Friday, December 30, 2022

Trump's taxes reveal his lies

The cult's job of spinning and story telling gets harder every day. Now, with Trump's taxes out in the open the spinners will have to work 25 hours a day to concoct stories about how he is just a saint, and a wonderful businessman. If nothing else Trump's tax returns show he has no compunction about cheating. According to him that is what all good businessmen do .

Trumps days are over. The Hooples are just left with an empty sack of lies that make no sense. A billionaire that sells baseball cards?The market for sand will go through the roof. In order to keep their heads in the sand the Hooples are going to need more sand. Light bulb sales will plummet, the Hooples want to stay in the dark. 

OK, Frank, Jeff B. LPM. please let us in on the tax spin. How can you defend these liars and cheats. Trump paid less than the poorest Hooplehead. Oh, that shows he is a smart businessman, or perhaps it shows he is a scoundrel and a tax cheat. 

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