Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Farting through Silk a tribute to Arthur Little.

Arthur Little was the first black friend Kadizzle ever had. There were no black kids in grade school, but in high school Kadizzle got to meet Arthur. Arthur was a wiry little guy, but he was quick witted, and a great boxer. Arthur could hit Kadizzle twice before Kadizzle could launch one. Kadizzle identified with Arthur. He seemed to be a stranger in a strange land. No doubt all the black kids felt that way in a predominantly white high school. The school was a great mixer of social classes. The poorest went to school with the richest. It was a good thing for everybody. 

Kadizzle used to have gym class with Arthur. Kadizzle has always remember when Arthur talked about farting through silk. When you were rich you farted through silk. One thing Kadizzle learned about the economically disadvantaged was you enjoyed what you could. Maybe you did not have a nice car or house, but you could have silk underwear. 

In recent weeks Kadizzle has decided to upgrade from cotton to silk. Well it is not really silk, but a good imitation. Indeed farting through silk is a great pleasure. 

The best memory of Arthur will always be him reciting when he saw me " I am nobody, who are you? are you nobody too?" .  It was a great lesson about humanity. 

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