Sunday, December 04, 2022

Make the steam whistle blow.

 In Payson the steam whistle blows at noon and five o'clock. It is a nice touch of history and a little bit of a convenience. How could you make a steam whistle blow? If you could get Frank, Jeff B. or another Hooplehead to read an article by Heather Cox Richardson, you would hear a steam whistle blow when the steam came out their ears. 

How could you do it? Kadizzle once tricked a Hoople into reading something the Hoople normally would not read. An old right wing Hooplehead used to live up the street from Kadizzle. He was a nice man and had a good sense of humor. Kadizzle and old Pat used to go back and forth on politics. 

Pat and his wife Gerty were going somewhere on vacation. Pat asked Kadizzle to water the plants and take care of the house. On the day Pat and Gerty were to return Kadizzle left an article with real information on the kitchen table. Kadizzle put a note on the article that read " This is a good article Pat read it". Then Kadizzle signed the note Randy. Randy was a hard core Republican Political hack friend of Pat. 

The night Pat returned he was in bed beside Gerty reading the article. Pat said to Gerty " This does not seem like something Randy would have me read".  Gerty was smarter than Pat and quickly said to him " Kadizzle probably put that there you idiot".

What can you do to trick a Hooplehead? If you go into the doctor's office and if there is a TV tuned to Fox, insist they put a channel with real information on. Ask the library to have real newspapers and well written magazine available. Ask the school to take advantage of free subscription to reputable newspapers. 

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