Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Does Alexa listen to your private conversations?

The Kadizzle family is not prone to crazy conspiracy theories, but Kadizzle may have to buy in. Older daughter gave in to the idea that electronic devices in the home spy on you. Kadizzle told her it was total nonsense. Another friend came up with the same thing. 

Now, Kadizzle really wonders. Kadizzle was in Florida in a home with Alexa's everywhere. Kadizzle happened to mention to someone in the home about Ritchie Brothers Auctions. That outfit auctions heavy equipment. Kadizzle returns to Payson and what should appear on his computer but an add for Ritchie Brothers Auctions. What are the chances this would just happen? Pretty slim. One of the neighbor here is sure the listening thing is true. Who knows, but it is indeed strange. 

Here we go

Morning is about to break over the mountain. Mrs. Kadizzle has a bad cold she is sure to pass on to the old man. Kadizzle was able to take a nice golf ball ride yesterday. The prospects for finding golf balls was slim, but low and behold Kadizzle came up with nine. The placier mine was a good producer. Panning for golf balls is much like panning for gold. The stream washes the golf balls down from the golf course. The balls get imbedded in the sand, and then the sand erodes to expose the precious golf balls. Mrs Bumore is still down in her hovel. She said she sold a dozen golf balls for $12.  If the weather improves and the golfers come out to buy their own golf balls back perhaps Mrs. Bumore can strike it rich.

Mrs. Bumore said she was raised a Mormon, but gave up on the nonsense at age 7, or at least could see through the fantasy. Bumore gave Kadizzle a lesson in Mormon swearing. Mormons cannot swear so they invent things that sound like swear words. The lord is creative. 

Monday, February 27, 2023

Tonto Natural Bridge State Park - Hike To Waterfall!

We have taken a lot of guest here since we moved to Payson, A

Keep your head under the rock Frank, Jeff B. Fox admitted in court it lied.

The Fox brand is lying. Frank, and Jeff B.  can't figure it out. More than likely they think fake wrestling is real also. Rupert Murdock admitted in court Fox News knew Trump lost and was lying about it. Frank, Jeff B. what other news network do you know that says in court it lied deliberately? You guys have been taken by the likes of Trump, Kari Lake, Ted Cruz, and on it goes. Do you read or watch anything real?When the main source of news for the Tea Party admits lying on Fox is what they love, we got a problem Houston.  

What are you bitchin about?

Kadizzle came home to a letter from the IRS. Apparently no taxes were paid on the social security last year. Kadizzle owes the IRS 3,500. The Hoopleheads love to bitch about taxes, but think about it Frank, and Jeff B. , maybe taxes are a bargain. What do you get for the taxes you pay. The list is endless. You get free roads, clean water, safe medicine, education, discoveries from NASA, the internet, and on and on it goes. If someone sent you the catalog of everything you get for your taxes and offered it to you for the price of your taxes, you would jump on the offer. 

More than anyone the rich bitch about taxes. Wow, look what they get. They get a government that keeps wages low for their workers, they get a goverment that keeps them from paying their share. Now look how the rich live. What do they have to bitch about except they want more. Everyone likes to bitch about waste, but the biggest waste is the insane military budget, but we ain't goin touch that one. 

So old Kadizzle will probably write Biden a check for $3,500 today. Maybe Kadizzle should add a thank you note. Flew home from Florida on a airplane that was safe because the government insisted. It used an air traffic control system paid for with taxes. There was fuel in the plane from oil regulated by the government so the environment was not destroyed. The terrorist were kept off the plane. So Kadizzle should bitch like Frank, and Jeff B. that we had to wait to long for a rental car? No doubt it was Biden's fault and Hunter's laptop had something to do about it. 

As Kadizzle breaths the air of the luckiest people in the world should he really go to the Tea Party and bitch about the luxury we live in and try to deny it to some starving family on the border? Hell, yes that is what Jesus would do. Right Frank, and Jeff B. ?

Sunday, February 26, 2023


Why Fox News Lied to the Viewers It ‘Respects’ A New York Times story Frank and Jeff B. will not touch

Here we are back in Payson. Look out the window there are no palm trees in the breeze, instead a mini blizzard. Sort of like the blizzard of lies from Fox News. Fox has taken a beating in the normal press about it's brand of lying. Frank, and Jeff B. don't live in the normal world where truth exist, they live in the world of fantasy, and a world where Trump is president. Story time is at the Ponderosa Bible Church. The kids can sit down and hear scary stories about elections, sex in high school, and of course dangerous liberals. What fun is reality, and besides reality is a little complicated. In Fox world the evil Biden causes train wrecks, wars, high gas prices, and all other problems. Simple solution for simple minds in the heads of simple people. 

What does Fox do now? Most liars use the old technique of just covering one lie with another. No doubt that will be the Fox approach. Those at Fox who broke the trust of the audience by telling the truth will be removed. You know that kid that says there is no Santa Clause or Easter Bunny. That kid has to go.

Fox will also revert to the old diversion trick. You know at the circus as they change acts the clowns come out. Wow, the clowns came out when Biden gave his speech. Republicans have 20 good clowns now. Be assured those clowns will drum up plenty of silly stuff. There will be investigations about Biden causing too much rain, and droughts. The little kids at the Tea Party will cheer and yell for more lies. Fox will come through. The big clown in Florida will surely drum up some excitement. Now the big clown will bring out the giant hammer to bop anyone who runs for president who isn't the Trumpster. The Fox Clown show will regain traction and the lying will go on.  


Saturday, February 25, 2023

Leaving the lap of luxery

Slowly the tribe is disbanding. The Denverites have left and got stuck in Philadelphia overnight. Early this morning Megan and her gang head off for New York.  Later today the Kadizzles depart for the desert. No more pool side relaxing, fresh sea food, or tropical plants. 

Perhaps Little Joey can be controlled again. Kadizzle cannot help but think of the excesses. There is no such thing as poverty, it is a Republican invention. There is no shortage of anything be it food, housing, or education. We live in a world destroyed by greed. Too few have too much is simply the problem. Were resources distributed with some kind of empathy or equity so much suffering would disappear. The needless excess is hard to see when you know so many in the world have so little. Slavery never went away, it was simply refined.   

Friday, February 24, 2023

What does a good beating in Benwood cost?

At an age when the brain has not fully ripened, I had a summer job as an underground coal miner at the Shoemaker Mine in Benwood, West Virginia. Although the coal came out from under the ground on the Ohio River the miners went in and out of the mine right in the heart of Benwood. Friday was payday, and nothing is more volatile than a coal miner with a paycheck in his pocket. The temporary exit from the mine which was under development was in the yard of a home right in the middle of Benwood. 

It was a strange way to leave work on a Friday morning after a midnight shift in the mine. The miners could exit the mine and walk across the street to a bar where the paychecks could be cashed. It did not take long for this young man to get to much beer and too little oxygen to the brain. Pumped up on stupidity and masculinity I got the brilliant idea to challenge a much larger miner to a fight. 

This is the way the challenge was to take place. Each of us would place our entire paycheck on the bar. The survivor of the battle would get both the checks. Anyone with eyesight could see who the loser was going to be except me. By the grace of God, and a kind sober miner an end was put to my insane idea. The fight never took place. 

To this day I still have my original teeth. Had my plan to pay $1,200 for a beating succeeded, the dental repair alone would have taken weeks to payoff. Thankfully I did not have to go though life explaining how I lost an ear, or my eyesight. In the end I realized the cost of beer could exceed any imaginable price. 

After that experience I was offered a few beatings at a much more reasonable discount. I learned quickly to turn down the offers. One incident comes to mind. One of the first jobs I ever had was as a highway inspector. At the time the interstate highway was being constructed through Wheeling. My job was as the inspector on the demolition in East Wheeling.  A large crane with a clamshell bucket was being used to tear down buildings. The crane was piling up the rubble in a huge pile for trucks to haul away. 

An older man was picking through the rubble to salvage copper and other items he could sell. It was a dangerous thing for the man to do because the crane could inadvertently drop something on him. I had the job of telling the man he must cease and leave. The fellow was belligerent when I told him to stop. He refused and told me as he reached in his pocket for what I assumed was a straight razor " I am going to cut you from your asshole to your appetite."  I told him that would be a large cut and I would prefer a different solution.  At that point I left and had the police resolve the problem. The moral of the story is know when to hold em, and know when to fold em. 

