Saturday, December 24, 2022

Kari Lake runs into reality, she lost

Good morning and happy holidays to everyone in Hooplehead land. Of course it would be more happy if Kari Lake had won. Poor old Kari cannot pull of election lies like her hero the Donald. Jeff B. and Frank must be in tears. The lawyers for Kari Lake had a bad day, the judge asked them to provide evidence. Exactly the problem Trump always runs into. 

Will the Hooples ever come clean and admit to themselves they had a pack of liars feeding them insane ideas? Unlikely, the Hooples live on paranoid fantasy. Someone will have to cook up an new explanation for how Kari was cheated. The amazing thing about the cheating is the Republicans basically run the election. Republicans judges and officials had the job of telling the Kari gang she lost. 

Now for the zinger. Kari Lake wasted a lot of taxpayer money, a lot of lawyer money, and a lot of her credibility with the public. Kari Lake should be made to pay for her lies. 

How about right here in Payson, AZ? The local Republicans cooked up a lie about Kadizzle, claiming he threatened to assault Kevin Cramer. That little scheme cost the Tax Payers about 7 or 8 thousand dollars. Apparently one of  the Hooples called Cramer's office and claimed to be Kadizzle. Two Capitol police were flown from Washington, D.C. to Payson to debunk the claim. This is just one of many false police reports the Hooples have made. The Hooples have called the Payson police at least five times because Emil Kashunze and Kadizzle held " Jail Trump" signs in front of their nest. Kadizzle has discovered no trick or lie is too low for a riled up Hooplehead. In other post you may have read they are spreading the idea Kadizzle is a psychopath. Law enforcement has better things to do than respond to false claims from a bunch of deranged people who believe Trump and Kari Lake won the election. What about the money it cost to respond to lies. Look at the damage to the Capitol building, and the police officers that were injured because of Trump's lies. But what about Hunter Biden's laptop? 

Play fair is pretty much what the Constitution says. Yes, Frank, Yes Jeff B. that is the same Constitution that sits at the entranced to the Tea Party meetings.  Read the parts about checks and balances.  When someone cheats there is a remedy called the court system. Kari Lake tried it, and it worked, not for her but for every honest person that breathes. 

The cowards that make up the lies and stories will not testify. The people starting the rumors and riots refused to come to court. If they came to court they sang the fifth amendment. Those are the people you love and admire Frank, Jeff B. Those liars, wasters of tax payer money, and grifters are your heroes. Then you have Trump's lawyers urging witnesses to give false testimony. What is that all about?

The only way out for the Hooples is to drink more lies, tell more stories and keep the fog machine going. 

Would Frank or Jeff B. ever read a good newspaper? It is very doubtful, but Kadizzle just read a great article in today's New York Times about how lying cost the Republicans the election. It was Republicans who turned against their own party that saved the day for our democracy. Here in Arizona the liars could not have been thrown out without some good Republicans who prefer the truth. The steam whistle in Payson should go off at noon, and five. If you hear one at any other time it means Frank, or Jeff B. read the New York Times. 

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