Monday, October 30, 2023

Sitting Here

Six Seventeen, a half cup of coffee left. The eyes look over toward the door going out to the deck. Through the glass is art. The sun is coming over the mountains to the East. The sun is not up, but the orange glow is making a silhouette of the trees. If only you could frame it. At the kitchen table with just the right glow from the light Kadizzle looks to the East. Now add to this the perfect music. A small dose of heaven. All of this and then how easily reality can quash it all. 

Over there where the sun is coming up people are bombing each other, kids are hungry, babies are being blown to pieces. All of this is brough to you by men like Trump, men like Elon Musk, men like Putin. These people are sociopaths. We love them. We love them because they have no respect for the rules. These killer, liars, and psychopaths do as they wish. If you would like to be a power hungry delusional Psychopath, join the club.  Payson has two chapters, the Republican Party, and the Tea Party.  Either club will help you believe what you shouldn't believe. You can believe immigrants are evil people, you can believe guns can solve every problem. Best of all you can believe Trump won. 

Although we now have two mass shootings a day, we have a way to go to catch up with Gaza and Israel. We can do it. The Republicans just elected a new speaker that will lead us to chaos it takes to bomb children. Just give it time. Republicans are doing their best. Meanwhile watch your favorite sports team, have a beer, get a tattoo, and barbeque. 

Sometimes they get it wrong

Older brother who is caught in the world of Trump told Kadizzle a story yesterday. By circumstance our family came to own 400 acres in the absolute middle of nowhere in West Virginia. The land has fallen into the hands of my brothers son. To get to this remote place you drive 100 miles towards nowhere. When. you get to nowhere after fifteen miles on a gravel road you have to drive across the Hughs river. Usually the river is about two feet deep, but if it has rained you cannot cross the river. Unable to cross the river then you must drive another twenty miles and drive up over a muddy road past the hillbillies. After passing the famous four corners where four dirt mud tracks come to gether you go down into the valley that has the old farm house.

Back in the sixties we laborted to restore the broken down farmhouse to livability.  No electricity, no running water, an outhouse, and free natural gas. Lighting was from old gas light fixtures father salvaged from old banks. No one has live in that farm house for almost a hundred years. 

Somehow, the gubberment got the idea the place needed internet. That same gobberment had decided long ago that place needed a phone. So now there is fiber optic internet to the farmhouse in Booneville. That is the name we gave the place. Brother who likes to bitch about the gobberment said in order to get internet there he has to take a generator. Undoubtably this was a massive waste of money. It must have take at least a mile or two of trenching and god knows what to accomplish this useless task. However someone made money doing it. Now before you get your undies in a bundle think about war. People make a fortune feeding the war machine. The war machine gets nice young kids killed. Putting internet to nowhere cost money, but no one gets killed. People like brother can focus on one thing, and not another. That is why brother likes the Trump idiocy.  

The insanity goes on. Brother did very well servicing the coal industry. Coal is dead, but Brother does not want to admit it. That is how delusion works. In Brother's world there is no climate problem. Brother lives in West Virginia. West Virginia is crumbling. The state is full of opioid Hooplehead that love Trump. West Virginia is the third poorest state in the nation, and they love Trump. What is wrong with this picture?

If I just had a ..........

 What would make me happy? If I just had a ....... Complete this sentence then think about how people complete the sentence. If I just had a tattoo, an earing, a jacked up pickup truck. If I just had a bigger house, or some old car I could take to a car show. If I just had more guns. If I just had a pack of cigarettes. 

Does it ever work? Sure you walk around town with a gun strapped to your side, but how long does the delusion work. Someone always has a better gun, a better house, or a better car. But why not give it a try. If I was just a senator, or president. Why not give it a try. What if I have to lie a little or cheat a little? 

It is a puzzle. You play a game, and you cheat. What satisfaction do you get? You know you cheated. Trump knows he cheated. The dolts probably know he cheated. The lickspittles know he lies and cheats, but they also know he can shed some voters on them. There is no honor among thieves. 

The flag wavers and Bible thumpers cheat. They don't follow the Constitution or the Jesus commands. How strange is that. You get to wave the flag, but you don't have to engage your brain. You get to go to church, but you can hate anyone you want. That is cheating. 

Once upon a time old Kadizzle was invited to a dinner to honor veterans. Who should show up by Senator Kevin Cramer, one of Kadizzle's arch enemies.  As fate would have it Kadizzle would end up being a table mate of Senator Cramer. Wait there was a solution. Someone put Kadizzle up in front of the room seated with a table of wounded veterans that were being honored. The seating gave the impression Kadizzle was a wounded veteran. Kadizzle never even served in the Salvation Army. Kadizzle sat there like a fool. Can you just sit somewhere and become something. Hopefully the answer is no, but think about the people who are phonies. Think about Trump. Not for one moment did Kadizzle think he deserved any honor. Yet Trump baths in the lie he lives. Think of the dolts that bath in the light reflected from Trump. Do they really believe that light has any warmth?

Energy falling from the sky

A couple years ago Bill gave Kadizzle a big solar panel. A solar panel gift is like a gift of seeds. The seeds don't do anything unless you plant them. That solar panel did not grow anything until. yesterday. Kadizzle drug the panel out of the crawl space and gave it a job out front lighting up the driveway. Think about what a miracle a solar panel is. The panele gathers sunlight stores it in a battery and releases the light at night. That is a miracle. No. moving parts. Free electricity. Amazing. There is another solar panel in the backyard. For almost three years that panel has provided light in the backyard. Both these set up don't have a means to turn on and off so the light is on 24 hours a day. Nothing is wasted. It all comes from sunlight. That little spot of sunlight two feet by three feet harvest light from the sun. Imagine storing light. Think of all the ancient people who would have given anything for such a process. Think of the poor sailors who hunted whales just to have light at night, now you just put a panel in the yard.  

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Good People Talking

Must give Jeff credit, the Doughnuts with Democrats has been a great success. You can go to a Tea Party meeting and sit in a room full of dazed dolts listening to the liar of the week, or you can come on Saturday to the Doughnuts with Democrat's and have a wonderful discussion. The Democrats sit in a circle and pass the microphone around. The Hoopleheads sit in a church theater and stare at the liar. Everyone speaks at the meeting with the dems.  At a Hooplehead liar fest a couple people repeat what was on Fox News, or something Steve Bannon said. There is a distinct difference sitting among educated thoughtful people and Fox News tree stumps. When you leave the meeting on Bonita Street you are more than likely smarter. Leaving the Ponderosa Bible Church where the Hooples meet you are full of hate and new conspiracy theories. 