Sylvie at the Ocean

Sylvie bugged poor old grandpa constantly to take her to the ocean for sunrise. Kadizzle gave in and we had a great experience. When we got to the beach many people had the same idea. Sylvie is a great explorer and full of energy. Dancing and jumping, do cart wheels Sylvie waited for the sun to pop up. Pup up it did indeed the speed it came over the horizon was amazing. 

 Kadizzle tried to incorporate a science lesson in the sunrise. In days of old sailors could determine how far east or west they were by checking the exact time the sun came up. 

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Stay away from reality

How can you cook up thirty or forty people completely out of touch with reality? The Tea Party has the answer. First find people willing to believe. Once you have a person willing to step outside reality, then the rest will come easy. First, don't trust your eyes. Your eyes and ears told you Trump sent the people to the Capitol to smash windows and hang Mike Pence. Nope, Frank, and Jeff B. know it was fake news, what really happened is the story on right wing radio. Put simply it was not Trump. Just pick the story you like, but make sure it is not what your eyes and ears told you. Your eyes and ears lie, but Tucker Carlson, Fox, and Hannity tell you the truth. Wait, we know they know it is not the truth, but you believe it. Remember thinking is not important, believing is. If you go to church, you don't think, you believe, that is why the Tea Party meets at a church, the perfect place to believe. Who won the election? We all know. Knowing is so different from believing. Believing you can fly will get you killed when you jump from a building, knowing gravity will kill you will save your life. Now, Frank, Jeff B. do you see the difference between knowing and believing?

Of course this all leads back to knowledge. Knowledge comes from reading truthful things. Bulletin, right wing propaganda is not truthful. Another important concept for the Hoopleheads is conspiracy theories. Yes, people can just make things up. Trump does it all the time, so does Fox and the rest of the gang. Why do con men make up stories? Yup Frank, you got it.  Con men seek to defraud you, just like Trump, and the people who advertise on right wing radio. Sadly erection problems cannot be solved with a gun, a big truck, or a pill Jeff B. There is something called age that effects your little buddy, and your brain. Once your brain starts to go, you go. Where do you go? You go to the Tea Party meeting. Nothing works better than outsourcing your thinking. Fox, and the Tea Party will do all your thinking for you. No more thinking, just listen and repeat. 

Ah, the Ocean

With Sylvie, grandpa swam in the ocean for the first time in years. The water was perfect, and we enjoyed bouncing in the waves. Florida is an entirely different planet from Arizona. The kids are in the pool almost all day. Grandson Quinn has a great time squirting everyone with pool water. Of course with four excellent cooks the pounds are piling on. Returning to snow in the mountains may be hard.  

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Frank, and Jeff B. will never know the Fox News fraud has been exposed

Frank, Shirley, Jeff B. and the rest of the Tea Party will never know what the general public knows. Fox has been busted. Every decent news source has blasted the truth about Fox and they lying Fox News promotes. Fox News has been caught in the Dominion law suit. Fox has been forced to disclose it's brand is lying. However, as long as Frank, Jeff B. and the gang never turn the channel they are safe in the Fox Bubble. Just stay tuned to right wing radio and things will be fine.  

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Jumping wild Monkeyss

Awakening to the wild monkeys jumping in the other room. Two little grandchildren, and one big one. Drawing, putting stickers on things, assembling leggos and on it goes. Nine people in one house with three youngsters is bound to be a noisy day. Yesterday Grandpa spent a lot of pool time forced to play water games with Sylvie. 

Nice to be with the children and see the kids. Time has flown us to the age of 74.  How did we get here?  The Kadizzles are so fortunate. Our two girls have married excellent men and good fathers. Few things can bring greater peace of mind. Every generations claims the next generation is spoiled, but Kadizzle is sure it is true. Little Quinn the grandson got more birthday presents than Grandpa ever got in his life at Christmas. The art supplies of these kids would supply an old fashioned kindergarten for years. 

Monday, February 20, 2023

Lets see the sunrise

Sylvie is bound and determined to be on the beach in the morning and watch the sunrise. Old Grandpa may have to give in and accommodate the 13 year old . Sylvie has been to many beaches, but it seems like a good request. Sylvie has only been on beaches where the sun set in the west.  An Eastern sunrise may be in order. 

Today was filled with time in the pool and some bike riding through the tropical paradise. Definitely a different planet from our usual mountain home with sprinkles of snow. The desert should bloom this spring from all the moisture. The flowers will pop.

This country is really a country of many subcultures. In North America you could experience many different cultures. The western culture, the California culture, and of course the Northwest. There are many little pockets of people that have a certain culture. You will know when you are in the strong gun culture areas, the redneck and Trump areas, and the prosperous areas. Few places are pure anymore, and that is probably a good thing. Then of course you have the Bible Belt, and the red states. Even within a town there are subcultures. 

This country is more and more a class society. The country has become divided by both wealth and politics. The rich and poor don't sit in the same places and Republicans and Democrats don't socialize like they used to.  Education has separated people. Educated people don't usually live where the blue collar gang does. Of course racial segregation is still in full swing.  The Republicans know deep down there are plenty of hard core racist for them to recruit. No one suffered from racism like Obama. Republicans had a hard time hiding their racism when he was president. The insane obstructionism told the story. Obstructionism is the new norm for Republicans. No matter what Biden does they will play the same games they did with Obama. 

What do the Russians think of the Tea Party:?

 100 Russians are following this blog if they statistics are accurate. What do those 100 Russians think of the crazies in our country? Russia relies on the same game Trump plays, lying, cheating, and stirring up false stories. A lot of Russians buy into the the lies Putin tells. Of course we have the Tea Party, Kari Lake, Trump, Majorie Taylor Green, Ted Cruz, and on it goes. All the little Putin types right here in America. Sadly with the help of Republicans we are headed toward the Russian mess where a bunch of rich people support a dictator that helps them steal the resources of the country. If only Frank, and Jeff B. could visit a country where the Trump plan worked out. As the old saying goes, be careful what you ask for. When the Hooples pray the rest of us can only hope their prayers get thrown in the trash. 

Be careful and you can stay in the dark

Avoiding reality can be done, but you must take care. Do not read NPR today. They blow the lid off Fox News insanity. If you pull back the curtain on Fox, you find the Fox people themselves will tell you lying is their brand. Tea Party people have to be very careful about isolating themselves from the truth. The truth has a bad habit of emerging in unexpected places. However there is a simple solution, just shout Fake News. 

A good strategy for remaining an idiot is finding a good source of crazy ideas. Republicans have fulfilled the market for ignorance with mini Rush Limbaughs. North Dakota has Scott Hennen, and Payson, AZ has their own right wing story teller. These little Fox News style liars are spread like peanut butter across the country. There job on local radio is to amplify insane stories, and paranoid ideas. To put the icing on the mess you can have a group meeting like the Tea Party where a bunch of delusional people reinforce the insanity. When you get the ball rolling you got enough dumbed down people to invade the Capitol.

Awake in Florida

This afternoon the entire clan will be together in Florida. Sleeping at sea level is a treat. The air goes in and out of your lungs without breathing. A good soak in the hot tub added to the relaxation. Florida has some merits, but face it the state is a flat swamp. Sylvie is excited to get to the beach and see the manatees. Our gracious in laws are letting us use their luxurious home with a pool. So life is about as good as it gets. 

Just changed chairs and the view. Looking out the back windows there is a tropical jungle out there. Another planet from planet desert appears. Palm trees, ferns, and plants that thrive on water everywhere. 

Saturday, February 18, 2023

The Saga with the Hoopleheads

Someone in Payson, Arizona knows who made the false phone call claiming to be me. I strongly suspect it is the person who comments on this blog as Unknown. Unknown does not have the courage to meet me in person or call me on the phone. Rob Port who played a key role in promoting this false story knows who cooked it up. Rob Port refused to tell me who the person is. Port knows he will look silly if I get to the bottom of this fraud. If the coward who constructed this scheme would come forward we could quickly determine who is telling the truth. The coward is like so many Republican liars. Republican liars will not come to court and testify. Courts have unique ways of getting to the truth. If you lie you can go to jail. That is why Trump will not appear, nor will his surrogates. 

If the allegations the Payson Republicans cooked up were factual, then I could have been taken to court and the truth would have been sought and revealed. Of course to make it work the coward would have to show up. Cowards don't show up look no farther than the Trump gang. If the Coward had facts rather than fabrication surely he would come out with them dancing. If there were facts why was it impossible for the Capitol Police to find them. Surely the Capitol Police searched my phone records. There was no record of the alleged phone call. If there was why wasn't it acted upon? 

