Sunday, December 31, 2023

Don't Believe Everything You Think

At every meeting one fellow comes in with something interesting on his T shirt and head. This was yesterdays contribution. Kadizzle like the hat so well he had to order one. 

Without question this is the best advice you could ever give a Hooplehead. Hoopleheads tune into Fox or listen to a conspiracy speaker and the next thing you know they are doing their version of thinking. This is where the train goes off the track. The Hoople unfortunately believe what they think. Often what they think is what Donald tells them. All of us have caught ourselves thinking something wrong. Jasper Littlebottom has fizzlers. What in the hell is a fizzler? Your brain gets some information, you brain comes to a conclusion. What is the problem with that? It usually works, but it can be a major problem if your brain did not wait until it got enough information. Police officers shoot the wrong people. Israeli soldiers shoot hostages. Republicans are classic with coming to a conclusion based on insufficient information. If you get enough information a good brain will conclude Donald Trump is a con man. If your brain is not coming to this conclusion reset it or ask for professional help. 

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Brave gunman patrols Safeway grocery store

 Today at the grocery store Kadizzle met this brave gunman. First Kadizzle asked him if the gun was real. Of course it is. Kadizzle asked the gunman what the danger was? The gunman said he had to protect himself. From what? Kadizzle asked. Do we have to shop with nut cases like this? Kadizzle talked to the store manage and asked them to prevent the gun crazed from carrying their cannons in the store. What if this mental case fires at a perceived threat and hits and innocent shopper in the next isle? Having this mental illness on parade while you shop is discomforting. Many years we have shopped and never been attacked by an onion, carrot or even a tomato. 

Don't let the truth intrude.

Locally there is a group called Transparent Payson. It could be called prostitutes against sex. The last thing the group is, is Transparent. Yesterday their version of Glenn Beck was on local Radio Station KMOG. Kadizzle tried to call in and as the provocator a question. Immediately the host hung up on Kadizzle. "Your not allow to call in" was his response. Why? The answer is simple you might ask a question that reveals the false premises the Transparent guy is spouting. Paul Fromelt is the bitcher for the Transparent group. Paul has a lot of complaints, but no solutions. The town needs to be funded. Republicans don't want the wealthy to pay taxes, so someone has to pay for the ticket. In the end the same old goats that elected Trump have to pay the price of electing Republicans. When Republicans shovel money to the top, the bottom starves. Now, Paul Fromelt comes along and cooks up a conspiracy. There is plenty of money, and people should vote of taxes.  Anyone can bitch about taxes, but few have the courage to raise them. No Republican would dare tax the rich. That is why Payson is in this mess. Trickle down, trickled up and now we are broke.  You see the mind of the Hoopleheads in action at the grocery store buying lottery tickets. That is the solution. False hope, and lies are the fertilizer of the Republican party and the crop is idiots. Someone has to sprinkle the stories, and Paul does his best. 

Kadizzle drove to KMOG after they rudely hung up on him. At the radio station Kadizzle asked for an explanation.  The generalities fell like the rain, but they just could not answer the question " Exactly what did I ever do or say that you will not tolerate?" They knew they were cornered. What they cannot tolerate is the truth. Kadizzle was going to ask Paul Fromelt when he was on the air " What is your solution to the town raising the money it needs to operate?".  That question would have been legitimate, and very difficult for Mr. Fromelt to answer. That is the kind of question you don't ask at the Tea Party or when Paul Fromelt is fromenting lies on the radio. 

Friday, December 29, 2023

Something is wrong

Just toured the Ohio valley where Kadizzle was born and raised. The videos are depressing. The houses are run down the towns have shrunk, and the entire situation is just plain depressing. Every time Kadizzle tours the East coast same reaction. Suddenly it occurred to me why people are willing to go for Trump. People have a natural sense they have been robbed. If life isn't working out for you, you need someone to blame. In these towns that once made America great, there is not industry. The steel industry, the glass industry, and even the coal industry is gone. 