Now for the major explosive difference. At the Hooplefest if you challenge the liar of the day they will call the police, or ban you from future meetings. The Hooplefest has thugs at the door to make sure no heretics sneak in. Come over to Bonita Street and you are welcome. No one has ever been denied. Ask the Tea Party to speak and you get a blank look and no answer. Just sit down at Bonita Street and the microphone will be passed to you. Democrats really believe in free speech. The Tea Party puts on a lot of flag waving and talk about the Constitution, but when it comes to practicing what they claim to believe forget about it. 

Money and intelligence

You have met them just like Kadizzle has, those people who accidently got a pile of money, and then thought they were smart or earned it. Grandpa might have been a genius, but his IQ got diluted when he married and idiot, and then it happened again. Now Bingo has a pile of cash, but no brains. Bingo thinks he must be smart, but he cannot comprehend he is slowly burning grandpa's cash. Inherited money is poison. 

Well yesterday we sat through the 3 hour movie about the Osage Indians being robbed of their oil money by the white man. Give the movie about an A-.  Robbing people is an American tradition. Black people can tell you all about it. Of course it never ends with wage slavery. Yesterday was dinger radio on KMOG. Dingers think it is ok for me to make a good wage, but you should work for next to nothing. 

Friday, October 27, 2023

Uncontaminated with religion

 Kadizzle is a very fortunate man. One of his greatest blessings are two wonderful daughters. Neither was indoctrinated with religion. Both are kind, loving, generous mothers. Both are honest decent citizens. Both did exceptionally well in school. Kadizzle finds people who claim religion is necessary to raise decent children very backward. You don't need religion to know right from wrong. Religion uses fear to bring children into line. The fear of hell is insane. You do right because you know what is right. Scaring people into being good people is inherently crazy. Only a bad person uses the threat of hell to corral someone. Being honest, being generous, and being a good person is logical. You can beat a dog into submission, but also you have a well trained dog simply by showing affection. Republicans believe you have to starve people into working. History show that theory wrong. Societies thrive by cooperating. Religious fraud has stolen from mankind so much. It is simply wrong to lie to children and scare them with fantasy tales of hell. 

I had a dream

 Kadizzle was in a foreign country with no money, no food, no water, and no where to sleep. Kadizzle got to wake up, but imagine the people who are living this dream. Not a dream a nightmare. We are in a world where women with babies have nothing. Meanwhile the Waltons built a 300 million dollar  yacht with a crew of 45 and the United States spends more than the next ten countries on military nonsense. Dreams can get no crazier than reality. Some don't have a pot to piss in and others like Trump piss in gold pots. The solution is tax breaks for the rich. After all the rich feed us, and bring us Netflix. The coffee is ready. 

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Breaking News

The Tea Party which so happily excludes people from the Ponderosa Bible Church has been thrown out themselves for their antics. To make things even better apparently they have been excluded from Tiny's Restaurant. Both places prefer not to be contaminated with the delusions of the Tea Party gang. This is an amazing event comparable to when Jesus drove the money changers from the church. The lying scoundrels have been driven from the church. No honorable church that follows the teachings of Jesus would have a bunch of Trumpers polluting the sanctuary

Recently the Tea Party called the police when a questioner asked one of the false profits a hard question. This was the straw that broke the camel's back, or in this case the Elephant's trunk. Where will the lying festival go now is the question. The town landfill has offered them space if they pay a per pound fee for the bullshit they spread. The scoundrels stepped on the wrong toe.  

Just Wait

Republicans seem intent on destroying our democracy. Just wait until the budget fiasco comes up. Rest assured the dingers will go nuts. The Hoopleheads are demanding a clown show, and it looks like the clowns are in place. Kadizzle is amazed with the new house speaker. Here is a man clearly over the edge. The breakdown of reason seems endemic. Where have the normal people gone?The planet is burning up, deep in two wars, and Republicans want things to get much worse. Our nation is drunk on right wing insanity. Whatever Trump suffers from mentally has infected the entire nation. When congress elects a speaker that helped engineer the Trump mess what in the hell is going on?Crashing the economy will be next. The Republicans went all out to destroy Obama, now they are going after Biden. Republicans will burn the house down to get rid of ghosts. This is pre war Germany all over.  

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

When you think it can get no worse, then the Republicans elect a super right wing idiot

The fascist out did themselves. All in one they elected a fundamentalist, election denier, Trumpster. What a combination to ruin the country. A house speaker that is a house wrecker. Hold on. 

What if the Russians planted the Republican idiots in the congress? Cheap easy way to destroy our country. Capitalize on the wave of idiocy in the country. Fox News has been the best weapon Russian ever had. Why use nuclear weapons when you can use Trump idiocy at a fraction of the cost. How hard is it to herd idiots? Just ask Trump. Come to a Tea Party meeting and hear the sucking sound as the Trump brains suck up conspiracy theories and lies. 

Gary Morris takes Gold at Trump lying Olimpics

With a big smile and his white cowboy hat on his head Gary Morris had the Gold Medal placed in his hand. Trump himself congratulated Gary Morris on his lying. Gary's photo will be in the Whooper hall of fame with so many other liars like Richard Nixon, Rudy, and the rest of the dishonest scoundrels. Trump congratulated Gary on recently committing perjury. "If only a few of my lawyers had the guts to lie in court like you do Gary" Trump said as he placed the God Medal in Gary's sweaty palm. Lying Gary said " I'd take a bullet for you Trumpster". The crowd laughed knowing Gary would not spend a minute in jail for Trump. 


Time Changes Everything

 Those little kids grow up, the skin turns to paper, the leaves fall off the trees. Time changes everything. Sometimes it takes five million years, and other times it takes less than a tenth of a second, but time changes everything. Where you are at any given time changes everything. If you are in Hiroshima, or West Virginia, it makes a difference. Atomic clocks have changed time to be so accurate that a second will not be lost or gained in 40,000 years. So we know what time it is. Strangely we don't know it is time to abandon so many things, like Republicans, fossil fuels, religion, and greed. 

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Maybe there is hope

 Two dingers, two simple minded dingers. Kadizzle is down at Lake Roosevelt and was talking to a simple minded dinger. Another dinger pulled up in a truck pulling an RV. Dinger A, and Dinger B agreed that RFK would make a great president. Dinger B said he had enough of Turmp. What does this mean? It means the Dingers are looking for a new cult leader. If the Dingers switch to RFK, then Trump loses a lot of idiots. That is good news. The fewer idiots Trump has the more likely normal people will prevail. Trump has lost his glow. The idiots want a new idiot, and RFK is as goofy as they get. So here we go, a new clown. Just like the clowns in the Republican congress they want a better clown show.  Trump has worn out the clown car, the dingers are tired of his act, they want a new clown that can do new tricks. Cult members want a show, they don't want government, or success they just want chaos. If enough dingers switch cult leaders, then Biden is bound to win. 