Why does the Coward continue to fabricate? Why does Trump continue to fabricate, why does Fox News?Republicans feed on lies. Lying is the air they breath, and the blood that flows through their veins. The Coward has provided a lesson in how liars operate, and how they fear the courts and the truth. 

One final comment for the Coward. Kadizzle believes in free speech and has been tolerant about your lying, but if you don't have the courage to put a name to you lies they will no longer be posted. Goodby. 


Today as Kadizzle got some bike exercise he encountered a nice man who happened to be caught up in the Fox News world. In no time we were in a political discussion. The man claimed he was well informed. When asked about the time Trump Cheated College students out of 25 million dollars the man knew nothing about it. 

Somehow we got on the subject of China. The man had some strange ideas about China. Kadizzle asked the man what he thought the literacy rate was for China. A disclaimer here, Kadizzle did not know himself. The discussion evolved from talking about the ranking of the United States in education. China is ranked first in the world. Mr. Trump supported said he would guess 20% of the people in China could read and write. Kadizzle thought the number would 80% or higher. Kadizzle suggested both parties find out. It turns out China has a literacy rate damn near 100%.  Now keep in mind this is a classic right wing man who has engineering degrees and watches Fox News. Now ask what is wrong with our country. Ignorance, time two. People are watching Fox News and thinking they are being informed. Later in the day Kadizzle had a conversation with another well educated lady. She made the comment on the radio as she drove to California all she could get was right wing propaganda. We have a problem Houston. 

People are to prone to accept what they hear from unreliable sources, and then shape the world accordingly. 

Read the Cowards comments

 A fellow who refuses to reveal himself writes comments on this blog. He or she is a sad coward. Now, for the back story. Some time ago Kadizzle got pissed off when his daughter called crying from Denver. The granddaughter was in school, the school was locked down because of gun incident nearby. 

The call enraged Kadizzle and as he drove down highway the notion struck him to confront the Republicans about their refusal to address gun control. Guns are the bait that draw in the Hoopleheads. 

Kadizzle drove into the store where the Hooples sell the MAGA hats. In no time a heated discussion about gun control ensued. A Hoople lady said " It is not a gun problem, it is a mental illness problem".  Kadizzle said " You're right, 71 million mentally ill people voted for Trump".  It was game on. The Republicans Hooples said " If you don't leave we will call the police".  Angered, Kadizzle said go ahead. 

The police came and arrested Kadizzle for trespassing. The charge was never proven in court and there is no record of it. The Hooples wanted to parlay this incident into trouble for Kadizzle. 

The head Hoople had a restraining order filed against Kadizzle. It could have been easily overturned since it was full of lies. Kadizzle let it ride. Now, the Hoople realized they could have Kadizzle in a corner if they could cook up another good story. 

This is where the deviousness, and true evil of the Hooples comes out. The Hoopleheads researched everything they could find about Kadizzle on the internet. A clever Hoople got an idea. In 2017 Kadizzle stuffed $23 dollars down the shirt of Kevin Cramer. That is an entire story the Republicans distorted, and if you really want to hear how it unfolded call. It would take too much time to explain now. 

Some devious Hoople got an idea from the Cramer incident. What if they called Cramer's office and claimed to be Kadizzle? The Coward or someone in the local Trump Store went ahead with this plan. Of course none of them have the courage to admit it. 

In their research of Kadizzle the Hooples came across an article by Rob Port a North Dakota columnist. The Hooples entwine Port in the plan to frame Kadizzle. Port called Kadizzle and told him he planned to write about how Kadizzle had threatened Cramer. Kadizzle warned Port he was being played by the Hooples. Port ignored the warning and wrote an article in the Fargo Forum. In the article Port quoted Cramer as saying " Mike Quinn is a menace to society".  This was based on the call a Payson Hoople had made to Cramer's office. 

As a result of this the Capitol Police sent two young Capitol police people to Kadizzle's home on July 13, 2022.  It was a young man and a young woman. The young woman did most of the interview. She was very professional and a nice person. She was at the Capitol the day of the riot. After speaking with the two investigators Kadizzle said " When will I hear back from you?".  The young woman said in about two weeks.  Never hear a word from them.

Now, for the rest of the story.  Kadizzle confronted the head of the local Republicans about the scheme they cooked up. He told Kadizzle he got a call about the false threat around midnight on a Friday.  Kadizzle knew he never made a call to Cramer's office late at night. Now, to clarify something. The supposed call was made to one of Cramer's staff. Whomever made the call must have had the phone number of one of Cramer's staff people. How did they get that? Obviously the Republican connection becomes clear. 

In summary the Capitol Police more than likely checked all the phone calls from Kadizzle's phone. They found out he never made the call the Hooples at the Republican store cooked up. The Capitol Police realized the whole thing was a waste of Tax Payers money. It had to cost the Capitol Police at least $8,000 to make a trip for two people to Payson, not to mention the other waste of time. 

Rob Port refuses to reveal who was the perpetrator. The Republicans have no shame and will not out the person who was key to this mess. More than likely the Coward knows. If anyone wants to come clean Kadizzle will pay $1,000 if they can identify the person who cooked up this scheme. 

Now, back to the Coward. Like all the Hooples the coward will not walk up to Kadizzle and have a man to man confrontation. Instead the coward choses to sit behind the bush and throw rocks. That is Fox News, Donald Trump, George Santos, Wendy Rodgers, Kari Lake, and on it goes. These are the people who will not come to court and face the truth. These are the People who go to a church to listen to right wing lies. 

Read about the depravity of Fox News "What Fox News says when you are not listening"

 Michelle Goldberg wrote a wonderful article in The New York Times today about the insane greed of Fox News and how they have no qualms about lying. Read the article. Frank, Jeff B. have a fresh pair of underwear nearby. 

The right wing thirst for delusion is beyond comprehension. Kadizzle has gone occasionally to the casino for a meal. In front of the automated pocket cleaners sit the Fox News crowd. No one wins, yet you can see hundreds of delusional Fox News watchers pumping their social security checks, and pay checks into the automated vacuum cleaners. The Hoopleheads believe something that simply is not true, and they find it both fun and addicting. That is Fox News. The casino knows the truth, Fox New knows the truth, but the Hooples long for the delusion. 

The same gang is at the Ponderosa Bible Church soaking up the lies of the Tea Party. It is mana from Heaven. Those wonderful lies, those beautiful delusions hand made for each addicted fool. 

At the casino the truth is a simple thing to find. Before you go in to get robbed count all the money in your wallet. When you come out count it again. You will know the truth. With Fox News you just have to change channels. 

Fortunes are made selling lies and delusions. Casinos and churches rake it in. Churches have perfected it. Churches don't even have a physical product. The Mormons get the standard 10% for telling a good story, plus you can get extra wives. What does it take for people to see through fraud? Who buys illusions? The hopeless buy illusions. 

If you ever see a mathematician at a slot machine give me a call. Somehow high school just does not usually do the trick. If you can count you can count the votes in a election. Trump proved there are 71 million people that cannot understand which number is larger. Clue the biggest number is not the one you get to pick, it is the one with the biggest numbers. Trump lost. 

Friday, February 17, 2023

George Santos (Song Parody)

Living under a rock watching Fox News


The steam whistle will blow at noon, and at five. Also if Frank, and Jeff B. read NPR today

 The headline article for NPR is a story about how the top liars for Fox admitted privately how Trump lost the election. Of course Frank, and Jeff B. will not touch the article. It would shoot steam out their ears you can hear all over Payson. So if you hear the steam whistle blow and it is not noon or five, Frank, and Jeff B. tuned into NPR online. The Fox News liars don't even believe their own lies. The proof is right there for Frank, and Jeff B. 

If Frank, and Jeff B. happen to read the article they will see over and over the words " protect the brand".  Even two idiots can figure out the brand is lying to Hoopleheads. The people at Fox who made the mistake of telling the truth paid for it. What does it take Frank, Jeff B. to wake you up?

Do you want to be smarter? Not really.

