Saturday, December 31, 2022

Turn the Page

The page is about to turn to a new year. We escaped a Republican dictatorship by a narrow margin. The danger is still there. 71 million idiots are loose in our country. They cannot tell fact from fiction. Hopefully 2023 will be a year when we awake from the terrible dream that included the Donald.  

The big question is will the Republicans be obstructionist or will the world be allowed to progress and move ahead? Since our new home is in Arizona we breathed a sigh of relief. The Hooples were defeated, but again it was a shot at and missed event. 

Will the Hooples become conscious is the big question or will they remain in the right wing fog of Fox News? A Hooplehead can run into a wall of facts and still not notice a lie that has come crashing down. 

Spray for bugs. You do not spray for bugs just once. The effect wears off. Although the Hooplehead infestation has been beat back, you can be assured they will return. How do you know you have an infestation? One good thing about the Hooples is they like to make sure everyone knows they are mentally challenged. The MAGA hats were the sure sign of the most recent infestation. School board attacks are another sure sign of an infestations. Book banning, and the spread of home schooling are also signs the education meter is going backwards. 

Since we live in Payson Arizona fire is a danger. What does the town do? Fire breaks, and brush clearing are in progress to protect the town. How do you protect the town from Hooples? When a Hoople makes and absurd statement you say " Do you really believe that?'.  You can also say " Where did you get that information?".  Any chance you get to challenge the Hooples you must. As students we all learned how one fly can reproduce thousands. The same is true with most rodents. Kill one and you have killed a hundred. Enlighten one simple minded person and perhaps you can keep the cult mentality from spreading. 

Education immunizes people from Fox News, and the right wing lies. Science, math, logic, and just plain reasoning are critical to stamp out the cult behavior. Republicans realize the danger of education. That is why they want to destroy public schools, and sponsor religious schools. 

If things are going to get better the young must be recruited into the adult world of voting, and paying attention. The last election was probably pulled out of the fire by the young. They have the most to lose in an infestation. 


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