Republican Gangsters

The mafia took over the goverment. Trump is the head con, but look at the congressmen making money from the con. The congressmen don't do anything but cause a mess. The dingers love the mess and send money to the congressmen, does it get any better? Every time they lie or cheat the Hoopleheads send them money. Does it get any better? 

Monday, October 23, 2023

Why pretend?

 Slice it, dice it, put it in the blender, but it all comes out the same. Greed is the root of every problem. The NYT has an article about education. Poor kids do poorly. As said many times here, there is no problem. There is enough food, housing, and hamburgers for everyone. But, nope, a few people took everything. 81People have half the wealth of the world, and 400 families own half the wealth of the United States. Kadizzle had a mind blowing experience in Barcelona seeing one of Sam Waltons offspring's yacht. There it sat a 300 million dollar yacht with a crew of forty five. Of course little miss Walton was not on it. She was somewhere else pissing away money that could be used to save the planet. When people don't have enough money they steal. When people don't have enough food they move to the United States via Mexico. Every problem is caused by greed. Who sponsors greed. You guessed it, the Republicans. It is my money and I earned. No you didn't you stole for the poor. 

Sunday, October 22, 2023

At the Lake, very poor internet

Setting up the camper at the lake was a nightmare. We are at the lake, spent 12 hours fixing the water system. Went swimming, water nice. Peaceful, and very quiet. Good sleeping, no dogs barking. Internet working now, but no doubt will have none in the morning.  

Friday, October 20, 2023

What Mitt Romney said about Trump

“He is unquestionably mentally unstable, and he is racist, bigoted, misogynistic, xenophobic, vulgar and prone to violence," Mr. Romney wrote. “There is simply no rational argument that could lead me to vote for someone with those characteristics.”

That says it all, Mitt was concise about Trump. Only a cult member can ignore the reality. The quote came from and article in the NYT, well worth reading. 

Anyone who ever spoke with people in the Trump cult quickly concludes how uneducated they are. In no time all you hear is an echo of some right wing radio program or Fox News. Facts confuse cult members. 

Thursday, October 19, 2023

The Neighbors

Here we sit, in a new place with new neighbors. Fortunately our new neighbors have turned out to be a good bunch. It is like changing clothes. We had some damn good neighbors in North Dakota, but the routine got old. The stories got old. Now the stories can be recycled. Discovering the intricacies of various personalities is a new game. Of course there will be friction. The neighborhood has already had a barking dog crises. Some of the quasi snow birds have returned and now people walk up and down the street and meet getting the mail. Quirks are part of people and figuring out the buttons on new people is a chore.  

Payson Tea Party where you get arrested for asking questions

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Man thrown out of Tea Party for asking hard questions.

A good friend was ejected from the Tea Party in Payson Tuesday for asking hard questions of an idiot. Anyone familiar with the operation of the Republican Party in Payson knows you don't ask hard questions when an idiot or a liar is speaking. Anonymous made that mistake, and the Tea Party called the police. Of course Kadizzle has been prohibited from the Tea Party for awhile. Kadizzle never said a word at their meetings, but the danger was there. Anonymous questioned an old goat who is running for sheriff. The goat has not been in law enforcement for forty years. Anonymous asked how he would keep up with current technology, time to call the police. The police came to the Tea Party meeting at the church and told anonymous hard questions did not have to be tolerated and he was in trouble. This is the modern Repubublican party. Ask an embarrassing question for one of their dolts or liars, and you may get arrested for trespass. 

At some point you realize the ship is sinking

Long ago the ship seemed like it was sinking. The good sailing ship that served us so well for 23 years hit an underwater rock. Some fiberglass got torn off the keel. For some strange reason the bilge pump came on and sprayed water on the underside of the floorboards. For all practical purposes it seemed the boat was sinking. It wasn't. It turned out to be a minor problem, but how do you know when the ship is sinking?

If you have water above your ankles it is a good sign the ship is sinking. The Trump gang seems to have water above their ankles. Trump is getting more loony by the day. The people in the Trump cult are experts at delusion and fantasy, but even those dolts have to realize at some point Trump is a disaster. Trump is a record stuck in the same grove. You can be dumb as a brick but some signs you cannot ignore. When you look in your wallet and nothing is there, you are going to have a revelation like it or not. Trumpers are beginning to see that wallet is empty. Maybe the old lies don't work anymore. 

When the leaves turn in the fall you know it is fall. Kadizzle could be himself delusional, but it seems the Trump stickers, flags, and MAGA hats are fading. What does this mean? Perhaps the mental slumber is over. Perhaps the dolts are emerging from the fog. 

Locally the dolts just got a lightning bolt of reality. The local dingers brought a lawsuit against the town council. The dingers felt every expenditure of the town should be voted on by the public. The judge slapped the dingers and told them it would never fly. Will the slap restore some reason to the dingers? Who knows? The Cavemen may still show up at the town meetings. CAVE stands for Citizens Against Virtually Everything. 


Kadizzle did not work for a living

In retrospect Kadizzle had a wonderful career. Kadizzle did not work, he watched people work. The job was to keep people from getting injured or killed. To do that you had to watch them, and figure out what they were doing that was going to get them hurt. This meant Kadizzle had to develop a skill for walking around talking to people. Yesterday the old skill came to the surface. Watching the neighbor assemble a piece of furniture Kadizzle noticed he was making a couple critical mistakes. They were not mistakes that would get him hurt, but they would end up costing him a lot of extra time and effort. Neighbor was great for the observations. 

Stepping back from a situation and observing is usuallly of great value. One thing Kadizzle noticed watching people at industrial sites working is the quick cycling up of stupidity. When a job gets slowed down or stopped because of a stuck truck, rain, wind or snow, people start to try to get back on track with a short cut. Often the seemingly simple solution is a bigger wrench, a bigger crane, or a bigger something. This often results in danger. Too many times you put a great big dozer on a tractor to pull the tractor out of the mud and you pull the tractor in half. Kadizzle has seen this happen. Many times there is a simple solution to a big problem. Many times there is some little catch that no one has notices. 

This brings Kadizzle to a story. Once long ago all the brilliant construction guys were baffled by a generator that would not start. They cursed and tried everything. Finally they gave up and concluded they would just have to get a different generator. When they all got away from the generator Kadizzle walked over an examined it. Looking in the gas tank there appeared to be gas in the tank. However, there was just a thin layer of gas. Kadizzle could see the gas was so shallow it did not reach the intake. When no one was looking Kadizzle poured some gas in the generator and it started. In one stroke Kadizzle was considered a mechanical genius. 