Kadizzle cannot get Frank, and Jeff B. to read anything well written, so Kadizzle will try to get through to them with this piss poor writing. The topic is education. Just try it Frank, Jeff B. it will not kill you, read Paul Krugman in the New York Times today. Krugman talks about how Republicans hate education. They claim it is liberal propaganda. Now think about it boys, is gravity liberal propaganda? Well it does cause car wrecks. Republicans know science is a nuisance, and math is even worse. Math says Trump lost, bad math. Science says you cannot set the house on fire you live in, in this case planet Earth. What are we going to do Frank, Jeff B.? Well let's destroy education, problem solved. If kids drop out and hand drywall they will not be pesky about the way numbers are used to cheat them out of social security. The guy driving the garbage truck votes Republican and firmly believes black people are just lazy and have no real bitch about the way they have been treated.  Keeping garbage Willy from books works fine for the Republicans. Stupid uninformed voters get the Republicans what they want, some Majorie Taylor Greens, and a few George Santos liars. Throw in Kari Lake, Wendy Rodgers, and the champ the Trumpster. 

Every high school has some dumbass football coach teaching history, as if that is not bad enough the Republicans want dumbasses to teach all subjects. The teacher can just say, " You really don't need to know this stuff to work at McDonalds." 

Back to those pesky numbers they use in math class. No matter how you slice and dice the numbers educated people make more money, and live better lives.  No they don't that is just propaganda from liberal professors. Fake News.  You can do just fine as a welder. Of course you may have to lay on your back in the snow in Montana welding a pipe, or get in a boiler at midnight, but you will be fine until you reach about 60, then the job gets a little cumbersome, but wait you can retire, nope, the Republicans took social security away, did you forget. Social security is socialism, and it is a lot like education,  it interferes with tax cuts for the rich Frank, Jeff B. So lets get to work and keep any decent person from being a teacher. Just send the kids to religious school and let Jesus tell them how to do it. Of course Jesus lately has told them to vote for Trump. Old Jesus is a trickster. All good Christians want the world to end so they can go to Republican heaven. The casinos in heaven give away more free games, and the meals are cheaper. You can also win free answers to prayers. 

Thursday, February 16, 2023


The largest travertine arch in the world is near us. Since we moved to Payson we have hiked under it and taken many visitors to see it. Is impressive. Unlike the guy doing the video we went clear through. It is treacherous. This guy is  cake. 

Will they catch the Rat?

Every time it appears they have the Trump rat in the trap, he escapes. No conman has ever surpassed the lying scoundrel. Delay, lie, fail to appear, bribe witnesses, hire crooked attorneys, The Donald has not missed a trick. In the world of Trump there are no rules, no facts, and no punishment. The rat trashed the Capitol, and got away with it. Stole from college kids and got away. If there is a God and that god controls lightening, cancer, or any other form of death why doesn't a just god blast that rat from our planet. We have been cursed with Hitler and many like him. It is time for fate to put an end to the evil man the Hoopleheads adore.  

A Good Truck Gun?

Kadizzle listened to the sell and trade show on local radio yesterday for the first time. It was a wake up call about the town he lives in. When people call in the radio station to sell their handgun, and the announcer says " It would make a good truck gun", that says a whole lot about the mentality of the Hoopleheads. Someone is going to get you, and you need a gun in your truck to shoot the socialist, immigrant, or whatever attacker approaches. Kadizzle will soon be 74, and in those 74 years has done a lot of traveling. Never did old Kadizzle need a " Truck gun".  Now Kadizzle has an older brother who is a bit of a Hooplehead, and of course a staunch Republican. He has a " Truck gun".  

What kind of society do we live in when people need truck guns? If you pepper a society with poverty, drugs, and right wing insane gun people maybe you need a truck gun. However, it is time ask why don't the people in other countries need truck guns?  In all those terrible socialist countries like Denmark, Sweden, England, France, Germany, and Italy the people do not have truck guns, and they don't have mass shootings every day.  Wait is there a connection? Guns create mass hysteria, and mass shootings. 

Someone is after me, that is the mantra of a Republican. Someone wants to get my money, my car, and steal an election. Are we really that crazy? When you have these guns laying around guess who gets shot? Mostly children, but that is the price you pay for voting Republican. Republicans love to court the Hoopleheads, and guns are like candy to a Hooplehead. Hoopleheads have no concept of math, but they have memorized the calibers of guns, and the cubic inches of engines. Guns, engines, and shiny wheels run in their blood.  What happens when you equate masculinity with the caliber of your revolver? You equate masculinity with how high you truck sits off the ground instead of how high your IQ is? You can buy a bigger gun, or raise you truck up in the air, but you have to read or go to college to get smarter. Nope, just buy a bigger gun. How do you win an argument if you are mentally challenged? Shoot the other guy, or run over him. 

Notice in the news how the mentally ill now use cars to kill people if they are short on ammo?There is no outlet for frustrated MAGA people except violence. Maybe we should attack the Capitol today.

If you went to the parking lot after the Hooplehead meeting how many " Truck Guns" would you find? Never know when a black person, or a Mexican might be behind a bush waiting to rape your wife or sell your kid some drugs. 

A flash came through Kadizzles mind. Remember when the Hooples all had deer whistles on the front of their cars? The damn things didn't work, but the Hooples sucked them up. Eventually the Hooples figured out they did nothing to scare away the deer.  Now there is a whistle that works for Hoopleheads, it is the dog whistle. If anyone can blow a dog whistle and get the Hooples to bark, it is Trump. Hooples all claim they are not racist. Talk to a Hoople for ten seconds and they will say something nasty about Obama.  You don't have to scratch too deep in the veneer of a Hooplehead to find a racist. Remember it is the Hooples who run around town with the Confederate Flag. 

In the good old days white people got a free ride, a head start.  Now, look at sports, once you took down the racist barrieer what happened? Once the racism evaporated black people and minorities became sports heroes. That is fine for Football, but a president?  Obama was a polished speaker, and very intelligent man, boy did that piss off the Hoopleheads, they wanted a crude lying, con man. They got one. What was it about Nancy Polosi that drove the Hoopleheads nuts? Guess what she was a woman.  Every good Hooplehead knows deep in his heart women need to be controlled. Is it just coincidence that every simple minded man has a simple minded woman with him? You have seen it, the spectacle of Hooplehead economics. " Here Martha is you monthly allowance to run the house" as Mr. Hoople hands Marther a set sum. Martha cannot be trusted to have the check book. If you want some pin money Marth you can sell Chicken eggs. Want to scare a Hoople show them an independent minority, or woman.  We ain't having any of that. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Sorry for repeating, but the photography in this video is a good way to start the day. Give it a try.

A recommendation

 If you are bored, Kadizzle recommends and article in the NYT today about a baseball player that gave up baseball to sail. Kadizzle did more sailing than breathing, give the article a try and see why. 

News break for Frank, Jeff B. and the Tea Party Hoopleheads.

Bulletin, you are not rich. Unless you have maybe ten million or more Hooples you are not rich. Of course if you have a car that runs and a nice trailer with a chain link fence around it you think you are rich, but sorry. Now as a Hooplehead you support the Republican Party.  Next bulletin, the Republican Party is about one thing, and one thing only, that is protecting the rich from you, or taxes that will help YOU. Of course Frank, and Jeff B. think next week they will win the lottery and therefore they will need the tax breaks the Republicans crave like heroin. Another bulletin Frank, Jeff B. you are not going to win the lottery, and while we are at it you are not going to heaven. No Republicans are allowed in Heaven. 

Since Republicans are about nothing but greed, they want to destroy any chance the Hoopleheads will have social security, or butter on their bread. No figure it out Frank, and Jeff B. what does that mean for you? It means you are fools being played by the real rich. They know the power of stupidity. If you want stupidity go to a Tea Party meeting where they ask someone to come lie to them, and then they clap. 

People working against themselves, that is about as dumb as you can get, but that is the oldest game in the book. People who should be building themselves a better house are tied up building pyramids, and cathedrals. Someone in a strange outfit sold them a story. It is 2023 and the story tellers are abundant. Trump showed the power of the lie, and how many people jumped in line to bilk Frank, and Jeff B. ? A dolt, a pure dolt, Majorie Taylor Green cashed in her stupidity to the tune of 3 million dollars. Majorie jumped on the lie wagon and Frank, and Jeff B. flipped open their wallet. The more she lied the more they sent. Trump showed her that trick. So what next? Kari Lake has proven her ability to stir and lie to the Hooples. Good chance she well partner with the big liar, The Donald. Together they will run for dictator. They cannot lose. Republicans do not lose, they just get cheated out of elections they won, right Frank, Jeff B. ?

So here we go time to stir up the proven 71 million mentally ill that voted for Trump. However, there is a problem. The lairs are competing for the pile of idiots Trump uncovered. Now what? You now have liars lying about liars. What will Frank, and Jeff B. do?  They have to pick the best conspiracy story, but this creates a split in the lying coalition. The liars have to stick together or the normal people will win.  So here we go.

