Friday, December 23, 2022

Why didn't Jesus sell trading cards?

Evangelicals love Trump the grifter, now Trump is selling trading cards and a chance to have dinner with him. Why didn't Jesus  think of this? Imagine a chance to attend the last supper. Evangelicals hold Trump in the same esteem as Jesus. Most people think Trump lies, but talk to an evangelical and you will find it just is not so. Trump has never done anything wrong, he is as pure as Jesus. That is why the people who worship Jesus vote for Trump. Trump is so Christ like. Anyone can imagine either one of them selling trading cards for $99.

Jesus rode around on a Donkey. Trump missed that and bought his own Jet donkey. Jesus lived very humbly, he was born in a manger, and his dad did not give him $400,000.  However, Jesus and Trump are very similar. Jesus chased the money changers out of the temple. Trump invited them in and gave them some tax breaks. One can see how anyone could get Jesus and Trump mixed up. Not sure what Jesus golf handicap was. More than likely every shot Jesus made was a hole in one.  Why doesn't the Republican miesha hit more perfect shots on the course? Trump tied bilking people with casinos, steaks, and his fake college. What about Jesus? Jesus did not even charge for the water he turned into wine. Do you call that a good businessman? All the fundies admire Trump because he is rich and a great business man. Poor old Jesus is not in the book as even having a coffee shop or a meat shop to sell donkey steaks. 

If Jesus were alive today no doubt he would be a lot like Trump, yelling fake news and selling trading cards.  Surely Jesus would be a great sandel salesman. Imagine the endorsements Jesus could get. One endorsement for sure Jesus would get today would be from Trump. No doubt Trump would have Jesus at his rally telling the flock about the New New Testament that is full of tax breaks for the rich. On stage Jesus would perform a miracle and make Trump's tax returns disappear. 


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