wagon goes down the highway and the old goat will give you the finger if you suggest they jail Trump. 

The new Jesus is nothing like the old one. The Republican Jesus thinks it is just fine to vote for Trump, give you the finger, or put a Go Brandon sticker on the cross.

You know religion was doomed when Republican evangelicals gave up any pretense of morality and voted for Trump. The new Jesus does not call his gang the disciples, nope, now it is the Proud Boys.  

When churches sponsor the Trump gang you know you got a problem. Of courser the same churches will not stand up against gun thugs, and the NRA. Nope, the old Jesus loved little children Kadizzle was told in Sunday school. The new Jesus is armed and doesn't mind if guns are as common as weeds. Let the little children be shot to hamburger is the new normal with the New Jesus. 

Will the new Jesus support Trump this time? The Republican Jesus said three wives and pussy grabbing was fine. So chances are good the new Republican Jesus will get on board with the lying tax cheat once more. 


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