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

We got the Hats in

 Is your MAGA hat dirty, and worn out? Now, you can let people know you don't have a lick of sense with a brand new Hooplehead hat. The first five Hoopleheads will get a free hat. If you are at the grocery store and you don't have your gun how will people know you are a Hooplehead? Why walk around leaving doubt in peoples mind that you are a Trump voter? The Hooplehead hat is a walking ad for your philosophy of supporting the rich, oppressing women, and the poor. You did it with the MAGA hat, now get your Hooplehead hat. 

Also we got the shirts. You can get them with a Confederate flag on the back, or maybe a Trump 2024 sign. Want to go big, order the shirt, with the " I failed math" logo on the back. It shows Trump with Niki Haley and says two and two equals disaster. Also available with Kari Lake hugging Trump. 

The Fisherman's Friends - Cornwall My Home ft. Imelda May

Kadizzle loves sailing songs. These guys are great. 

Another shooting today, love the NRA mentality.


Republicans support a country ruled by Jesus, is that what you want?

People drunk on religion want to tell you how to manage your body, they want you to have you live by any goofy rule they dream up. Remember these are the religious nuts who elected Trump, the most vile non- religious con man of all times. The Jesus gang has show they have no credibility, yet they want us all to join their faith of fraud. Jesus did not work for Trump, why would it work for anyone. Look at the Tea Party, a group of people who support liars meeting in a church. Is that what you want? 

What woman would join a religion that clearly suppresses them? The answer is a meek, stupid woman, who wants to be ruled by crooked men. Go for it, but leave normal people alone. No one who studied an ounce of religion would fail to see the misery, torture, thievery, and oppression it has brought. Why decide to rule a country that way?The founding fathers tried to protect us from religious fanatics, but they are on the move. Trump and the Republicans know religion goes hand in hand with a good dictatorship. It has always been the case. 

The religious love to pick on sexual issues. Making life miserable for anyone different is a favorite pastime of the religious. The silly fundies are obsessed with sex. In the schools the fundies fear "Groomers", imaginary people that recruit homosexuals. Then the same fundies support Trump an abuser of women by trade that surpasses all the groomers on Earth. Logic escapes the fundies. Fundies hate socialism. What is socialism? Socialism is just a form of sharing, now imagine religion being against sharing. The damn fundies hate school lunches for poor children, figure that one out. Kindness makes poor people welfare cheats according to the religious. Look at a mother with a baby on the border, who wants her to go home? Yes the damn fundies. The worst people on Earth to run the world are the religious. 

Monday, February 13, 2023

New Democratic star emerges with MEGAVIRAL speech

Lets Have a good Week


The Secret Society

Hoopleheads are irrational, and really don't believe in free speech. What does that mean? It means those with different views about how to make America Great Again dare not speak out. Why? If a rational person lets the Hooples know they are rational, and do not follow the cult line of thinking the Hooples will do what they can to make life hard for good people. Payson has educated, informed, good people who want to fight the lies of the right, but are unorganized. That is where the secret society comes in.

How do good people fight back when they are surrounded by the cult? The cult will boycott any business that is owned by free thinking educated people. With a serious cult infestation, you have the doctor, the dentist, and so many well educated professional people living a life of silence as the cult spreads hate, fear and paranoid ideas.  

The rational people know who the other rational people are. You will not see an educated well informed person at the Tea Party listening to Wendy Rodgers tell lies. There is an iceberg of good people in Payson, remember you don't see most of an iceberg. The part of the iceberg that shows are the active participants in the Democratic Party, the women who stand up for their rights, and a few successful politicians who have taken on the cult. 

Hoopleheads love to show their battle flag, the " Let's go Brandon", Trump sticker, NRA sticker, and the other insignia of the poorly educated. The Hooples are proud to show their idiocy. On the other hand think about how many homes are not tainted with Trump Nazi flags, how many cars lack the badge of stupidity. The Secret Society is far bigger than one might imagine. 

When people tried to escape slavery the underground railroad was formed. A secret bunch of people helped slaves escape the cult of slavery. Today an underground railroad is needed to help save the country from the destruction of those who would invade the Capitol and support the orange menace. 

How do you join the Secret Society? When you suspect you are talking to a rational person listen carefully. Also observe. Once you have determined you are not talking to a cult idiot gently pry with a soft question. Use a neutral question, like " What do you think about the new town council".  If you are careful you can flush out a Hooplehead. On the other hand once you have determined you met a normal human you can ask, " Do you know...?".  Soon if you play your cards right you will find out who the rational people are. A simple method to determine which side you are dealing with is as questions like " Did you read about such and such in the Washington Post, or the New York Times?".  A Hoople will quickly tell you they don't read those type of newspapers. You could ask the person if they saw Tucker Carlson or Hannity last night. Run if they answer yes. Asking a person about their sources of information is a sure way to flush out a Hoople. 

If you want to be introduced to those already fighting for our democracy Kadizzle will gladly introduce you to them after you have taken the oath of normalcy. You will have to confirm you believe Trump lost the election fair and square. You will have to take a short test to determine if you can spot a liar like Wendy Rodgers. You will be asked if you ever voted for Trump.  Most likely unless you have a good explanation that will disqualify you. Maybe you were drunk the day you voted. The ranks of the normal are actually on the rise. The last election in Arizona showed a return to normalacy. Together good people can make it happen. 

Once you have tested negative for the Trump virus, you will be told of the location for the secret society meetings. Membership is steadily increasing. Good people have begun to see the threat the cult poses to education, free speech, and our government itself. 


Sunday, February 12, 2023

Remove the cap on social security, problem solved


Social Security lesson for Frank, Jeff B, and the Hoopleheads

As a rich person what they do with their social security check. Simple answer they buy a country club membership. As a Hooplehead is they know what the cap is on social security. Simple answer, no. After a person makes $138,000 they do not have to have social security taken out for any dollar over that amount. 

Social Security is going broke. Simple solution make the high earners pay social security just like everyone else. Wait that would be taxing the rich. You got it Frank, and JeffB. Tax the rich. Instead go to a Tea Party Meeting and attack the poor. You cannot get blood from a turnip as they say. Can you figure that out?  Willy Sutton figured it out. When they asked the famous bank robber why he robbed banks his reply was "Because that is where the money is".  Of course the Hooples cannot figure where the money is, and that is why we have a deficit. 

Now if you are a simple minded Hoople try this experiment. Drive around Payson, make sure you go to the rich areas, and then to the areas where the poor live. Now can you figure out where the money is? One more clue for Frank and Jeff B. Who do the politicians as for money? Nope, it is not the poor, it is the rich who feed the Republicans. Who wants tax breaks Frank? If you pay no taxes, you don't need a tax break, just another clue Jeff B. 

So the game goes on, pretend like there is no solution when the solution is right in front of you. Go to the Tea Party and request the conspiracy menu. 


Saturday, February 11, 2023

I've Come Too Far | Small Town USA | Official Music Video | Redeemed Qua...

I've Come too far to look back. Kadizzle likes the idea. Mrs Kadizzle about had a fit when Kadizzle played this gospel music. Regardless of your belief, if you are old the end is approaching. Nothing in the past can be changed, but you can still have a good attitude about today. Music is music. These guys are good singers and have great voices. Now of course this does have a religious theme, but just think of it in your own philosophy and see what happens. If you are old like Kadizzle it is time to do a lot of reviewing, but don't let it get you down. If you got this far you have something going, so think of it like a hike up a mountain. You are almost there, but remember you have come too far to go back. 

The Tea Party Rule Book

Kadizzle asked the Tea Party to provide a copy of the new rules that exclude him. Nothing has shown up. Kadizzle was told by the supreme commander of the Payson Tea Party he is not allowed to attend the Klan meetings. 

Originally Kadizzle was told that if he came to the meetings and behaved he was welcome. Nope, that was not true. Kadizzle did go to the meetings and never said anything. What caused the kerfuffle was the reporting on this blog. 

Now imagine this, if you went to a Klan meeting and then came home and reported that at the meeting people were wearing their bedsheets. Would the Klan throw you out? Cults are like religion, you have to believe, and accept the doctrine. Remember when that fellow said the Earth was round?  The Catholic church wanted him killed. The problem the Church had was the Earth was round. The Tea Party cannot come to grips with the liars the Republicans have elected. If you are going to be in the Tea Party and a member in good standing you have to accept the lies Kari Lake, Donald Trump, and the rest of the gang tell as truth. 