People watch television and they see other people with decent homes, and lives, and incomes, but it aint workin for them. The poverty in this country is insane. When you look at the average income of people in West Virginia and the busted flat southern states you realize some people moved ahead, but a lot were left behind. People end up thinking " anything would be better than this" .  That is the appeal of Trump, he is something different. In a sea of ignorance everything looks like a life raft. The regular politicians have miserably failed so many people. The dumb Hoopleheads say, " Lets try a dictator". 

History, that lesson teacher. Germany was a mess after world war one. Well lets try something, anything, the Germans figured. Why not some crazy man who promises change. The best part of Hitler was he said it is not your fault. Sound familiar? How did the old snake oil salesmen work the crowd? The promise of change. Lottery tickets and gambling tell you how desperate people are.  In the old days people saved and invested, those days are gone. Now you bet ten dollars on change, and  you lose.  Next you bet democracy on a nut case like Trump, and lose again. 

It all comes back to the same thing. People have been pillaged by the one percent. The rich took the money and moved to enclaves of prosperity leaving the Hoopleheads in the dust. With their heads spinning wondering why they are broke the picking for Trump is ripe. Just like Hitler all it takes is a story. The essence of the story is it is not your fault. China, migrants, and liberals are the people who have left you in a slum shack. I can fix that. Yup, sounds good to me. 

Up extremely early

Kadizzle just could not sleep, so the hulking lump of humanity got up and took a shower. Outside the stars were shinning, indicating a nice day ahead. Winky is down at the Lake making the trails safe for democracy. 

At 9:00 on KKKMOG right wing radio the Hoopleheads will attack the mayor. The Hooples love Trump and are against sunshine. The progressive city council wants to move forward, but the Hoopleheads cannot stand the idea of paying for anything. Moving forward means razing taxes. Since the simple minded gave all the money in the form of tax breaks to the rich there is nothing left to run the little towns like Payson. What do you do? You have to raise taxes. The Luddites don't understand math. Life is a zero sum game. What you give to the rich, you don't have for yourselves, it is that simple.  The trickle down ruse worked the Hooples were told if you gave the rich money you would be rich. The lottery works the same way and the same idiots play the lottery. If you buy a ticket you will win, but you don't, you lose every time. The sad part is the Hoopleheads never get any smarter. 

So today on the radio the Hooples will tell the mayor he has millions of dollars the town has been hiding. The simple minded have been shown by auditors, and accounts this just isn't true, but it is the old Trump game, you just keep lying and that makes it true. 

Changing the subject, Winky came up with something interesting the other day. You cannot run for president three times. If indeed Trump won as he claimed, Trump has been president two times. So if the lying scum believes his own lies, he is disqualified. 

Thursday, December 28, 2023

The world has spun out of control

 Shanika called yesterday to let Kadizzle know he was needed back home. The dragline over near Beulah fell in the pit. Kadizzle worked in this type of mine with this machinery for many years. On two occasions we almost lost one of these huge machines. These draglines are the largest moving machine on dry earth. It is hard for someone who has not seen a real one to invision how large they are. The bucket that scoops the dirt will hold three buses. 

The planet is getting cooked, yet we go about our merry way. What me worry?  Kadizzle will soon turn 75 and it will not be that many years before Kadizzle cashes out. However, those left behind may fry. The planet is warming up far faster than anyone thought possible. The dingers, Hoopleheads, and simple minded just don't care or understand the implications. One thing predicted long ago were the mass migrations of people. Well, here they come. 

Now does all this seem bad? How could you make it worse? Very easy elect Donald Trump the madman, insane with greed, hate, and stupidity.  The Hoopleheads like nothing better than throwing gasoline on the fire. 

The depression slapped people into consciousness, planet Earth is about to get a big slap. 

