Friday, January 27, 2023

Spotting a Dinger

Spotting a dinger is not that hard. Some people like to do bird watching, but you can have a hobby of spotting the simple minded. A " Let's go Brandon" sticker is a sure sign you are in the presence of the mentally deficient. Now some bird spotters use the bird call to identify birds. The same works with dingers. A dinger will make a call to the other dingers with a loud truck or motorcycle. Some dingers simply use a noisy car. Of course a good dinger will have a Trump sticker. At the grocery store the dinger will be the guy with a gun on his hip. Also most dingers will have an NRA sticker on the truck. Now to dinger trucks. All dingers will have a loud exhaust. A good dinger will have his truck jacked up to where you need a ladder to get in. The ultimate dinger will have huge exhaust pipes like a over the highway truck. Dingers love stickers and a good sign of a dinger is a gun symbol on the ding mobile. 
Now that truck is a dingers dream. 
Ok, you think you spotted a mentally subprime. How can you be sure? Nothing says dinger like a confederate flag. 

Another key to the ultimate redneck, Hoople is a total disrespect for the environment. A good dinger will toss garbage out the window, or blast fumes into the air. These dolts don't respect your lungs, and they will have a cigarette in their mouth to ruin their own. Talk to the young ones and they will tell you college is a waste of time. They can be a welder and do just fine. All dingers worth their membership will have a handgun. Dingers are lost in the wilderness. If you spot the same truck driving up and down the main drag, what do you have? A lost dinger looking for a mate. Somehow dingers manage to spot female dingers. When they mate they produce little dingers. Is there a cure? No. Usually ignorance will land you in a trailer park, and often it will kill the affected when the jacked up truck fails to negotiate a turn. Dingers can be there own worst enemies. Shooting each other at the bar in a drunken fantasy is a common end to the life of the confused. Trump showed the danger of dingers high on idiocy when he fired them up to invade the Capitol. Dingers do occasionally migrate. The best way to see hundreds is to go to a Trump rally.

Spot the dinger
    • 10 points a confederate flag
    • 8 points Trump sticker
    • 12 points black plume of smoke from truck
    • 6 points loud motorcycle
    • 4 points NRA stickeer
    • 20 points wearing a side arm
    • 15 points Lets go Brandon sign
    • 30 points huge exhaust pipes
    • 20 points large Trump flag
    • 12 points Don't tread on me sticker
    • 10 points senseless acceleration
    • 20 points Two large flags flying on back of Truck
    • 20 points combining Jesus with Trump stickers
Ok, now you have a new game to play with the kids while driving. 
    • $19.95
    • Dinger Bingo
    • You knew there was a catch. For two easy payments of $20 you can buy the Kadizzle Dinger Bingo game. It comes with Bingo cards with each dinger element in a square. Kids will love it, even you and your wife can play. Out for a walk, or just sitting in the park, why not play dinger bingo? Money back guarantee. If you don't spot a dinger on your first try, all your money will be refunded minus the ten dollar shipping and handling fee. Why not give the bingo game to your neighbor with the Trump flag?


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