Back to the meetings. When someone at the meeting acts absurd, says something absurd, you are not to let the general public know. Secret societies are secret for a reason. The reason usually is what they believe is not supported by reality.  Don't break the bubble is the command of the day. Don't watch anything but Fox, the bubble might be broken. The last thing the Hoopleheads want at a meeting are bubble breakers. 

A good question would be why in the hell would you want to go to a Tea Party Meeting? Our society is infected with ignorance. How does that ignorance spread?  Right wing conspiracy accounts for a lot of evil we have to live with. To stamp out the virus you have to observe where it comes from.  Liars, lying to liars is the root cause of a lot of the problems we face today. Killing those lies in the early stage is critical. That is why decent honest people need to participate in the crazy clubs of the Tea Party and the Republican Party.  

The crazy clubs don't want anyone standing up and saying " That just isn't true".   Certainly the crazy clubs don't want any hard questions when they invite a liar to give a talk. The Bible is full of strange contradictions.  When you go to church you are not allowed to point out the fact that on many occasions God murdered thousands of innocent children. It say so right there in the Bible God wiped out entire populations, and entire towns. Well we just don't talk about that. That is the Tea Party. The lies of Trump and his gang are right there, but we just overlook them. 

There he is, a Trump supporter. The picture is real, and it says a lot about Trump. What do you do if you are a Tea Party Republican? Well you have the evidence right in front of you. Nope, rather than see the picture for what it is you quickly cook up a story. It was Qanon, Antifa, or some other gang, it was not the good Jesus Republicans. This is how the Hoopeheads deal with the truth. No matter how plain, how obvious, you just deny it. 

Friday, February 10, 2023

94 Russians, Welcome aboard

 Checked to see how many Russians we have reading the Kadizzle Blog. 94 are currently onboard. You guys need to rebel against Putin. We got Trump, you got Putin. Of course you got your Hoopleheads that support Putin, just like we have our dingers. Democrats here in the United States are like Ukraine fighting and uphill battle. Like Ukraine the non-Republicans have truth and freedom on our side. Putin lies, Trump lies. Both our countries have an information and ignorance problem. Good luck. 

The Buffalo has returned


The Gambling Industry

Kadizzle went to the casino and had a prime rib sandwich that was very tasty. Watching the Hooples get bilked is disconcerting. Math is something that escapes Hooples. You are going to lose, just let time do its damage to your wallet. The odds against winning are phenomenal. Smoking a cigarette, with a bottle of beer in hand the other hand will hit the robbery button until the social security check is gone. 

Pavlov figured it out. Conditioned response, it works for pigeons, dogs, and Elephants. When the animal does what you want give the elephant a peanut, but what Pavlov figured out was you don't give the elephant a peanut every time.  That is the entire lesson on bilking Hoopleheads. Once in awhile you give them a peanut, but most of the time you take their peanuts. Every person getting their pockets professionally cleaned believes they will leave the casino with a big bag of peanuts. It never happens. 

Gambling and Republicans slam the poor like nothing else. Delusion is the magic soup for Fox News, and the casino. Snake oil salesmen must envy the modern con men. There should be a Noble Prize for con man of the year. Who would win this year? George Santos, or some other Republican would surly get the prize. 

In the end the best product to sell a Hooplehead is false hope. Deep down the Hoople knows he is busted and only a miracle will get him out of the mess so sell the Hoople a miracle. You can purchase miracles at church or at the casino. 

Trump made so many false promises to the simple mined he almost ran out of lies, but Trump knew one thing, the Hooples love a good story. One important thing always to remember when dealing with the simple minded, tell them it is not their fault they are in a pickle. No, it is the Democrats, the immigrants, the Chinese, or someone else that got them into the trailer park and the bum wagon. Assure the Hooplehead that he is a genius that can figure things out because he knows a conspiracy theory that explains why he is broke. Some mysterious group stole his pie. Who is the real enemy?  Hooples will never understand a simple principle. If you want to see who robbed the bank look for the guy with a sack of money. Immigrants are not crossing the border carrying sacks of money, nor are welfare cheats. 

The guy who got your paycheck lives in a big house on the hill and helps Donald Trump bilk you. Nope Frank, nope Jeff B. you will never figure it out. Now to protect Frank and Jeff B. from any possibility of learning the truth the Tea Party will only allow certified liars to speak or sit in the audience. 

Thursday, February 09, 2023

Give the Hoopleheads a circus. Put a monkey in the speaker of the house seat.


The Clown Show

 What happens when the Hooples vote, and win? Look what you got. You have George Santos, Majorie Taylor Green, and about twenty other totally insane clowns putting on a show in the Capitol for the Hoopleheads. You want scary? Kevin McCarthy had Majorie Taylor Green fill in for him as Speaker of the House. 

It is like letting your kid sit on you lap and drive the car. Said it before, but the Hooples want a show. The Hoopleheads do not want government of any kind. All the Hoopleheads want is to tear down everything. The Republicans have no plans to accomplish anything but destruction. 

Little children love to destroy. Build a nice sand castle on the beach, then let a little kid get near it. The child cannot resist destroying it. This is the Republican Party, and do they have the kids. 

Here in Arizona we a plagued with these idiots. They feed on ignorance, lies, and conspiracy theories. 

One thing you could see come out of the Biden speech was social security.  Republicans want to attack social security, but they don't want to admit it. Biden called them out on it, and of course they deny it. 

Trump is a religion. Kadizzle never could make sense of the ties between religion and Trump, and then it hit. The same people who sit at the Tea Party meetings in the Ponderosa Bible Church also sit there for the Jesus game. It is the same people. What do Jesus and Trump have in common. Both ask you to believe in the absurd. Believing in the absurd is what religions are about. If you can believe in an afterlife, rising from the dead, and other miracles, you can believe in Trump and the lies he tells. So what if the lies are proven wrong, and make no sense? The urge to believe is strong. A Hoople wants a simple explanation. Astrology worked that way. The future was in the stars. Nonsense, but it was a simple way to look at life.  As mentioned before the Hoopleheads want theater, and Trump supplies it. The rest of the clowns have realized what works. Remember when there was just Johnny Carson? Now, there are about six late night comedians. They saw what worked. Look at the Trump suck ups, just a bunch of imitators. Who will the Republicans run for president? Rest assured it will be a Trump imitator. The Hooples love the $19.95 mentality. Why pay to fix something right when you can spray a can of Hooplefix on it? Why listen to things you don't understand when Trump can tell you a little lie that sums up climate change? Short stories before bedtime work to put the Hooples in a daze. 

Wednesday, February 08, 2023

The Secret To Reading an Inconvenient Bible

I Talked to a Trump Supporter Who Believes THIS! This Hooplehead believes Obama is president.

Artificial intelligence, How about artificial stupidity?

 All of a sudden people worry about artificial intelligence. The real problem is artificial stupidity. How does that work? It does not take a computer or a computer program. All you have to do is give a speech to the Hooples using a few key gambits. Sex is important. Mixing sex with children really works if you are creating artificial stupidity for the Hooples. Now here are some sex suggestions, LGBQT, Groomers, Drag Queen shows, and bad books in the library. Always be sure to bring these things up at a Hooplehead meeting. 

We covered sex, now go on to the welfare cheats. Tell the Hooples how the welfare cheats are getting free phones, food, housing, and you name it. Maybe tell a story about when you were in the grocery store and saw a welfare cheat buying steak. That always works. 

You can do a rif on vaccinations, but that has sort of gone out of style. Don't forget to mention China. China works great for the Hooples. Tell them somehow the Bidens are making a fortune out of China, and Trump would have shot the balloon down. 

If you got the Hooples dancing mention Hunter Biden's laptop, and how we need to investigate it, but that routine is about worn out. Be sure to bring up the border. If you don't keep pumping on the border fiasco, then some of the Hooples in the audience may fall asleep. 

You got the idea how artificial stupidity works, you just make up stories and tell the story to the Hoopleheads. Alway mention that you have an uncle that saw something, or of course the government is hiding something. Hooples love that kind of stuff.  

Remind the Hooples that everything was just peachy when Trump was giving tax breaks out like hot dogs. Don't mention the price of gas unless you are very careful. The price is coming down, best not to bring it up.  

If you get desperate mention how Trump would have never let the war in Ukraine happen. Trump knows two secret words that could end the war.  Maybe the two words are " Jail Trump".  Just kidding you could give a Hoople a heart condition if you told the truth about the Trumpster. 