The classic case of problem solving is sleep. You cannot figure something out, you go to sleep and wake up with the solution. What happened? You stepped back from the problem and saw it in a different light. 

Many times the problem is imaginary. There is no problem, but you imagine it is a problem. 

Everyone in the neighborhood is shot up

 About half the eight neighbors are fighting some physical ailment. Back problems, arthritis, mending broken bones, you name it. Two neighbors hobble up and down the street and have to sit on the rocks part way just to make. Two neighbors have prostate cancer. Only one young couple with three little girls is in the neighborhood. Everyone else is pushing 70 hard or over the hurdle. The fact that Kadizzle can bike ride and walk freely feels good when he sees the hobblers gimping down the lane. 

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

77 percent

Through the smoke of the fire on the rim the sun has arisen. As the planet burns the military cannot recruit people who want to get killed. 77 percent of young people are unfit to be killed in war. That is a lot of blubber bellies. A lot of the dingers are short on cards or long on drugs. Another article in the NYT writes about our infrastructure not being improved. The United States of Rome is in decline. Republicans are worse than termites for destroying the country. The Republican clown show is insane. Will they elect Bobo the Clown or Clarabell. Republicans want a loud mouthed dinger like Jim Jordan who would not know the truth if it fell on him. Just let us have our guns, and our meth, but no birth control. 

 News break.  Kadizzle has too much chicken meat above his belt. A partial solution to the problem is the strange practice of hunting golf balls. Well yesterday turned out to be a dosey.  The route for the golf ball hunt is set in stone. One hole on the golf course parallels a paved road. Houses line the road. A simple minded dinger lives on the road with a nasty wife. Of course they fly the Trump flag and also have a "Go Brandon" flag.  Kadizzle has longed to tell the dinger what he thinks of his IQ.  

Well yesterday Kadizzle noticed to golf balls in the yard adjoining the dingers yard. Keep in mind the golf balls were not in the dingers yard. Kadizzle has spoken to the owner of the yard with the two golf balls. He seems like a nice young guy trying to flip the house. The house was run down with a cat lady. The cat lady died. 

While picking up the two gold balls the Trump dinger came shouting at Kadizzle to get out of the yard. The Trumpster came right up to Kadizzle and put his face inches from Kadizzle's face. The fellow was begging to get into a fight. Now the fun part began.  Kadizzle called the man every kind of obscene idiot he could conjure. The yelling back and forth gave Kadizzle the ability to express every kind of insult to a Trump cult member he could think of. The dolt seemed desperate to initiate a physical altercation. Seeing his tactics were not working the dolt went over to Kadizzle's bike which was laying on the ground. The dinger put his foot on the tire like he was going to damage it. Kadizzle had a hard time not pulling the trigger on a haymaker, but managed to restrain himself. The dinger must have sensed the impending danger and ceased. 

At this point Kadizzle thanked the cultist for coming over with his act. Kadizzle told the enraged fellow he always wanted to insult him and that the encounter was a lot of fun. Kadizzle put out his hand so we could shake hands. Of course the Trumpster would have none of it. All in all it was a wish come true. Kadizzle always wished he could tell the idiot what he thought every time he saw the Trump flag. One of the remarks Kadizzle got to make to the dinger was about how the flag let the world know the dinger was an idiot. 

The cult fellow has a wife as nasty as he is. Not sure why, but the dinger has his house for sale. Strangely the house beside him is for sale. It appears the two neighbors could not get along. Not hard to see why. Who wants to live next to a cult member? Prior to the explosion Kadizzle notices a bright orange string strung between the homes for sale. Apparently this was the Berlin wall. Perhaps the neighbor was a sensible person who did not want to live by an obnoxious dinger. Neither house has sold.  Who would buy a house next to a Trump flag flyer. 

Trump has single handed stirred up more hate and discontent than any president ever. Families and friendships have ended over the special brand of ignorance and hate Trump sells. Even the most hard core idiot at this point must realize they are riding a mentally ill horse. 

Monday, October 16, 2023

A day with mental illness

 Kadizzle recommended a handy man to a neighbor. The Handy man was a good worker, but he had some strange habits. His mission was to cut down a tree and remove the stump. Kadizzle warned the neighbor that telling the fellow anything was forbidden. The first part of the job went well, but as the job wore on it was taking forever because the guy would not allow anyone to help or give advice. It had to be done his way and no one was to tell him anything. Even asking him what was going on was strictly forbidden. The job started at nine and should have been done by 11, but it dragged on and on. With the neighbor Kadizzle sat in his garage and shot the BS. If you even asked Hman anything he would go into a mild fit. 

Around noon we all had a meal of a burrito on the back porch. Hman had been digging around the roots for about an hour and a half. The plan was to strip the tree and leave nothing by a tall skinny trunk. The truck would be hooked high on the tree trunk and it would pry itself out of the ground roots and all. Hman had to leave to get something for his broken down chain saw. Kadizzle and neighbor were tired of the nonsensical delays and decided to get the tree down while Hman was gone. It went off well, we simply pulled tree over rather than have Hman fiddle around for another hour or two. When Hman returned and saw the job accomplished he had a total melt down. Hman said we endangered his tools because they were too close to the tree when it fell over. This was total nonsense, but apparently we broke into his trance bringing the tree down. Hman went totally nuts yelling and screaming at Kadizzle with a series of cuss words. Neighbor got pissed with the insanity and was about to run Hman off the job. Hman finally calmed down and somewhat apologized for his insanity. 

In the end a three hour job took all day and no one was pleased. Hman finally cut up the tree and it came time to be paid. The agreed price was 100 dollars. Neighbor would not budge when Hman insisted on 130. Neighbor had purchased Hman a 20 dollar lunch, and the mental fit did not help the negotiations. 

Poor old Hman has done task for Kadizzle in the past, and there have been fits of insanity, but Kadizzle does feel sorry for the poor guy so he offered him an additional 30 if he comes by to get it. Kadizzle tried to explain to neighbor you have to have some mercy on the mentally ill. Neighbor wanted no part of Hman. Kadizzle told neighbor if he needs a plumber Kadizzle can recommend one. We are all on this planet together and have to figure how to get along. 

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Another Quinn battling the evil Republicans

 Shocked to see an article in the New York Times about a young guy 15 years old with a blog fighting the Republicans. Ironically his first name is Quinn.  Read the article. Quinn is up against the exact same tactics Kadizzle faces in Payson. The Republicans say he is " disruptive".  The exact word they use when Kadizzle ask a hard question. 