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Tilting the Earth

 The Earth has started tilting the other way, so morning will soon break. The desert bike ride was very nice. Deserts make perfect bike riding. The slope is always gentle, and the sand makes a perfect track. Six of us buzzed along for 14 miles. Tucson has some very nice bike areas. Our friends home sits in a wonderful place with a perfect view of the Catalina Mountains. Al loves building, welding, and putting his touch of art in his projects. Strangely that even though they have a very nice home, they prefer to camp in their fifth wheel trailer in the back yard, that means guest have the house to themselves. First time in a hot tub in a long time. 

Back in Payson and into the old routine. Winter so far has been very mild. Jasper Littlebottom will head down to the lake today to make the world safe for democracy. 

The Trump insanity just gets more crazy all the time. A rumor is going wild about Trump using "Toe Pads" to help him stand up. Some say it is an indication of mental problems. Do you need much to realize Trump has severe mental problems. 

Monday, December 25, 2023

Fire belly

 Wonderful meal with friends celebrating Christmas. The spicy food and drinks took a toll. Biking today in the Tucson desert.Hopefully everyone will enjoy the holiday.

Saturday, December 23, 2023

What? Got an add from the National Cremation Society

 Kadizzle feels real old right now, just got a letter from the National Cremation society. Wonder if someone recommended me. Told Jasper Littlebottom what seasoning I wanted them to use. Hope they salvage what they can. A lot of good fat that smells like cheeseburger will be there. Give my knees to the needy, and save my love for Winky. If my eyes still work give the to someone in the Trump cult so they can see through the fog. Be careful what you do with the brain it may confuse someone. 

Make sure they do not put me in the oven if I die from drinking. The explosion from the alcohol's fumes could be deadly. Put my ashes in the punch at the Republican Christmas banquet. Many predict Kadizzle will die from lead poisoning. 

Ryan Downey - Running (Official Video)

Kadizzle often gets a song stuck in his head, this is a good one, give it a try. 

Off to Tucson

 The Kadizzles will drive down to Tucson for some time with old friends. Tucson is too dry, and a little too crowded, but it does have the Catalina Mountains. May get some snow today. Rain came down on and off all night. 

Just watched a video on CNN. A reporter showed to prosperous farmers the clip of Trump making Nazi remarks. The farmers have to hire immigrants to get their crops in. Both were taken aback by Trump imitating Hitler. Maybe there is some hope. 

Friday, December 22, 2023

The big boss is back from the lake

Shouting commands, and inspecting the premises, General Littlebottom stormed into the castle last evening. The tranquility of a singe existence was shattered. 

So rain will fall today. Kadizzle is trying to shake his addiction to toying with the Hoopleheads on facebook. Busting their Trump illusions is too much fun to resist. Kadizzle needs to go cold turkey. The ability of the Hoopleheads to ignore Trump's words, his crimes, and the insanity he projects is astounding. Hooples have completely forgotten how Trump was found guilty of stealing 25 million from college students. When Trump clearly states he will seek revenge on his first day in office, the Hooples just don't seem to register what that means. Now, there is more evidence recorded of Trump telling people to cheat on his behalf. It just does not penetrate the cult cloud. 

One fun thing to do with the Hoopleheads on facebook is ask them to admit they voted for Trump. Strangely they will not do it. Deep down in the Hoople mind they know they are not that bright. They also know their support for Trump is hard evidence they are mentally challenged. The way their minds work is fascinating. They can screen out all real evidence about Trump with some sort of magic. 

Thursday, December 21, 2023

What we do

The Forest Service in their infinite insanity bought the volunteer trail crew a brand new chainsaw, but we are not allowed to use it. So we have to winch large trees from the trail. It works, but cutting the tree up would work better. Of course the Forest Service wants to protect old goats from themselves, but Kadizzle just spent hours in New York with a chainsaw clearing land for his daughter. Came home with all appendages. Might be old, but not that stupid. 


Playing with the Hoopleheads

Facebook is a disease. Kadizzle's family said he had to quit. Playing with the Hoopleheads was just too much fun, and addiction is to easy. For over a year Kadizzle stayed away from the facebook drug. However, one taste of Hooplehead bashing and he was hooked again. Toying with the brain of the Hooples is like working on a puzzle. 