Some of this crap is getting old, but you can still harp on the election that was stolen, Kari Lake is still using that one. 

So you want to give a speech using artificial stupidity and you ran out of ideas. Can you be that stupid? Tune into Fox, Hannity, and Tucker are cranking out new conspiracy theories at the speed of stupidity. 

At the end of your speech open it up for questions. This is what they do at the Tea Party.  A lot of time a Hoople will start his question with some bizzare thing. Let him do it, then add to the silly story the Hoople just gave you. 

Now if all else fails bring up guns, and school. This is a sure way to light the flame in a Hoople brain short on oxygen. Creating artificial stupidity in Hooples can be profitable. Majorie Taylor Green raised  three million just acting like a right wing clown. Imitate, imitate, when you hear something stupid or go to a Trump rally, watch what the Hooples bite on. Then go home to the meeting and use the same stuff. 

Now to wrap it up. When you are spreading stupidity make sure you have guards at the door like the Tea Party does. The last thing you want is someone popping up asking intelligent questions.  

You lost someone

There has been some sadness in the last few weeks. Kadizzle has seen some good friends in the pain of loss. What do you say to these people? Kadizzle doesn't have any words for these good friends. This song might sum it up. " Keep hauling".  For better or worse we have to go on. It is a good time to reflect on the friends we still have, and a time to be thankful for those still with us. The best way to honor the people of the past is to fight for the people of the future. Keep hauling. 

What do Hoopleheads look like?

 Would you know a Hooplehead if you saw one? OK, a few sure signs. Of course you got your MAGA hat. Done deal a walking idiot. How about a Trump sign out front. Yup, done deal. Maybe you are in the grocery store. There he is a man with a gun on his hip. Did he vote for Trump? Follow him out to his car and confirm the " Don't tread on me" flag. Yup, you got a ringer.  Knock on the door look over the shoulder, Fox News on the TV.  One more Hoople.  Sometimes you can find Hooples in schools like fish. Try the Tea Party. Try the Trump Store. NRA stickers will give you a tip. OK, time for the test. Look at the picture below and determine if you have a Hooplehead 

Good, you got it right. Now, get in your car and go for a drive. Do you see a run down mobile home with a Trump flag, is the person broke except for social security? What do you have?

How about this one?
Have you ever been in the grocery store and been attacked by the vegetables, the donuts, or the bread? Don't take a chance, the Hooples don't.

Spot the Hoople

Are your kids bored in the car?  Why not play SPOT the HOOPLE. Johnny can shout out " Look mom there's a Hooplehead". Then Mary can say " I see a truckload of them with a Confederate flag, I win".

Republican Comedy


Mrs. Bumore takes a vacation day

Kadizzle had to check on his saleslady twice today to see if she was at her post .  Bumore had to take a vacation day to recover from her day in jail.  Bumore said the jail was crowded and she had to sleep on the floor. Kadizzle asked Bumore if she took a shower at the jail. Nope, they would not give her a towel. 

This brings us to one of Kadizzle's favorite quotes. " The law is fair, the rich man and the poor man are fined the same for sleeping under the bridge".   How silly to put a woman in jail over night for a traffic violation. Bumore said it was not all bad they reduced the fine from $750 to $250.  Bumore is broke, so she has no way to pay anything. To make matters worse Bumore was thinking about getting a title loan on her car.  Now how would that work out. Bumore would lose the car. Why does our system drive people in poverty further into poverty? Bumore sleeps in her car. The weather has been cold at night, so now the judicial system will figure a way to make Bumore sleep under a tarp?

Trump is a criminal of the worst sort, but he is a rich criminal and if you ever need to see how rich criminals are treated differently you need only look at Trump. Rich criminals buy their way out of problems. Trump has committed every kind of fraud and crime imaginable, even attacked the Capitol with his thugs, yet he live the life of luxury plotting more crimes. 

The Clown Show

 As predicted Majorie Taylor Green acted out during the Biden speech last night. She shouted " Liar".  Strange the Republicans never shout liar when Trump blast out his 30,252nd lie. Mitt Romney confronted George Santos and said " You don't belong here".   What have we become when buffoons like Majorie and Santos are elected?The Franks and Jeff Bs of the world love the excitement of stupidity. Republicans don't demand results, they demand a show. Governing is no longer governing. It is now entertainment. Trump showed his minions the value of a snake oil show. 

Tuesday, February 07, 2023

This is better than better. It will blow the whig off Frank, and Jeff B. It will melt any Tea Party member that watches.

The Fisherman's Friends - Cornwall My Home ft. Imelda May

OH NO: Kari Lake Just Said THIS! Frank, Jeff B, Tea Party Friends be sure to watch

If any of the Hoopleheads watch this the steam whistle will blow. Fake news, Fake news, keep the lying going. 

Chris Barber feat Mark Knopfler - the next time I'm in town - A song for the Tea Party Friends

The Tea Party done throwed Kadizzle out. One line in this song hits a good note. " There is one thing I promise you, another rendezvous". Give the song a listen a good way to wake up. 

Have a good attitude


Jesus is coming to the Super Bowl

There is nothing new about selling religion, but wait maybe there is. The Super Bowl will feature adds for Jesus. Kadizzle has a big problem with modern Jesus. Modern Jesus in Payson drives down the street in a restored Model T.  What happened to the donkey? Modern Jesus goes to the Ponderosa Bible Church to hear Wendy Rodgers lie at the Tea Party Meeting. The new mix of Trump and Jesus should make any person pretending to be a Christian puke. However, Trump and a lot of other con men know that religion points the way to people who can be sold a story. Fleece the flock is an old game. Of course you have to pretend to love the poor, but in reality you want to help the Republicans build a wall and take social security away from old people. Now comes the Super Bowl where you pump up Jesus. One outfit behind this nonsense is Hobby Lobby.  These are the rich people who stole artifacts. Now they are going to sell you some Jesus. Hooples cannot add. Two and Two equals four. Do people stealing artifacts and supporting Trump really believe anything Jesus promoted? Hell no, but a good ad campaign can fix all that. 

No one ever promoted policies harder on black people than Trump, but Trump always makes sure he sprinkles some black pepper on the stage behind him. The crooked preachers have their tricks. Go to a Tea Party meeting. Where is it? The Tea Party in Payson meets in a church. Now, put this in your pipe and smoke it. The Tea Party advocates takine school lunches away from poor children. Yes they sit IN A CHURCH and start their meeting with a prayer, then they talk about starving school children to teach their parents a lesson. Anything wrong with this picture? It can all be cleared up with some more crosses, and some good music. No one will notice you don't practice what you preach until you put the Trump sticker on your car. Normal people will say wait, doesn't Trump fail to pay taxes, divorce wives like fleas, and advocate grabbing women?  Why not have the Christian symbol be a blindfold instead of a cross?

The haunting feeling

You know somehow you have been cheated, but you are not sure how. It is the feeling you get often when you buy a car or furniture. Working people who actually do hard work know they are abused, but just cannot figure out who is abusing them. That is where the game begins. People want a story that explains things.  Native Americans needed and explanation for how they got here.  Someone cooked up a creation story. The same thing happened with Christians, Africans, and every culture. 

There are two choices for who cheated the working people. It could be the rich, or the poor.  Working people inherently know they are cheated out of what they produce. Republicans have perfected the idea that the poor and the government are the problem for the working class. The government is helping the welfare cheats.  

That story which the Republicans have sold very successfully has a major flaw.  When someone takes something from you, they have that something. In this case the welfare cheats have nothing, but the real cheats have fancy homes, yachts, and jets.  Somehow according to the Republicans they wealthy magically got the stuff. Africa was colonized and foreign countries stole everything. The theft was pretty obvious.  You could not sell poor Africans on the idea that it was other Africans that stole the goods. In my Native West Virginia, it was out of state robber barons that stole the coal and sold it. That was pretty plain to see. One easy way to rob working people is to buy their government. Our government has been sold to the Koch brothers, and the rich donors to the Republican Party. 

Along comes Trump, the liar of all times.  Trump knows exactly what to tell the Hooples. Trump knows how to play on that deep down voice of resentment, racism, and stupidity. Trump knows mythology sells. Trump cooks up insane stories. Trump currently is saying he can end the war in Ukraine with two words. What are the words? Just like Trump's taxes you will never know the two words. 

