Wednesday, December 07, 2022

Free worthless pamphlets.

If you go to a Tea Party meeting you will find on the welcome table a free copy of the Constitution. Wait, wait, bulletin, not anymore. Trump said we should throw it out and declare him king. What does that mean? Well, if you want a copy of the Constitution to bring back memories of the old days Shirly can give you one of the bunch she now has to throw out. Lets all admit the problems with have with the Constitution. First it does protect the gunslingers, at least that is what they say, but what about Trump? The reason the Constitution is being abandoned is because it did not protect Trump. He lost the election, at least that is what the " Radical left" says. Seems like more and more Republicans are joining the radical left. 

Ok, so you lose at cards, a football game, or in court, what do you do? It is obvious, change the rules. Last night at the Hooplehead convention the crazy lady begged everyone to contact their legislators so we can have a bulletproof way to make sure no one but those who are not of the radical left get elected. If we have to throw out the Constitution to defang the radical left so be it. 

Once the Constitution is relegated to the file for old useless documents, then it will have to be removed from a lot of places. Good thing we will have all those charter schools, and religious schools to re-educate the children. Surely they will tell the kids the Constitution was just a trick by the radical left to keep Trump from office. Once we burn the old document we can put Kari Lake, and Blake Masters into office like they rightfully belong. 

Unfortunately the new decision to throw out the constitution is going to mean the burning and banning of a whole lot of right wing literature. So much of the right wing propaganda was based on the Constitution. If you turn over the original document you will see on the back the words: Caution use only  as needed. Dispose of properly. Can be recycled to protect Republicans. 

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