Wednesday, January 04, 2023

The Jesus Guy

 Driving about in Payson Kadizzle could not help but notice the strange antique car with the Jesus messages plastered all over it. The car belongs to a Jesus nut who drove by Emil and Kadizzle when we were holding Trump protest signs. The Jesus guy in his Jesus decorated car gave us the finger. What kind of guy drives a Jesus wagon and gives people the finger?

Today Kadizzle happened to be driving by the nest where the Jesus guy lives. There he was the disciple of Christ working in his yard taking down the Christmas lights. Kadizzle could not resist. Kadizzle stopped and walked over to this man leading the life of Christ by giving people the middle finger. Kadizzle asked him if it was his Jesus car. Yes, he answered. Kadizzle explained to him that it did not seem in the manner of Christ to give people the finger from the old model T wagon when he drove down the main highway. The missionary said that Kadizzle was holding up an anti Trump sign, and that meant it was ok to give Kadizzle the finger. Kadizzle pointed out to Jesus junior that Trump was a liar, con man and a thief. The disciple said he did not know about Trump's tax cheating or how Trump cheated college students out of ten million dollars. The discussion got heated and the loving man told Kadizzle to get in his truck and leave. As Kadizzle walked to his truck he gave a loud whistle to get the attention of the hypocrite. When finger man turned to look at Kadizzle,  Kadizzle shot him two middle fingers, and said " Jesus Loves You".  This is Hooplehead religion in action. You can do anything in the name of Jesus to support Trump. 

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