Saturday, December 17, 2022

Trump treats the Hoopleheads like children

 When Trump tries to sell the Hoopleheads his version of baseball card you know what he thinks of the Hoopleheads. Trump has always preyed on those with underdeveloped minds, but selling the simple minded baseball cards with Trump hero pictures? Trump's marketing, or grifting is something you would pull on a ten year old. 

One thing the Hooples cannot figure out is why a billionair has to sell baseball cards. You don't see any of the real people with billions selling T Shirts, and trinkets to raise cash. Trump is famous for cheap scams. His college where he stole 25 million from young stupid people was a classic. 

When you think Trump can go no lower. he does. The stump preachers showed Trump how much money you can extract from a cult. Jim Jones showed us you can even ask cult members to commit suicide. Trump set his followers up for jail with his January 6th coup attempt. 

The Putins and Trumps of the world are psychopaths. They have no compunction about robbing old ladies or abusing the Hoopleheads. The ability to sell nonsense was discovered long ago. The Catholic church was the first organization to sell scary verbiage. The church fried and tortured people and the Hooples thought it was the will of God. To this very day the Mormons are telling their flock they get to have their own planet when the die. Imagine a person so shell shocked by stupidity they would give the Mormon church 10% for the chance to be God of your own planet. The Hooples always love the far off chance of winning the lottery. Is there anything less probable than becoming God of another planet. Selling chance is an old scheme by those like Trump.  Of course if you buy one of his Trump cards he is telling you that you may have a chance to have dinner with him. Wow, wouldn't it be great to tell your friends you had dinner with Hitler or one of the worlds biggest scam artist named Trump? Also Trump might autograph something for you.  Maybe you could get him to sign a paper saying " I was duped by Trump".  

What is more immoral than preying on the vulnerable. Vultures at least wait until you are dead. Trump is picking the bones of the Hooples clean.  Who in their right mind would send a man who claims to be worth billions $99 dollars. It is the same guy who is at the grocery store buying lottery tickets. It is the same guy with the Trump sticker on his car and a gun on his hip. 

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