When a Hoople is corned with logic they always say you are hateful. Trump is a religion, and so much that pops up when you speak to a religious person also pops up when you deal with anyone in the Trump cult. Hooples equate rational thinking with being mean. How does this happen. Deep in their head they know you are destroying their illusion. If someone dresses up like an idiot, but thinks they are gorgeous, do you tell them the truth?If you do you are mean. 

When the doctor tells you that you need to lose weight, is he mean?The Hooples are happy in the bubble don't break it. 

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Looking Back

What happened? The year went by. As you get old time passes at the speed of light. Here were are two years into our new home with other houses sprouting nearby. It has been a good year suppressing the Hoopleheads. General Donut got the Tea Party thrown out of their nest. We got our encampment set up at the lake. Our trip to Spain was fun, and the wife may be enticed to do more international travel. Sylvie the granddaughter with the nickname the Giant has been such a wonderful girl with the best grades possible, and her singing and acting at the Denver School of Arts has gone well. Sylvie is now as tall as her dad and grandpa. The two little ones of Megan are growing like weeds. Megan is starting a new career as an interior decorator. Her own house turned out great after a complete remodel. 

As our neighborhood fills up everyone is getting to know each other. We are blessed with good neighbors. The artist down the street is getting his house built.  We have three good Democrats for. sure in the new mix. The rest have fallen into the Republican trap, but we still like them. The road in front of the house is done and they may open it up soon. 

Kadizzle is up to his bunghole in local politics. We have a great town council willing to fight the Hooples and their backward ways. The Democrats have been pushing back and General Donut has a lot of confidence in the future. Kadizzle is not so sure. The number of dolts, dingers, Hoopleheads, and just plain simple minded idiots is staggering. The people living in castles have no idea how the peasants think and live. We could be in deep trouble. The upcoming election will make or break the country. Either the sun will shine or we are doomed with a Trump dictatorship. 

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Up at six, to move a big log today

 Could not fall back asleep, so Kadizzle had to take a settler. Awake now we are getting ready to head up Campaign Creek. Near Peter Bigfoots encampment the goal is to remove a very large tree from the trail. The work will be done with mechanical advantage, winches, and pullies. er 

Peter Big foot is getting old, probably eighty. Peter established his survival school long ago. Peter lives very remotely with no city services such as water, electricity, or phone. Peter stays alive by gardening with his remarkable skills that produce the best produce imaginable. Winky is going to buy some vegetables from Bigfoot. 

Here we sit in the Earth module preparing for today's volunteer work. With the fake fireplace and another electric heater we are cozy. 

Monday, December 18, 2023

Parker Creek Trail #160. What we do as volunteers

Down to the Lake

Jasper Littlebottom has conned Kadizzle into going down to the lake to work on trails. The task will be to remove large fallen trees from the trails. Kadizzle likes using leverage, winches, and other principles of physic to move the beast. Of course it will be warmer three thousand feet lower. 

As mentioned many times our trail crew is old goats working. Some cities and towns have a method to allow old goats to work and get a tax deduction. Kadizzle thinks this would be a good idea for Payson. The cheap Republican goats who love tax breaks for the rich could pay their own taxes by working. The town could give the goats a tax break for cleaning up their yard. The old goats bitching about taxes could pick up trash, or do some office work, anything to help out. Goats could read to children, or help at the school cafeteria.  

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Breaking the bubble

The Hoopleheads live in an information bubble. A key to running a Hooplehead information site is to keep real information out. In Payson, Arizona the Hooples will quickly make sure you cannot bust the Hooplehead Bubble. Kadizzle has tested this several times. Go to a Hooplehead meeting speak the truth, and bang you will be asked to leave or they will threaten you with the police. The same goes for Hooplehead social media. The Hooples have a facebook thing called Transparent Payson. Strangely it isn't very transparent. Both General Donut and Kadizzle were locked out immediately when we challenged the lies. This is typical right wing behavior. 

