Friday, December 02, 2022

Frank is off the board. and The Secret Democrats

 Sad news, Frank is of off the board at the Tea Party. Who will guard the door to protect the meetings from miscreants? Is this good news or bad news? Will the new board members be more open minded and democratic or worse? Odds are new members could not be worse. If the Tea Party wants to expand participation the best way to do it would be to welcome more people at the door, not threaten to call the police on those who may not mimic the beliefs of Frank, and Jeff B. 

Open honest debate is a keystone of our democracy. Listening to those you disagree with is the key to change. The founding fathers very much believed in the right to participate, speak freely, and debate. Our government is based on the idea that all ideas except perhaps insurrection are welcome. Once any organization starts excluding people be assured it will make a severe turn right or left. Too often the left is as guilty as the right. 

For 25 years Kadizzle was a municipal judge in Hazen, North Dakota. To reach a conclusion at the end of a trial it was crucial both sides could present their case. The job of the judge was to assess which side had the most logical, credible case. Imagine a court where only the police could testify, or only the criminal. In court it is the judge that makes the decision, but at a Tea Party meeting who is the judge. At a Tea Party meeting the jury is the people sitting in the audience. Should the Tea Party engage in jury packing. If Frank and Jeff B. stand at the door and turn away people who disagree with them isn't that jury packing. The assumption is the people in the audience are adults capable of making decisions based on the information they are presented with. If intelligent people are in the audience they should be able to determine if the information is credible or not. However, if Frank and Jeff B only admit biased people what hope does the Tea Party have for honest debate?

The Tea Party should make an honest effort to invite speakers from both sides of an issue. What would be harmful about that? Why not have two people who disagree on policy or politics each speak on the same night? That would be free speech, democracy in action, and what the founding fathers had in mind. 

It is time for the country to return to normalcy, and leave tribalism. Democrats are not automatically right, nor are Republicans. Some of the greatest leaders in both parties turned against the worst elements of their party and did what was right, not popular. Liz Cheney is a splendid example, and so was John McCain. Kadizzle does not agree with a lot of the ideology of McCain or Cheney, but he respects their integrity. Kadizzle has not an once of respect for Kari Lake, Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Wendy Rodgers, and all the people who are lapdogs for Trump. Anyone can side with the school yard bully, but the little guy who stands up to him has my respect. 

             Secret Democrats

Kadizzle was stopped by a hard working construction worker today. He soon revealed he was a secret Democrat. He stopped Kadizzle to thank him for the Trump protest Kadizzle and Emil Kashuntz did on the highway through Payson. Why does this hard working man have to be secretive about his political views? When you make a living serving a population of delusional people you cannot jeopardize your income by telling the truth. Churches are full of non-believes that are there only to sell cars, groceries, and lumber. They don't really worship anything but the dollar. 

Kadizzle has come to realize there are a lot of Democrats in Payson hiding their political identity to satisfy the cult members who do business with them. Republicans have been successful in demonizing Democrats. Democrats give free things to poor people. That is terrible, it only encourages people to be poor. Remember old Jesus giving away wine, fish, and bread? Old Jesus must have created a lot of poverty. What did Jesus do for a living? Some people claim he was a carpenter. If so he must have built something. It would be worth a fortune to have a chair built by Jesus or better yet a house. The warranty would be eternal. On his tax return Jesus list preacher as his occupation. Now preachers exist by people giving them things, so do welfare cheats. Republicans have made sharing evil. Sharing when it is government mandated is socialism, and we all know how bad that is. That is why Democrats have to hide their identity. They might be caught advocating sharing. In fact Democrats might ask rich people to share a little by taxing them. Nothing is more evil than taxing rich people. Rich people are entitled to what they have. The CEO of Walmart works hard for the $8,000 an hour he gets. That mean if he spends 15 minutes in the men's room he will get paid $2000 for doing what all of us do for far less. If Kadizzle could get $2,000 per visit to the bathroom that would come to $1,460,000 dollars a year. Kadizzle would make sure his bowels operated like clock work so he could get the job done on company time. Overtime would pay $3,500 per evacuation. 

Now we have all the great pundits worrying about inflation. It is caused by wage increases they claim. Of course they do not see any inflation when they look at the CEO in the men's room. There is no room for compromise there. CEO's must be paid for the hard work they do managing all those people starving on minimum wage. 

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