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Republicans will pick a new Grand Wizard

 Jim Jordan, or any one the Republicans pick to be speaker of the house will be the new Grand Wizard of the Republican Party.  What a mess. Normalcy has left the room. Republicans supply the idiocy and chaos the Hoopleheads survive on. Stupidity is the new meth. Opioids are mild compared to stupidity. When you realize Trump is still a serious threat you know the end is near. The Republican circus with Trump for a ringmaster will end democracy as we know it. What happened to normal people, where did they go? Did the Covid virus have a special components that ate peoples brains?

The thirst for ignorance is expressed nowhere better than at school board meetings where Republicans try to ban knowledge. What went wrong. The simple minded craved stupidity and Fox News saw the market. Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, and a host of other dolts filled the demand for ignorance and made money doing it. Then you had people like Mr. Pillow cashing in on the Hoopleheads desire to go broke. Look around you. The tatoo warriors are everywhere. Young people want to put graffiti all over their bodies, put bones in their nose and vape some chemicals. What about the future? The hell with the future, burn the planet down. 

Go to the grocery store and see the guy who drove up in a junker plunk down forty dollars for lottery tickets. The solution is always one lottery ticket away or one more meth tablet. Add to all this private religious schools spreading the worst kind of fantasy and ignorance. Jesus is going to come and fix everything. People seem to have forgotten it was Jesus's dad that made black people, and white people. What a brilliant recipe for harmony. Then write a book with " an eye for an eye".  Then update the book with the book of Mormon. Wow, how did we get in this mess. 

Friday, October 13, 2023

Shoot him, but don't kill him

 A new neighbor showed Kadizzle a peculiar gun. The gun is meant to deter, not kill. A kinder way to blast your favorite intruder. The gun is powered by a CO2 cartridge. Seems like some strange act of kindness, but also says the person who has the courtesy to knock the diddly out of you rather than kill you is considerate. Why not? All the crazy gun nuts could use these guns instead of lethal guns. The gun shoots something that looks like a paint ball. When it hits you it will just leave one hell of a welt. The person getting hit will probably think they have been shot with a regular gun. 

Today is crazy day when the Hooples will call into KKKMOG radio with the most insane comments imaginable. No doubt the Hoopleheads will blame all in the middle east on Biden, and of course Trump would solve the whole thing in 24 hours. The Hooples are special. You have to be special to join the cult. The Republican party in Washington is fractured just as the local Hooples are. Watch any fundamentalist religious group and you will always see the same thing. The group will splinter. One group will say Jesus wore sandals, and another will claim it was tennis shoes.  In Washington the Republicans are fighting over who can be the Trumpyist. Republicans love drama and they need a new drama queen. Jim Jordan will be the Satan of congress if he is the speaker. Jordan loves to lie just like Trump, and a torrent of idiocy will be unleashed. 

Sadly it looks like our country is toast. We are sliding down the slide of no return.  Where are the people who read? Where are the people who care about our children?  The greed driven Republicans have people addicted to conspiracy and chaos. 

There may be a strange ray of hope. The Hooples love to live a terrible life style, smoking, driving goofy cars, eating crap, and spending themselves broke at Walmart. To some degree it is natural selection. The Hooples self destruct.  It was old Hooples that helped get us in the Trump mess. The old Hooples are dying. If it works out 13 million old Hooples will cross the finish line before the next election. Will they be replaced by young people? Young people and women hold the key to a turn around. Add to that minorities. If people would vote in their own interest instead of the interest of the rich life could improve. Good luck. 

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Is there something wrong with being fully conscious?

As you bump about in the world it becomes clear some people never become fully conscious. The Hoopleheads are short on perception. They just don't notice the leaves are falling. Kadizzle awakened this morning and as usual read various news outlets. The Fargo Forum for some reason appeals to Kadizzle. However, the Fargo Forum publishes about three or four dolts. On the other hand the Forum has Tony Bender one of the best and a few other good writers.  

Some goofy gulumph wrote about wokism. The made of insanity of the word woke is a new Republican foray into the world of stupidity. Reading closely you realize woke means fully conscious. If you are too aware of what is going on in the world, that is woke. Too many times we have to come back to the old quote " Educations just confuses people".  That is the essence of the Republican party. Learning things can distort the mind. That is why Republicans have to have private schools to dumb down children. Woke people read, write, and think. Nothing is worse for Republicans than people who think. No thinking person would vote Republican, so thinking has to be suppressed. Encourage people to be stupid. Give them religion, astrology, and Republicans. 

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

A little woman with a lot of courage

Shirley is the ring master at the Payson Tea Party. She is a small woman with a lot courage. Kadizzle disagrees with Shirley's right wing agenda, but has to give her immense credit for her integrity. Integrity is something the rest of the Tea Party does not have an once of. Shirley has gotten herself into a pick by defending the truth about Kadizzle. One thing the Tea Party hates is the truth. Kadizzle wrote an email to Shirley outlining the lies of Gary Morris and other deceitful members of the Tea Party. Apparently Shirley read the information to the gathering. Wow, this is how the world should work. 

Kadizzle has requested that he be allowed to speak and defend himself in front of the Tea Party. The Tea Party avoids the truth by claiming Kadizzle is a dangerous man and will assault someone. Strangely they claim Shirley is in danger. All things considered Shirley is a nice little lady and we had breakfast together. She came to my house. It would be insane to attack the best ally you have. 

To take away the silly excuse the Tea Party uses to avoid the truth Kadizzle has informed the Tea Party he will hire a Payson Policeman to protect them if he speaks. Of course they refuse to reply. Run dog run is the tactic always employed when the truth is fired in the direction of the Republicans. 

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Eli Crane, our own special dolt

 Unable to fall back asleep Kadizzled did what he does every Monday night. Out the door he went at 1 A.M. to retrieve the Payson Roundup. The cult in Payson has their own special dolt, Eli Crane. Eli was elected to congress by the Hoopleheads. Where were the normal people? Eli is a member of that special group of idiots that ousted McCarthy. 

After three tries Eli made it as a Navy Seal. That assured him the adoration of the dolts. In the most recent Payson Roundup Eli wrote a long dissertation on what it means to be an idiot in Washington. Eli says Trump is the victim of a witch hunt. That tells you all you need to know about Eli and his idiocy. Eli is an embarrassment to Arizona and the people he represents. 

Eli says he is going to fight corruption in Washington. This man who believes in Trump is going to fight corruption. This is like making the fire chief the man who just got out of prison for arson. 

Eli has mastered the magic trigger words and the conspiracy tales. Of course Eli is a favorite at story time for the Tea Party. They live among us. 

