Friday, December 23, 2022

Upon this rock I will build my church

Building your church on solid rock is usually a good choice, but if the rock is a sponge of fantasy and lies you have a problem. A rock is solid, so are facts. Can you rely on what is written? Isaac Newton wrote down how fast an apple would fall to Earth. You can test what he wrote. It appears to be true. Donald Trump said he is a billionaire. You cannot find out, nor can you test it. The Donald has hidden his taxes so you cannot know.  Kari Lake said she won the election, it is impossible to prove. Are. you going to build your church on those rocks?

When people don't have knowledge, they use faith. Faith occurs when you take the easy way out and don't require proof. Obtaining truth usually requires effort. However, you can read nonsense twenty four hours a day and never get closer to the truth. 

If you want to believe something that is not true, you get a bunch of people to profess the same belief you have. You can call this a cult, a church, or the Tea Party. Surely if a lot of people believe something it is true. It must be true, grandpa believed it, and so did dad. 

There used to be a widely used cough medicine for children. Kadizzle gave it to his children.  After many years it was tested and found to ineffective. It was merely a mild sedative. A lot of people were fooled including doctors. You can test things to see if they work. People have done scientific test on prayer.  It does not work.  

What happens when masses of people step from reality to faith? Hitler took a lot of people on that journey, and it did not turn out well. Trump almost convinced his cult the constitution should be changed to get his kingship. How's that working for you?

Why do you send children to school? Education gives a child a sifter. The child learns to sift fact from fiction. Every child in the class gets the same number for the addition problem. 

So if you want to give your child a sifter with a hole in it what do you do? You send your kid to a religious school, or you homeschool your child. 

Does this make sense, is the basic premise of reality.  Your reading a book that says the Earth is about six thousand years old. Does this make sense? The same book says a man walked on water, and performed tricks Houdini could not accomplish. Does this make sense?

If you believe this book you get a prize. To get the prize you have to pay tithes.  The God in the book wants ten percent. Does something seem odd about this?  The God in the book approves of Donald Trump. Does this make sense? This is where faith comes in. Just throw out common sense and listen to someone tell you what you want to hear. That is Fox News, that is the Republican Party. 

Volodymyr Zelensky gave a rousing speech before congress yesterday. If you missed it you missed a great event. Congress was unified in his support. That unity is something our country has lacked for a long time.  Who benefits from our discord? The answer is clear, Russia. 

If you are so naive to think Russia has not used St. Donald to disrupt our society you are living in the dark.  Putin has no tool more effective than Donald Trump for destroying our country. Trump has poisoned the court system, attacked our Capitol and destroy people trust in the FBI, CIA, and other government institutions. Does Putin love this? Trump and Putin both built their church on lies. When you support Donald Trump what are you supporting? It is not the ten commandments. 


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