Thursday, December 01, 2022

Rescued in the Rental

 A nice drive to Cottonwood yesterday to see the sister, and two in-laws. With Julie, Kadizzle and Patty went to lunch. Things were uneventful until Kadizzle tried to unlock his seatbelt.  It was jammed. Kadizzle thought he could loosen it and crawl out somehow, but every attempt to loosen the belt tightened it more. So here he was trapped in the back seat of a rental car. Cut the belt? Maybe the rental company would be displeased. What if the car were on fire? Well that is an idea. Off we drove to the fire department in Cottonwood where the kind men slipped a knife into the mechanism and freed Kadizzle. 

This morning Kadizzle is up at 3:30 A.M. to drive down to the lake. At the lake Kadizzle will take the trail crew to the top of the mountain, then place the truck at the other end of the trail for them. Kadizzle will ride the ebike down the mountain. Last year the bike ride involved a good crash. Perhaps he will get smarter this year. Don't forget the helmet and some gloves so your hands don't get mangled.

Yes, Kadizzle is insane as his family suspects. Kadizzle has three markers in his life. Chicken eggs, gambling, and the stock market. Those three things set the pace for how probability is affecting the world. First, Chicken eggs (golf balls), a fat man needs exercise. A fat man needs to burn off calories, so should he sit on a stationary bike, or ride the ebike for five miles? Many think an ebike is no exercise, but your heart is going to pound climbing the hill home even on an ebike. Why go up and down that hill a couple of times. That is where the chicken eggs come in. On most days the chickens can be expected to lay at least four eggs. The question is where are the eggs? Are they on the lonely streets that abut the golf course, in the field, or on the main road? The search is on. The chickens will lay the eggs in unexpected places. Sometimes the end up in someone's yard.  In one place the eggs result from people overshooting the green.  There must be some pretty bad golfers one would conclude from the places the eggs are found. Kadizzle actually stores some of the 200+ eggs in egg cartons. What to do with all those golf balls?  The plan yesterday was to send a dozen to the nephew. That plan did not work out. Kadizzle gave the golf balls to the firemen that rescued him.  Now the best chicken egg day ever was 19 eggs.  A five or six day is fine. 

This brings us to the gambling. A week should yield about $150. However the last two weeks only produced $75 and a little over $100. That pays the electric bills, and maybe some of the other utilities. 

Last, but not least is the stock market. Kadizzle sets a comfort level for the 401k.  The market has been well below the comfort level for months, but seems to be making a slow climb back.  If the kids are going to inherit anything there may not be enough years left. 

All that BS is fine, however the real gauge in life is breathing, no pain, and a full belly. Some warm weather, and sunny skies don't hurt. 

This gets to the question of happiness. Who is more happy, the old man sitting by the lake fishing or the fellow on the golf course at Mar a Lago?  Research clearly indicates money is not the soul maker of happiness. Yes, a certain amount does contribute, but really it does not have to be that much.  Kadizzle has met a lot of people who are content with very little. On the other side think of all the rich people haunted by the pursuit of another dollar. Kadizzle has met too many people afraid to retire who had the means to do it.  One old friend recently was eaten by cancer with three million in the bank. His quest for cash meant he left many good years on the table. He could have retired at 55, but had to keep up the drudgery until only he had three years of freedom. 

Look at the greed dogs like Trump.  Are they happy? Trump seems like a delusional miserable rat. Worse yet he lives to ruin the lives of so many.  So many of the elected officials rain misery on the poor, and unfortunate. Sadly they want to eliminate the social safety nets to satisfy their own greed. What is wrong with these people?

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