Saturday, December 10, 2022

Special Program for Frank, and Jeff B. on taxes.

One thing Republicans have mastered Frank is fooling the Hoopleheads. Below this post is a video on taxes Frank.  Republicans want the Hoopleheads to think the poor are the welfare cheats, when really it is the billionaires. Well Frank, Jeff B. and Tea Party fans watch the video. It show who pays taxes and how much. As Kadizzle has said so many times Frank, it is not the poor who are robbing you, it is the rich. Frank, why do  you support the people who are robbing you? Republicans use the Hoopleheads to elect people who will protect them from taxes Frank. This video explains it very clearly. Now, you could say " Oh the rich give us jobs, so it is OK for them to rob us blind".  This is also a fallacy Frank. We can address that some other time, but the whole trickle down nonsense has only made the rich richer. Remember your hero Frank? Yup, Ronald Reagan. He gave the Republicans the shovel to shovel tax breaks to the rich. 

Will Frank, and Jeff B. watch the video? Probably not. They are tuned to Fox or cleaning Trumps shoes.  

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