Monday, December 26, 2022

Good Neighbors

The calender says we have been in our new home for about a year. The Kadizzles were the first to move into the new development. Now there are six occupied homes and two more will be filled shortly. A nice group of people have purchased the homes. Having good neighbors is a blessing. You always will have some issues, but such is life. 

Last night we were invited for a splendid prime rib dinner. Another neighbor made their house available for our kids at Thanksgiving. We have been greeted at our door on a couple occasions with cookies from our new friends. 

Good neighbors water each others plants, check on the dogs, lend and borrow. Just about all of our area homes are older people. The median age in Payson is 50.  Three little girls will move in and that will give us some semblance of reality. 

With all the good news there is an assault on the zoning. A fellow trying to scrape together a retirement is trying to put up some high density housing on the edge of our single family home retreat. The battle is on and the range war will rage. 

A major reason for moving to Arizona was climate. The weather in Payson has worked out about as expected. There are burps in the winter and summer when it gets a little to hot or cold. Almost every day the sky is clear and the temperature around noon is fine. Hardly a day goes by that you cannot work in a T shirt. 

The rock work here is never ending. Mrs. Kadizzle has become obsessed with pretty rocks and has moved tons of them into her new rock walls and structures. Kadizzle has completed his bridge made from stone. 

The fire pit is functional and today we may sit outside and enjoy a fire. 

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