Sunday, December 11, 2022

Mundane Things

 We will awaken to another nice day. It will get cold in the near future, that is cold for Arizona. We are spoiled for nice weather. Perhaps we are getting even for all those winters in North Dakota. 

Sylvie the 13 year old granddaughter is a wonderful actor, she should be, since attends the Denver School for the Arts. Last night we had a great time watching here on facetime do her various accents. She is good at it. The Irish accent was the special last night.  Just like her aunt Megan she is great at studying the nuances of people and doing imitations. Megan used to have the same ability to watch someone and then mimic them. Megan even used to mimic her dad. It is hard to be mad at someone when they confront you with you. 

We live in a dynamic neighborhood.  Everyone is moving into a newly built home. The Kadizzles went through the frustration of waiting and waiting to get into our new home much later than we were ever told. Three new houses in our little circle are about 98% done, and some little thing keep them from completion. Cannot get shingles for one home, another is lacking fixtures, and the one to the west must be lacking a toothbrush, it seems to be done. 

Most of the immigrants here are from California. Payson is rapidly growing. Old people seek the perfect weather. Maybe old Republicans like to be in amongst the Hooples. 

Kadizzle's education primarily involved the social sciences, with a strong dose of psychology mixed in. Observing people is Kadizzle's bird watching.  Seeing the way people mate, nest, and raise the young is interesting. Migration is also a phenomenon among humans. Like the birds humans fly south. Warm is a strong motivator. Now there is one big benefit to cold. A favorite saying in North Dakota was " The cold keeps the riff raff out."  Indeed it was true. The bum culture just never took hold in North Dakota. Sleeping under a bridge was not an option at thirty below.  Payson our new home has a warming center for the bums.  You have to keep your bums warm on frosty nights, otherwise they will wilt. 

Bums like to keep moving. Bums are always carrying their bum sack somewhere. Down by the lake there was a family, or a troupe of bums slowly moving a shopping cart along the highway parallel to the lake. They just seemed like wandering gypsies. On the same road was a single bum walker with a big straw hat pulling a little grocery cart with two small wheels. 

Kadizzle often picks up people on foot and moves them along. Payson is polluted with " Christians", but all those Christians just drive by the bum walkers like they don't exist. That Bible story about helping people apparently did not sink in. Instead they turned the church into a Tea Party nest, and decided to call the poor rapist and drug dealers. 

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