Saturday, December 10, 2022

In and out of the dream state.

At last the morning has come, but the dreaming last night went on and on. Prior to getting out of bed Kadizzle went in and out of the dream scenario a dozen times. What is the mind doing when it dreams? If  you have clue or an answer please respond. 

Now there is a special kind of dream. That is a dream that foretells the future. Normally there is no way to prove these things happen, but Cheech recently told me she had a dream and told her husband. Very shortly the dream came true. This has also happened to Kadizzle. A dream Kadizzle relayed to his mother in law came true shortly after he told her of the dream. 

Being an extreme skeptic Kadizzle has to admit some strange things in life happen with no explanation. However, if you think about it look what has happened. No one would have predicted the existence of radio waves three hundred years ago.  Men walking on the moon would not even have been imagined. Obviously there are a lot of things we still do not know. 

You know what you know, and you don't know what you don't know. That is the mantra Kadizzle lives by. Yesterday Kadizzle watched a few videos that remined him how much he does not know. Math interest Kadizzle, but he is very poor at math. Seeing what some people can do with math makes Kadizzle realize how dumb he really is. The humbling is good for anyone. One amazing thing about math are the people who figured things out several thousand years ago that Kadizzle cannot grasp today. 

Over two thousand years ago one of the ancients figured the circumference of the Earth with math. Most people could not do it today. If nothing else that shows the difference between peoples intelligence. 

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