Thursday, October 13, 2022


Yesterday Kadizzle, and Mrs. Kadizzle took the ebikes up to the Highline trail. The electrons enabled us to go right up the mountain. Before we did the big ride we did a little practice ride. The wife had a couple minor crashes. One crash resulted in scratches and bleeding that plagued her the rest of the day. Mountain bike trails are very tricky on a bike, and one must pay careful attention. One miscalculation can result in a disaster. 

After the initial ride we headed up the mountain. The trail is wonderful and has recently been improved. The views are astounding. After about three miles the brush on the trail is heavy, and the trail has not been put in top shape like the first three miles. At that point we returned on the downhill run. 

A couple simple rules for ebiking. Know what you are capable of. When in doubt stop. Do not try to keep up with someone with more skill. 

The real key to ebiking in the mountains is to look ahead and quickly decide what is the best route. Unfortunately this means your eyes must constantly be on the trail. Always be prepared to crash at any moment. Kadizzle played high school football and wrestled. Both endeavors taught the art of falling. Some people know how to fall, others don't. One key is to reduce your momentum gradually. This usually means falling on your shoulder and rolling. If you think you are going to put your hand out to break a fall, what you will break is your hand. 

Anyone would be a fool to go in the mountains without head protection. Two fools went out yesterday with only head protection. You should really have elbow pads, knee pads, and gloves. We did not. 

Our good buddies that work on the trails with us in the winter bought ebikes so it should be fun this trail season. Ken and Rita rode conventional bikes the entire length of the Rockies so the ebikes should come easy for them.

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