Friday, December 23, 2022

Report to the Hoopleheads on Trump's taxes.

 Dearest Hooples, you can read it for yourself, or you may just want to shout fake news.  Trump in most recent years paid no taxes because of his fraudulent tax schemes. However, when he did pay, the rat paid at a rate of 4%.  Frank, and Jeff B. 's hero thinks cheating the government shows you are smart. Even poor old Kadizzle pays way more than four percent. 

Most people would think a person who calls themself a billionaire would end up paying some taxes, not the Donald. If you are a good liar or cheat, that is something to be proud of. 

How do the Hooples that go to church vote for Trump. Even God demands ten percent. Apparently God would even get cheated if he taxed Trump. 

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