Sunday, January 15, 2023

He lives in a small world

Almost thirty years ago Kadizzle used to spend hours driving around a surface coal mine in North Dakota with Duane. Duane was in charge of production. Kadizzle always loved and expression Duane used. Duane described someone by saying " He lives in a small world".

Nothing sums up the Hoopleheads any better. They just are not aware of too much. Kadizzle used to think travel would open up the mind of even a Hoople, but not so.  Most people do get a different view of the world when they travel. 

A right wing friend went to Cuba. They like Cuba, but did not come back with any change of mind at all. It turns out a Hoople can look right at something and not see it. In today's world many countries are better off than the United States, they don't have the poverty, the slums, the poor education, the poor health care.  A Hoople can visit a country that is clean, well educated, and had excellent health care, child care and so on, but the Hoople never seems to be able to ask why? 

 If you ever drove through the countryside you probably noticed two farms side by side on the same soil. One seems much more prosperous than the other. Why? The Hooples seem to have a hard time noticing things. Lying is the classic case. The Hooples did not notice that Trump promised to show his taxes, and then refused. A normal person would notice that. The Hooples did not notice Trump claims to be a Christian, yet cannot repeat a single Bible verse. They did not notice Trump broke everyone of the ten commandments multiple times. 

Not noticing is a well honed skill of the Republican Party and the Hooples that elect them. Currently the Republicans refuse to rid the party of the lying Santos from New York. They just don't seem to notice the man has admitted lying.  Seems they welcome a good liar, Trump proved that beyond question. 

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