You have seen it on television. An interview goes off the rails on Fox News and the person being interviewed is scooted out. KMOG radio just like KFYR in North Dakota will hang up on a caller or cut them off, or talk over them if they start to expose the fraud. 

Now look at the other side. The Democrats have never refused entrance to anyone at any meeting. Hmm

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Homeless Solution

 Across the country hundreds of shopping malls are empty. Why not make them shelters for the homeless? There are now office building empty. Lack of will and imagination are the only problems. The idea arose from seeing a conversion of a shopping mall to a community college. Homeless people can share bathrooms, kitchens, and bathing facilities. Think how many homeless you could put in a shopping mall. There could be child care, pet facilities and so on. More than likely the owners would be glad to unload and empty mall. Look around you at all the empty places people could live. What we have in this country is not a shortage of anything, just the waste of so much. 

Friday, December 15, 2023

What an old man thinks

The clock will soon strike 75 years old. The guy in my head gets to watch the mind age. This is the age of review. Now pictures of people keep popping up on social media. Just now saw a kid I grew up with. He was wild and his mother had her hands full. How did he turn out? Might be interesting to find out. All those kids in the neighborhood, what happened? Did they have kids? Everyone in the old Woodsdale neighborhood is old now.  Imagine that ten year old now 75. What did we live through? Did any of us ever think of what was to come? Now we have a dictator running for president, electric cars, Hoopleheads and Russia at war. 

Now we have grandchildren. It is simply amazing to think about all that has happened. We all imagined people would wise up, nope we got dumber. Never thought we would set the planet on fire, destroy the oceans, and create homeless people. When Kadizzle was a kid there was maybe on or two bums, now the streets are full of bums. Progress?  Who ever thought 400 families would buy congress and manage to get half of everything? The world has taken some strange twist.  

Thursday, December 14, 2023

One More Time

 About thirty minutes ago Kadizzle finished a long talk in his garage with a Hooplehead. We sit in the garage to soak up the warm sunshine. After the Hoople spouted the usual Republican twist on taxes, Kadizzle made the Hoople an offer. Kadizzle told the Hooplehead if he came in the house and watched a five minute video that debunked his nonsense he would pay him sixty dollars in cash immediately. Nope, the Hoople was not about to be force fed real knowledge. Kadizzle told the Hoople he would watch anything the Hoople wanted for sixty dollars. 

This is the world of the Hoopleheads, you cannot pay a Hooplehead to get smarter. The same Hooplehead said you cannot find anything in Costco that is not made in China. Kadizzle told the Hoople he just bought gin that came from England at Costco. The truth doesn't matter. Next the Hoople said 90% of the merchandise at Costco was from China. Kadizzle offered to drive the Hoople to Costco and pay him $500 if he was right. Nope, the Hoople said he did not have the time. 

Yesterday at the town council meeting Kadizzle tried to hand the Hooples fact sheets. Nope, not going to read a Harvard study. The Hooples treat facts like radioactive material, they want no part of facts. Always remember the Hoople motto " If you believe it, it is true".

The National Association for the Advancement of Humanity

 Call Kadizzle and you might get this greeting " National Association for the Advancement of Humanity".  When Kadizzle gets calls he does not recognize this is how he answers. If you don't want to identify yourself, then why should Kadizzle?

However, The National Association for the Advancement of Humanity is the organization that sponsors this blog and does so much good for Humanity. Currently the Association is trying to save America from Trump. If you want to help send a generous donation. In the comments ask for the address and you will get it. 

The association fights all social injustice such as income inequality, Hoopleheads, the Tea Party, Republicans, and the list of miscreants goes on.

The Association believes poverty is a human invention promoted by the Republicans. By giving everything to the rich nothing is left for the poor. Since the Republicans have successful manipulated the simple minded a major goal of the Association is to educate the simple minded. This is a daunting task, but some headway has been made. 

