Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Thank God

In the earlier post this morning Kadizzle related the story about the Spanish lost in the southwest. One constant in the story is thanking God for every bit of good fortune. A strange thing is God is never blamed for all the misfortune. Pouring the second cup of coffee this reminded  Kadizzle of the Trump cult. Trump is given credit for many things he had nothing to do with. On the other hand anything that goes wrong is blamed on Biden. This is exactly how religion, and cults work. You give the credit to the leader for all good and of course Satan does all the bad. For Trump it is impossible to lose. 

Yesterday Kadizzle stopped in at the Hooplehead nest on main street. There he got a dose of the cult. Grandma Hoople was sitting there with her cane. She said Hunter Biden got a billion from China. No evidence for that and Kadizzle asked where she got the information. On her phone of course. When granny was asked about Trump stealing 25 million from colleges students the answer was easy. It is not true. Anything bad reported about Trump is fake news. Her son is the guy who has the earth rotating on two axis. Kadizzle explained to granny how the Republicans were plotting to destroy social security. Of course it did not penetrate the concrete shell of grannie's head that the very party she supported her intended to starve her to death. 

Simply ignoring reality is a great life style. If you can just imagine your slum trailer as a castle things will be fine. 

Kadizzle has been enjoying watching old W.C. Fields clips on youtube. W.C. Fields always played the part of a con man. W.C. Fields could easily be elected president by the Hoopleheads. 

Someone should dub Trump into the old W.C. Fields films, it would be hilarious. 

Might have to post a clip below of Fields conning someone. Just to remind you of Trump and the Hooples. 

As you watch the clip below think of Trump and his tax cheating. The best line by Fields is " I hope that satisfies your morbid curiosity".  This is so much like Trump who promised five years ago to show his taxes once elected he never did. W.C. Fields would be a hit at the Tea Party. What a normal person can plainly see a Hooplehead cannot. The Hoople will always take the lie over the truth. A secret of con men is telling people what they want to believe. That is why con is short for confidence. A confidence man bolsters the wrong beliefs in the Hooples and gains their confidence. 

One unique thing about the Hoopleheads is their idea that once you do something stupid you can correct it with more stupidity. Gambling is a perfect case. Once you lose one hundred dollars you need to spend another hundred to get it back. So it goes with Trump's lies. Once Trump fools you the only way out is to believe his next lie. 

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