Sunday, December 04, 2022

Older than dirt

Kadizzle is old, so when he talks about old people, he is one. Getting old is usually the best of the two choices. Only a fool would deny age is as hard on the brain as it is on the body. Do what you can, but you will not be as sharp as you were when you were younger, nor do you have the energy. 

Age is a political problem. Old goats dominate politics on the national level, and the local level. Attend a Tea Party meeting and what do you find, a room full of old Hoopleheads. Attend a Democratic meeting and you find a room full of old patriots. Where are the young people? 

Have the young given up on our system? Are young people tired of old ideas? Both parties need to bring the young into the system. 

 Young people have more to lose from Republican dominance than anyone. Talk to any young person and you will find they are clueless about social security. Republicans want to destroy their only hope for a decent old age. Young people don't understand how Republicans have structured taxes to put the burden on the poor and take it off the rich. 

Of course young people are busy trying to make a living and raising children. Their leisure is important to them and apparently they have better things to do than participate in politics.

Young women have lost their reproductive rights. Young men have lost the opportunity for a job that pays a living wage.  Income inequality is going to slam the young. 

The worst curse Republicans are putting on the young is the destruction of education. Charter schools are turning the new minds into mush. Science, history and logic have been dismissed as toxic. Worse yet are the home schoolers. Propaganda has replaced education. 

What will bring about change? You don't stay young forever. When people approach retirement age and find they cannot retire because of the social system Republicans have put in place, maybe then the rebellion will start. 

It is not the immigrants stealing the American lifestyle we old people grew up with, no it is the Republicans feeding the Hoopleheads the foam from the mouth of Donald Trump and his gang of thieves. 

The bottom line is how do we get young people to participate?

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