So get out the check book and pen. Your money will be used to fight the Republicans on their home ground, right wing radio. Right here in Payson, Arizona we have KKKMOG radio. Democrats have bought time to counter the lies of the local Tea Party, the Republicans, and the Hoopleheads. We have made progress. One hour of air time is $200.  So far the program has been very successful. Some Hooples called in to the talk show and said " You guys are pretty smart".  Does it get any better than that. So do your part, give a Hoople a Christmas present, the truth.

Hoopleheads go down in flames

The town council passed the ordinance to keep the .88 percent tax. The Hoopleheads of course don't like the idea of taxes. Although the Hooples made a big effort to get the Hooples to the town council meeting few showed up and those that did were poor at presenting their case. As usual the Hooples claimed there is some fifty million dollars hidden that the city can use. The Town manager tried to explain the numbers to the Hooples, but you just cannot get through to them. 

Prior to the meeting both the normal people and the Hooples had to stand outside the door waiting for the meeting to open. Kadizzle tried to talk to the Hooples. Impossible, trying to converse with one Hoople (Steve Otto) he kept barking like a dog. Wish Kadizzle was fabricating this, but it is true. You can only feel sorry for the town council once you see the Hooples in action. The town manager who is doing a great job,  lost his patientencer with the simple minded and tried to interject some reality, but it is hopeless. 

Payson is lucky to have a town council that will do the right thing and ignore the loud idiots that come from the Tea Party mentality. 

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Old People clearing trails.

Yesterday six old people headed down Deer Creek trail to take on the nasty cat's claw, and other inventions of the devil to tea humans apart. The youngest was 74.  Old goats making America great again. Kadizzle used the gas weed trimmer to beat back the ragweeds. Maybe we cleared two miles of trail. What if more old goats got with the program and did something useful? The Kadizzle pair has been clearing trails for ten years. Winky has worn out her knees and hips. Old Kadizzle is just plain worn out. 

Crumbling, that is what old age is. Like a bridge, a house or a tree, you just crumble. We are getting slower, the brain is failing, the belly is growing. 

Sadly as life enters the last quarter we are going backwards thanks to the Republicans and their evil greedy ways. Republicans have created more poor people, more homeless, more sick, more nasty, and more misery. The misguided Hoopleheads have been the tool of the Republicans. You can fool a Hooplehead easier than a five year old. The Hoopleheads were sold some silly ideas. The Hooples all think they will strike it rich, so the Hooples line up to get robbed buying lottery tickets. Hooples all oppose taxing the rich because every Hoople thinks he is rich or will be next week. It works, Hooples support the very people that rob them. In fact the Hoopleheads make sure the robbers have guns. 

Today Kadizzle will go to town hall to take on the simple minded. The usual Hooples will be there, squealing that they have to pay the tax the rich will not. The Hooples just can't figure it out. 

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Listen to the Hoopleheads squeal

The Hoopleheads will show up at town council on Wednesday to squeal about a tax increase. Republicans have starved the country of income by letting the rich live tax free. Billionairs now only pay 4%. The result of the very fire the Hoopleheads set is burning down the town they live in. Payson has no money because of some silly law that sends all the property tax to the county. Town council has no choice by to try to raise sales tax. The Hooples cannot figure out that they shot their own foot off.  

Monday, December 11, 2023

Wealth Inequality in America. If you don't watch this don't even bother to take the test.

If only a simple minded Hooplehead or Dinger would watch this maybe the light would come on. 

Saturday, December 09, 2023

Is the tide going out?

Today is donut day and the Democrats will meet and shoot the breeze. Tonight for dinner the Democrats will meet again for a Christmas party. Bob Dylan said you don't have to be a weatherman to know which way the wind is blowing, but who knows which way the wind is blowing. The polls show we may be headed to a dictatorship, but on the other hand Kadizzle does his own polling, and the more intellgent people who were Trumpers in the past seem to be waking up. The dingers are not leaders, they are followers. Dingers watch and listen to other dingers. There may be a trickle down of intelligence going on. 