Monday, October 09, 2023

Never such a mess

 It is hard to grasp, but Kadizzle is an old man. 74 years old. Always thought humanity would go forward, shocked to find out how wrong one could be. In 74 years we have not made an inch of progress. Polio was a big problem as a child, but it was fought and the battle was won. There is nothing you can put on a sugar cube and eat that will cure ignorance. Right here in Payson the one cure for ignorance is the school system. Republicans are doing there best to destroy that cure. A Hooplehead school board member wants to withdraw from the Arizona school boars association because it is " Woke".  It used to be a given you supported the public schools, now the Hooples want to defund the public schools and send children to indoctrination schools. No one wants to teach. History is now what the Tea Party says it is. Science is just a left wing conspiracy. 

Something went terribly wrong. People who can do surgery believe the silliest conspiracy theories. People send a con man in Florida money whenever he ask for it. Snake oil salesmen have turned into professional liars on the Tea Party circuit. Driving the country backwards and cheering for Putin has become normal Republican behavior. 

The crazier the better. 8 clowns have sent congress into a tailspin. The more blatant and insane you act the better the Hooples cheer. 

Blindness has swept the country. The rich stole everything, and the Hooples are blind to the act. Blame anyone but the real culprit. Republicans can fire out a lie quicker than the speed of light. Between Hunter Biden's laptop, and Black Lives Matter, everything can be explained. 

Read in the NYT today about seniors living on the edge. Who cares, the sports team is the important thing. 

Here goes another week.

 Republicans scare me. Their ability to live in an alternate universe where truth is so flexible creates discomfort. Republican don't understand science, logic, or even reality. Living among delusional people is not easy. Republicans will believe anything. If you believe it, it is true. The effort the Hoopleheads put into isolating themselves from reality is astounding. The act is like fundamentalist caught in a whirling spell of simple minded religion. Each of us has seen people dazed by religion. Masses of people can go nuts. History has had a couple examples of people dressing for the second coming. What should we wear for the second coming of Trump. What would a dolt suit look like. No doubt it would have a MAGA hat and a red, white, and blue Trump flag shirt. 

Did everyone forget Trump's attack on the Capitol? A mob of deranged people. Those same idiots are in every crack of every redneck acre of our country. The Trump cult is a religion. Religions don't have to abide by any of the normal laws of physics. With religion you can walk on water, rise from the dead and make water into wine. With Trump all is possible. Trump has committed lies and crimes that would amaze any dictator that has lived, and his cult love him. 

Hitler dazed Germany with his lying mean rhetoric. Trump has used every Hitler device and is getting the same results. Nobody notices. A Trump flag and a Nazi flag are one and the same. Hitler used the Jews, Trump has the immigrants. 

Sunday, October 08, 2023

Killing the Blues -Weissenborn Guitar- Can't help myself this is really good, be sure to listen. No words just excellent playing

Killing the Blues

I am guilty of something

To Ramona - Sinéad Lohan

Listen to the words.

The Pogues - I'm a Man You Don't Meet Every Day

Be easy and free when your drinking with me. I am a man you don't meet every day. 

A View from the deck

 One great thing about our new home in Payson is the view. In the distance you can see the "Rim". The rim as it is commonly known around here is North of town. The rim is a different world at a higher elevations with campsites, trails, and some good biking. Lately there have been fires up on the rim. Our home overlooks the town and visitors always complement us on the view. Click on the pictures to enlarge them. 


 First article of the day was in the NYT about prediction. An interesting article about how betting can predict something accurately. Kadizzle has seen this in action. When you get a dinger saying some Tea Party nonsense, ask them to bet money on it. They will not. How many times has Kadizzle pinned down a dinger by saying " I will bet. you fifty dollars I can prove you wrong".  Dingers will never take the bet, they know Trump lost. Dingers know the conspiracy theory is a lie, but they have fun believing some nonsense. 

This same principle applies when you ask the Tea Party to stand on their stage with proof that contradicts one of their liars. Gary Morris is a liar and Kadizzle asked Shirley Dye if he could confront the lying of Gary Morris on the stage of the Tea Party. The answer was we don't have time for that.  No time for the truth. The liars don't have time for the truth. When you confront them it is run, dog run. One time when Kadizzle confronted Gary Morris the liar, he said he had groceries in the car and had to leave. Strangely after he ran away, he never did get to the car to protect the groceries. 

Try it, when you meet a Hooplehead with some concocted nonsense, ask them to bet money.  Nope, you will see your Hooplehead stutter and run for the door. 

Saturday, October 07, 2023

Halley Came to Jackson

How about a song to cheer things up

A storm is brewing

 Hopefully Kadizzle is wrong, but it looks like a storm is on the horizon. The current political situation reminds Kadizzle of sailing. Things could be great, but the clouds were gathering, and the question became what should we do? One choice was always get into a bay and tie down. Could you get to the bay fast enough? 

The storm is coming, Trump is the wind that will blow our country down. Remember all those news stories where people were told a hurricane was coming to the coast and they better leave. Simple dingers say they will ride it out. 

It's the combination that will be the fatal punch. First, is climate change. It is not going to just go away. Then you have the tidal flood of stupidity. Republicans are putting fertilizer on the stupid people and they are getting dumber by the minute. Add to all this income inequality. The rich have stolen the congress, the country, the beaches, and don't give a damn about the peasants. People don't read, and history has lost it's punch. Our country is exactly where it was as the depression started. Trump is Hitler reborn. The dingers are clueless. As the world melts we have our heads stuck in the computer universe. 

Look at our cities, homeless people everywhere, a cloud of pollution, and the wealthy living in gaured enclaves not giving a damn. Our infrastructure is crumbling. Who cares. The rich fly over the dumps and the decay.  

Once you get behind a wall you can pretend there is no problem on the other side. That is the new game plan.

The Kadizzle's moved from North Dakota, to Arizona. Which state has the worst infestation of Trump diseased idiots. North Dakota has the three stooges that will not denounce Trump, Kevin Kramer, John Hoeven, and Kelly Armstrong. North Dakota has been purchased by the oil and coal industry. Arizona has a Republican fantasy contest for the biggest liar.  Total idiots roam the state spreading nonsense. A couple of the dolts got elected. Locally we have Wendy Rodgers, and Eli Crane on the lying circuit. Gary Morris leads the Republicans here and his ability to lie and do dishonest things is incredible. 

The cult members are very scary. Once in the cult it is like religion, you just believe, and no reality changes your concrete head. The storm is coming. 

Friday, October 06, 2023

You are an idiot.

 If you are reading this and you have the most remote possibility of voting for Trump you are an idiot. Our country is on the verge of collapse, and Trump got us here. Like they just said on PBS, Trump is deranged. Our country is in the midst of a meltdown. A tide of idiocy has swept through the country. If polls mean anything we are cooked, done, finished. A con man has destroyed us. It is not Russia, or China, it is Trump. If you can't see it get some help. 

Heaven's helping hand

Clearing a trail up in the Serra Anca mountains Kadizzle did not expect this. 