This brings us to Frank, and Jeff B. Two typical Hoopleheads who want to believe in Santa Clause. Trump knows how to play these people. Then of course you have the Trump wannabee, Kari Lake, Ted Cruz, and all the suck ups that see the virtue of a good lie. 

Tonight Biden will give his speech. Like a typical whimp, Biden will not have the courage to hit the lying Republicans with the hammer of truth. Instead Biden will make the classic Democrat mistake of being polite. Hoopleheads so not respect polite. Hoopleheads love guns, and giving people the finger.  If you want respect from a Hooplehead you have to get down in the gutter with them. 

After Biden speaks there will be some Republican who will gin up the Hooples with a truckload of distortion. The Hooples will buy it like Indian Fry bread.  Biden needs to tell the world " I am just to old I want a young person to run against the cult".  Unfortunately Biden's head is swollen, and he things he can sit in the nursing home and run the country. 

Monday, February 06, 2023

Trump Releases Delusional Video About Russian Invasion of Ukraine!

Hope Springs Eternal


Best Lakes in Arizona For Recreation features Roosevelt Lake where we winter.

The first lake in this video is about Roosevelt Lake. This is the lake where we spend the winters. The other lakes below Roosevelt are neat also. 

You don't have to pay me to hate Trump

 A hard working person did a job for Kadizzle today. The bill was $140. When Kadizzle found out the person saw through the Trump lies, he offered the person extra money for the job. The working class person refused twice. Her reply was " You don't have to pay me to hate Trump".  If only Kadizzle could pay Frank, and Jeff B. to wake up. 

The Republicans are trying their best to hammer working people. Making people work until age 72 before they can collect social security is the new scam the Republican rats are working on. This will provide more money for the rich.  Why can't Frank, and Jeff B. see this scam? They want to reduce the deficit on the back of working people, but no way do they want to tax the rich. 

Pete Buttigieg Dismantles the GOP in Under Two Minutes! Danger, Danger, Jeff B. Frank, do not watch, it may awaken your brain.

Good Morning

Experimenting with video



Two right wing dingers frequent our new location. Kadizzle enjoys going back and forth with the dingers on politics. It is a good natured battle. The strange thing about the dingers is they worry about the poor taking from the rich. Republicans are very much against economic fairness, or maybe sharing is a better way to put it. 

This all works out to be very strange. Republicans want to reduce the deficit, but refuse to tax the rich. To reduce the deficit the Republicans want to drive the marginal poor into total poverty. So the Republicans want to take away all the social safety nets from the poor. As if this is not strange enough the Republicans are supported in their insanity by the Hoopleheads. 

If you took 20% away from a Hooplehead it would plunge them into poverty. Taking away 20% from the filthy rich would not phase them. Of course the dingers don't do this math. What if the Republicans succeed in starving the Hoopleheads? It will be the depression all over again. Welcome to tent city Tea Party Hooples. 

The favorite refrain of the Republicans is " It is their money, they earned it".  Nope they stole it.  Kadizzle tried to explain to the dinger yesterday that trust babies are just as much on welfare as the bums on the street.  Why does Johnny the son of rich daddy get an automatic head start? It is not fair, nor does it make sense, but you cannot pound that into the head of a Hoople. If daddy got rich by underpaying a bunch of poor people then daddy has every right to give the money to Johnny. Please explain Frank, Jeff B. 

Now Frank, Jeff B. lets do a lesson on how the Republicans play you. The balloon incident is a classic. Three times balloons from China flew over our country while Trump was president. Now, Trump the supreme liar says " This would never have happened when Trump was president".  Total lying bullshit, but the Hooples never check, and Trump knows it. Now the Republicans are blowing up this incident as usual, and Frank and Jeff B. are soaking up the nonsense. Dancing a Hooplehead is so easy. 

Sunday, February 05, 2023

Trump Makes a Fool of Himself During Recent Interview! OK, Frank, Jeff B. this will give you a steam whistle out of your ears. Hooples please watch

Do the Hooples watch these things. Can they really be that stupid?Trump has no regard for the truth. This is the insane thing Jeff B. and Frank soak up like sponges. If you have a brain and watch this Trump is asked about crime. Trump told people to trash the Capitol and hang Mike Pence. He is going to solve crime? He creates it. 

They pitched my bum in jail

As Kadizzle drove down the road to the bum encampment there were three police cars at Mrs Bumores encampment. Apparently there was a warrant for her arrest on a minor traffic infraction. Poor Mrs Bumore was led off to jail for the night. Of course this ruined golf ball sales for the day. Kadizzle thought he might bail her out, but the bail turned out to be $750. The nights have been chilly and maybe a night in a warm jail would be pleasant compared to a cold car. Who knows perhaps she can get a good shower. Hopefully Bumore will be released tomorrow. 

It has been a very sad couple of weeks. The guy we remember as a little boy up the street succumbed to something. He did not make forty. He did not have the best family life and enjoyed taking refuse at our house. Somehow he fell from an eleven story building roof and survived years back. Other tragedies have befallen our friends. We must all be conscious of how precious people are and remember to enjoy the time we have as best we can. As much as we try we must always remember there is random probability at work in the universe. Many things cannot be changed or controlled. Don't burden yourself with the belief you could have changed the randomness of tragedy. 

Tucker Carlson Embarrasses Himself Attempting to Defend George Santos! A lesson for Frank, and Jeff B. Will they learn anything???

How do you fool Frank, and Jeff B. Here is how Tucker does it. 

John Prine - Spanish Pipedream (Karaoke) Give it a try Some advice

Camp Bumore

The good life at Camp Bumore. With her dog Mrs. Bumore has found a peaceful place by a stream in the National Forest. Click on the picture to enlarge.  Payson is surrounded by National Forest. The people pushed into poverty by the Republicans live on the edge of the forest in rundown RV's, makeshift tents, and other shelters. When you give all the money to the rich, the poor are forced to scavenge.  Excess wealth creates poverty. Frank, and Jeff B. would never agree. While the head of Walmart makes $8,000 and hour the bums are cold in their tents. All this as we subsidize the jets of the wealthy and piss away billions on a border wall. 


Making the Hoopleheads dance

Kadizzle might start selling little Hooplehead dolls. You can put batteries in them and make them dance. What you do it tell the Hooplehead doll some silly story you made up and the little Hooplehead will dance. You can tell them a good tale about the border. You can tell them about the welfare cheats stealing their money, or whatever you want. You can even turn on the TV to Fox News and put the dolls in front of the TV, they will dance until the batteries are dead. There will be a rechargeable version that you can recharge by putting the dolls in a chair at a Tea Party Meeting. 

Kids can practice lying with the dolls.  Kids can see the dolls nod in acceptance when they lie. You can get a Hooplehead doll holding a Trump flag or carrying a gun. Also there were be a miniature Capitol building the boy can play attack with. There will be a Mike Pence doll the kids can hang. 

Of course the kit will have a sheet of Trump stickers. There will be legos in the kit you can build a border wall with. So if you know a Hooplehead this will be a great gift. 

Here we go folks

Coffee perking, John Prine singing, and here we go another day. Mrs Bumore never got in gear yesterday to sell the vast quantity of golf balls. Kadizzle wondered how Mrs Bumore fell into the bum business so he inquired about her career. Bumore said she was working in a grow house for the new business of raising marijuana. According to Bumore they cut the pay and she may strike out on her own. Bumore explained how the pack rats in the tree were making excellent soil that could be fertile for the seeds she had. Her ambition gland is plugged up worse than Kadizzle's. How Bumore can sit in a beat up van for hours with a dog is questionable. 

Yesterday was a very nice day and Kadizzle rode the Yamaha stead way back into the wilderness. After miles of travel the road led down to the East Verde River. Kadizzle wanted to cross but it would surely be a wet disaster. The brain kicked in and Kadizzle returned on some rugged roads. 

Cannot help but follow the career of George Santos the newest champion of lying put forth by the Republicans. Would be fun to ask a Hoople about how they justify defending such a liar, but the answer would be the regular, " The all do it".  The Hoopleheads have abandoned any sense of morality, yet they pray to Jesus. 

The crazies are abundant here.  One crazy called Kadizzle yesterday and told him he suspected the construction workers have a bum spying on the neighborhood to see what can be stolen. There are more cameras in this neighborhood than a TV station. 

Another fellow with loose bolts told Kadizzle the water supply is being contaminated by the city with estrogen. Apparently he fears growing breasts. Crazy is way more fun than normal. The crazy club called the Tea Party has not come up with the new rules yet detailing who can be crazy in their club.