On Friday the Democrats were on KKKMOG radio. That radio station is the bastion of the Hoopleheads. The Democrats blasted the Hooples with facts. What happens when the Democrats are on the local Fox News? Today will be interesting to see if we have new people willing to shed the Trump skin of disgrace. Republicans are welcome at the meeting and some have shown up venting their disgust about Trump. Today will be a good test. 

Friday, December 08, 2023

What can goats see?

 Kadizzle jut got back from getting his cancer cooked on his nose. Waiting to get cooked Kadizzle spoke with an old goat in the waiting room. The goat showed Kadizzle an article about Hunter Biden. The thought hit Kadizzle that the goat could spot wrong in Hunter Biden but was blind to the crimes of Trump. How does that work?The goat said Hunter Biden should be in jail. Kadizzle said loudly " right beside Trump".  The idea is to speak up in the presence of all the goats sitting in the loung. Bashful Democrats are the biggest problem. The Fox News goats never get out of the bubble. Any time you can prick the bubble of the Trump cult, do it. 

Thursday, December 07, 2023

One more time

Lets start by insisting you watch the video below. Christie told the truth at the debate. How do the Hoopleheads and the dingers ignore reality?

Like every morning Kadizzle was just reading the NYT.  Get ready to puke because you have seen this written here too many times. Income inequality is the ROOT of the economic mess. Just read an article on how the young are hopeless. Why? You know the answer the rich stole it all. This is not rocket science. When Willy takes to much, Sam doesn't have enough.  Now you can take off and write about the homeless, low income housing, health care or whatever you want, but the failure to tax the rich is the ROOT of the problem. When the wealthy paid taxes and unions protected workers things worked. Spin your brains out, but that is the simple reality. Pretending like there is another cause to drug addiction, poverty, and homelessness, is a waste of time. If you went to dinner and one person ate all the food you could figure it out, but not the Hoopleheads. The Hoopleheads fall for every Republican lie. 

 The debate said it all. Three out of four tried to deny reality for the benefit of Trump, only Christie had the balls to say it like it is. With the truth spit in their face, the Hooples will still deny the truth. The dictator train is coming down the track and it will be Germany all over with Trump. Trump is already lining up the Brown Shirts.  

Wednesday, December 06, 2023

Chris Christie DESTROYING Trump at the 4th GOP Debate

Victory for the ears

She fixed the hearing aid in no time. Kadizzle went to Costco and thought he would wait weeks to hear again out of the right ear, but the nice young lady had it up an running in fifteen minute. Kadizzle highly recommends Costco for hear aids. Their price and service would be hard to beat. After  you buy them they clean them free anytime and fix them free. Costco also treats employees well and does not abuse them like Walmart. 

The Trump dictatorship is on the horizon and it is hard not to think about it. In Payson the Republicans have done a great job of censoring outside ideas. Kadizzle talked to a neighbor woman yesterday and realized that even though she thinks she is getting  broad spectrum of information, she is actually caught up in the Hooplehead storm. 

The carpenters are going nuts working on four houses in our neighborhood, and the fifth is getting the foundation as Kadizzle looks out the window. 

Outside the sun is shinning brightly and it looks like it will be a great day. Had a hard time falling back asleep last night and had to resort to a settler. It worked and Kadizzle slept until 7:30. It took almost half a glass of settling fluid, but it worked. You can get settling fluid in various sizes. Costco has very good prices on settling fluid. Kadizzle got two handles of gin for 31 bucks each yesterday. 


Tuesday, December 05, 2023

One Ear Adventure

Now only one ear works. Well sorta, maybe. Insanity combined with stupidity struck yesterday. Kadizzle decided to trim his beard. The insane procedure is to use electric hair cutting tools to trim the beard. A danger in trimming the beard is cutting the hearing aids in half. Simple solution, put the hearing aids on the hood of the truck. What? In order to keep beard hair out of the house Kadizzle uses the rear view mirror of the giant truck to trim the beard. 

