Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Life at the funeral home

Kadizzle would have a hard time choosing between a Tea Party meeting and going to a funeral home. Eli was the guest speaker who tried his best to recite all the lines from Fox News. Basically our country is under attack from liberals and people at the border. Almost forgot the schools are trying to turn our children into oversexualized homosexuals. Of course the liberals are trying to chase God out of the country. Eli told everyone the Marxist have a new game plan. Strangely Trump seems to be following the new Marxist game plan. 

Some lady recommended everyone join the John Birch society. Eli managed to say nothing of substance, and droned on with all the scary things THEY are doing. Not sure who THEY are, but THEY are very busy ruining our country and helping all our enemies. 

Recite the magic words. That is what Wendy Rogers did, and Eli followed suit. If you want to be elected as a Republican you must have the endorsement of their God, The Donald. Eli is endorsed by Trump. Do you need to know anything else? Stir in the usual terrible things THEY are doing and you have a winning formula for some applause by the cult. 

Walking out was like leaving a nursing home of confused elderly people. Eli kept saying they were educated. Wow, if an education consist of watching Fox News, and listening to right wing radio, leave me out. 

My buddy the gunman was in the parking lot when Kadizzle arrived. We chatted. Later another liberal told me when ever he meets the gunman he says " I see you have. your small penis compensator". The gunman is a nice guy and I helped him find his phone. Eli is was a real Navy Seal. That and being endorsed by Trump is all the Hooples need to know. 

A normal person attending a cult meeting would walk away thinking they are harmless, but there are 71 million of them. 71 million ants, mosquitos or anything can be a problem. 71 million people who will buy any lie Donald Trump sells is a real problem in a Democracy. 

Two young guys were the campaign workers for Eli. As Kadizzle wondered how two young guys could get caught up in the right wing mess it occurred to him that to be that stupid you would have to be homeschooled. Both denied they were homeschooled.  Engaging one of they young guys with a couple hard questions about Trump's dealings, the poor guy dodged the questions and then asked if Kadizzle was a reporter because he had some notes in his hand. Kadizzle explained he only writes a blog the poor guy said he had to refuse to answer questions. Mostly because he had no answers for the crooked things Trump has done. 

Not sure there is a point to attending one of these cult meetings. It is like seeing the same show over, and over. The immigrants are attacking, they are after out guns, they are oversexualizing out children. Donald Trump can solved all these problems. The man who has been married three times and cheated on all his wives will solve the problem with oversexualized school children. It is as simple as grabbing them by the pussy as Donald would say. 

Mixing religion with politics is an explosive mess when the politics are those of the Republicans. 

Strange thing about the gunslinger. At the meeting he did not have his gun. His gun is something he wears when he wants the public to know how stupid he is, apparently all his friends already know, so he can go about unarmed. 

What can you feel but sorry for these people who have been scammed? What did it feel like to walk among the bodies of the Jim Jones cult who poisoned themselves at his request? What a waste of humanity, to abuse people with lies and delusions. Trump has no morality he turned on Pence, and so many who pledged loyalty to him, yet the culd stays with him. The only phrase that comes to mind is " slow learners".

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