Monday, January 09, 2023

Kadizzle meets Lori

Not only is Lori a firebrand for the Republicans, but it turns out she is on the zoning commission. Kadizzle went before the zoning commission to fight the neighborhood battle to keep high density housing from the end of the street. Good news, so far we succeeded. 

After the meeting Lori introduced herself. Our last meeting Lori had Kadizzle arrested. This meeting went much better. The two of us chatted for awhile in the parking lot at city hall. 

It was a good conversation. Lori has taken a job with Eli Crane representing him on the local level. If she fights for local causes some good could come out of her new position. This is a chance for a politician to use a local person to enhance the town. Payson needs housing for low income people, better paid teachers, a battle against drug use, and many other things all towns strive for. 

The big decision is are we going to work together for common goals or are we going to continue to concentrate on differences. Elections are over. The first step in progress is talking, not confronting. Kadizzle may need to brush up on his own advice. 

Kadizzle does have to give Lori credit for being straight forward. If others would follow her example and simply address their issues directly we would all be better off. 

One thing Kadizzle has consistantly found when talking with people on the other end of the spectrum is we have more in common than we have differences. It is that final 20% where the train goes off the tracks. Once people establish commonality the road to agreement is in sight.

It brings to mind Jesus. Every church has Jesus as the core, at least the Christian gang, but then the division starts. At some point the splintering occurred, now you have every flavor of Jesus that even Jesus could not have imagined. Do Christians have anything in common? That used to be the case. Everyone wanted to help the poor, everyone believed in forgiveness, and everybody used to believe there were ten basic rules. Every denominations would still claim nothing changed. Thow shalt not lie is pretty straight forward. How did we get to the point where you can go to church and vote for Trump. Things got twisted. We need to have a discussion face to face about what lying is. We will never come together as long as one group is in one room and the other group is in the other room looking for that strange thing called the truth. 

Maybe this all comes back to the zoning meeting. The zoning commission really acted as a jury. There were two sides. The developer, and the neighborhood. Both side had to present their truth to the commission. That is how our country is supposed to work. The developer did not get to hire the commission, and the neighborhood did not either. This is where democracy has fallen flat. The wealthy have purchased the congress. Take it from there. 

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