Time to go to the movies with some friends. Forgot the hearing aids were on the hood of the truck. When Kadizzle got to the movie he thought about how loud they played the sound. This trigger a thought about the hearing aid. Oh, no, somewhere between the house and the theater the hearing aids fell off onto the busy street. Quickly Kadizzle retraced the trip. No luck. The hell with it Kadizzle watched the movie, but became obsessed with finding the hearing aids before dark. Once more he got up from the theater and got in the truck.

There it was one hearing aid in the intersection near the theater. How did it stay on the hood for a mile, but it did. Kadizzle drove back to the house looking for the other hearing aid amazed ear one was working and the fact that no one had run over ear one. No luck finding ear two until Kadizzle got back to the intersection. There ear two was intact. Ear two was apparently run over, but still seemed like it might work. Well, it does not. So only ear one works. 

All this means Kadizzle may have to got to Costco to get ear two fixed or replaced. Old, senile, and stupid is a bad combination.

Monday, December 04, 2023

Tilting the wrong way

 Here, deep in the land of the Hoopleheads the Earth is tilting away from the sun. Thankfully in f few weeks the Earth will be heading back toward warm. Winky is obsessed with out volunteer work for the Forest Service and will go down to the lake later today. Kadizzle has to get his nose cooked for the skin cancer trying to invade his body. So here we sit at about five in the morning. Kadizzle has slept more hours than his time awake in the last couple of days. Sleeping is great, sliding into a deferent world of strange dreams. 

The doughnuts meeting went well according to the co conspirator. The Hooples are struggling, but if Trump is elected the world as we know it is over. The local Hooples are upset about taxes. The dingers are incapable of understanding how the rich pay no taxes and the Hooples have to make up the difference. We now live in a world where one individual has more money than some small countries. Greed grows like algae on a lake. 

Albert Einstein proved math is key to the universe, yet your average Hooplehead has a very poor understanding of math. Kadizzle is no math genius , but does understand a few basic principles. Exponential growth is one thing a typical Hoople is clueless about. Most Hooples are clueless about compound interest. The one that really rapes the Hooples is probability. Every Hoople thinks he is going to win the lottery. A fifty fifty chance is not even that good, but Hooples will give away their social security check for one chance in eight thousand. The chance Trump will improve things is one in a million, but the Hooples will bet on the cult. 

Sunday, December 03, 2023

George Santos Hope

 The expulsion of George Santos both brings hope and despair. Yes, he is gone, and a majority did the right thing. Now the bad news, there are 114 hard core rats, idiots, Republicans who voted to keep the rat. Amazing anyone would publicly support Santos. This is where we are in the United States. 114 blatant rats who will stoop to any level to remain in power. 

Friday, December 01, 2023

Back from the mountain

The trail crew is back from the mountain trail. Kadizzle decided to go because he wanted to add another notch to his trail list. Kadizzle has been all over the Seaira Anca Mountains. The highlight of yesterdays hike was the find of a strange site occupied by early natives. Walking up the trail Kadizzle saw what his missed going down. On top of a large rock was a collection of pot shards. Normally this means a dwelling site was nearby. Kadizzle figured as ususal the pot pieces had washed down from above so he started up hill to find where the site must be. There was none. How could there be so many pot pieces yet no visible remains of a site? Searching in futility for something that would indicate a dwelling was once here Kadizzle had no luck. Usually there is a reason a place is chosen. It might be for a view, water, or protection. None of these were present. The only reason anyone might have chosen the area was the abundance of acorns. In the end Kadizzle had to conclude early people came here to collect acorns. Perhaps they brought containers to fill with the seeds. That was the only thing that made sense. However, there were a couple pieces of decorated pottery. You don't use the good stuff for collecting seeds. The mystery remains.