Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Up Early

 5:30 is what the clock on the microwave says. Yesterday we had a nice fire in the backyard with the neighbors over for some appetizers. The last two days have had very nice weather, but the rain is about to fall. 

Kadizzle has a new routine of going out to get the newspaper late at night. Strangely the paper must be delivered after midnight. A lot has been written in the Payson Roundup about the trail systems in the area. Hopefully they trails will be revived. 

Kadizzle has finished his stone bridge over the small drainage in the backyard. Mrs. Kadizzle has built a stone retaining wall for one more little garden. 

Lying has become very popular. The Republican congressman in New York has admitted he lied numerous times about his college degree and his career. He called it embellishment, you and I would call it lying. Of course here in Arizona lying is just part of being a Republican. Hopefully the judge is going to make Kari Lake pay for her lying. 

Some lies are not too hard to detect.  When Trump is selling baseball cards with him on them you know he is lying about being a wealthy smart businessman. Con men like Trump have mastered lying.  Now, Trump has made the falsehood a popular thing. Fox News has weaponized lying, along with Putin, and the entire Trump gang. 

Hoopleheads, here is a hint. When someone takes the fifth amendment, more than likely you are dealing with a liar. Incidentally you may want to check how many times the Donald, and his gang have avoided court where they might be forced to tell the truth.  A classic for the Trump gang is " I don't recall".   Trump's lawyer told witnesses to use that excuse. 

On a different subject. Last night Kadizzle looked into the history of the Mormons.  The con man who started the Mormon church was a grifter on the scale of Trump.  How does one man take in so many people with nonsense? It is a story that repeats itself over, and over. Read or watch the history of the Mormon church. You will see the same tactics the Republicans use today. Just make stuff up, claim your ideas come from God, and you are off to the races with a flock of Hooples right behind you. 

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