Donald Trump stars in You can't cheat an honest man

Today we are going to do a mental exercise. Watch the clip below. As you watch keep thinking " Donald Trump".  Normal people will just laugh. Hoopleheads should keep a mirror close by so they can watch their head spin. Have fun. This is Donald Trump in action. 

Do they read anything?

How do the Hooples stay in the bubble? The mystery plagues Kadizzle. Any person that read every morning could not stay in the bubble, but the Tea Party gang manages to stay in the church of ignorance with no problem. How do they do it? Real information is everywhere. The smoke in Payson was so thick the other day it was like a fog. The damn planet is burning up, but the Hooples say it is normal weather. Delusion is the drug of choice for the Hoopleheads. After all Trump is just a poor person picked on by evil Democrats. Anyone can see that. What? 

Mind boggling. Yesterday Kadizzle went to the bank, a pretty girl with a nice personality took care of his banking needs. There was a problem. The pretty girl had on a dress that did not cover her arms. Both arms were covered with tattoos. Sure she must have thought it was great, but each of us has seen a building covered with spray paint graffiti. Did it make the building look better? Someone thought it did. 

Selling people on the idea that they are inherently ugly seems strange. Why would a nice looking girl feel the need to remodel herself? Nature has a way of making the opposite sex attractive. Nature did not put a bone in the nose, or eyelashes ten feet long on the girls nature made. Women are naturally pretty. Kadizzle says leave yourself alone and let your natural beauty shine. In the end beauty comes from the inside. You can paint your house any color you want, but it will still be the same house under the paint. 

Woke in Payson

Wobbling out the door Kadizzle picked up the Payson Roundup on the driveway. Soon he discovered the school board feels the other school boards in the state are too "Woke".  What in the hell does woke mean? It means you are just too conscious or something like that. Dingers don't like educated people, and woke is a code word for people who seem smarter than you. Inventing words they don't understand is classic Republican Hooplehead strategy. Sure enough our school board is also concerned about critical race theory. The school board doesn't want children thinking outside the box, and the school board wants a very small box. Somehow the state elected a super dolt to be the school superintendent for Arizona. The dolt played to the simple minded crowd and won. 

Being deliberately ignorant is a goal of the Hoopleheads. That in itself is sad, but inflicting their stupidity on all the children is a real crime. There might be an upside to this. If you are not in the home school Hoople crowd, and you have children, then the Hooples are giving your kids a head start. When the Hooplehead deliberately make their children idiots, then that opens opportunities for normal children. 

Life is a race for resources. Give your kid a lousy pair of shoes for the race? Filling a child's head full of nonsense is like giving them a mental disease. If you ever watched Mormon children, or Amish children you get the sense they are in a trance. They have been isolated from reality. 

At some point most people with a good mind break out of the silly cults, but many weak minded people stick with the cult until they die. 

There is a crises hiring teachers. Who wants to teach in a school run by a school board full of idiots banning books and cooking up woke schemes?  Now, because no respectable person wants to be a teacher Arizona has come up with the idea of letting the bus driver teach or maybe the janitor. 

Thursday, October 05, 2023

Avoid Doctors with children in college

 Yesterday the dermatologist gang cut a chunk of skin off of Kadizzle's back. Maybe it needed to be done, maybe it did not. Anyway, the cut on the edge of the should blade is a bit uncomfortable. Now, they want to radiate my nose. That will be another annoying mess with three treatments a week. Dermatologist are the most well paid doctors. We all have skin and a bump is bound to appear somewhere. Perhaps Kadizzle is hard on the gang, maybe they are saving his life so he can protect us from the greed dogs. 

The New York Times has an article about the auto strike. Their leader knows who the greed dogs are. The billionairs have purchased the government and are making life hard for the peasants. The rich always want the peasants to live on less. The Hoopleheads are peasants and Trump and his gang knows how to make the Hoopleheads dance. Hoopleheads feed on guns, hate, fear, and good conspiracy stories. Just feed the Hooples the right mix and rob them blind. Every Hooplehead believes he is just one lottery ticket away from being a billionair, so of course the Hooples side with the rich. What is wrong with one guy eating all the pizza?

The Hooples are a strange bunch. A good Hoople believes there is a big lever in the White House Biden can adjust to set gas prices, inflation, and Hunter Biden's laptop. 

Go to Walmart or your regular grocery store and look at shopping carts. What do the Hooples buy. One guy had four gallons of nice clean water. Selling Hooples water is the best thing since selling them cigarettes to kill themselves. If a Hoople read the label on the water bottle the Hoople would see in most cases it is the same water that comes out of their tap, it was just cheaply filtered. If you took the water out of most drinks there would be a teaspoon of some flavor in the bottom of a bottle. Walk down the grocery isle where every flavor of water on Earth is sold. Flavored water is one way to bilk the Hooples, and the other is just plain water. Love the bottles that contain "Smart" water.  Selling smart water to idiots determined to go broke is genius.  It is all about bilking the Hooples, and no one does it better than the billionaires. The purchase of congress was brilliant. Make the Hooples pay all the taxes. Is there a better plan than that. The average billionaire pays 4%.  Trump pays nothing. Could it be any better? The church got the Hooples to love being robbed. The Hooples cut the grass at the church that was robbing them. What you can do with the mind of a Hooplehead. 

At 9:00 A.M. today there will be a falsehood fest on KMOG. Hooples will feast on conspiracy theories, lies, and election fraud stories. If you have a computer you can listen to the simple minded getting even dumber on KMOG over the internet. 

Wednesday, October 04, 2023

Leonard Cohen - The Goal (Official Video)

Giuliani’s drinking

Giuliani is drunk, and giving Trump advice. What could go wrong? Be sure to read the story in the New York Times. Only the saddest dinger could believe in Trump. Trump's crimes would fill a truck. The lying delusional dingers are everywhere. Yesterday on the KMOG lying program Wendy Rodgers was talking about being on the lying circuit. Yep, these people go from one Tea Party meeting to another with made up tales of election fraud and they get paid for it. 

Back in the old days you sold the Hooples snake oil. Now, they pay you to lie to them. Of course religion perfected that long ago. 

Yesterday Kadizzle sent the head of the Hoopleheads an essay about the principles of justice where the accused is allowed to defend themself. The Hooples put on a great show about the Constitution, and justice, but when it comes to actually living a life of fairness and openness as those things require the Hooples are lost.  

