Monday, December 19, 2022

Frank and Jeff B. Open the window shades

Kadizzle just checked Fox News, no mention of Trump's problems today. One of the most historical things ever to happen to a president, and Fox News missed it. Wow Frank, Wow Jeff B. Wow Tea Party Gang are you really that blind. They recommend criminal charges against your hero, and Fox does not even mention it. You have to be kidding. You just cannot fathom that you live in a vacuum? 

Fake news, fake news, buy some Trump trading cards for $99 each. Why is a billionaire selling trading cards? The Hoopleheads are spinning faster than wind generators. Reality got suspended today. The cult leader is in deep trouble, and we will just ignore it. Of course Frank and Jeff B. did not watch the hearing today. Their brains could not face the reality. They are in love with the Cult master, the Donald. St. Donald to them. Do we really live in this distorted world?

Had to double check the Fox News website. No mention of the hearings today. Imagine if a nuclear bomb was dropped on New York City and Fox News did not report it. You would think Frank and Jeff B. would sense something wrong. Nope, just another day. 

Fox is doing it's best with a diversion about the border problems. Can't see the game Frank? Its called a fake, a diversion. 

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