Friday, December 02, 2022

Sleeping wore me out.

 Kadizzle went to bed shortly after five last night. A sleep of 12 hours takes a lot of strength. So here he sits worn down from rest. It was the intense dreaming that took all the energy. 

Awakening Kadizzle made coffee and read the Payson Roundup. How depressing. The county has become a bastion of idiots, that is Republican idiots. The county is dominated by the Wendy Rodgers crowd. She won by parroting the Fox News, and Donald Trump scenario.  This inspired Kadizzle to write a letter to the editor. It may not get published, so here it is to make sure Frank and Jeff B. get it.


Reading the Payson Roundup Friday morning a cloud of depression invaded my mind. The Roundup reported Gila county has become a bastion of Republican strength. What does this mean? It means we are living amongst a majority of delusional people willing to believe in the lies of Donald Trump. If the delusions were harmless there would be hope, but statistics clearly show areas dominated by Republicans suffer more poverty, and social problems than other areas where college educations are more prevalent. 

What kind of government are you going to have when election deniers are making the decisions?When a disciple of Trump is using his tactics to manipulate the multitude what will the result be? Republicans have already shown they are more interested in Hunter Biden’s laptop than inflation, climate change, or the rising power of Russia and China. Republicans have recently shown they are unwilling to denounce a former president who invites racist and antisemites to dinner. 

At this point the only real hope is the old fashioned rational Republicans will take back the party. Already the battle has begun. The Wendy Rodgers wing of the party is fighting the John McCain Republicans about the outcome of the election. Liz Cheney has shown you can be a moral Republican. If only the Gila county Republicans would be struck with honesty and mortality we could have a dialogue based on reality. 

The most depressing part about the Trump Republicans is they make sure nothing of substance or reality enters their mind. Talk to any of them and ask they what they read or watch on the news.

The New York Times has a good opinion piece today about the prospects for World War 3. The lack of historical knowledge plays a key part in the thesis. Among the unwashed education is seen as a blight. A technical education is not an education. It is the learning of a high level skill. The black brain surgeon who ran for president showed us you can be a brain surgeon and an idiot if you do your homework.

Slave owners made sure the slaves could not read and write. Now the slaves have taken on the responsibility for themselves. Everyday Kadizzle sees a young 16 year old show up for manual labor in front of the house. He gave up on high school and is convinced he road to happiness is laying pavers all day. He chose to let his mind go fallow. Sadly Kadizzle knows of to many people homeschooling their children. They may as well finance a lobotomy for them.

Kadizzle has cited the statistic before, but here it goes one more time. China is number one in education, the United States ranks number 28. Read it and weep. How many Franks, and Jeff B,s can we tolerate. You want a good thermometer for the area you live? Count the number of people carrying sidearms. Back when we lived in Hazen there was a serious infestation of Republicans, but Kadizzle never recalls seeing anyone at the grocery store with an automatic. Welcome to Payson, where armed dingers regularly visit the grocery store. What doe that tell you. Go to the conclaves where the wealthy breed. There are no guns. What does that tell you? The people who fight for the poor to have guns don't tolerate them in their own neighborhood. Kadizzle has been in a few of the most prominent country clubs and bastions of the well to do, there were no armed idiots. It has always been acceptable for the poor to shoot the poor. That is one form of birth control Republicans indorse. Remember when Trump called Africa a shit hole country? That is how Republicans think of the people they have robbed. They live in a shit hole country, but it is in Baltimore, St. Louise, and scattered throughout the United States. Who sponsors shit hole countries? You got it, corrupt politicians, and who might that be? Maybe the Donald.

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