Tuesday, October 03, 2023

The Joy of being stupid

Not sure if this factoid is correct, but somewhere Kadizzle read the brain uses 35% of our energy. That means you use what Kadizzle calls brain calories. Hoopleheads would rather put those calories on their waistline than in their head. If you actively seek to be stupid you can avoid a lot of thinking. A simple technique for achieving stupidity is by attributing everything to " God's will".  Why is the car not running? You could take the time to figure it out, or just say " It is God's will". Reducing problems to simple idiocy is what makes life simple for the Hoopleheads that support Trump. How could you make  a con man into a saint unless you used convoluted logic? That is what Hooples do. There is not climate change. All the science and evidence points to man made climate change, but it takes some thinking to realize that. Just deny it if you are a Hoople. One of the greatest feats of the Hoopleheads is one answer that works for every question. Of course you know the answer " What about Hunter Biden's laptop".  Every so often the Republican put out a new answer. Now you can answer everything with " The Uniparty".  As usual no one has a clue what it is, but it is the answer. 

Fat, dumb, and happy, that is the goal of a Trump cult member, and they know how to pull it off. Most critical of all is avoid real knowledge and facts. Ask a Hoople where they get their information and you will see them stare at the sky with a blank expression. Well, most of their knowledge comes from other delusional Hooples. 

Now for the zinger. The Hooples protect themselves from reality. Kadizzle has been in a battle about Gary Morris the head of the local Republican Party. He lies incessantly. To protect Gary from the truth the local radio station hangs up on questioners, and all Republican functions prohibit dissent at their meetings. Strangest of all the Hooples claim to support the justice system and Constitution they claim to love. 

Monday, October 02, 2023

Human Repair shop

 This morning we are going to sort out our calendrer for repairs. A couple weeks of doctor visits are coming up. Getting old means repairing old worn out bodies. This is the age of replacement parts for humans. Winky needs new knees, and a hip. Old Kadizzle needs a new brain. There are a couple kidney stones in Kadizzle. Did they move, are they gone? X rays will answer that one. Then there is the prostate cancer. Is it totally gone? That means a blood test. Almost forgot the skin doctor must have kids going to college she wants to cut some of the hide off the old goat. 

Getting old is about falling apart. My older brother turned 82 yesterday. That is a good sign there may be milage left on Kadizzle. Older brother has had some serious heart problems, so it is surprising he is doing so well. Maybe we are like apples on a tree. If we are still on the tree we see the other apples drop to the ground, and wonder when our turn is up. 

People sometimes warn me a Hooplehead might shoot me. Dying of lead poisoning is a possibility. All Kadizzle wants is a good head shot so it goes quickly. Hooples cannot win an argument without a gun. 

Sunday, October 01, 2023

Give the Hoopleheads enough rope

 Kadizzle and the Hoopleheads are in a battle. The Hoopleheads declare Kadizzle is banned from The Tea Party, KMOG, and all Republican functions. Now ask the Hooples why. You will hear a lot of stuttering, and then the Hoople will say " He is abusive".  What does that mean? It means he ask the liars hard questions. Big problem the Hooples can't say that. So the Hoopleheads are stuck with " He did something, but we can't tell you what it is".  This is the same game they are pulling with Biden. The Hooples show up with no evidence. The Hooples think all you need is an accusation. Nope, you need specifics. Well, there aren't any. HMMM, now what do we do. Just say Hunter Biden's laptop, or in Payson, he is abusive. Yep asking a question that pins a liar down is abusive. Gary Morris can attest to this, as can KMOG. You are banned, but we can't say why. 

Blessed with good neighbors.

If there is one thing we can be thankful for it is good neighbors. Everywhere we have lived, nice people have been neighbors. At our new home we seem to have moved into another neighborhood with great people. Once neighbor came over and cut down a tree for me. Others have done nice things and had us over for a meal or party. One neighbor exploded because he and his wife were Trumpers. Kadizzle wrote a letter to the paper about flag waving Trumpers. The letter set the dingers on fire. They though you could be a good American and be a Trump supporter flying the flag. Sorry, it just doesn't work. That is the only grumple that has blown up so far. Nothing we can do if you live in a different world where Trump lives. One dinger out of twenty is not bad. We have met most of the new people who will be building homes near us, and they all pass the test of good people. The Trump dingers are good people just confused. 

Always say a prayer before you start lying.

 One thing you have to love about KMOG radio is before they start lying, they always say a prayer. Nothing gives a lie a better send off then a good prayer prior to the lie. KMOG is going to attack the town council, the Democrats, the Pride group, and have Wendy Rodgers on spewing falsehoods, but first make sure everyone knows you are on God's side. KMOG is a prime example of what is wrong with religion. What could be better than having God endorse your evil? Strangely a lot of these prayers as for guidance. Wow, you ask God for guidance and he tell you to lie about everyone in town that is not a Republican? 

People wonder why religion is being abandoned. The answer is pretty clear when you see the fraud crowd using religion to bolster their attacks on decent people. Who wants to be part of a church that supports a con man like Trump? Then you have the Tea Party branch of the Republican party meeting at a church. Sit in a church and hear people lie and distort reality? Few people are so stupid they cannot hear the hypocrisy alarm ring. 

One of the most funny and best commentaries Kadizzle ever saw in a cartoon was a cartoon of a little boy saying his prayers. Kneeling beside the bed with his hands folded in prayer the little boy said "... and God please forgive the black people".  The actual word was not black people, but on much worse. That cartoon summed up the way Republicans pray. " And God please help the con man, Donald Trump bilk more Hoopleheads".  Mix religion and politics and you got the Republican party raping idiots. 

Not so boring

 About two years ago we moved from a very small town in North Dakota, a town of about 2,500. Our new home is much more lively. The North Dakota town barely had a pulse. You could shoot a gun down main street in North Dakota and not worry about hitting anyone. 

The little town in North Dakota was prosperous. The average family made ten thousand more than the average American family. The town was surrounded by coal mines and power plants, and had the largest gas plant in the U.S. Money fell from the sky. There was not one homeless person or bum. 

Payson on the other hand has no industry and primarily relies on tourist and old retired goats to keep the economy going. All Payson has to sell is a climate about 15 degrees cooler than Phoenix. 

The North Dakota town had some rough spots, but Payson has them beat. The North Dakota Hoopleheads liked their Republican actors, but they did not lie on the scale of the Arizona clown show the Republicans put on. The same game is played in both places and Trump's damage is evident in North Dakota just like Arizona. One great thing about North Dakota was no private Hooplehead schools to dumb the kids down. 

Payson has KMOG selling the right wing lies and distortion. In North Dakota KFYR radio did the evil deed of lying and distortion. The radio stations were so similar. Both stations would hand up on you if you questioned the lies. Both played loose with the facts. Scott Hennen spread the lies in North Dakota, but he eventually was pushed out even the Hooples realized he was a dinger. Same thing happened at KMOG with Charlie Sariphin. At some point the lies and nonsense catch  up.